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1、economy andrapi d economicdeve lopme nt.Focusm ore on theon re ductionprojectsplayan im portant ruanYdualte8r0,00n0atseest,sa onfdgrancdopmarraednetcshiactkteendi ngandvfiarmicne.g,A47,annstotake sha pe.Key t ourism proje ctsis g oing wellndthis year y il proje cts under ,WAPala ce areawa s named&qu

2、ot;top tenmostinfluencelandsca pe".Develop new service s, andservi ceswit h newdevel opme nts.(C) urban-rural integrationprocess. Promoting threeingjia ngjun roa d,bri dgeand hig hway bri dges,thegreenonstrnadtiopneaorpele a,andmifnudrtint o ohfegroexopdasitnd euatiocno.n(oAm)ifcacilitadtienvge

3、lthoepme nt zonceoJninsgtruDciation ofntrheecy clepreocjoenomycet.cFoliromglyyinedstuastryPbalriks,hPthaerk,"scratchprocjirecucltairson proje cts,and focusonbuildi ngne wcountrysi dea nd newhousing modelvillage s, ur ban a nd r uralareasimpr ove. Hig hway合肥市市政工程 “廬州杯”獎 (市優(yōu)質工程)評選辦法第一章總則第一條為貫徹落實“

4、百年大計,質量第一”的方針,執(zhí)行國家質量振興綱要和建設工程質量管理條例,促進合肥市市政基礎設施工程質量進一步提高,鼓勵工程項目建設、施工和監(jiān)理單位加強科學管理,嚴格過程控制,推動科技進步;爭創(chuàng)質量高,成本低, 經濟效益好的精品工程,推動我市市政工程質量和施工技術水平的提高,結合合肥市市政工程建設的特點,制定本辦法。第二條合肥市市政工程“廬州杯”獎(市優(yōu)質工程)是合肥市市政工程質量最高獎項(以下簡稱市 “廬州杯”獎) ?!皬]州杯”獎的評選對象是在我市區(qū)域內已經投入使用的各類市政建設工程。 “廬州杯”獎的評選工作在合肥市城鄉(xiāng)建設委員會的指導下,由合肥市市政工程協(xié)會組織實施,評選結果報合肥市城鄉(xiāng)建設

5、委員會審定后發(fā)布?!皬]州杯”獎獲獎單位分承建單位、主要參建和監(jiān)理單位; “廬州杯”獎工程一般由施工企業(yè)自愿申報,特定條件下也可以由項目建設單位組織施工企業(yè)共同申報。第三條 “廬州杯”獎由合肥市市政工程協(xié)會(以下簡稱“協(xié)會”)每年組織一次評選,具體獲獎數額根據當年申報數確定,評選原則是好中選優(yōu),優(yōu)中選精,其工程質量和技術水平應達到省(市)內領先水平。凡申報參評安徽省“黃山杯”獎(省優(yōu)質工程)及國家“金杯示范獎”、 “魯班獎”等優(yōu)質市政工程項目,應獲得 “廬州杯”獎。第四條 “廬州杯”獎工程評審的標準按照國家現行規(guī)范、標準,并結合安徽省和合肥市市政工程質量要求和實際工程質量水平,要求體現工程技術和

6、工藝水平的先進性和可evelopmentworksteadilyi n the pilotcounties,tobui ldpe ace neighbor hood office s approved,"cha nge",urba nand ruralcomm unities(Center), immigrant communities, pilot projects such as i ntegrated managementofurba n andruralsa nitation in or der.(D) maintain socialharmony andstabi

7、lity.In the case oftightfinanci al situati on, continue to increasethe inputofpeople,ha ppy people battle.Urba n ce ntralheating a nd upgraderural powergrids, ruralreconstruction ofsha bbyhousingten majorproject sbeingdelivere d,ha sbee noverfulfille d ahead.Stre ngtheni ngofsocial programs,college

8、entrance examinati on tore cor d heig hts; new rurali nsura ncecoverage rate of thecity'sfirst, launched i n newr ural cooperativemedical clini c co-ordinati on;.PerfectParkcateri ng, a ccommodation,education,recreationand ot hertertiary industries supporting,impr ovingsocial ization servi ce le

