



1、高一英語試卷及答案分SyStem OffiCe roomHUA 16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH168822. Great ChangeSSO farA. took place; Were Set UPUPB. have taken place; have SetC. have taken place; have been Set UPD. Were taken place; Set UP英 語 測(cè) 評(píng) 卷 (高 一)本試卷分第一卷(選擇題)和第二卷(非選擇題)兩部分,共120分,考試時(shí)間90分 鐘。第一卷(二部分,共85分)第一部分:英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)單項(xiàng)填空(

2、共1 5小題;每小題1分,滿分1 5分)21. A number Of StUdentS PIaying On the ground but I do, t know Whatthe exact number A is; areB are; areC is; isD. are; is23.LOOk OUt! Don* t get too CIOSeto the houseroof is Under repair.A WhiChB WhOSeC thatD Of WhiChin the city, and a IOt Of factories 24. It is generally COnSid

3、ered UnWiSe to give a Child he Or She WantSA. no matter WhatB. WhiCheVerC. WhateVerDWheneVer25. Jane has a CIerk With Iittie money for OVer ten yearsA. married B. been married toC. married With D. got marriedto26. The Iittie boy WaS in danger The doctors and nurses are doing him.A. What they Can do

4、helpB. everything they Can helpC. What they Can to helpD. all What to help27. -What do you think Of the meal?-AIthOUgh SOme dishes 、 it really is a nice mea1.A. don t agree With meB. do, t agree to meC. are not USed to meD. USed to me28. PIeaSe SPeak more SIOWly and CIearIy to yourself at thebeginni

5、ng.A. make, UnderStand B. make, UnderStOOdC. let, UnderStandD. let, to be UnderStOOd29. I do, t Iike the Wayhe SPeakS to his mother.30.A. WhiChAS neither OfA. give inB. in WhiChthem WOUldB. give UPC. OfD. tono decision WaS made that day.C. give OUtD. give Off31. I WaS about to go away I heard my nam

6、eC. before, CalIing D when,A. when, CalIing B. after, CalIedCalIed32. The major Of the COmPany Said all the COnStrUCtiOn WOrk by theend Of 2009.A. has been COmPIetedB. WOUld COmPIeteC. WOUld have been COmPIetedD. WilI be COmPIeted33. for Beijing?Yes, and I 11 COme back in two monthsA. HaVe you IeftB

7、. DO you IeaVe C. Are you IeaVing D. Did youIeaVe34. All Of US have been there, XiaO HUa A. includingB. includedC. is includingD. isincluded35. The boy go home, as he had failed in the EngIiSh testA. dare not B. didn t dare toC. dared not toD.dares not第二節(jié)、完形填空(共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)One day a famous SP

8、eaker gave a SPeeCh to a CrOWd Of PeOPIe He held UP a 36 bill. He asked, Who WOUld Iike this $20 billM HandS Were 37. Therl he said, I am going to give this S20 to One Of you, but first Iet me do this He began to CrUmPIe (弄皺)the 38 He then asked the audience (觀眾),39 StilI WantS it StilI the hands We

9、nt 40 in the air What41 I do this He asked, and he 42 it On the ground, and StarteCi to SteP On it. He 43 it up. NOW the bill WaS 44and CrUmPIedow WhO StiIlWantS it StilI the hands Went up. My friends, M He continued, UYOU have all 45 a good IeSSOn. No matter 46 I did to the money, you StilI Wanted

10、it because the bill did not IOSe its 47 It WaS StilI WOrth S20.Many times in OUr 48, We are dropped, crumpled, and StePPed on, because WeSOmetimeS 49WrOng decisions, Or We may 50 With SOmething We do not51 When that happens, We feel depressed and think We are 52 BUt in fact no matter What has happen

11、ed Or What WilI happen, you WilI never IOSe yourVaIUe The WOrth Of OUr Iife COmeS not 53 Whdt We do Or WhOm We know, butin WhO We are! Don t forget the WOrth Of a thing does not depend On itsOUtSide 54,but On its inner value.ThiS is the55 Of life.36. A. 20 dollarB. 20 dollarsC. 20-dollarsD. 20-dolla

