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1、一單元第2頁A:你什么時候起床?B:我經(jīng)常在七點鐘起床OA:你在西班牙什么時候開始上課?B:通常在九點鐘。我I總是I在八點鐘開始上課。Unit 1 p2(五年級下冊)A: When do you get up?B: I Often get UP at 7 OICIOCk.A: When do you Start CIaSS in Spain?B: USUaIly at 9 OlCIOCk. I always Start CIaSS at 8 o,clock.Unit 1 3A: What do you do On the weekend?B: I Often CIean my room and

2、 WaSIl y-cothes. SOmetimeS I PIay Pinq-POnq W汁h(huán) Zhanq Penq.A: TOday is SUnday ! What do you do On the weekend? B: I Often gQ亙hgppiog With my mum.一單元第3頁A:你周半做什么?B:我經(jīng)常I打掃我的房間和洗我的衣服。夯吐我R長鵬打乒乓球。have CIaSS 上課 do morning exercise 做早操A:今天是星期Fl!你周末做什么? Clean my room 打 掃 我 的 房 間Unit 1 Part A: LetIS talk.Zhan

3、g Peng: When do you fjnjsh class in the morning?Pedro: We finish CIaSS at 1 oclock. Then We eat IUnCh at home.B:我經(jīng)常和我媽媽密翅 散步go for a WaIk 去take a dancing CIaSS上舞蹈課Zhang Peng: WOW ! When do you gpbatO-SChOql after IUnCh ?PeClro: At 2: 30. CIaSSeS Start oclock at 3 OCIOCk .Zhang Peng: When do you USUa

4、lly eat dinner in Spain?Pedro: USUaIIy at 9: 30 Or 10 oclock.Zhang Peng: WOW ! ThatIS too Iare !一單元A張鵬:你們上午的課什么時候結(jié)束?佩徳羅:我們一點鐘豈棗上午的課。區(qū)耳我們在家吃午 飯。張鵬:哇!午飯后你什么時候回學校?Mi MB Mi 佩德羅:兩點三十分。三點鐘開始上課。五下 Unit 1 Part B: LetIS talk.Shopkeeper: Why Qre you shopping today?Sarah: My mum WOrked IaSt night. SO m ShoPPin

5、q today.張鵬:你在西班牙通常什么時候吃晚返? 佩徳羅: 通常在九點三十分或者十點鐘。 張鵬:哇!那太昵了!I Often go swj.n).).ing in the Water.In the Qfternoon, I PIay SPorts With my friend.HiS name is Friday.Friclay is good at sports. He Often wins.一單元B店主:你為什么今天購物呢?莎拉:我媽媽昨晩I工作 &。所以今天我購物。店主:好女孩兒!那么你周末做什么?莎拉:我經(jīng)常看電視、和我爸爸一起打乒乓球。店主:那聽起來好像很有趣。莎拉:是的,但是我

6、黑努力工作。我通常囲我 的衣服。有時我做晩飯。Shopkeeper: GoOd girl! So What do you do On the WeekencI? Sarah: I Often WatCh TV and Play Ping-POng W汁h(huán) my father.Shopkeeper: That SoUndS Iike a IOt Of funSarah: Yes, but T m also hard-working. I USUaIIy WaSh my CIOthes. SOmetimes I COOk dinner.Shopkeeper: Youre SO busy ! You

7、 need a robot Ito help yo!店主:你如此忙!你噩要一個機器人I來協(xié)助你I!羅賓在一部 這里有一封戲劇I中。他是魯賓遜克魯索。 葫他的信。Unit 1 Part B ReQCl and write.RObin IM play.RObin is in a PlQy . He is RObinSOn Crusoe.Here is a Ietter IfrOml him.My name is RObinSon. I Ilye On an island.一單元B讀寫羅賓圃戲劇。我的名字叫魯賓遜。我住在一個蜃上。我每天總是起床很早。 我洗臉,然后我吃早飯。有時我也打掃我的山洞。我經(jīng)

8、常去水里遊冰。 下午,義和我面友険行體育運動。他的名字叫星期五。星期五擅長運動。他經(jīng)常獲勝。五下 Unit 2 P12A: Whieh 禎ggg do you IIke best?B: .Autumn.A: Why?B: BeCaUSe the COIOUrS are Prerry !A: WhICh SeQSOn do you Iike best?B: IWinter ! I Can SleeP all day. HOW aboUt you? A: I Iike SPring bestThere are beartiful flowers everywhere.Un汁 2 P13A: LOO