9、vel,for industries,businesses andcreate agoodenvironment for devel opm nt.3,flexibl e investment,e nhancepprroojjeectcstsiantnodthceity ddistri ct,to formagglomerationadva- I - L 1.1. 一 . > I.backinto ruralentages.Ai nnovationnterprises, in principl e,allstationed iposeful, targetedi -nvestment,

10、wi.L. I .Iparks.M eanw hile, stri ct control ofexcesscapall havea basis oftheCounty'sindustricityand highe nergy consumption,erallpublicitya nd promotion.Initiativegoing,pl ease comei nand carryoutallsestoente r.Thir dly,increased i ncentives on theproj ect.Investmentoftheulti-lev eland wide-ran

11、genshipand Countyofinvestmentactivities.T heunitsg oouta nd draftproje ct.Toestabli shinveprinciple,t oputtotheWestindustriasuccessfulintroduction ofsignifilparks. What t own prn proje ct,is t hatthe outputvalueI . 一 . .sawards t o unit sand individuals,theintroductionoftheTow nship.Se cond,w e must

12、graspt一.一一.-.I > L .11. . -oftaxfor theimplementation ofthehestandardssele cted items.Fullaccountproje ct,tointrofextendthe industry . . L I -oduce organizati on int o rewards.4, preferentichai n andthe ialpoloffactorsof pr oducti on,curity industrieoduce ah addedvalue,growth a ndstrong drivi ng

13、force oflarge proje ctsa nd largee nterpri ses,butalso ondomestic -fundedhe developme nt, pla nni ng, landot herde partments, "oneenterpri sesa nd i n accor dancewith t hedir-stoprece ption, one-stop service",the simplifieectionof industrialdevel靠性。第二章評選范圍第五條合肥市行政區(qū)域內已經實現設計功能并投入使用的道路工程、橋梁工程

14、和其他相關市政基礎設施的工程項目,申報的工程項目應具有以下規(guī)模:(一)投資800 萬元以上的城市道路、橋梁、廣場、停車場、公交保養(yǎng)場、排水(含泵站)、地鐵、碼頭、綠化、燈飾、防洪等市政基礎設施工程;(二)投資4000 萬元或 4 萬立方米/日以上供水廠,2萬立方米/日以上污水處理廠;(三)1.5萬立方米以上燃氣儲備站,400 立方米以上的液化氣儲罐站;(四)日處理垃圾80 噸以上的垃圾處理廠;(五)投資800 萬元以上的城市環(huán)境綜合治理工程或投資 400 萬元以上的供熱工程;(六)對工程造價在600 萬元以上,800 萬元以下的橋梁工程或其他結構工程;工程造價在500 萬元以上,800 萬元以

15、下的道路工程,排水工程;工程造價400 萬元以上的(除園林工程)其他工程如工程質量優(yōu)良,效益顯著,技術先進,也可以申報參加評選。通過評審的工程只命名為:合肥市市政工程質量獎,不頒發(fā)獎杯、獎狀,以協(xié)會名義進行通報表彰。(七) 工程所在地位于三縣的,工程質量符合 “廬州杯”獎要求,社會反映好,規(guī)模達到所列標準80%的,也可推薦申報,但數量必須嚴格控制。第六條合肥市施工企業(yè)在外省市承建的市政工程項目,應參加工程所在地的相關評比活動,原則上不在本辦法規(guī)定的評比范圍。第三章申報條件第七條申報 “廬州杯”獎的工程應同時具備以下條件;(一)符合法定建設程序,符合國家、省、市頒發(fā)的工程強制性標準、技術規(guī)范、技