12、r.37.A.risenB.PUtC.raisedD.held38.A.billB.groundC.PaPerDfinger39.A.SOmebOdyB. NObOdyC.AnybOdyD.YOU40.A.UPB. downC.aboveD.below41.A.ShOUldB. CanC.ifD.Whether42.A.threwB. droppedC.fellD. PUt43.A.ShOWedB. IiftedC.PUtD.PiCked44.A.goodB. CIeanC.IargeDdirty45.A.gaveB.IearnedC.haveDtake46.A.t hatB.howC. Wh

13、atD. Why47.A.VaIUeB.PriCeC.effectD.Part48.A.StUdieSB.WOrkC.fieldsD.IiVeS49.A.doB.makeC.giveD.take50.A.meetB.dealC.talkD. get51.A.IikeB.hopeC.WiShD.expect52.A.WOrthIeSSB.WeakC. POOrD. CareleSS53.A.fromB.inC.aboutDat54.A.beaUtyB.faceC.IOOkSD.impression55.A.IeSSOnB.truthC.SayingD StOry第二部分:閱讀理解(共20小題,每

14、題2分,滿分40分)NOthing WaS going right for Dr. TUrner at the hospita 1. He made a mistakeWhiIe OPeratiOn On a Patient He felt SUre he WaS no IOnger trusted and decided to Change his job One day he Iearned from the PaPer that a doctor WaS IOOking for a Partner. The doctor, WhOSe name WaS Johnson, IiVed in

15、 Throby, a SmalI town in the north Of EngIandA few days later, Dr. TUrner Werlt to Thorby, and arrived at Dr. Johnson S home early in the afternoon. ThOUgh Old and a Iittie deaf, Dr. JOhnSOn StilI had a good brain. He kept talking to the ViSitOr about the town and its people. Wherl they turned to th

16、e QUeStiOn Of Partnership, it WaS already SeVerl in the evening Dr. JOhnSOn invited Dr. TUrner to have dinner With him in a restaurant before CatChing the train back to LOndOn. Dr. TUrner noticed that Dr. JOhnSOn WaS fond Of good food and expensive WineS They had an excellent mea 1. Wherl the bill W

17、aS brought, Dr. JOhnSOn felt in his POCket Oh, dear, ” he Said UI, Ve forgotten my money. ” UThat, S all right, ” Dr. TUrner SaidI 11 Pay the bill. ” AS he did so, he began to WOnder Whether Dr. JOhnSOn WaS WOrthy Of trust56. Dr. TUrner decided to IeaVe his PreSent job becauseA. he had never been tr

18、ustedB. it demanded to great SkilISC. he believed it Offered Iittie hope for his futureD. he thought the hospital WOUId Iike him to IeaVe57. The two doctors SPent most Of the afternoon talkingA. things Of no interest to Dr. JOhnSOnB.importance to Dr. TUrnerC. health mattersD.58. The Story SUggeStS t

19、hatA. Dr. JOhnSOn did not Iike Dr. TUrnerB.become friendsC. the two doctors WOUld not WOrk togetherD.Stay at his PreSent job59. The WOrdS did SO in the IaSt SentenCe meanA. CaUght the train back to LOndOnB.C. Paid the billWOrdSaboutthings Of nofood and Clrinkthe two doctors WOUldDr. TUrner decided t

20、ofelt in his POCketD. Said thoseFOr ChiIdrenMuseum: Children* S Museum, Sundays, 89 NOrth Street, 67641235StOry time: Children S Library, 106 Greerl Street, WedneSdaySduring 9:30 a. m -5:00p.m. 66599624SPOrtS: SOCCer Club, TUeSdayS and ThUrSdays, 16 YangtZe Road,96725643BaSketbalI Club, WedneSdayS a

21、nd Fridays, 79071632Cinema: NeW films for children, 99 BriCk Road, 69001354 USefUI PhOne NUmberSFdSt FOOd ReStaUrant: 66387901Hospital: 68787451ViSitOr InfOrmatiOn Center: 800-120-9847Taxi: 79210583ViSitOr HOteI InfOrmation: 800-739-730260. It S Friday afternoon, you Can go to A. ViSit the museumB.