9、k at my PlCtUreZ MiSS White.I Iike SUrnrner best because Of Child俐SBQy.B: What do you Often do in SUmmer? A: I Often go SWimmIng.Unit 2 A Part A: LetIS talk.Mr. JOnes: bo you Iike the muscz CjliJdren?Mike: Yes. Its Very beaut訐ul. What is it?Mr. Jones: The FOUr Seasons. TOdQy We Il IdraW Ithe seasons

10、. WhiCh SeaSOn do you Iike best z Mike?Mike: Winter. I Iike snow-Mr. Jones: I Iike SnOW ztoo. WhjCh SeaSOn do you Iike best, WU Yifan?WU Yfan: ISPring ItlS pretty.Mr. Jones: Yes, it is.二單元第12頁A:你最喜歡哪個I季節(jié)?go On a PiCniC去野餐B:愁冬。A:亦什么?SnOWman堆雪人B:因為顏色很I漂亮I!PiCkaPPIeS 摘蘋果 make athing事情Plant種植nationalA:

11、你基喜歡哪個季節(jié)? 國家的B: 金天!我能建天睡覺。你呢?A:我最喜歡春天。到處都有美麗6勺花。二單元第13頁A:看我的圖片,懷特老師。我最喜歡壓,因為(有)兒童節(jié)。B:你在夏天經(jīng)席做什么?A:我經(jīng)常去游泳。五下 Unit 2 Part B: LetIS talk.Amy: HeIIOZ MiSS White. LOOk at my PICtUre.Miss White: 6ooCl job ! I Iike the trees. The COIOUrS are Very Prerry !二單元A 瓊斯老師:你們喜歡這個音樂嗎,孩子們?OB 邁克:喜歡。它很美妙。它是什么? 瓊斯老師:四季。今

12、天我們將閾四季。你因喜歡哪個季節(jié),邁克? 邁克:冬天。我喜歡雪。瓊斯老師:我也喜歡雪。你最喜歡哪個季節(jié),吳一凡? 吳一凡:除天IO它很美麗。瓊斯老師:是的,它很美麗。The Weather is hot, hot, hot! I Iike SUmrner, but I can,t swim.What IOVelY CoIoUrS !The IeaVeS fall and fall and fall. I IOVe f al l!.Wow! I Want to Pairrt a PiCtUre , too !There is IOtS Of snow.It is Wh計e everywhere.

13、I Iike Winter because I Can PIay in the snow.丄 MftflM0M0 O 二單元B埃米:你好,懷特老師??次业膱D片。懷特老師:做彳導好!我喜歡樹。顏色很漂亮!Amy: Yes. I Iike autumn best.The We(Trher is good and the colours are beautiful !WhlCh SeQSOn do you Iike best, MiSS White?AAiss White: Summer.埃米:是的。我最喜歡秋天。 天氣很好,顏色很漂亮! 你最喜歡哪個辜節(jié),懷特老師?懷特老師:夏天。Amy: Why

14、?MiSS White: BeCaUSe I Iike SUmmer VaCatiOn !埃米:為什么? 懷特老師:I因為I我喜歡暑同!Unit 2 B ReaCl and write. RObin IikeS them all!LOOk at the green trees and Pink flowers.I Iike SPring becausJ there are beautiful flowers everywhere.二單元B讀寫羅賓全部都喜歡!看綠色的樹和粉色的花。我喜歡春天,I因為倒處都有美麗的花。天氣炎熱、炎熱.炎熱! 我喜歡夏天,但是我不會游泳。多么美麗的顏色啊!O我愛秋夭

15、!有很多雪。到處都是口色的。我喜歡冬天,因為我能在雪里玩。五下Unit3 P22 23A:When is the 烈衛(wèi)巴2:丫22匸口?B:It January (Jan.) NeW Years DayS in JUly and AUgUSt A:When is工孵邑匕伍曲佃衛(wèi)紐?B:ItlS in March,A: When is DragOn 龍 BOat 舟 FeStiVal 節(jié)?B: ItIS USUaIIy in June. My mum Will make ZOnq Zi then. I hope you CanCOme andShareSOme With us.A:ThatIS

