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1、新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)大學(xué)英語視聽說3原文&翻譯Unit 7Outside ViewComputers are a very important part of our lives.They tell us about delays to transport. They drives trains , analyze evidence and control buildings. Did you know that 60 per cent of homes in Britain have got a PC(a personal computer)?For many young people,playing c

2、omputer games is their favourite way of spending their spare time. Computers are a very important part of most areas of life in Britain-libraries, the police and in school. But they are becoming more important in our homes as well. They11 even control the way we live-in” smart homes“ or computer-con

3、trolled houses.The smart home is now a real possibility. It will become very common. A centrol computer will adjust the temperature, act as a burglar alarm and switch on lights, ready for you to come back home. And of course you will be able to give new instructions to the computers from your mobile

4、 phone. Soto match. Many several and Internet to do what youto match. Many several and Internet to do what youif your plans change, you home will react homes have got a lots of televisions and computers. The smart home will provide TV sockets in every room, so you 11 be able want wherever you want.

5、If the temperature outside changes, the smart home will adjust the temperature levelsJanet:Oh,yes.Andy:Go where?Joe:I invited Janet to a jazz concert this evening. It starts in half an hour.Janet: Bye Andy. Take care!Andy:Bye Janet, look after yourself.Cross-cultural Awareness Holidays and Customs T

6、his week , on Cross-cultural Awarenes , Holidays and Customs in Asia we meet some international students who are attending school in California. Many students here are Asian. Asian celebrate a lunar New Year , so the exact date changes every year . New Year is the biggest holiday in Asia cultures. T

7、he holidays lasts for 15 days and ends with a lantern festival on the full moon. This woman used to live in Vietnam. Shenow lives in California. z/wo go by the lunar calendar and so, urn, our New Year is usually in the springtime. Our , the calendar here in American , so we celebrate it in February

8、-Marchish. That5 s probably one of my favorite Vietnamese holidays/zAsians usually celebrate this holiday by lighting off firecrackers to send out the old year and to welcome the new year. They usually dont wash their hair on New Years . Washing hair washes away good luck for the coming year. This w

9、oman used to live in Shanghai, China. She remembers a tradition that brings good luck and wealth to children. z/0ne special custom for Chinese New Year, is that parents give their children red envelops of money Red is an important color because it means happiness. People use red paper to write speci

10、al messages of happiness like this one May the Star of Happiness,the Star of Wealth, the Star of Longevity shine on you!Asians observe many special customs at the New Years. They spend several days before the holiday cleaning the house completely and decorating the house with flowers andplants. Flow

11、er arrangements often including pine branches , bamboo and blossoms. Blooming flowers are placed around the home . Flowers are important because flowers will turn into friut. Friuts with special meanings are served during New Year5 s. Oranges and tangerines symbolize happiness, coconuts represent to

12、getherness and lychee nuts represent strong family relationship. Other foods have special meanings too, A whole fish represents togetherness and bamboo shoots mean happiness to everyone. Noodles represent long life . Asians dont cut noodles , this is considered unlucky. Tofu is one food that Asians

13、never eat during this holidays. Tofu is unlucky because it is white. In Asian cultures, the color white signifies death, Meals during New Years are very important in Asia, But, there are special rituals and customs during mealtimes all year long . The Chinese are gracious hosts. For the most part, C

14、hinese people are verylike,urn ,theyre very generous like they always insist on hosting and they would never serve themselves food before other people, like , if you are sitting at a table , theyd divvy it out, urn, you,11 always pourtea for other people before yourself. Z/In south Korea , there are

15、 a little different. /zSouth Korea has a custom of eating together urn in, in a family setting with ,theres a base soup and all these side dishes and the family eats together. Um, I think in American you get your own plate and you kind of share the dishes but, urn, in Korea you kind of dig in togeth

16、er We asked these Asian students if there are American customs that they dont like In general , Asian students felt that Americans dont show enough respect for their elders. It does bother me sometimes the way I see, urn, more American kids speak to their, um , how they address their their parents i