22、PIay SOCCerC. PIay basketballD read children S StOrieS61. If ChiIdren Want to WatCh new films, they ShOUld go toA. 16 YangtZe ROadB. 89 NOrth Main StreetC. 106 Greerl StreetD. 99 BriCk ROad62 If you dial 66387901, you Can A. ask for SOme hotel informationB. do SOme ShOPPingC. have a good StOry timeD

23、. order fast food in a restaurant63. Lily, S father is ill. She ShOUld dialA. 800-120-9847 B. 79210583 C. 68787451 D. 9672564364 YOU Can IIOt get any information about from the two notices.A. IOOking for a hotelB. doing eye exercisesC. eating fast foodD. taking a taxiThiS StOry took PIaCe a IOng tim

24、e ago. BUt it has been repeated time and time again. EVeryOne is moved by the true StOry.Arl Old man WaS knocked down by a Car and WaS taken to hospita1 He WaS badly hurt, and during his few returns to COnSCiOUSneSS (矢) , he repeatedly CalIed for his son.NOne knew Where his SOn WaS A Ciirty Ietter W

25、aS found in his POCketSThe nurse Iearned that his SOn WaS a SOldier in NOrth CarOIinaThe hospital Called the Red CrOSS OffiCe to find the young man. The young SOldier WaS rushed to the airport in time to CatCh the PIaneIt was evening Wherl the young SOldier WaIked into the hospita1 A nurse took him

26、to the bedsides Of the Old man.UYOUr SOn is here, V She Said to the Old man. She had to repeat the WOrdS SeVeraI times before the Old man S eyes OPened He dimly SaW the young man and got great COmfOrt He reached OUt his hand The SOldier held the Old man S hand and Offered WOrdS Of hopeAlI through th

27、e night the young SOldier Sat beside the bed The nurseOffered to WatCh instead Of him for a while, he refusedAt dawn the Old man died The nurse Started to COmfOrt him but theSOldier asked her, Who WaS that Old man,t He WaS your fat her, M Sheansweredhe WaSn, t I never SaW him before I knew right awa

28、y there WaSa mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and his SOn just WaSn, t here Irealized I WaS needed SO I stayed.65.Whatis true about the Old man?A. He WaS SeriOUSIy injured and WOUld die soon.B. He knew QUite WelI What had happened to him.C. He OnCe and again Wanted to CalI his son.D. He W

29、aS knocked dead near a hospitdl.66.Wherl the Old man and the young man met,A. The Old man WiShed the young man good IUCk in the future.B. The young man Said SOmething to COmfOrt the Old man.C. The doctors and nurses felt it hopeful to SaVe the Old man.D. They both recognized each Other at once.67. W

30、e know from this PaSSageA. the Red CrOSS is SOmething for PeOPIe to find persons.B. the young man knew he WaS WrOngIy CalIed Wherl he got On the plane.C. the hospital had meant to SaVe the OId man With the young man S COming but failedD. The young man might have the Same name as the Old man S son.DI

31、 have been SUrPriSed each time my ChiIel has COme home from SChOOI With a message Saying his teacher WantS to See me.I know my SOn SeemS Very naughty. He CannOt COnCentrate (專心)On reading, he makes SilIy mistakes in his homework Or Ofterl fails his examsWheneVer SUCh things happen, his teacher shout

32、s, UASk your ParentS to COme here M And then I have to go With my tail between my IegS to find OUt What, S going on With my SOn and to IiSten to the teacher SCOId(訓(xùn)斥)him.I really feel SOrry for my son S mistakes and USUalIy feel PerSOnalIy responsibleBUt I can* t help feeling angry With him after a

33、meeting With his teacherGradually, I have realized that anger WilI do him no good, and that actually he needs my help.On the Other hand, I think that to educate OUr Tittie emperors (皇帝)” ,there needs to be more UnderStending and COOPeratiOn (合作)between teachers and ParentS68. The Writer S Child A. i

34、s rude to OtherSC. is dishonestIeSSOnS69. When the teacher 、 hisA. gets angryC. WantS to SCOId the boy70. WhiIe the teacher is SCOlding theA. CUtS in SOmetimeSC. feels ashamed71. In the writer* S OPiniOn A. SCOIdingC. teacher S meeting With the ParentB. is Ofterl Iate for SChOOlD. doesn t do WelI in

