



1、pprroobmloteethme,iesxttehnesi problemoonfpaofrtsytrmicetlmybaedrmsianistering tndcahderepsa.rStyomgreasdse-prresseodo,ts,butanlesgoattihvee esdlaucactik,notreosnpalonspirbalcticeeo,.f.thDeomuablesix, ss lineoonfet,haenpdatrwtyoatonodktthhreeleea-thdr,eebuilspedcieanergyledubcuartisot,nHroensgultssa

2、handiscthriievect,defcuortnhoemriicnhperroitseperitdy,andexepcao-livnadebled,.cTiovreailliizzeedtawndhaormaonleiaorunsiislangeduncda.tiItcerotaniisannlecyecsasarnnoytsolbeustieonpatorattheedpfrroemsetnhtepoftensay thatt he good Carpe nter NA O Carpe nter,w hydosomecar pentersma defur nitureto haveev

3、ery bodylikes it, Carpenterwe are notwilli ngto l ook for him?are apparently tw ope opl e hig h andlowtechnolog y,digi nto thede epis firmerwhe n both ofhis a ppre ntice s are not solid,thobolleemarsea of6p4a6rtgyracsosnstr -spee che s rich connotation and core ideas,w hich begaso t hor oughlyMarxis

4、t positionshere isnogood thatway. Lubar ucti on.Stre-rootspartyorgan artofstnnigztahtieonnspraoblemndc1o4n,s1c4i6mem ousnesbserasnodfibnrsistoedadparticiopnatipr - I. .1_ I ory primaryschoolare learnhad,firstaftersixmarktest practinatiprobleomn-oarniedntseud,ipspfuolrlt.L1III一t. Through t he "t

5、wo" studyand education,so that everyce conduct,a nd practice cultivation,and practiceparty's 18acellodfitshtiepersevera nce,and prass,blaasticoknorfoplol ietiocfalgrreassps-ornosoitbsilpitayritsysues, organizatipartyoanswiarentnoefull sspalanydsotcneralSecreta ryonreform developmentstable,

6、a ndInteriordiplomaticsne ssofthe problem belief does not ca ncr osst he Rapids,overdefense , andrule partyrulive, slimdifficultiesa nd tng army ofimportantthoughesmodootehsrenaoltiactzautaiollnyfixofptrhoebl"Thirteeems,outspno-kFeivne,"goal.Saencodnjud,mbpaon tshiecalessaersnsimeng,fnotcu

7、ofstohnelearpartysnipnoglieducactiies,aonnmdussotuonnd.eBrsitLaifuSecnredttarhyelearnipoinntgedcoonuttetnhtaatandlequaarrntienrgsotfytlheese"cFoonuomicndatisointulaetaironisnivnegr"ythesefosuerriowus,theroeridssparreeimspsourtraenotniennfvoirromnamtieonnt,insisedaseoisnavlefraycltarge, ors

8、 acanpdtuorteheprroofbojeundctwivoerkretraustons,butmhaininlliyfes.uFbojreexamplctiev,eIht,seri ously learni ng to XI comradefor General Secretary ofCentral r ulinga cting politi cal newconcept newt houghtnewstrategy,seriously l earni ng XIGe neralSecretary study i n Inner Mong oliaimportant spee ch

9、 spirit, Guide party members and a dee punder standing ofa series ofimporta nt( 試行 )d through moretd introducedmoretha3一、基本理念和設(shè)計思路1 、堅持“以學(xué)生的發(fā)展為本”基礎(chǔ)教育課程改革的核心理念是“以學(xué)生的發(fā)展為本”。要發(fā)揮教學(xué)評價的教育功能,必須“建立促進(jìn)學(xué)生全面發(fā)展的評價體系”。確定中小學(xué)課堂教學(xué)評價指標(biāo)體系,要從學(xué)生全面發(fā)展的需要出發(fā),注重學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)狀態(tài)和情感體驗,注重教學(xué)過程中學(xué)生主體地位的體現(xiàn)和主體作用的發(fā)揮,強(qiáng)調(diào)尊重學(xué)生人格和個性,鼓勵發(fā)現(xiàn)、探究與質(zhì)疑,以利于培

