1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科高級(jí)英語閱讀(2)期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):1354)2022盜傳必究Inionnation lor the examinees:戚、cxuminitUon constnu of twn miUorm. |U7 Rrr.Su r h>n I 1、f Word. (60 poinu, 10 mlnulro)Sn,On 11 : K<adln«( HtnprrhcnMun (40 pointy 50 mhiiKtu)Hmv nlhmcil for complclhix ihhI hr lohd fnr Ihh cxnininMllon urc 100 rxM
2、fnhiution h 90 mlnuicn.I hr left wllh thdr mean Ings on the right. (3 pointe each)A. rrliRtouR# MCfi <1B. gel i obunii li-HmSvethm I New Word*A Malch the wonis miL rufrrpilhruI.cultivate3. secure4. holy6. unorfhodox <>«asthmatir7. phRiiv& tdtioo9. Acquire10, enrollC. nickncs!>b.
3、 MlfcEm。rikh up tci ukc m chiF. form o( art(;. hnvitiK ddficulty brc«lhinKH> lurgr Mlkwortn*L urowJ. not nevording tu nrerpird opinion*IIV Khl In the blnnk« with w<»nh from Ihr h<n below. (3(x>inl* each)I carrrr cnuntirlor* joh urctirity keep up with leg仃 fcIccomnHitinM(hi
4、 ihtgvtt gmurmx rrworknl mr” ewiW _NowRchaytt workers nrc lit ch.WM ntrsn (or ninny rrfiBOtiR< Some hvr hi their |ol> dur lo 12 rituurd by conip/inirii rnrcbuiK (or rlirnp<T Inbat. ( hhrr>。函 they urr13 and are looking (or a job with h?z 14 Still othera need to lake itme oilto 15ihrtr nki
5、llR and Icorn more about camputrr* »o they mn 妊 the Imr"trrhnaloKy> Snme 17advi>r people looking fur win k la conhidrr ncvcfnI thing he for 9 ihry Arrvpl another |H)ninon» Firnt ol idle il they just lo«t fi)c>h< fhiry whauld Rk nb<iut I he IN of iho next one. Secon
6、d< they should make Mure they have enough 19 time «<» they (er| w prc«hurr<l by the drmandfi u( work. Third, ihry should cotiithr 2() < " poMfiible. and workinu from a liunit nlflcr. I hiw way< they1! have time to h»kr cournm thai Innld iIie ukilh »ii the
7、y ran get d belter job in the future.Section II Rradinic Coni|»rvhrnh>aA Read Ihcihrn MtKMrr the quntioav that follow* (5 |M>lnts ruch)< urvrr ChnnsrA i>cnpl«, who arr fhmkiriR nliout dumping c®rcrr» orc often n(raid of whm will Mpprn il they quti ihrif job. Will they
8、 find nnothrr one? Will they like another lirkl aji writ ilie <jm they nrc in how> Will they l»i! nbtr 1<> and Advance ip n new orgnniiatHMi?HAs thi?Rt qu( tion» cume fn mind> they should try to figutr out the annwer» 2rwn rrath n <lcd»)oru AIiIuhikH ihrrr u a h
9、igh rate of uncmployttient in xmir ruuntrir»t ihrt> <rr utiiinlly)obn for wkillrd workers who ain ujir cornputrr%(ir nlher rquipment> Tho»r who hnvr *ptruilirrd training in theie arm,r/in generally find n position withuui too much dforu( Throf whether fhry fll hkr nnoiher field mo
10、re than their current one in 1。“ a rrurutl <«nr. Wliilt if . nief 10 drexni nbout hnving another jobt (hr rrnlitv tnay be thnt ih” «rvn4 Auiitil (or if. For rxsmple. il <n architect liken lorook but h” no idea about how re fun n hmmaz. H may he riky (cir him f<> open « reM
11、nurAnt. Ik ran cook far lu» (nrnd» on wreketirin a nd ssfy hi dr r a m % of bffihR a rhrf in that way.I) Anuthcr good way lor a person (Q find out if he will be nucrrMful tit « nrw held fai h> " nu"i pun time* job. licing nn rvrm plonrwr cumh 訕職“皿. but hrlpinx friends wit
12、h pnrno or weddingw might show tlul it% mIao very *trestful. However# If he h” the crrnnvity Mini orwaniintiun necr%Mry hn tuch m po-ilhnne he can cantinur to ptan cvriitn (or lri<ndh until lit build、up a reputntiont l hen hr cun Irnvr lu» current job to look inr 0 job in <*«<
13、7;knowing that hrfll be >uccra»lul in th:* nrt!n>F Once « prrnQn Hn» found hi« ar her speciahy and deride% on thr chuhflr. Itf 11 ne< cm wry to Mlick with it until the buslnew* 好“ off I hr «rounde Thin u«unlly tnko about five vrnr*- MU" n,ovr hm been hum u