17、n public And I , I really respect the fact that in Vietnam wo hold it so high , um, the elders and how the younger generation treats them?!?And then , we asked Asian students what customs they like here in the United States , I think the custom of Thanksgiving because, um, we dont have that in Korea

18、 and Thankgiving is a good , you know great holiday, to give thanks for your family and frrends and all you have.Listening InPart IA:Whats this youre making jack, a dummy?C: Its called a guy.B:Yes were finishing it now, weve stuffed old clothes with newspapers, havent we jack?C:Yes it is really cool

19、.A:But whats it for? Some kinds of game for jack?B:Kind of, its Guy Fawkes night tomorrow. Actually, the proper name is Bonfire Night.A:Oh, yeah the firework celebration! So, youre making a guy and its Guy Fawkes Night tomorrow, Jack. What are you going to do with this guy.B:We? re going to put him

20、on the bonfire and burn him. Arent we Jack? Im going to have lots of fireworks and eat sausages and baked potatoes round the bonfire.C:Yes we are. Lots of sausages.A:So whats the story?B:Do you want to hear it?A:Sure!B:Well, sometimes right at the start of the 17th century, I thinks it was 1605, som

21、ething like that. When James First was the king of England, there was a plot to blow up Parliament.A:A plot to blow up Parliament? Wow! Sounds very modern!B:It does, doesnt it? Anyway, this group of people tried to blow up Parliament with the king and all his family and most of the aristocracy insid

22、e.A:That was quite a plan.B:Yes, Guy Fawkes was one of the plotters, but wasnt the leader.A:He wasnt?B:No. I think he was involved because he knew a lot of the explosives. Anyway, these plotter hit the explosives in the cellar beneath Parliament. And Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, was caught just as he was try

23、ing to light the explosives.A:So, if the kings men had arrived a few minutes later, Parliament would have blown up?B:No, because the kings men had already found the explosives and were just waiting to catch the plotters, which they did.A:Uh, what happened to the plotters?B:They were killed. And Nove

24、mber the 5th , which was the day they were caught has been celebrated ever since. There5 s a great rhyme about it, isn,t it, Jack? Remember, remember, can you say it?C:Remember, remember, the fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason, why gunpowder treason. Should ever be forgo

25、t.B:Very good! So every November 5th people started building bonfires and making dummies of Guy Fawkes. And everyone loves it, actually. Its a great excuse for a firework display.Presenter:Well, weve only got 15 hours to go toChristmasand people are frantically rushing around buyinglast-minute Chris

26、tmas prensent. But how do peoplereally think about these big festivals? Do we actuallyenjoy them ?Bella, you re psychologist. How do you feel about Christmas?Bella:I have mixed feelings about it.Itsbasically a religous festival, butr m not a religous person . So it dosent have that kindof meaning to

27、 me . And these days, I think for many peopleits primarily a reason for families to get together, eat alot of good food and give each other presents.Presenter:Thats a good enough reason, isn t it?Bella:Oh,absolutely. It s very importantfor families to have aspecial meal together and for people to sh

28、ow their loveeach other. And children love it,the excitement of thinkingthat Father Christmas will come down the chimney andleave them presents. But at the same time, I worry aboutits commercialization.Presenter:Ted,youre American, ajounalist. What s your attitude toThanksgiving?Ted:I love it, and a

29、lmost all Americansdo I think. Its Amerians5favourite holiday-takes place on the fourth thursday inNovember.Presenter:So its a moveable feast?I didntknow that.Ted:It is.Everyone comes home and asits name suggests. Itsa time to give thanks for everything we have .Presenter:What do you eat?Ted:Traditi

30、onally, we eat turkey, sweetpotatoes and pumpkin. Itsa huge meal-in a way, the festival is the meal.Presenter:Is it as commercialized asChristmas?Ted:Probably. But you know for manypeople, its a very happyoccasion. And one important thing we do at thanksgiving iswe collect food for people who have v

31、ery little.Presenter:Admirable!Douglas, as a Scot, whatsthe most importent festivalof the year for you?Douglas:Hogmanay, of course.Presenter:Its acyually more important thanChristmas?Douglas:Now, thats an English personspeaking. T m Sots and Hogmanay isthe most important festival of the year for us.