10、養(yǎng)學(xué)生的創(chuàng)新精神和實踐能力。2、注重考察體現(xiàn)素質(zhì)教育課堂教學(xué)特征的基本要素課堂教學(xué)是一個準(zhǔn)備 實施 目標(biāo)達(dá)成的完整過程,是一個復(fù)雜多變的系統(tǒng),要全面反映這個過程,需要羅列相當(dāng)多的因素。確定課堂教學(xué)評價指標(biāo)體系,既要著眼于課堂教學(xué)的全過程,又不能面面俱到,要突出體現(xiàn)素質(zhì)教育課堂教學(xué)不可缺少的基本要素,以利于在評價中進(jìn)行有針對性的診斷和正確的導(dǎo)向。3、堅持評教與評學(xué)相結(jié)合,側(cè)重評學(xué)課堂教學(xué)是教師組織和引導(dǎo)學(xué)生進(jìn)行有效學(xué)習(xí)的過程,是師生互動、生生互動共同實現(xiàn)具體發(fā)展目標(biāo)的過程。 “評教” ,建立促進(jìn)教師不斷提高的評價體系,這樣才有利于大面積提高教學(xué)質(zhì)量。 “評學(xué)” ,建立評價學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)狀態(tài)和學(xué)習(xí)效果


12、評價辦法要注重質(zhì)的評價和綜合判斷,力求簡單、易于操作。二、中小學(xué)課堂教學(xué)評價體系本方案中課堂教學(xué)評價指標(biāo)共設(shè)置7 個評價項目,其中前6 個評價項目有14 個評價要點,學(xué)科特色評價項目的評價要點由各個學(xué)科決定,原則上不超過4 個要點(見表1 ) ?!霸u價項目”,從影響課堂教學(xué)質(zhì)量的基本要素出發(fā),設(shè)置項目?!霸u價要點”,列出了對各個項目進(jìn)行評價的主要內(nèi)容?!皩υu價要點的特征描述”,采用描述性語言對評價要點中典型性的特征進(jìn)行列舉描述?!皩W(xué)科特色”, 是前 6個評價項目的14個評價要點不能充分涵蓋的并且體現(xiàn)本學(xué)科教學(xué)特色的評價指標(biāo)。具體評價要點與特征描述請參閱中小學(xué)各學(xué)科課堂教學(xué)評價表。“其他” ,

13、是留給評價者列出自己認(rèn)為所需要補(bǔ)充的評價項目和要點。“符合程度”,是根據(jù)特征描述,對課的評價要點是否符合所作的判斷。包括三個等級, “完全符合”、 “基本符合”和“不符合”?!霸u價等級和評語”, 是評價者依據(jù)評價標(biāo)準(zhǔn),評定等級,再寫出評語。對評價要點的特征描述osum up,i s divi ded i nto9 mai nparts: 1.with regard to theChinese dream ofrealizing t cs flags a nd highmel ody.d to persisting a nd devel opi ngsocialismwit h Chinese

14、characteristi cs.18si ncet he XIOn m ore tha none occa sion,Ge neralSecretary ofthehist orical origina nd development process ofsoci alismwith Chinese chara cteristics,the rhegreat rejuve nationoftheChine se nati on.This aspects XI GeneralSe cretaryofspeech main ihene wCentral colle ctive leadershi

15、pwhentheyvi .I>II -/II,soonng, achievedenewChiennersea greatcreovievaclives Chi nesemoderi sitedthe ex hibiti onn yilaim ostgreat ofdream inn oftheroa dto recovery, XI,GeneralSe cretaryofthes olemn declarati12th sessi on nationalpe opl e'sCongress first times Conference Shaon "thegreat r

16、ejuvenating ofspeechworktoad of socialism with Chinese characteristics,System Info, system,upholda nd develop the understanding ofsocialismwith Chniese characteristics is determinedt o have been profoundlyexpounded,further strengthe ned t he partya ndthepe opl e adhere to a nd developthe confide nce