16、Very kind Of you.A:When is Thyear?B:Its in MayA:IS the SInqmqCOnteStinMay,too?B:Yes.A: HOOray for May !2 FebrUary (Feb.)Winter VaCatiOn3 MarCh (Mar.)Tree PIanting Day4 APril (Apr.) EaSter SPOrtS meet5 May (沒有縮寫)May Day Mothers bay6 JUne (Jun.)CMdreriS DayFatherls bay7 JUIy (Jul.)SUmmer VaCatiOn8 AUg

17、USt (Aug.) SUmmer VaCation9 SePtember (Sept.) TeaCherS9 bay Mid-AUtUmn bay10 OCtOber (Oct.) Chinas NatiOnal Day11 ThCNOVemberInkSgiVing Day(Nov.)AmeriCan12December (bee.) ChriStmaS三單元第22/23頁A:暑假是什么時候?B:在七月和OA:植樹節(jié)是什么時候?B:在三月。A:端午節(jié)是什么時候?B:通賞在頭月Io那時我媽媽將包粽子。我希望你能來科我們一起I分享_些(粽子)。A:你真是太好了OA:今年的學校郊游是什么時候?B

18、:在五月O九月教師節(jié)中秋節(jié)十月中國國慶節(jié)十一月美國感恩節(jié)十二月 圣誕節(jié)五下 Unit 3 Part A: Lets talk.Mike: We have g few IfUn 十hirgs in SPring.After the SPOrtS meet, We have an EaSter party.Unit 3 Part B: LetlS talk.Oliver: AUtUmn is my favourite season. I really Iike the COIOUrs.A: 歌唱比賽也在五月嗎?B: 是的。A: 五月萬歲!一月元旦二月寒假三月植樹節(jié)四月復活節(jié)運動會五月勞動節(jié)母親節(jié)六

19、月兒童節(jié)父親節(jié)七月暑假八月暑假Zhang Peng: When is the party?Mike: ItIS in APriL We have a SChOOl trip7 too.Zhang Peng: When is that?Mike: Its in May.Zhang Peng: COOl !Chen Jie: I Ilke autumn, too. We USUaIIy have a SChOOl trip in autumn.Oliver: Great ! When is the trip IthiSI year ?Chen Jie: Its in OClober We Il g

20、o to the Great WedI.Oliver: COOl ! I IOVe the Great WaIl !Unit3 B Read and Write EgliSh PartyWHEN: APriI12th, 7 p.m. WHERE: ymWHAT: You WiIl PIay games.You WiIl read riddles.You WiIl act OUt stories.You WiIl meet RObin the Robot.He is a great EngIiSh teacher !RSVP: Will you COme to the party?PIeaSe

21、SenCl an email by MqrCh23rd.三單元A邁克:在春天我們有一些I有趣的事情1運動會之后,義和舉辦一場復活節(jié)聚會。張鵬:聚會是什么時候?邁克:在四月。我們也有一個學校郊游。張鵬:那是什么時侯?邁克:在五且。張鵬:太酷了!三單元B奧利弗:秋天是我1K季節(jié)。我真的喜歡那些顏色。 陳杰:我也喜歡秋天。我們在秋天通常有一次學校郊游。MO M奧利弗:太好了! I今年的郊游在什么時候? 陳杰:在!十戸我們將去長城。奧利弗:太酷了!我愛長巫廠 三單元B讀寫英語聚會什么時候:4月12日,下午七點 在哪里:體Wo(做)什么:我們將游戲。你們將讀謎語。我們將尋表演故事。我們將遇見機器人羅賓。

22、 他是一個很好的英語老師!請賜復:你會來參加聚會嗎?請匡B月.23日麗發(fā)一封電子郵件。五下 Unit4 P 36A: When is MOther,s bay?B: Its On the second SUnday in May. A: HaPPy birthday, Mum !B: Thank you.Unit4 P 37A: When is Mid-AUtUmn Day this year? B: SePtember 27thA: What do you USUally do On Mid-AUtUmn bay?B: We eat mooncakes My family Will also

23、 eat a birthday cake.A: A birthday Cake for AAid-AUtUmn bay?! B: My CoUSirvSj birthday is On Mid- AUtUmn Day this year !A: COOl !Unit4 Part A: Lets talkMr. Jones: There are SOme SPeCial days in April.ZhanQ Pena: What are they?MrJones: ADril FOorS Day and Easter.Zhang Peng: When is APril FOOrS bay? M

