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1、3936國開電大??粕虅?wù)英語2歷年期末考試(第二題詞匯與結(jié)構(gòu))題庫2021年7月試題及答案The profitable sales volume is the volume of sales that will actuallybusiness themost profit.earngettake答案AWethe receipt for the draft, and be good enough to overlook our request for aremittance.encircleencloseenrich答案BThe questionwhether insurance agains

2、t all risks will be necessary.containskeepsremains答案cOur current agent agreements areregions.broken inbroken up withbroken into答案cThe digital image processing of this copier is a prime reason you canit.deal withcount ongive up答案BMoney simplifies theof goods by providing a mutually acceptable item fo

3、r exchange.selectionprocessc.exchange答案cIt aims at increasing sales by making a product or service known to a wider.witnessaudienceevidence答案BWe need to select the best salesmen to establish anrelationship with eractiveinternationalintellectual答案AThe participation of environmental protecti

4、on is also thepath for a company sdevelopment.A. continuousmoderatesustainable答案cATMs have become very usefulthey allow you to check balances, make deposit,withdraw funds and transfer money.insteadbecausethen答案Ba coineidence!I didnt expect to meet you here.HowWhatThat答案BA situation analysis can help

5、 define the problem and make clear what additionali nf ormat i on.is neededneededneeds答案AOnline marketing allows businesses to reach a wider market whilecosts, saving timeand eliminating tons of paperwork.to cutcuttingcut答案Bsour income is, tax we should pay.The highest, the mostHigher, moreThe highe

6、r, the more答案cThe finished product is comparable to one that.has professionally editedhas been professionally editedis professionally edited答案B2021年1月試題及答案Wea copy of the statement for your reference.encloseencircleenrich答案AWe wont let you into the parkthe valid pass for this month.unless you will h

7、aveunless you dont haveunless you have答案CConsumers cant digest too much information on a web page, resultinglow rates ofreturn.withinat答案B9.In China, Tao bao is one ofe-commerce sites.most popularthe most popularmore popular答案BWhat s the insurancefor the shipment?ratevalueratio答案AOur bank consists o

8、f many departments, each ofis responsible for a particulararea of business.thatwhichwhat答案BExperts suggesta different password for every website you visit, and changingthe password every few months.usingto useuse答案AThe ideal money is somethingacceptable, easily stored and transported.partiallyprobab

9、lyuniversally答案cIt aims at increasing sales by making a product or service known to a wider.witnessaudienceevidence答案BNo matter what it may lead to, they alwaysthe profit maximization.pursuerespectperform答案APeople can t bear this kind of behavior and the businesses responsible must.to be closedclose

10、upbe closed down答案cIt is just not possible for managers to keep up with all of the changesin theirmarkets.to take placetaking placebeing taking place答案BA company can advertise inways, depending on how much it wishes to spend.peculiarvariousserious答案BWe? re also thinking aboutthis strategy to other s

11、egments of the market.expandingexcitingextracting答案AWeso many changes over the past few months.are undertakingare to undertakehave undertaken答案c2020年9月試題及答案view of our long-standing business relations, we can consider a price reduction. TOC o 1-5 h z InWithOn答案AIt can be aimedindividuals with select

12、 surfing behavior.toinat答案cOnline marketing allows businesses to reach a wider market whilecosts,timeand eliminating tons of paperwork.to cut, to savecutting, savingcut, save答案BYou should make sure that your password is long enough toit from being easily hacked.preparepronounceprevent答案cOn arrival,

13、our staffthe customer with placing the sandbags down off the vehicle.assistedsustainedattracted答案AOne of the basic functions of a bank is to provide servicesthe storing andmanagement of money.instead ofrelated tosubject to答案Brate is 3%for income between 3, 501 and 5, 000, whilerate is 45%for incomeo

14、ver 80, 000.LowhighThe lowestthe highThe lowestthe highest答案cMobile banking functions nearlytelephone banking, except that information iscarried by Short Message Service.as the samethe same asas same the答案B14.It will take at least two weeks just to get the storyboard.written upwrite upto write up答案A