17、 a nd determination ofthesocialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. XIGe neralSecretary' s speech int hisregardi ncl udet hepe opl e's yearni ngfora betterlife,thatisourgoal, closelyfocus on the devel opment ofsocialismwith Chi nese characteristi cs studyand publi cizet he spiritofparty 18,he

18、unwaveringly a dhere to the development ofsocialismwit h Chi nese characteristi cs,the persi stenceand good use ofMa oZe-Dong's thoug htofonofthe Chinese nation,thegreatest dreamofthe Chinese nation inmodern timeo dreami nto really in achieved Chi na dream ofvivi dpracti ceint heflyingyouths.&qu

19、ot; Zhihou,onm-.>1 >dreamachievedore thanChi nadreamone occasi on, GeneralSe cretary expounde -.一 .I- -一dthe scientificconnotationone occas on, enera e creary expoun ee scenc connoa onnot only be nefit pe ople ,and be nefit worl d people i nnovation due itsShi,cticewith theChinese drecretaryfo

20、rthe first timeto Studyam, reflects the.I Ihistory ofthe new.1.1 -"-.一 一sessiont he choi ceofthe Gua ngdong,onofthe CPCCe ntralCommittee, a nd conformunequivoca llyexpress t he unsw ervingly follpeople hope, embodiesthe greatestcommonuppower determination andcourage.Party's 18divisorasessi

21、on adopteda decisionto deepen reform,opened anewoad, inspiring alljourneyfordeepepeoplesforgining the reform inour country. Centralowthe roadofsoci alismning reform le dpromotetheextension ofstrictly admi nistering t he partygrass-r oots, but alsothe educati onal practi ceofthe ma ss line ofthe part

22、yand "three -three" specia leducation results a chieve dfurtheri nherite dand expa nde d.Torealize"tw o a"learni ngeducati on is anecessar ysol ution to thepresent pr oblems ofpartyconstr ucti on.Stre ngthenproblem consci ousness andinsisted on problem -oriented,is fullofstrictly

23、admi nisteringt he party sincethe party's 18a disti nctive feature, a succe ssfulexperience.Se cretaryWa ng notedthat someparty mem bers still have political awarene ss, la ck ofpol itical responsibility issues,partyawarene ssand consci ou sne ssofthe problem belief does notreallybelieve, slimdo

24、es not actua llyfixprobl ems,outspoken, andjumpon the assessme ntofthe party's poli cies,a nd so on. Bi LifuSecretary poi ntedoutthata quarter ofthe economic situation isvery serious,there ispre ssureon environment, seasonal fact ors a nd ot herobje ctive reasons,but mainlysubjectiveprobl em,is

25、the problemof party members and cadres.Some depressed,negativesla ck, notresponsibl e,.Doublesix, one,and two tookthelead,buil d energy burst, Hong sha ndistri ct,economic prosperity, eco-liva ble,civ ilizeda nd harmonious isla nd.It certai nlyca nnot bese parated fromthe w hole area 646grass-rootsp

26、arty organizationsa nd 14,146mem bers ofbr oadparticipati on and support. Through t he "two" studyand education,so that everycellofthe partyhealt h,everyorga nization isstrong,sothatallmembers ofthevanguarda nd exem plaryrole,allt hefighting bastion rol eofgrass-roots party organizati ons

27、i ntofull playsot hatwe ca ncr osst he Rapids,over comeall difficultiesa nd t hesmoothreali zation ofthe"Thirtee n-Five" goal. Second,ba sicle arni ng,focus on lear ning educati on m ustundersta ndthe learni ng contenta ndle arning styles"Foundati onlear ning"these fourw ords are

28、 im portant i nform ation i nsi de isverylarge, captur e profoundworktrut h inlife. Forexampl e, Ioftensay thatt he good Carpe nter NA O Carpe nter,w hydosomecar pentersma defur nitureto haveevery bodylikes it, Carpenterwe are notwilli ngto l ook for him?are apparently tw ope opl e hig h andlowtechn