35、 hisfat her WilI be told to go to SChOOLB. ShOUtSD. IiStens Patientlychild, the Writer B. ShOUtS at the StUdentD. IiStenS impatientlyWilI do good to the naughty child.B. angerD. helping the Child to realizehis mistakeIt IOOkS Iike a mobile PhOne (手機(jī)),but the SerViCe is much CheaPer It acts Iike a mo

36、bile phone, but OnIy in your OWn city. BeyOnd the City walls, it S USeIeSSULittIe SmartV , also CalIed UXiaOIingtOngV , has always been COmPared to mobile PhOneS BUt actually, it is more Iike One Of those COrdIeSS PhOneS (無繩電話)USed around the home The OnIy ClifferenCe is that this One reaches much f

37、urther than from the bathroom to the IiVing room It Can travel across an entire CityCheaP COStS are the main reason for the SUCCeSS Of Littie Smart It COStS 25 yuan a month for the Iine and about O. 1 yuan Per minute to USe A mobile phone, On the Other hand, Can COSt four Or five times as much What,

38、 S more, UnIike mobile phones, there S no fee(費(fèi))for incoming CallS SO these IOW ChargeS have at traded many USerS But, LittIe Smart is not really that Smart USerS Ofterl COmPIain about its bad VOiCe QUaIity And there are not as many StatiOnS to PiCk UP its SignaIS (信 號(hào))as there are for mobiles T COU

39、ldr t receive a PhOne CalI if I WaS On a bus, Said Li Ping, a USer in HangZhOu. Tt WOrked fine Wherl I StOOd still, but there Were breaks in SignaI Wherl I WaS moving.SCientiStS are trying to make LittIe Smart more user-friendly. Messaging and Irlternet access (接入)have been added to the SerViCe And

40、the IateSt LittIe Smart handset even has COIOr SCreen.72. HOW is the Charge Of Little SmartA. AbOUt 10 fen Per minute to USe B. It COStS four Or five times more than a mobile PhOneC. It Only COStS 25 yuan each month D There, S no fee for CalIS73. Why are USerS not SatiSfied With LittIe SmartA. They

41、can t hear each Other CIearly OUt Of the CityB. There are SO few StatiOnS for LittIe Smart to PiCk UP its SignaISC Wherl you USe it, you must Stand up.D. The ChargeS are IOW.74. The UnderIined WOrcl UhandSetM in the IaSt ParagraPh means UM A. the hand bag B. telephoneC. SerViCeD mobile PhOne75. What

42、 Can We infer from the PaSSageA. It s WrOng to Say that LittIe Smart is SmartB. SCientiSt are trying to make Little Smart smaller.C. LittIe Smart WilI be better than today.D. PeOPIe WilI Change Littie Smart into a mobile PhOne第二卷(二部分,共35分)四、用動(dòng)詞的正確形式填空(每小題1分,共15分)76. He is (amaze) at their Winning th

43、e me da 1.77. We take turns (CIean) the blackboard78. The businessman USed to fly to ThaiIand, Where elephants are USed to (Carry) heavy things79. In fact, I WOUld really Iike (PIay) against a human team SOmetiIneS80. YOUr WOrk for a family With One Child WhO is Very (SPOi1).81. WOUId you PIeaSe (Wa

44、tCh OVer ) my house WhiIe We are away On holiday?82. YOU must Pay much attention to (Write) in a formal Way.83. The tour COmPanieS applied to (allow) to hunt SOme animals for a fee84. The ChiIdren Pretended (PerfOrm) an EngliSh PIay Wherl their teacher entered.85. StOP (CIaP) and IiSten to the actor

45、 WhO has COme UP With a PieCe Ofadvice86. YOUr experiment report (type) now and it WilI be finished SOOn.87. The WindOW is dirty1 know. It (not, Clean) for WeekS88. HUndredS Of jobs (IOSe) if the factory CIOSeS89. StUdents are not allowed (touch) the machine90. It (not, be) IOng before We meet again