15、The participation of environmental protection is also the pathfor a companysdevelopment.sustainablemoderatecontinuous答案AEvents resulting from a loss of trust are being seen now and then and they affect societyin manyways.definitedesiredunfortunate答案cCould you pleasethat they have sufficient funds to

16、 cover this amount?comfortconfirmconclude答案BMarketing theory states that marketing managers shouldthe needs of customers.meetinvolvemeasure答案AThere have certainly been some challenges, but Id say wereto hit our targetsfor the years end.on roadonsiteon track答案cOur new supply chainby the management.ha

17、s really been pushedhas really pusheddid really push答案A2020年7月試題及答案Your kind co-operationwill be highly appreciated.in this regardin this wayin this method答案AWhats the insurancefor the shipment?ratiovaluerate答案cIt assures that you are dealing with abusiness partner.trustworthyconfidentialethics答案ANo

18、 matter what it may lead to, they alwaysthe profit maximization.persuadepursueprepare答案BA company can advertise in various ways, how much it wishes to spend.resulting fromdepending onlooking after答案BA successful program also tells the consumer how the product is better than similar offerings competi

19、tors.withforc. by答案CWe need to select the best salesmen to establish anrelationship with eractiveinternationalintellectual答案AIncreasingly, online marketing is no longer just an option. It is a.businessnecessitycommunication答案BNow we are able to browseshops in the world in our own home.the

20、most fancyfanciestthe fanciest答案cI have justsome American dollars into Renminbi Yuan.been changedchangedbeen changing答案BIt aims at increasing sales bya product or serviceto a wider audiencemakingeeeknowninakingto knowto makeknowing答案AThe sandbags stopped her property from.to be floodingbeing flooded

21、being flooding答案BThose enterprisesonly seek profits without awareness of environmental protectionare short-sighted.whothatthose答案BAnother principle for a business isthat profitable sales volume is than maximumsales volume.the more importantmost importantmore important答案cWe wont entertain your claimt

22、he inspection certification from the CommodityInspection Bureau.unless you will haveunless you haveunless you dont have答案B2020年1月試題及答案What a ! I didnt expect to meet you here.incidenceaccidentcoincidence答案cWethe receipt for the draft, and be good enough to overlook our requestfor a remittance.encirc

23、leencloseenrich答案BIn view of our long-standing business, we can consider a price reduction.contactsfriendsrelations答案c9.I know personal selling is also a very effective tool forbuyers confidence.setting upbuilding upbringing up答案BIt is nowadays very easy for people totheir money at ATM s.depositdevo

24、tedemand答案AThe sales volume is the volume of sales that actually will earn business the mostprofit.practicalprofessionalprofitable答案cRemember we want to create a forward-looking image so as to increasethe of ourbrand.consciousnessawarenessbroadness答案BConsumption and investment , meanwhile , 4. 5 and

25、 1. 2 percentage points offirst-quarter growth respectively.applied forappealed toaccounted for答案cOur bank consists of many departments, each of is responsible for a particulararea of business.whichthatwhat答案A15Well accept the goodsthe results from the two inspections are identical.if onlyonly ifeve

26、n if答案BThe only thing for you to do isthe form and sign it.to fill infill infilling in答案BWe are dissatisfied with the servicesyour vided thatto provide forprovided by答案cCorporate advertising comesthree different types: image advertising, opinionadvertising and investment advertising.inwithou

27、t答案Aour income is, tax we should pay.The highest, the mostHigher, moreThe higher, the more答案cThe finished product is comparable to one that.has really been pushedhas been professionally editeddid really push答案B2019年7月試題及答案I know personal selling is also a very effective toolbuildingbuyersconfidence.