29、olog y,digi nto thede epi s firmerwhe n both ofhis a ppre ntice s are notsolid,t hereis nogood that way.Luba n artofst ory primaryschool are learn had,firstaftersixmarktest practice conduct,a nd practice cultivation,an d pra ctice persevera nce,and pra ctice patience, t hen with seven dayssev en nig

30、htmillaxe theoryarmed, andunityacti on,seri ously l earni ng XIGe neralSecreta ryonreform developmentstable, a ndInterior diplomatic defense , andrule partyruli ng army ofim portantthoug ht,seri ously learni ng to XI comradefor General Secretary ofCentral r ulinga cting politi cal newconcept newt ho

31、ughtnewstrategy,seriously l earni ng XIGe neralSecretary study i n Inner Mong oliaimportant spee ch spirit, Guide party members and a dee punder standing ofa series ofimporta ntspee che s rich connotation a nd core ideas,w hich bega n so t hor oughly Marxist positions( 一 ) 教學(xué)目標(biāo)符合課標(biāo)要求和學(xué)生實際的程度符合課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的要

32、求,包括知識、能力、情感態(tài)度與價值觀等方面與學(xué)生的心理特征和認(rèn)知水平相適應(yīng),關(guān)注學(xué)生的差異可操作的程度教學(xué)目標(biāo)明確、具體( 二 ) 學(xué)習(xí)條件學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境的創(chuàng)設(shè)有利于學(xué)生身心健康有利于教學(xué)目標(biāo)的實現(xiàn)學(xué)習(xí)資源的處理學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容的選擇和處理科學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)活動所需要的相關(guān)材料充足選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)慕虒W(xué)手段( 三 ) 學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)與教學(xué)調(diào)控學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)的范圍和有效程度為大多數(shù)學(xué)生提供平等參與的機(jī)會對學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)活動進(jìn)行有針對性的指導(dǎo)根據(jù)學(xué)習(xí)方式創(chuàng)設(shè)恰當(dāng)?shù)膯栴}情景及時采用積極、多樣的評價方式教師的語言準(zhǔn)確,有激勵性和啟發(fā)性教學(xué)過程調(diào)控的有效程度能夠根據(jù)反饋信息對教學(xué)進(jìn)程、難度進(jìn)行適當(dāng)調(diào)整合理處理臨時出現(xiàn)的各種情況( 四 ) 學(xué)生活動學(xué)生

33、參與活動的態(tài)度對問題情景關(guān)注參與活動積極主動學(xué)生參與活動的廣度學(xué)生參與學(xué)習(xí)活動的人數(shù)較多學(xué)生參與學(xué)習(xí)活動的方式多樣學(xué)生參與學(xué)習(xí)活動的時間適度學(xué)生參與活動的深度能提出有意義的問題或能發(fā)表個人見解能按要求正確操作能夠傾聽、協(xié)作、分享( 五 ) 課堂氣氛課堂氣氛的寬松度學(xué)生的人格受到尊重學(xué)生的討論和回答問題得到鼓勵學(xué)生的質(zhì)疑問難得到鼓勵學(xué)習(xí)進(jìn)程張弛有度(11)課堂氣氛的融洽度課堂氣氛活躍、有序師生、生生交流平等、積極( 六 ) 教學(xué)效果目標(biāo)的達(dá)成度基本實現(xiàn)教學(xué)目標(biāo)多數(shù)學(xué)生能完成學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù)每個學(xué)生都有不同程度的收獲解決問題的靈活性有些學(xué)生能靈活解決教學(xué)任務(wù)中的問題(14)師生的精神狀態(tài)教師情緒飽滿、熱情

34、學(xué)生體驗到學(xué)習(xí)和成功的愉悅學(xué)生有進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)的愿望s divided into 9 mainh regardtopersistingand develop the understandingofsocia lismwith ChinesecharacterialismwithChinesecharacteristics. XIGe neral Se cretary's speech inthis regard includethepeople'syearning forabetter life,that isourgoal,closely focusonthe devel opm

35、entofsocialismwitdevel opment ofsocia lismwith Chinesecharacteristics, thepersistenceand good use of MaoZe-Dong'sthoughtsessi on nationalpe opl e's CongressfirsttimesConferedto re covery,XI, GeneralSecretary ofthesolemnJ 一 一.一. /|_|_ nceShangofspeework to dream intonofthe Chio reallyi n achi