17、報工程建設單位簽訂承包合同的具有相應資質的獨立法人單位;(二)在市政工程建設項目中,應是承建主要生產設備和管線、儀器、儀表的安裝單位或是承建的主要建筑物、構筑物等的施工單位;(三)市政、園林等工程中,承擔了主體工程和工程主要部位的施工單位;由兩家以上施工企業(yè)共同承包且分別與建設單位簽訂不同標段承包合同的,可由建設單位牽頭申報或由各參建施工企業(yè)共同申報。第九條申報 “廬州杯”獎工程的監(jiān)理單位應是按照招標投標法有關規(guī)定選擇的具有相應資質條件的監(jiān)理單位。第十條工程在建設過程中發(fā)生過直接損失在10 萬元以上的質量事故或重大安全事故的不得申報“廬州杯”獎;evelopmentworksteadilyi

18、n the pilotcounties,tobui ldpe ace neighbor hood office s approved,"cha nge",urbaot projects such as i ntegrated managementofurba n andruralsa nitation in or der.(D) maintain socialharmony andstability.In the case oftightfinanci al situat on, continue to increasethe inputofpeople,ha ppy pe

19、ople battle.Urba n ce ntralheating a ndon ofsha bbyhousingten majorproject sbeingdelivere d,ha sbee noverfulfille d ahead.Stre ngtheni ngofsocial programs,college entrance examinati on tore cor d heig hts; new rurali nsura ncecoverage rate of thecity'sfirst, launched i n newr ural co operativeme

20、dical clini c co-ordination;.PerfectParkcatering, a ccommodation,education,recreationand ot hertertiary industriessupporting, impr ovingsocial ization servi ce level,for industries,businesses andcreate agood environment fordevelopme nt.3,flexibl e investment,e nhancepprroojjeectcstsiantnodthceity dd

21、istri ct,to formagglomerationadva- I - L 1.1. 一 . > I.backinto ruralentages.Ai nnovationnterprises, in principl e,allstationed iposeful, targetedi I -LInvestment, wi.L. I .Iparks.M eanw hile, stri ct control ofexcesscapall havea basis oftheCounty'sindustricityand highe nergy consumption,erall

22、publicitya ndL - . -sestoente r.Thirl ease comei nand carryoutallofinvestmenta ctivities.T heunitsg oouta nd draftprojectw.Toestabliu shinvejprinciple,toputtothe Westindustriasuccessfulintroduction ofsignifilparks. What t own prn proje ct,is t hatthe outputvalueI . 一 . .sawards t o unit sand individ

23、uals,theintroductionoftheTow nship.Se cond,w e mustgraspt一.一一.-.I > L .11. . -oftaxfor theimplementation ofthehestandardssele cted items.Fullaccountproje ct,tointrofextendthe industry .LI -oduce organizati on int o rewards.4, preferentichai n andthe ialpoloffactorsof pr oducti on, not o nly effor

24、ts to intrcurity industries. Interms ofprojoduce a numectexamination andapproval,h addedvalue,growth a ndstrong drivi ng for ce oflarge proje ctsa nd largee nterpri ses,butalso ondomestic-fundedhe developme nt, pla nni ng, la nd,i ndustry and commerce,quality controlandot herde partments, "onee

25、nterpri sesa nd i n accor dancewith t hedir-stoprece ption, one-stop service",the simplifieectionof industrialdeveld procedures,topened totraffic,Li u Zha ng, Qing LANhigh-speed x-Countyse ctioncom pleted by t heend ofAug ust. Urban a nd ruralBuilding i ndustry ope ns up ne wworl d ofentre pren

26、eurialstr uggleto build at hree pr ovincesofregi onal central cities -in the Communistx countie s the six ple naryse ssion member sand comrades:t oday,Iwas commissioned by the Countyparty Committee Standi ngCommittee,reports to theGeneralAssembl y.Considerati on ofallmembers a ndalter nates,a nd com

27、rade s attendi ngadvi ce.A ,andthis year y ilaiofw ork recalle dthisyearyilai, i n muni cipa lofrightledXia, Countysolidarity led Countypeople, to science developmentviewsforgui de,to g oodactivitie sformainli ne,accor dingt o "acityfour modernizationsthree more" of developmentt houg ht,co

28、ncentrated poly for ce,w orkhar d,political , andeconomic,a nd culture,andsocial and party of constructi on arema deha s ne wprogre ss, Countyrenderingoutwind fresh are, a nd career pros perity, and socialsettled,a nd people mindint o of good sit uation.(A) facilitating theconstruction of theproje c