32、 Its on December 31st.Obviously, it5 s New Years Eve. But it can continue until the 2nd or 3rdof Junaury. Its a big party really, an excuse to eat and drink I think. Butits a very old tradition. Christmas and Hogmanay are both examplesof winter solslitic festival-the shortest day of the year. Id ima

33、gine thatevery culture has always celebrated it in some forms or other.Presenter:I think many festivals wereoriginally connected with seasons.Douglas:Absolutely!For example.Uint 9Outside ViewThe Royal Family are far from the typicl British family. They don t live in normal houses, they don t have no

34、rmal cars-and they don t have normal jobs. Anotherinside. The computer will also close the blinds when it get dark or to stop too much sun entering a room. And if you want to eat when you get home, the computer will turn the oven on for you!Are computers taking over our lives?In a survey, 44 per cen

35、t of young people between 11 and 16 said their PC was a trusted friend. Twenty per cent said they were happier at their computer than spending time with family or friends. Another survey found that people in Britain spend so much time on the phone,texting and reading emails that they no longer have

36、time for conversation. What do you think about that?Listening InPart IWhen you have a biscuit with your cup of tea do you dunk it?And if so what is the perfect way to do it?Thats the subject of todays Science in Action Report. It may be hard to believe, but scientists at the University of Bristol ha

37、ve been analyzing this question. And after a two-month study, they devised a mathematical formula for dunking biscuits. So no more melting chocolate, or biscuit crumbs in the bottom of your cup, which is the fate of one in four biscuits that are dunked in tea, according to research by a biscuit manu

38、facturer.thing is that they hardly ever use their surname. They generally refer to themselves by their royal title and their first name-Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, Princess Anne, or Prince William and Prince Henry, for example.The additional letters HRH are used for princes and princesses and s

39、tand for his (or her)Royal Highness. The Queen herself is often referred to as simply Her Majesty. Historically, the mondachy didn t have surnames. They were referred to by the name the dynasty they led,such as the Tudors,the Stuarts or the House of Hanover of which dynasty Queen Victoria , who died

40、 in 1901, was the last monarch.This convention changed in 1917 when Queen Elizabeth the 2nd s grandfather , Goerge the 5th, decided that he and his descendarts should bear the surname Windsor and the dynasty became known as the House of Windsor. The Royal Family had German connections-Queen Victoria

41、 s husband Prince Albert was German-born, and since Britain and Germany were at war, Goerge the 5th decided to adopt a british surname. Instead of the German sounding name , Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, he chose the name Windsor after their popular family castle of that name which is situated to the west to L

42、ondon.Since then all royals have been given the official surname of Windsor, even though it is rarely used by them or anyone else. In 1960, Queen Elizabeth the 2nd modified this decision by adding the surname of her husband, Prince Philip, otherwise known asLord Mountbatten, to the royal surname. Al

43、l her children were to take the name Mountbatten-Windsor.However, the British royals don t used this name very often either. The Queen s eldest son Charlse, as recorded in the marriage register at his wedding to Lady Diana Spenser, was his Royal Highness prince Charles Philip Arthur George, The prin

44、ce of Wales.The Royal Family has a history of using the same babies names over and over again. If you look back over the royal family tree,you will see there have been eight kings Henrys, four kings called william, and eight called Edward. There haven t been very many queens, so we can only count tw

45、o Queen Elizabeths and one Queen Victoria. Other popular names for royal include Anne, Albert, James and George which was so popular that four kings in a row were called George between 1714 and 1830. And there were two more crowned king George in the 20lh century between 1910 to 1952. Thats nearly 1