36、 evedChinadream ofvivid pranese nation,thegreatest dreamoftheI . .II I .Chi nese nation inmodern times." Zhihou,一- IIctice inthe flying youthdreamachi eved Chinaon moret hanone occasion,GeL -III.dream not only benefit people,and beneralSe cretary expoundedthe sciI_I-.I 一nefitworl dpeople i nnov

37、ationdue itsShi,dreamsuitablehave its potentialase dream, realizethe Chine.1-1- I 一.chieve dChinese dreamsegreat revivalis botmusttaketheroad,carry forwardtIII_ I. Ih at home a nda broa d Chinesechildrehe spiritand- - -Icohesi oonofChine se forces,gradual ly formed the Chinan commonofdream,.3.ondeep

38、eni ng reform.18 sidream,a strategicth一 一oug ht.And practicewith t he Chinecoug .nprac cew enencet heXIGeneralSecretaryforthefirsttimetoStudysedream,reflects thehistory ofthenew session oion ofthe CPC Centraldong,unequivocallyexpressthe unswCommittee,and conforms tothe devel opme nttrend a ndthe pe

39、ople hope,embodie- . 一一 一一 一一 一一l._L eeve opme ndof reform andopening up powers thegreatest commonssion adoptedivisor andtheconsensusofChinese people at homeda de cisiontodeepenreform, openeand abr oad, inspiring allpeoplesforging ay.Centralhashead i n unity,the spirit- 一- 一ofunswervinglyfollI - . .

40、一hel d22timesfull deepening reformledsmpromotetheextension ofstrictly admi nistering t he partygrass-r oots, but alsothe educati onal practi ceofthe ma ss line ofthe partyand "three -three" specia leducation results a chieve dfurtheri nherite dand expa nde d.Torealize"tw o a"lear

41、ni ngeducati on is ane cessarysol ution to thepresent pr oblems ofpartyconstr ucti on.Stre ngthenproblem consci ousness andinsisted on problem-oriented,isfullofstrictlyadministeringtheparty sincethe party's 18a disti nctive feature, a succe ssfulexperience.Se cretaryWa ng notedthat someparty mem

42、 bers still have political awarene ss, la ck ofpol itical responsibility issues,partyawarenessand consci ousne ssofthe problem belief does notreallybelieve, slimdoesnotactuallyfixprobl ems,outspoken, an djump on t heassessme ntofthe party's poli cies,a nd so on. Bi LifuSecretary poi ntedoutthata

43、 quarter ofthe economic situatio n isvery serious,there ispre ssureon environment, seasonal fact ors a nd ot herobje ctive reasons,but mainlysubjectiveprobl em,is the problemof party members and cadres.Some depressed,negativeslack, notresponsibl e,.Doublesix, one,and two tookthelead,buil d energy bu

44、rst, Hong sha ndistri ct,economic prosperity, eco-liva ble,civ ilizeda nd harmonious isla nd.It certai nlyca nnot bese parated fromthe w hole area 646grass -rootspartyorga nizationsa nd 14,146mem bers ofbr oadparticipati on and support. Through t he "two" studyand education,so that everyce

45、llofthepartyhealt h,everyorga nization isstrong,sothatallmembersofthe va nguarda nd exem plaryrole,allt hefighting bastion rol eofgrass-roots party organizati ons i ntofull playsot hatwe ca ncr osst he Rapids,over comeall difficultiesa nd t hesmoothreali zation ofthe"Thirtee n-Five" goal.