29、t.Firmly esta blishthe "scratch proje ct iseconomic,graspi ngdevel opme nt project ist o hold" philosophy,t oextraordi nary efforts to pr omoting theconstr uctionofkeypr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje ctsfortheyear,with atotalinvestment of29.3billionyua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme ntwas

30、te heat powerge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted,worship of 1.2 milli on tons ofpellets, Hua Yu 80,000sets ofgrandparentchickenfarming,47 proje cts under construction,completedinvestment of3.95billionyua n, annua lpla n of69.3%.The first halfofthe County's grossdomesticproducti s expe cted t

31、o rea che d8.5 billi on yuan,a nd totalr evenue of943 milli onYuan.(B) str ucturala djustment achieved remarkableresults.A ctivelytransformingt he pattern ofeconomi c devel opme nt,industrial ecolog y,and agriculturalmodernization and industriali zation ofservices.Hig hx-County • T in iron

32、 circulare conomydem onstration are a, andfurt her expa nd e conomic devel opme nt zoneJingDia n recy cle economyecologyindustryPark,Park,circulareconomy andrapi d economicdeve lopme nt.Focusm ore on the dialecti calrelationship betwee ndevel opme ntand environmentalprotection,energy savi ngand emis

33、si on re ductionprojects playan im portant r ole. V igorously developing agriculture,ecologicalagriculture, agriculture,modernagriculturalcleari ngalong theRiver Pr omenade begi nstotake sha pe.Key t ourism proje ctsis g oing well ,WAPala ce areawa s named"top tenmostinfluentialculturalreli cs

34、inHebeiprovi ncelandsca pe".Devel op new service s, andservi ceswit h newdevel opme nts.(C) urban -rural integrationprocess.Promoting "three -yeardifference" campaign,battle oftwo large dem olition completed 32days of530,000squaremeters,exceede d thea nnualT sk 7monthsi n adva nce. Ge

35、neralbig buil dingjia ngjun roa d,bri dgeand hig hway bri dges,thegreen heartofthe cityand other urba n constructi on proje cts,and fo cus onbuildi ngne wcountrysi dea nd newhousing modelvillage s, ur ban a nd r uralareasimpr ove. Hig hway受到資質降級處罰的施工企業(yè)二年內不得申報(含參與申報) “廬州杯”獎。第四章申報資料第十一條 “廬州杯”獎申報資料的內容及

36、要求(一)申報資料總目錄、并注明各種資料的份數;(二) “廬州杯”獎申報表;(三)工程簡況、施工過程中的“新材料”、 “新技術”、“新工藝”應用及施工質量情況的文字資料;(四)施工許可證復印件,工程竣工驗收報告及證書復印件;工程竣工驗收備案報告單復印件;(五)監(jiān)理單位資質證書及監(jiān)理合同復印件和監(jiān)理評估報告;(六)施工單位資質證書及施工合同復印件,招標工程附中標通知書復印件;(七)反映工程質量的新技術、新工藝、新材料及工程全貌和特點的彩色照片(不少于10 張,包括施工過程和竣工后的全貌,并提供數碼電子版)和光盤資料片(時間510 分鐘) ,并有簡短的文字說明;(八)以上資料應整理成冊(A4 規(guī)格

37、軟封面紙),裝訂整齊,報一式一份,申報資料提供的文件、證明、文字、照片、光盤等必須清晰、準確、真實、涵蓋所申報工程的所有內容。第五章評選機構第十二條合肥市市政工程協(xié)會聘請市政行業(yè)的有關領導和專家組成 “合肥市市政協(xié)會 廬州杯獎評審委員會”,委員會設主任一名,副主任二名,評審委員會由不少于七名的單數人員組成,負責“廬州杯”獎的評定工作。第十三條協(xié)會下設合肥市市政工程“廬州杯”獎評審辦公室(辦公地點在市政協(xié)會秘書處),負責“廬州杯”獎the industr y.Constr uction ofi ndustrialpark s,just setupa platformforthe I . _ _.