24、r Jones: ItIS On APriI1st.Zhang Peng: And Easter?Mr Jones: IS On APril 5th this year.Zhang Peng: WoW ! I IOVe APril !基數(shù)詞變序數(shù)詞規(guī)則八去t,九去勺遇y交Ve eighth ninth twentieth八 IStMdOrd四單元第36頁A:母親節(jié)是哪天?B:在五月的第三個星期日。A:生日濮媽媽!B:謝謝你 四單元第37頁A:今年的中秋節(jié)是I哪天I?B: 9月27日OA:你們通常在中秋節(jié)做什么?B:我們吃月餅。我的家人也將吃生日 蛋糕。 A:中秋年吃生日蛋糕? !B:今年我團哥

25、的I生 日 在中秋節(jié)!A:酷!四單元A瓊斯老師:四月有一些w 張鵬:它們是Tt纟?瓊斯老師:愚巫和復活節(jié)。張鵬:愚人節(jié)是哪天?瓊斯老師:4月1日。張鵬:復活節(jié)呢?瓊斯老師:今年在4月5日。張鵬:哇!我愛四月!五下 Unit4 Part B Let,s Jalk Chen Jie: When is your IbirthdQy ?Mike: My birthday is On APril 4th.Chen Jie: That,s my motherts birthday, too !Mike: COOl ! What WiIl you do for your mum?Chen Jie: I1II

26、 COOk noodles for her.Mike: ChineSe noodles are delicious !Chen Jie: PIeaSe COme thenz We Can have a birthday Party for both Of yOuJUnit4 B Read and write.TWO new kittensSarahlS Cat has two kittens- Reacl SarahISCIiQryeAPril 15thMy Cat has two new kittens.They are Pink because they are Very young.Th

27、ey also Canlt see.APril 21stThe kittens are SiX daYS oId.They make noisesWhfn Ithey are hungry.They have Wh計e fur now.They are cute.APril 26thTheir eyes are OPen ! They are blue.May 3rdThe kittens Can WaIk now.They Can pL世辻h RgbiU 四單元B陳杰:你的I生日I是哪天? 邁克:我的生日是4月4日。陳杰:那也是我媽媽筑生日! 邁克:酷!你將國你媽媽做什么? 陳杰:我將為她做

28、面條。邁克:中國的面條很美味!陳杰:那時請過來。義亍薪莎愣你們兩個舉行一個生日聚會!四單元B讀寫兩只新生的小貓薩拉的貓新生了兩只小貓。讀一讀薩拉的H記。4月15日我的貓新生了兩只小貓。 它們是粉:包的.,因為它們太年幼了。 它們還看禾見。4月21日 小貓67o 國它們1l時傾它什J制造噪登。 現(xiàn)在它們有了白色的I廉J軟1。 它們很可愛。4月26日它們的眼睛睜開了!它們是藍色的。5月3日現(xiàn)在小貓會走了。它們能夠和羅賓玩!五下 Unit5P46A: Hey! IWhOSe dog is this?B: OFb if s mine. HeIS SIeePing . HelS Very tired.I

29、SA: WOW ! What a beaut訐Ul Painting ! it yours ?B: No It,s his.Unit5 P47A: What1S that?B: ItIS a rabbit. ItIS mineA: I see. Why is it jumping? B: ItlS Playinq W汁h(huán) its friends.A: IWhoSe CQrrOtS Qre these? B: The CarrOtS are theirs .Unit 5 Part A LetS talkmineChen Jie: The yellow PiCtUre is Are these a

30、ll OUrS ?Mike: Yes, they are.Chen Jie: WOW ! T hat PjCtUre Of Beijing is beautiful. WhOSe is 汁?Mike: Its Zhanq PenasChen Jie: LOOk ! There is a PiCtUre Of ShanghaiZ too. Mike: Its yifans.Chen Jie: Oh, yes ! Its his L五單元第46頁A:嘿!這是I誰的I狗?B: 哦,它是我的。它丕套睡堂。它很昱。A:哇!多么漂亮的一幅畫??!它是你的I嗎?B:不是。它是他的。五單元第47頁A:那是什么?