46、Second,ba sicle arni ng,focus on lear ning educati on m ustundersta ndthe learni ng contenta ndle arning styles"Foundati onlear ning"these fourw ords are im portant i nformation i nsi de isverylarge, captur e profoundworktrut h inlife. Forexampl e, Ioftensay thatt he good Carpe nter NA O C

47、arpe nter,w hydosomecar pentersma defur nitureto haveevery bodylikes it, Carpenterwe are notwilli ngto l ook f or him?are apparently tw ope opl e hig h andlowtechnolog y,digi nto thede epis firmerwhe n both ofhis a ppre ntice s are nots olid,t here isnogood thatway. Luban artofst ory primaryschool a

48、re learn had,firstaftersixmarktest practiceconduct,a nd practice cultivation,and practicepersevera nce,and pra ctice patience, t hen with seven dayssev en nightmillaxe theoryarmed, andunityacti on,seri ously l earni ng XIGe neralSecreta ryonreform developmentstable,a ndInterior diplomatic defense ,

49、andrule partyruli ng army ofimportantthought,seriously learni ng to XI comradefor General Secretary ofCentral r ulinga cting polit cal newconcept newt houghtnewstrategy,seriously l earni ng XIGe neralSecretary study i n Inner Mong oliaimportant spee ch spirit, Guide party members andadeepunder stand

50、ing ofa series ofimporta ntspee che s rich connotation a nd core ideas,w hich bega n so t hor oughly Marxist positions對體現(xiàn)中學(xué)語文學(xué)科特色的三個評價要點的特征描述( 1)創(chuàng)設(shè)語文學(xué)習(xí)情境針對教學(xué)內(nèi)容,合理有效地設(shè)計課堂環(huán)境。針對教學(xué)重點和難點,采用輔助手段呈現(xiàn)教學(xué)情境。針對學(xué)生的理解和感受組織學(xué)生的情景活動。(2)教師范讀及學(xué)習(xí)示范在教學(xué)中適時進(jìn)行文章范讀,聲情并茂,入耳入心,有感染力,有啟發(fā)性,能激發(fā)學(xué)生積極學(xué)習(xí)的欲望。教師能夠在課堂教學(xué)需要的時候,自然而有意識地展示自我閱


52、地運(yùn)用數(shù)學(xué)知識與方法解決社會實踐中的問題數(shù)學(xué)建模的教學(xué)恰當(dāng)有效s divided into 9 mainh regardtopersistingaalismwithChinesecharacteristics. XIGe neral Se cretary's speech inthis regard inclu dethe people'syear ning fora better life,that isourgoal,closely focusonthe devel opmentofsocialismwith Chi nesecharacteristics studyand

53、 publiunwaveri nglyadhere to thedevel opment ofsocia lismwith Chinesecharacteristics, thepersistenceand good use of MaoZe-Dong'sthoughtsessi on nationalpe opl e's Congressfirsdto re covery,XI,J 一 一.一 GeneralSecretarysfirsttimesConferey ofthesolemnonofthe Chinese nation,thegreatest dreamofthe

54、Chi nese nation inmodern times." Zhihou,dreamachi eved Chinaon morethanodream nanoneoccasion,Gem not only benefit people,and beneralSe cretary expoundedthe scise dream, realizethe Chinese dreammusttake theroad, carryforwardthe spiritandcohesi onofChine se force s,gradual ly formed the Chinadrea

55、m,a strategicthougdong,unequivocallyexpressthe unswopme nttrend a ndthe pe ople hope,embodiedof reform andopening up powers thegreatest commonssion adoptedivisor andtheconsensusofChinese people at homeda de cisiontodeepenreform, openeand abr oad, i nspiring all peoplesforging ahead in unity,thespiri

56、ty.Centralhasofunss wervinglyfoll一 L I.-hel d22timesfull deepening reformledowthe roa dofsocialismpromotetheextension ofstrictly admi nistering t he partygrass-r oots, but alsothe educati onal practi ceofthe ma ss line ofthe partyand "three-three" specia leducation results achieve dfurther

57、i nherite dand expa nde d.Torealize"tw o a"learni ngeducati on is anecessar ysol ution to thepresent problemsofpartyconstructi on.Strengthenproblem consci ousness andinsisted on problem -oriented,is fullofstrictlyadmi nisteringt he party sincetheparty's 18a disti nctive feature, a succe ssfulexperience.Se cretaryWa ng notedthatsomeparty members stillhave politicalawareness, la ck ofpol itical responsibility issues,partyawarenessandconsci ou sne ssofthe pr


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