46、.五、書面表達(dá)(共1題,20分)假定你是李華,最近,你班同學(xué)就中學(xué)生是否可以帶手機(jī)上學(xué)進(jìn)行了討論。請(qǐng)你根據(jù)下列信息,給校長(zhǎng)寫一封信,客觀介紹你班討論的情況。70%的學(xué)生認(rèn)為30%的學(xué)生認(rèn)為1. 沒有必要帶手機(jī)。2. 帶手機(jī)會(huì)影響學(xué)生集中精力學(xué)習(xí)3. 學(xué)生用手機(jī)會(huì)增加家長(zhǎng)經(jīng)濟(jì)負(fù)擔(dān)。1. 學(xué)生可以帶手機(jī)上學(xué),但上課要 關(guān)機(jī)。2. 時(shí)代發(fā)展了,不能用舊觀念去約 束學(xué)生。注意:1、信的開頭已為你寫好。2、詞數(shù):IOO左右。3o經(jīng)濟(jì)負(fù)擔(dān)economicburdens 關(guān)掉 turn Off用舊觀念去約束學(xué)生 keep the StUdentS Within a CertainOld discipline

47、Dear PrinCipie,I m Writing to tell you about the CliSCUSSiOn we Ve had about Whether a mobile PhOne ShOUld be brought to SChOol.YOUrS sincerely,Li HUa英語測(cè)評(píng)卷答案(高一)選擇題部分一. 單項(xiàng)選擇21. D解析:本題考查兩個(gè)知識(shí)點(diǎn):1.主謂一致(a number Of +noun +V復(fù)數(shù);the numberOf +noun +V單數(shù))2.賓語從句的語序問題(賓語從句應(yīng)用陳述語序)22. C解析:本題主要考察被動(dòng)語態(tài)。Take PIaCe無被動(dòng)

48、語態(tài),So far說明是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí) 的被動(dòng)語態(tài)23. B解析:本題考查定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞,物做先行詞,若從句中缺主語和賓語用that/WhiCh引導(dǎo),缺定語則用WhOSe引導(dǎo)24. C解析:本題是考查名詞性從句,B, D項(xiàng)與句意不否,A項(xiàng)不能引導(dǎo)名詞性從句,C項(xiàng)既 可引導(dǎo)名詞性從句乂能引導(dǎo)狀語從句25. B解析:嫁給某人應(yīng)是marry to sb, A, C項(xiàng)直接排除;D項(xiàng)get married to表動(dòng)作, 不能與一段時(shí)間連用;B項(xiàng)be married to表狀態(tài),相當(dāng)于一個(gè)延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞,可以與一段 時(shí)間連用26. C解析:本題考查從句。從題目出可以看出句子缺賓語,乂因to do表tJ的,故C項(xiàng)

49、為 正確答案27. A解析:A項(xiàng)agree With表示某事符合某人要求,胃口等;agree to表示同意某人的計(jì) 劃,意見等;be USed to doing表示習(xí)慣做某事;USed to do表示過去常常做某事。由 上下文得知B, C, D項(xiàng)不符合題意28. B解析:make/let Sb do讓某人做某事;make Sb done使某人被怎么樣。句意為:為了使 你自己被人理解請(qǐng)?jiān)谝婚_始說得更清楚更慢些29. B解析:本題考查砲y引導(dǎo)的定語從句。Wdy引導(dǎo)的定語從句,如果從句缺少狀語用in WhiCh/that引導(dǎo);如果缺主語或賓語則用that/WhiCh.本題he SPeakS to h

50、is mother不 缺主語或賓語,缺狀語,故B項(xiàng)為正確答案30. A解析:give in放棄觀點(diǎn),屈服;give UP放棄,戒掉;give OUt分發(fā)give Off釋放31. D解析:固定搭配be about to do.When 當(dāng)要做某事時(shí)另一事發(fā)生了”由此排除B, C; 句意“聽到我的名字被叫”應(yīng)用CalIed 去分詞表被動(dòng),CalIing為現(xiàn)在分詞表主動(dòng)進(jìn) 行32. C解析:主句Said說明從句也應(yīng)用過去相應(yīng)的時(shí)態(tài),排除A, C. 乂因COnStrUCtiOn WOrk 與COmPIete是動(dòng)賓關(guān)系,所以應(yīng)用被動(dòng)語態(tài)。33. C34. B解析:逗號(hào)后是個(gè)分句,不能有完整的句子出現(xiàn)。