31、B:它是一只兔子。它是I我的hers 她的OUrS 我們的A:我明白孑。內(nèi)什么它.fl跳?each Other相互B:它豐査和叵胡朋友們環(huán)兒。A:這些是I誰的I尸蘿卜丫 B:這些胡蘿卜是I它們的I。五單元A陳杰:那幅黃色的畫是匿趴。這些蟄是戰(zhàn)們的I (畫)嗎?邁克:是的,它們是。陳杰:哇!那幅北京的畫很漂亮。它是誰的?邁克:它是張鵬竺。陳杰:看!還有一幅上海的畫.邁克:它是一凡的。 陳杰:哦,是的!它是顧。五下 Unit5 Part B Let,m IOOkinq at the rabbits. IIm eatinq Iike S talk (Sam is at Chen Res home.)

32、 Sam: IWhere is Fido now? Chen Jie: HjSi nt he kit CherLSam: IS he Clrinkinq water? Chen Jie: No, he isn,t. HelSam: Can I PIay With him now?Chen Jie: Yes. Can you take him to the park?Sam: Of COUrSe ! Fido, COme here !Fido: Woof, WOOf !Unit5 B(Read and Write)RObin at the ZOOSarah and RObin are at th

33、e zoo. RObin is excited !What are you donq here, Robin?I,m IOOkinq at a bear. IIike a bear. rabbitIIrn IOOkinq at a tiger. IIm runninq Iike a tiqer.IIrn IOOkinq at an elephant. Ilrn WaIkinq IIkean elephant.Ilm IOOkinq at a monkey. Ilm Climblnq Iike him.Ilrn IOOkinq at a bird.I Iike flying. I Want to

34、 a bird !RObi do youWant to SWirnIike a fish?No! NO ! IClOnlt Wantto be a fish!五單元B(薩姆正在陳杰的家里。)薩姆:菲多現(xiàn)在在哪里|?陳杰:它在廚房里。薩姆:它止在喝水嗎?陳杰:不,不是。它丕套咚(東西)。薩姆:陳杰:我現(xiàn)在能夠和它玩嗎?是的。你能甥堂它圭公園嗎?薩姆: 菲多:當然!菲多,彌這國來!汪,汪!五單元B讀寫羅賓在動物園薩拉和羅賓在動物園里。羅賓很興奮!你疋在這里做什么,羅賓? 我罡崔看一只熊。我正在像熊那樣跳舞。我正在看兔子。我正在像兔子那樣吃。 我疋在看一只老虎。我正在像老虎那樣跑0 我正在看一只大象

35、。我正在像大象那樣走。我正在看一只猴子。我正在像它那樣爬(樹)。我正在看一只烏。我著娠飛。我愿諭_只鳥!羅賓,你卿像魚那樣瞬麗嗎?不!不!嶄想I成為魚!五下 Unit6 P 56A: Hh. LOOk ! Theyre eqTing IUnCh ! Theyre SO cute.B: Yesz they are !A: Shh!ROOM: DUm-CIe-dum.ZIP: WOrk I quietly !ZOOml KeeD your desk CIean !ROOM: Sorry.Unit6 P 57g.llhg,.9.ht/ please.A: Where is Amy?B :ShelS

36、IiStenina to music in theCIaSSrOOrn.Unit6 Part A LetIS talk陳杰:看這些熊貓。邁克:它們里奩做什么?陳杰:哈哈。它們止在吃午飯!它們真可愛。邁克:哦,是的!它們喜歡竹子。Chen Jie: LOOk at the pandas.Mike: What are they doing?Chen Jie: Haha. TheyIre eating IUnCh ! TheyIre SO cute.Mike: OhT yes ! They Iike baboo.Chen Jie: bo you See any elephants?Mike: Yes

37、 ! LOOk there ! The elephant drinkin water.Chen Jie: WhatIS the IittIe monkey doin? Mike: ItIS PIayinQ With its mother !陳杰:那只小猴子止奩做什么?邁克:它正在和它媽媽玩! OB OM 陳杰:你看見大象了嗎?邁克:是的!看那里!那只大象正在喝水a(chǎn)六單元第46頁A:哈哈??矗∷鼈冎乖诔晕顼?它們真可愛。B: 是的,它們很可愛!A:墟!ZOO件:當孚個當 ZIP: 麼靜地比作!佐姆!保持你的課桌建潔!ZOOM:對不起。六單元第57頁請.qA: 埃米在莎亙I ?B:她止在教室里聽音樂。六單元A 五下


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


