



1、老友記口語筆記第1季:18集1.On PokerThe One With All The Poker 是很多 Friends 迷的最愛,詼諧幽默自不待言,其中還不 乏朋友、情人間的相互支持的動人場面。只是其中的 poker 術(shù)語太多,有時真是不知 所云。整理了部分出來,也許以后在宿舍樓道中的某個 poker night 中,你還能脫口而 出兩句吶?。≒oker night is a night during which several people gather to play poker. For example: Are yougoing to come over for my poker

2、 night? Its Wednesday and were starting at 8:00.)先從基本名詞開始吧!Suits 就是我們說的花色,4 個花色分別是黑桃 ( spades ) , 紅桃 ( hearts ) , 方片( diamonds )和梅花( clubs )。洗牌是 shuffle ,reshuffle 也是個常用詞,特別在政 治新聞里,說某個政黨或政府要重組,也是 reshuffle 。抓牌是 draw card ,出牌是 deal card 。下注一般是 bet,下注時的那個紅,蘭色的小片片叫chip。monica 說的“No blinds,everybody ant

3、e 中,ante 和 blinds 都是下注的方式。ante 是出牌(deal)前所下的注, 而且不算作下回賭注中的一部分; blinds 則恰恰相反,在不看自己的下一張牌時就下 注,而且會成為下次賭注的一部分。跟不跟是“iior out,不玩了就說“I fold.,我跟著你下注,“I am seeing you, I II see a betoRaise 表示提高賭注,在一個 limit game 中(賭注有上限),通常是 raise thebet to the limit. Call 是與對方的注持平 ( match a bet ) 如:“I m calling you. ” 一手牌 (h

4、and)比大小時,four of kindfull houseflushstraight 。Four of kind 是 4 張一樣的,大概相當(dāng)于 4個炸彈。Full House 是指 5 張牌中有 3 張一樣的(3 個 k) 和 2 張一樣的( 2 個 3), flush 是5 張牌都是同花不連成一句話, straight flush 是同 花順, Straight 是 5 張牌連成一句話( 56789 ),但不同花色。說到 Monica 提到的 Cincinnati ,這是一種家庭撲克牌( Home game )的玩法,又稱 之為 Utah,Lamebrains, or Californi

5、a , widow game 和 southern cross 也與此相似。 Cincinnati 的具體玩法是每個人都發(fā) 5 張牌,牌底朝下 (face down) ,剩下的牌則放在 桌子中央。先下一輪注( a round of betting ) ,然后由牌童( houseman )或發(fā)牌人( dealer )揭開桌子中央底牌底( turn up the central card ),每揭開一張又下一輪注 在最后一張牌揭曉時( showdown ),每個玩家選用他手上最好的 5 張牌比大小。play for high stakes to risk a lot of money in a g

6、ame bluff to pretend you have bettercards than you really do in a game of poker2.Rachel: Settle what?Chandler: The. Jamestown colony of Virginia. You see, King George is giving us the land, so.Jamestown a town, established in 1607, in the U.S. state of Virginia which was the firsttown built by Engli

7、sh people who went to live in North America3.Monica: Yeah, I know. He can get really competitive. Phoebe: Ha. Ha, ha.Monica: What?Phoebe: Oh, hello, kettle? This is Monica. Youre black.)最后一句的意思是 “五十步笑百步。 ”摘錄 sogo 做的詳解如下:A:Theres an old saying: Its like the pot calling the kettle black. It was coined

8、 when most potsand pans were made of iron and, therefore, were, black. It means that youre accusing someoneof something that really is reflective of you - much like It takes one to know one.Does that help?-From leeni詳解:古語有云, Its like the pot calling the kettle black. 烏鴉笑豬黑, “罐子笑壺黑 ”, 因為很多鐵制炊具為黑色。意思是

9、,你在嘲諷別人時,其實自己也一樣,就好像說, It takes oneto know one , 彼此彼此。這里 rach 先說 ross 讓人難以忍受, mon 附議說,他有時的確讓人發(fā)瘋; pheebs 就諷 刺她說,烏鴉笑豬黑,你還不是一樣。4.Its gotta be like chips, or dip, or pretz. 是 pretzel ,這是兩個音節(jié)的食物5.little playthings with yarn? 接 ROSS 的 who makes me. 能給你做小絨線玩具? ROSS 看RACH 走神,都忘了自己該說什么, CHAN 就接了這么一句。6.Could you want her more? 你還能怎么想她? 意思是 ROSS 已經(jīng)想追求 RACH 想 得不行了。7.Dee, the sarcastic sister from Whats HappeningROSS 明知道 CHAN 在說 RACH ,還裝傻問是誰( Who? ),CHAN 就說,是 Dee ,“WhatsHappening 里”面哪個犀利的小妹妹。 意思是,你說是誰,你還嫌我諷刺你諷刺得不夠是不是。“


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