46、60 years of king Georges!And they were all named after the patron saint of England.Because they are often used for royalty ,these names are seen as very tradictional and are among the most popular children, s names in Britain. William and Henry for example, regularly make the list of top ten boys na

47、mes. But as the make-up of society changes and unusual names become more and more trendy, perhaps we will startto see a change in the names chosen by royals as well as in the rest of the people.Listening inOK,so a little test . Coca-Cola. .Nike. . . ferrari. Think!What image did you get as I said th

48、ese very famous brand names?Wait a moment. Theres no real need to answer, is there, because we know, more or less, don t we?Coca-Cola一that delicious fizzy drink, ice cold, on a summer s day. Nike, running shoes for strong, beautiful bodies. Ferrari一an attractive, powerful car for attractive, powerfu

49、l people. The fact, the names, the brand names say it all. whats in a brandname?Ideally, everything!Everything the manufacturer wants you to think of when you hear the name, thats certainly what both customers exeprience and research tells us. it s the reasons why manufacturers attach such importanc

50、e to choosing the right name for their products.Let s have a look at some of the qualities a good brand name should have. Firstly , it should be simple and easy to remember. Imagine if Coca-Cola had been namdCocafantaslicola .It s just too long!Or, take other name一starbucks, the name of a famous cof

51、feeshop, now, that? s an easy name to remember, starbucks.Second point,the brand name should be different, unique, something you can t confuse with anything else. Like Coca-Cola. Or一let s take another famous brand name一Microsoft. It combines two words, micro, meaning very small, and the word soft. T

52、wo words that together make a unique name一Microsoft.Thirdly, if the word is a real word, it should be strong, positive associations. Take the name Alfa Romeo, Alfa is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and has the association of the best or the strongest. Romeo is the name of the most romantic l

53、overs of all in a famous Shakespeare play. Alfa Romeo一strong, romantic. The words have great association, don t they?Forth point,the sound of the name is very important, take Ferrari. The word has a long vowel sound一 “aaari” that makes it sound luxurious. So Ferrari must be a luxurious car. How abou

54、t Coca-Cola?Its got a sharp, fizzy sound,just like the drink.So一all these things are what you should be looking for when choosing a brand name一something simple, memorable, unique, with positive association and a great sound, whew!It s not easy, is it, to choose a name that does all those things?But

55、the very best brand names do exactly that.Interviewer: Clare, tell me about the names in your family. You say some of them have quite an interesting history.Clare:Yes, they do. Well, ok, I 11 begin with myown name. My maiden name was Habibis, but I m married and my name s Clare Thompson.Interviewer:

56、 Thompson.Clare: Yes. I don t know much about the names or my husband s side of the family, so I 11 talk about my own insteadOK, somy full name s Clare Elsie Thompson.“Elsie“ is my middle name , which used to be a very old-fashioned name, in fact, it s just come back into fashion-I met someone who c

57、alled their baby ” Elsie” -but when I was younger it was the kind of name that made people laugh and I hated it. . Anyway, my parents wanted to name me after my grandmother, whose name was Elsie Clare, so their first idea was to call me Elsie Clare.Interviewer: Elsie Clare!Clare: Yes, but when they

58、told my grandmother, she was horrified, and said, “you can t do that to the child, I ve had to put up with Elsie all my life, I don t want her to have to” . So they called me Clare Elsie instead.Interviewer: Sounds better!Clare: YesMy father s surname is Habibis . My mum s English but he was Greek,

59、so that was the name I grew up with. But Habibis isn t a Greek name. It s a Middle Eastern name and means “l(fā)oved onev in Arabic.Interviewer: Really?Clare: Yes, and the reason for the surname, we discovered, is that my great-grandfather on my fathers side lived in Lebanon一there was a well-established

60、 Greek community there. And my great-grandfather was a very sociable, friendly kind of person and everyone liked him a lot so they gave him the name, “Habibi” , which means “l(fā)oved one”Interviewer: Ah, that s lovely!Clare: Yes, I do like that story. But my father had a great first name too. He was ca


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