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1、山東省臨沂市 2016-2017 學年高一英語下學期開學考試試題(無答案)I閱讀理解(每小題2 分,共 15 小題),and welcome to England.We hope that your visit here will be a,I would like to draw your attention to a few of our laws.The first one is about drinking.Now , you maynot buy alcohol (酒)in thiscountry if you are under 18 years of age ,nor may y

2、our friends buy it for you.Secondly , noise.Enjoy yourselves by all means, but please dont makeunnecessarythe road in this coun try.Use pedestria n cross ings ( cha nceswhe n cross ing the road.My next point is about litter (throwing away waste material in a public place) . Itis an offence (違法行為)to

3、drop litter in the street.When you havesomething tothrow away , please put it in your pocket and take it home bin.Fin ally, as regards someth ing , it is aga inst the law to buy cigarettes(煙草)if you are un der 16 years of age.I d like to finish by saying that if you require any sort ofhelp or assist

4、anee ,you shouldcon tactyour local police stati onNow , are there any questions?1. The main purpose of this speech would be to_.A. prepare people for international travelB . declare the laws ofdiffere nt kindsC. inform people of the punishment for breaking lawsD . give advice totravelers to the coun

5、try 2. How many laws are there discussed in the speech?Good afternoonpleasa nt one.Todaynoise, particularly atni ght.We ask you to respect other people who may wish to bequiet.Thirdly , crossing the road.Be careful! The traffic moves on the left side of人行橫道 )and do not take any,or put it in a litter

6、or tobacco, who will be pleased to help you.24.From the speech we learn that_A. in this country , if you are under 18 years of age but your friendcan buy it for youB.you may not buy cigarettes or tobacco uni ess you are above 16 years of ageC.because the traffic moves on the left side of the road ,

7、you must use pedestriancross ings whe n cross ing the roadD. you can t make noise except at nightBAll of us eat every day, but most of us don t understand nutrition (營養(yǎng)).Weofte n make mistakes in talk ing about good diet.For example, many people think that foods such as rice, bread and potatoes will

8、 make onegrow fat. In fact, these foods are very good to one s health. Theyare good sources of many vitamins( 維生素) .And in comparison with steak and beef, they contain lessamount of calories.Some people don, t like canned (罐裝的)or frozen vegetables, because theythi nk fresh vegetables cooked at home

9、are always better. This is aga in wrong. In / * Al1fact, whether the vegetables are good or not depends more on how they are prepared.Overcooking, for example, destroys good qualities7in too much water can be a large amount of vitami ns.It is widely believed extra vitam ins provide body needsdoesn t

10、 make it function better.It is also wrong to say that vegetables grow n in poor, worn-out soil arelower in vitamins than vegetables grown in rich soil. The vitamins in our foods are in the pla ntsthemselves. They don t come from the soil. However, the mi nerals (礦 物質)in a plant depend onthe minerals

11、 in the soil.A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.3. The underlined wordcontact ” in the seventh paragraph means_A. keep in touch withB . joinC. reportD. get in touch with,you may not buy alcoholof vegetables. Vegetables cookedmore en ergy. But tak ing more tha nthe3In short, there are many false ideas a

12、bout nutrition. We need to correct them.5.This passage is mainly about46Why don t some people like canned or frozen vegetables? Because _.A they think fresh vegetables contain less vitaminsB they think fresh vegetables contain more vitamins than the canned or frozen ones C they dont think the canned

13、 or frozen vegetables taste as good as the fresh ones D they don t think the cannedor frozen vegetables are fresh 7 Which of the following is true according to the passage?A Many people know almost everything about nutrition.B Vegetables grown in poor worn-out soil may have the same amount of vitami

14、ns as vegetablesgrown in rich soil.C Food such as rice, bread and potatoes make people fat.D Extra vitamins provide less energy.8 The point of the passage is that _ .A the minerals in a plant depend on the minerals in the soilB people make mistakes when talking about good dietC taking more vitamins

15、than the body needs doesn t make it function betterD vegetables cooked in too much water can lose a large amount of vitaminsCAre you tired? Do you often catch colds and flu? If so , you might considerchanging your sleep habits.Good health demands good sleep.Studies have shown that most peopleneed ei

16、ght hours of sleep each night.Americans, however, on average,get only seven hours.Onethird of us get just six hours , and good health is not simply a matter of howmuch sleep you get, but also the type of sleep you get.Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep allows your body to grow and repair itself.Dur

17、ing NREMsleep, your muscles( 肌肉 ) relax.Your heart rate and breathingrate decrease.Your eyes roll slowly back and forths then they stop moving.Most of the sleeping you dois NREM sleep.Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep restores your brain.During REM sleep , you dream.You may notremember every dream , bu

18、t every time you sleep,you dream.YourA nutritionB vitaminsCvegetablesDhealth5eyes move back and forth quickly.Your breathing rate and heartbeat increase.Your6muscles become paralysed(麻痹的) .About 25 percent of your sleep is REMsleep.You n eed eno ughof both kinds of sleep to be healthy.Is it a real c

19、oncern if you don t get eno ugh good sleep ? It certa inly is.Poor sleep puts you andothers at risk.More tha n 100,000 car accide nts are caused eachyear by drivers who nod off (打盹).Almost $100 billi onis lost yearly in the bus in essdeprived of sleep have been factors in theChallenger space tragedy

20、 ,the Exxon Valdez oil spill (溢出),and the Chernobyl nuclearreactor accide nt.So do yourself and every one around you a favour.D on t cheatyourself out of good sleep!9. This passage is mainly about_A. why people dreamB. what happens during REM sleepC. the importanee of sleepD. why people catch colds