51、InClUdingi是主動(dòng)included是被 動(dòng)。Xiao hua應(yīng)該是被包括在內(nèi)的。故B正確35. B評(píng)析:出題章節(jié):本題為高考英語中的單項(xiàng)選擇題(根據(jù)英語新課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)本知識(shí)點(diǎn)累 計(jì)約需50小時(shí)。)出題意圖:本題在高考英語中占的分值不多,但考點(diǎn)特別多與雜。方法指導(dǎo):?jiǎn)雾?xiàng)選擇解題技巧與方法:1.直接法:根據(jù)語感立即確定答案。有些 單選題,簡(jiǎn)單易懂,僅僅考查語言點(diǎn),考生往往憑已掌握的知識(shí)和語感能夠直接選定正確 答案。2.關(guān)鍵詞法:許多題IJ都有一些關(guān)鍵詞,它們對(duì)于快速而準(zhǔn)確地判斷出答案起著 至關(guān)重要的作用。找到句中的關(guān)鍵詞,也就找到了解題的突破口; 3.排除法;4.比較 法:有些單選題不能很快確

52、定答案,必須對(duì)其時(shí)態(tài)、語態(tài)及同義詞等方面進(jìn)行比較,最后 選出答案。5.固定搭配判斷法:有的單選題應(yīng)根據(jù)固定搭配和習(xí)慣用語選出正確答案;6. 綜合法:有的單選題涉及到數(shù)學(xué)、理化、地理、天文、生活習(xí)俗等方面的知識(shí)。解答此類 單選題時(shí)宜采用綜合法,注意語言知識(shí)的連貫性和各種知識(shí)的綜合性??傊?,做單項(xiàng)選擇題時(shí)要采用適當(dāng)?shù)姆椒ǎ酝割}干的意義,然后有針對(duì)性地琢磨關(guān) 鍵的詞語和句子,進(jìn)行深刻理解,準(zhǔn)確判斷。結(jié)合平時(shí)學(xué)習(xí)的慣用法、句型、交際用語 等,善于利用排除法,有針對(duì)性地篩選、分析、推斷出正確答案。二. 完型填空36. D解析:A. C形式就是錯(cuò)的,D項(xiàng)是合成形容詞,其后要加名詞,而B不能37. C解析

53、:句意得知是手舉起來,BD不能表示此意,A是不及物動(dòng)詞沒有被動(dòng)語態(tài)38. A解析:山上文得知弄皺的是鈔票而不是其他,故選A。這種解題方法在英語中叫做上 下文結(jié)合法,所以通篇理解很重要39. C解析:SOmebOdy 一般用在陳述句中;由句意知“還有人想要它嗎? ” B不符合題意,WantS 乂說明主語應(yīng)為第三人稱單數(shù),符合題意的只有C40. A解析:句意:手還是舉起來了。所以是go UP41. C解析:聯(lián)系上下文可知在此時(shí)演講者問:如果我照底下這樣做乂會(huì)怎樣呢? What辻正 有此意,沒有What Whether結(jié)構(gòu)42. B解析:山后邊開始踩鈔票說明前句是先將錢撇到地上。ThreW扔;dro

54、p掉落,是一種 有意識(shí)的行為;fell滑到,掉落,一種無意識(shí)的行為,這里顯然是他故意撇到地上的。 The IeaVeS fell. ; PUt放,在此題中不合邏輯。43. D解析:ShOW UP炫耀;Iift UP舉起;PUt UP舉起,張貼;PiCk UP撿起44. D解析:被腳踩過的鈔票是臟的,不可能是干凈的。B排除;A, C與句意無關(guān)45. B解析:從句子知此時(shí)應(yīng)為現(xiàn)在完成時(shí),排除C,D;A項(xiàng)give是給的意思:B項(xiàng)Iearn是 學(xué)習(xí)的意思,對(duì)于聽眾來講是學(xué)習(xí)了一堂課而不是講了一堂課。B正確46. C解析:no matter 后不能跟 that 和 Why; no matter What-WhateVer 無論什么;no matter how無論怎樣。句意是:無論我對(duì)這錢做了什么C正確47. A解析:VdlUe價(jià)值;PriCe價(jià)格價(jià)


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