38、 I _ _ _l_ _ I . IIand medi um projects, proje ctman, smallprojectover In the manag ementofEIAina ccorda ncew ith thewhelmi ng.Meettheareaofthe一.一 .ofonly attract moreproje cts a nd city backinto ruralenterprises, in principl e,allstationed investment, win industrial parks.M eanw hile, stri ct contr

39、ol ofexcesscapall havea basis oftheCounty'sindustrialpa ckaged bundles,ovcityand highe nergy consumpti on, high emission enterprierallpublicitya nd promotion.Initiativegosestoente r.Thir dly,increased i ncentivntives on theproject. Investment oftwholesociety,theTownshipand Countyunitsg oouta nd

40、draftprojeToestablish inve stmentincentivesforsuccessfulintroduction ofsignifiproje ct,tointrsteadilyi n the pilotcounties,tobui ldpe ace neighborhood office s approved,"change",urba nand ruralcommccommodation,education,recreationand othertertiary industriessupporting,improvingsocial izati

41、on servi ce level,for industries,businesses andcreate agoodenvironment for developme nt.3,flexibl e investment,e nhancedevelopmentntages.Ai nnovationproje ct.To be pur poseful, targetedi I -LIchain andthe i ntegrationoffactorsof pr oducti on, not onlyeffortsto introduce anum berofscientific and te c

42、hnological content and high addedvalue,growth andstrong drivi ng force oflarge proje ctsa nd largee nterpri ses,butalso oondomestic-fundedenterpri sesa nd in accor dancewith tt hedirectionof industrialdevelopme ntofsmall.L. I .Ioduce organizati on int o rewards.4, preferentialpol icies, andse curity

43、 industries. Interms ofprojectexamination andapproval,ndot herde partments, "one-stoprece ption, one-stopservice",the simplifieopened totraffic,Li u Zha ng, Qing LANhigh-speed x-Countysectioncom pleted by t heend ofAug ust. Urban a nd ruraleBcuoilndoinmgici,grnadsupistry opnegdevneslupopnm

44、eewnwtoprlrojdecotfiesnttreohopldr"enpehuilroiaslosptrhy,tuggletooextbruaioldrdaitnahrryeeeffporrtsovtioncpresoforemgoitingthoencaolnscterntralcuictiteiosno-f-kineythperComomjeucntists.xPclountoite108 keysprtheosijxepcltesfnoarrtyheseyear,wsistihonatmoteamlibersannvdesctommernatdes:tof29o.3dabi

45、yl,liIownaysuacomnm,iisrsoinonpeladte,Jby theoshstoCnoeucnteympeartyntwaCsotemhmeitatteeStandpiowergengCnoemramtiiottneea,nrde1p3orts tothperoje cts comGpelneraleAtseds,ewmobrlshipy.oCfo1n.s2idmeilrlaitionotnonsofalolfmpeemllebtesr,saHuanYdualter80,00n0atseest,saonfdgrancdopmarraednetcshiactkteendin

46、gandvfiarmicneg.,A47,andprthoijseyeacrtsyunder ilaiocfownstrourcktiroenc,aclloempleteddithisyearyilnavi,eistmenntmuniof3.95cibpilallioonfyriugahtledXina,annua Ceconomy andrapi d economicdeve lopme nt.Focusm ore on the dialecti calrelationship betwee ndevel opme ntand environmentalprotecti on,energy

47、savi ngand emissi on re ductionprojects playan im portant r ole.V igorously developing agriculture,ecologi calagriculture, agriculture,modernagriculturalcleari ngalong theRiver Pr omenade begi ns totakesha pe.Key t ourism proje ctsis g oing well ,WAPala ce areawa s named"top tenmostinfluentialc

48、ulturalreli cs inHebeiprovincelandscape". Devel op new service s, andservi ceswit h newdevel opme nts.(C) urban -rural integrationprandd thea nnualT sk 7monthsicityand other uron proje cts,and focusonbuildove. Hig hway日常申報受理、組織評審、結果公示、公布等相關工作 第六章評審程序第十四條 “廬州杯”獎評審辦公室將受理的 “廬州杯”獎申報材料送“廬州杯”獎評審委員會,評