21、and flu10.Most sleep at night is_ .A. REM sleepB. NREM sleepC. good quality sleepD. sleep that makes you become paralysed11. Good sleep ” can be described as.A. getting about eight hours of the two types of sleepB. sleeping soundly through the nightC. getting more than seven hours of sleep each nigh

22、tD. having sleep that prevents accidents12. The underlined phrase“deprived of ” in the last paragraph means “z/TC/AnotwantingB . trying to getC.stoppedfromand environmentalfield.People7I love to run with a partner, but theres nothin g, like running alon e. Its the“me time that Ibadly need.When you r

23、un by yourself, you have time to think. You have eno ugh time alonehavingD. asking for8to work through whatever worries you, and by the time youre home again, youll feel mentally refreshed( 精神振作).If somethi ng is weigh ing on your min d, I say, think about it as you run. Run un tilyouve successfully

24、 dealt with it. Sometimes the best therapy ( not on a bed, but i nrunning shoes.Honestly,its easier for me to work out rather than improve my diet. I noticedearly in my training that as I ran further distances, I cared more about what I ate because they directlyaffect each other.You want to run at y

25、our best performance level, and it wont take you long torealize which foods help and which ones hurt. Simply by running, your food n eedscha nge, and you eat the best foods to give you en ergy.A friend recentlyasked me, “Whydo you run ?” I said, In a given day, sometimesI hate the one hour that I sp

26、e nd running. But I love the way that one hour makesme feel for the rest of the day.”There is a mysterious quality that running adds to your life. I dont know ifits the way it shapes your legs or the kno wledge that youve cleared seve n milesbefore most people wake up. I thi nk true runn_a con fide

27、nce that does nt come from anything else.13. What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraphs 4 and 5?A. Running makes people eat more healthily.B. People should eat a lotbefore running.C. Diet has little to do with running.D. He/She pays little atte nti onto his/her diet.14.By saying“true runners

28、walk a little taller ” in the last paragraph, the authormeans that they_.A. are grow ingB. become healthierC. are more con fide ntD. learn more from running15. The author wrote the text mainly to tell us_ .A. the relati on ship betwee n diet and runningB. how to get into a good habit ofrunningcomes9

29、II.七選五(每小題 2 分,共 5 小題)As we all know , sleep is very importa nt and n ecessary. I would love every one to form the habitsbelow to have better sleep without needing the alarm wake-up call.16 _If you eat much food an hour before you go to bed, your body will hateyou. Your body needs time to digest(了肖化

30、)while you are still awake.17Somethi ng that makes me very angry is whe n I hear on TV that peoplejust need 30- minute exercise a week. That s funny. Every person should be getting30-minute exercise daily along with a healthy diet. When you do exercise, you useenergy that your body has to recover fr

31、om. 18 The more you exercise , the faster you fall to sleep andthe better you sleep .- 1Turn the TV off. There are a few shows I watch still, but they will never get inmy way of( 妨礙)sleep. The bedroom is only for sleeping and a place of rest.1920 A question to ask yourself: If I haven t an alarm , w

32、hat time would I getIIup? If that time is the time you need to get up, you should probably throw away the alarm. If the timeyou actually get up is much later tha n the time you do get up,make great cha nges to your way of life and the time you go to sleep. No one should n eed an alarm.A. Take the TV

33、 out of your bedroom.E. Sleep is one of the most important things in our lives.F. Try to get up as early as you can.G. Your body recovers when you are sleeping.III .完形填空(每小題1.5 分,共 20 小題)C. why running keeps you happy and healthyother exerciseD.running isB. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day

34、.C. Eatrightandno10There are about fiftee nhun dred Ian guages in the world.But _21_ a fewof themare very _22_. English is one of these. Many, many people use it, not only in England and the USA,but in other parts of the world. About 200 milli on people speak it astheir own language. It is difficult

35、to say how many people are learning it as a _23language. Many millions are _24_ to do so.Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different _25_. Have you ever_26_ the advertisements of this kind in the newspapers or magazines?“Learn English in six months, or your _27_ bac

36、k. ”“ Ea sy and funny. Ourrecords and tapes _28_ you master your English in a month. _29_ the first day your _3 0_ willbe excellent.Just send.” Of course, it never _31_ quite likethis.The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. Weshould _32_ that we alllearned our own language w

37、ell when we were _33_. If we could learn English in the same way, itwould not seem so difficult. _34_ what a small child does. He listens to what people say. He trieswhat he hears. When he is using the language, talking in it, and _35_ in it all the time, just imaginehow much _36_ that gets!So it is

38、 _37_ to say that learning English is easy, because a good command of English _38_upon a lot of practice. And practice needs great effort and _39_ much time. Good teachers, records,tapes, books, and dictionaries will _40_. But they cannot do the students work for him.21.A notB quiteC onlyD very22.A

39、difficultB importantC necessaryDeasy23.A nativeB foreignC tryingD liking25.A questions B problemsC ideasD answers26.A foundB watchedC noticedD known27.A knowledgeB timeC moneyDEnglish28A makeB helpC letD allow29.A FromB OnC SinceD After30A spellingB grammarC EnglishDpronunciation31.A happenedB knewC

40、 seemedD felt32.A knowB rememberC understandD think11stude nt whe n she was in middle school. She was writi ng because she wan ted to tha nk him42. having a great in flue nee in her life.In the letter she wrote, “You were the teacher who helped me discover mytalent formaths.Before you came to teach

41、us, I had bee n43. poor at math, and had n ever1thought that I would be 44. in it. To my surprise, you magically showed me the beauty of math. I guessthat was the turning point of my attitude towards45.Gradually my in terest in it bega n to grow. Thanks to your46 . I made con ti nu ousprogress in math, and fin ally made up my mi


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