28、fortoforuptowith答案BThe profitable sales volume is the volume of sales that actually willbusiness themost profit.earngettake答案AWhats the insurancefor the shipment?ratevalueratio答案AYou should make sure that your password is long enough to prevent itbeing easilyhacked.infromout答案BThose enterprises that

29、 only seek profits without awareness ofprotection areshort-sighted.sustainableenvironmentalsocial答案BHis failurenot working hard enough.resulted inbenefited fromacted on答案AWe are under theto finish the TV commercial before the deadline.firegunsea答案BRemember we want to create a forward-1 ooking image

30、as well as increase theof ourbrand.awardavailabilityawareness答案cNow we are able to browseshops in the world in our own home.the most fancyfanciestthe fanciest答案cConsumption and investment, meanwhile, accounted for 4. 5 and 1. 2 percentage points offirst-quarter growth.respectfullyrespectivelyrespect

31、ably答案Bthe problem is the most important and often the most difficult step in the process.DefineTo be definedDefining答案CThe sandbags stopped her property from.to be floodingbeing floodedbeing flooding答案BA company can advertise in various ways, depending onit wishes to spend.how farhow longhow much答案

32、cour income is, tax we should pay.The higher, the moreHigher, moreThe highest, the most答案AOur new supply chainby the management.has really been pushedhas really pusheddid really push答案A2019年1月試題及答案Our advertising rates aresize and location.depended onput onbased on答案cWethe receipt for the draft, and

33、 be good enough to overlook our request for aremittance.encircleencloseenrich答案BIt assures that you are dealing with abusiness partner.trustworthyconfidentialmysterious答案AIt is everyones legal duty to pay taxtaxes contribute to the country and createbenefits for everyone.althoughwhenbecause答案cWe reg

34、ret toyou that your request of commodity inspection has not been accepted.extendinformassure答案BThe questionwhether insurance against all risks will be necessaryremainskeepscontains答案AYour kind co-operationthis regard will be highly appreciatedoninfrom答案BThe finished pro duet is comparable to one tha

35、t has fitablyprobablyprofessionally答案cA good advertising program tells potential customers.why they need the productwhy do they need the productwhy they dont need the product答案AOne of the basic functions of a bank isservices related to the storing andmanagement of videto provi

36、deprovided答案B16.If customers, there is a chance that they will be retained for along time andpossibly permanently.satisfyhave satisfiedare satisfied答案cAbout ten years ago, we shopped only at local stores in the market placecash.usedusingto use答案BNow a new worldto people around the globe through the

37、World Wide Web.has been opened upopened upopen up答案AThe sandbags stopped her property from.to be floodingbeing floodedbeing flooding答案BNo matterit may lead to, they always pursue the profit maximization.wherewhathow答案B2018年7月試題及答案People are allowed totheir money at AT Ms.devotedepositdemand答案BWhat a

38、! I didnt expect to meet you here.incidenceaccidentcoincidence答案cview of our long-standing business relations, we can consider a price reduction.InWithOn答案AWe have tothese details by the 15th of this month at the latest.breakouthammer outcheckout答案BAny advice you give us will be kept strictly.secret

39、unknownconfidential答案cPlease transfer the remaining account balance, after deducting allbank charges (ifany) to our A/C 7654321.relevantpermanentaverage答案AIt is important to protect yourinformation when banking online.individualpersonalplenty答案BA company can advertise in various ways, how much it wi

40、shes to spend.relying ondepending onfocusing on答案BTax, can be used in public services, is very important to our country.whatthatwhich答案cour income is, tax we should pay.The higherthe moreHighereeemoreThe highestthe most答案AA large volume of salesresult in a low profit margin, therefore, it is importa

41、ntfor marketers to focus on their profitable sales volume.willmustmay答案cIn my opinion, the first thingis what tools we should use.to discussto be discusseddiscussed答案BIf you fail to honor the contract, weto cancel it.entitleare entitledwill entitle答案BA good advertising program tells potential custom

42、ers the benefitsthe use ofproducts.deriving fromto derive fromderived from答案cBusiness ethicsnot about personality, though a good personality is valuable. TOC o 1-5 h z isaredo答案A2018年1月試題及答案We are full of confidencethe Chinese market.inonwith答案AWhothe inspection certificate?publishesissuessuggests答案BOur current agent a


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