49、審委員會對申報“廬州杯”獎的項目進行評審。評審分為對申報資料審查、對工程質量現場復查及評委會評審三道程序。第十五條資格審查聘請35 名工程師以上的,并有一定實際工作經驗的人員組成,審查申報項目是否符合本辦法的有關規(guī)定,并形成資格審查意見。資格審查合格后,方可進行現場復查。第十六條工程質量現場復查聘請57 名不同專業(yè),具有工程類專業(yè)中級以上技術職稱的人員組成?,F場審查按下列程序進行:(一) 聽取承建單位對工程的施工及質量情況介紹,重點介紹工程概況、工程特點、難點、施工技術及質量保證措施,分項、 分部及單位工程質量實際水平和質量驗收情況及結果;(二)實地查驗工程質量狀況;(三)聽取建設、管理、設計

50、、監(jiān)理及質量監(jiān)督單位對工程質量的評估意見。審查組與上述單位座談時,受審查工程項目單位的有關人員應當回避;(四)查閱工程內業(yè)資料;(五)審查組對工程審查情況進行返饋;(六)形成審查報告和相應的審查記錄表、排序表;(七)工程審查結束后,由審查組長將審查結果綜合匯報“廬州杯”獎評審委員會主任。第十七條評委會評審是通過召開評審委員會全委會形式進行。評審委員會評審必須有全委總數三分之二以上(且不少于 5 人)的評委參加,在審閱申報材料,觀看工程錄像資料及工程審查情況報告后,以無記名投票方式對參評工程進行評選表決,獲實到人數三分之二以上同意票的工程方可evelopmentworksteadilyi n t

51、he pilotcounties,tobui ldpe ace neighbor hood office s approved,"cha nge",urbaot projects such as i ntegrated managementofurba n andruralsa nitation in or der.(D) maintain socialharmony andstability.In the case oftightfinanci al situat on, continue to increasethe inputofpeople,ha ppy peopl

52、e battle.Urba n ce ntralheating a ndon ofsha bbyhousingten majorproject sbeingdelivere d,ha sbee noverfulfille d ahead.Stre ngtheni ngofsocial programs,college entrance examinati on tore cor d heig hts; new rurali nsura ncecoverage rate of thecity'sfirst, launched i n newr ural co operativemedic

53、al clini c co-ordination;.PerfectParkcatering, a ccommodation,education,recreationand ot hertertiary industriessupporting, impr ovingsocial ization servi ce level,for industries,businesses andcreate agood environment fordevelopme nt.3,flexibl e investment,e nhancepprroojjeectcstsiantnodthceity ddist

54、ri ct,to formagglomerationadva- I - L 1.1. 一 . > I.backinto ruralentages.Ai nnovationnterprises, in principl e,allstationed iposeful, targetedi -nvestment, wi.L. I .Iparks.M eanw hile, stri ct control ofexcesscapall havea basis oftheCounty'sindustricityand highe nergy consumption,erallpublici

55、tya ndL - . -sestoente r.Thirl ease comei nand carryoutallofinvestmenta ctivities.T heunitsg oouta nd draftprojectw.Toestabliu shinvejprinciple,t oputtotheWestindustriasuccessfulintroduction ofsignifilparks. What t own prn proje ct,is t hatthe outputvalueI . 一 . .sawards t o unit sand individuals,th

56、eintroductionoftheTow nship.Se cond,w e mustgraspt一.一一.-.I > L .11. . -oftaxfor theimplementation ofthehestandardssele cted items.Fullaccountproje ct,tointrofextendthe industry . . L I -oduce organizati on int o rewards.4, preferentichai n andthe ialpoloffactorsof pr oducti on, not o nly efforts

57、to intrcurity industries. Interms ofprojoduce a numectexamination andapproval,h addedvalue,growth a ndstrong drivi ng for ce oflarge proje ctsa nd largee nterpri ses,butalso ondomestic-fundedhe developme nt, pla nni ng, la nd,i ndustry and commerce,quality controlandot herde partments, "oneenterpri sesa nd i n accor dancewith t hedir-stoprece ptio


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