14、nr company to AnDthrr< ihr per»on nhoiild may until it in i lrnr h< h domic KtMxl job and can advance to higher position. Following thh advice will nmkr I he trnnmtinn F-niuothcr Hnd ihr rnrrrr rhangr nuccrftfilulh»r rmh qg岫 thrnne thr 心如加& 偵皿 rendinB y 的 WrlU A. H. E » M yo
15、ur Answer ShE.21. According to Ihr rending, people who think 贏m 血明W ss 飄5仆A. quit thru i<»h»B. nrr ftfrnid ol i|UhtinK I heir (.find nnntlwr onr r堆hi awuyhut nkillrd workernD. grow ind Rdvwncr in rt gwgkm22. Thrrr » hlqh mm o( unrmpluyfnrnt m Mime rountnrR.A- lose their jobsK try t
16、o reach o decinionCe UAC computersI), with trainini! c«n »tiU gel jobs23. If a pc mon drram about doing another job. A. he if suited !nr itH< he can run m businesnC. he Mill tnAy not be able to do "|h hr will be witislied hjk u chel24. HnvinK a part-time job A it a good way io try
17、another cnrrrrB- wunds ghmorausC is very stressful. builds up person career25. You should my in a new corcer at Is或 fi” ycae 1心"2.A. it' your ispccialtyB. you moved from one company io soother仁 you enn do a Hood job nnd advance in thru ,llneD, the transition will be smootherHl Read lhe pnmi
18、”.腿n animrr the qiintlon* Ihui follow, (3 point* cueh)VnlunlccrinK In the llnllrd Slate*A Vulwntcrring i* « pradke thut mnny people in the United Stolen engnge in at some P°,nl m thr” hvm. It mrttni doing unpaid work far or through :in orKanixnti<>nv Ii triny br n WEph nrtivnye like
19、»ch<Ki| rhildrrn clriinhiK up their nriKhlx)thotici prk> or tvenagrr wmhEx mm 2 me iiunxry fu nuppurt their irnm. It tn»y be an cdunitiunnl Activiry. like collrgr etudentn tutoring rhihhrn flftrr school or prufrmonnlii Aflvinin recent univrrmiy ur«(lunirs< h fiiwy l、c hr (nr
20、rnvironmrntnl or心mmtigji. likr Eflrthwntcli or (trrrnpracce Whnirvrr a prr.wii1* intcrcict th<?rr arc dotcrM o( wayn to volunlrrt* nnd mnny Amrricnnh <l(i" Hir I)|Nirtmcnt o( l-almr collect* Information on volunteering in the United SnmAr>il ii ay* ihm rvrry yrnr# ovvr 65 million peopl
21、e offer their hrrvicrK» ()nr fourth of mrn nnd one thinl ol women work (or m one orgHHirntion without beinu pm(L Thr orgaruMtion* thot they volunteer for thr most arr (I) rcligiouMt (2) educational and youth“nd (3)«ucinl nnd rummunity nervier. F'rople between ihr Hgen ol 36 And 5fi len
22、d io volunteer n gtrnt ileal hul trenagrrn uNu volunfrcr « lou pOMibly brcttunc thin type of work h rnphui/rd in uhonR- I he ovcrAgc tnnr spent in unp/iid activitiefl i& nboui 50 hnur» per year. Retired people ( ever ni) uilvr more ol thedr time th An other agr groupsover 90 hours per
23、year. Mamed people “nd tn volunteer morr than single people, an4 pnrents tend to volunteer n,orr "um adnhs without children. Parents arc more likely to get involved in nchnoh and gri teams, whilr adults without children orc more likely to offer their time to hospitals or cofnniunity service urg
24、druzationju0 R<«drd,n«UP針 work they do, people with higher levels of education arcmorc hkcly <o do tutoring, ccmchmg. nupcrvubing, nnd counwrling. ur to provide tnanngement or medical asKtancr. Thew with lower levels of cd”頃km are more likely to collect, prepare, distribute, and serv
25、e food. People with full-tinir job* arc less likely than rhg with part time j“b, to volunteer. Among those who volunteered in the past but no|unkvr do 2 l“k ol time IN thr rnnm rcanon. followed hy hmhh/mM心I prul.IrniR, mul family reupcmuibililies All in血(rend of volunteering in *,nd writ in lhe Ungl Suirt with mor people lending a himd gary ym”O(jiān)cclde whether Uw "Hhmhm tUlenwnta rt true or fuitc. Write T for I rue «n»1 I h»r 卜 Mon Uic An*v»cr SheetZ6. VnluntrrnnK may tnkr the form ol clcainirtg up n P«rk. wmlg mrn aiwJ niionnyc
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