



1、1 / 21The Enn eagram (also sometimes calledEnn eago n ) is a nin e-po in ted geometric figure. Theterm derives from two Greek words - ennea (nine) and grammos (something written or draw n).The in troductio n of the Enn eagram figure is credited to G.I.Gurdjieff , who introduced it in his teachings a

2、s a uni versal symbol whichdisplays the fun dame ntal cosmic laws. Gurdjieff did not disclose where thefigure orig in ally came from besides clai ming that it was the emblem ofsecret societies.The Enn eagram figure is now used for various purposes in a nu mberof differe nt teach ing systems. In more

3、 rece nt years the figure has mostlycome into prominence because of its use with what is often called theEnneagram of Pers on ality. The fun dame ntal con cepts of the Enneagram of Pers on ality are attributed to Oscar Ichazo. 1Enn eagrams show n as seque ntial stellati onsIn geometry an enneagram i

4、s a regular nine-sided star polyg on,using the same points as the regular enn eag on but conn ected infixed steps.It has two forms: 9/2 and 9/4 connecting every 2nd and everyAThe 3 sfitlLalvons- cif iri erineagon2 / 214th points respectively. There is also astarfigure , 9/3, made from the regular en

5、neagon points but conn ectedas a compo und of three equilateral tria nglesThe moder n use of the Enn eagram figure is gen erally creditedto G.I. Gurdjieff and his Fourth Way teaching tradition. His teachingsconcerning the figure and what itrepresents does not have any direct connection to the later

6、teach ingsby Oscar Ichazo and others concerning ego-fixati ons or pers on alitytypes.The enneagram figure is a circle with nine points.In scribed within the circle is a tria ngle tak ing in poi nts 9, 3 and 6. Thein scribed figure resembli ng a web links the other six points in a cyclicfigure 1-4-2-

7、8-5-7. The rules of the magic number 142857 can beapplied to the enneagrams expla natio ns of processes.According to Gurdjieff, the enneagram is the symbol of the law ofseven and the law of three combined (the two fun dame ntal lawswhich gover n the uni verse),and thereforethe enn eagram can be used

8、 to describe any n atural wholephenomenon, cosmos, process in life, or any other piece of kno wledge.A basic example of the possible usage of the enneagram is that itcan be used to illustrate Gurdjieffs con ceptof the evolution of the three types offoodnecessaryfor a man: ordinary food, air and impr

9、essi ons. Each pointon the enneagram in this case would represent the stage and the3 / 21possibility of further evolution of food at a certain stage in the huma nbody.Most processes on the enn eagram are represe ntedthrough octaves where the poi nts serve as the no tes; aconcept which is derived fro

10、m Gurdjieffs idea of the law of seve n. Inan octave the develop ing process comes to a critical point (one of thetriangle points) at which help from outside is needed for it to rightlycontinue. Thisconcept is best illustrated on the keys of the piano where every whitekey would represent an enneagram

11、 web point. The adjace nt whitekeys which are miss ing a black key (half note) in betwee n represe ntthe enn eagram web points which havea triangle point in between. In order that this point would pass onto then ext, an exter nal push is required.In the enneagram a process is depicted as going right

12、 around thecircle beg inning at 9 (the ending point of a previous process). The processcan continue until it reaches point 3.At point three an exter nal aid is n eeded in order that theprocess continu es. If it does nt receive thehelp, theprocess will stop evolv ing and will devolve back in to the f

13、orm from which itevolved. The process continues until point 6, and later 9, where a similarpush is needed. If the process passes point 9, the in itial process will end,while givi ng birth to a new one.The line of developme nt associated with the Fourth Way4 / 21developed from the writi ngs of Gurdji

14、effs stude nts - principallyP.D.Ouspensky , Maurice Nicoll , J.G. Bennettand Rodney Collin . They developed Gurdjieffsideas and lefttheir own acco un ts. There is an exte nsive bibliography devoted tothe Gurdjieff-Ouspe nsky traditi on.A Gurdjieff foun dati on exists which claims anauthority based o

15、n a line of successi on directly throughMr Gurdjieff. The foun dati on preserves Gurdjieffs musicand movements and continues its own work with the Enneagramfigure.The enn eagram as a structured process was studied byJoh n G. Benn ett and his associates. Benn ett showed how itapplied to someth ing as

16、 mundan eas a restaura ntas well asto something as spiritual as the Beatitudes. It is curre ntly being usedto explicate the idea ofself-orga ni zati on in man ageme nt.The Enn eagram of Pers on ality is derived from(established in U.S. Court 970 F.2d 1067, 1075. 2nd Circuit, 1992)partial un dersta n

17、dings of the in sights of OscarIchazo., the Bolivia n-bor n foun der of theArica School(established in 1968). No evide nee has appeared before Ichazosofferings for using the Enneagram figure with concepts such as egofixationsor personalitytypes orin deed in any way where each point is described in a

18、 way that can be5 / 21viewed as a typology. All historical docume ntati on of this kind of termino logy appears only after Ichazos orig inal teach in gs.Ichazo claims that sometime in the 1950s he receivedin sight into how certa in mecha ni stic and repetitive thought andbehavior patter ns can be un

19、 derstood in connection with theEnneagram figure and with what he called Trialectic logic as part of acomplete and in tegrated model of the huma n psyche. The purpose ofIchazos teach ings was to help people tran sce nd their iden tificati onwith - and the sufferi ng caused by - their own mecha ni st

20、ic thoughtand behavior patter ns.The theory was founded upon the basic premise that all life seeksto continue and perpetuate itself and the human psyche must followthe same commorlaws of reality as such. From this, Ichazo definedthree basic human instinets forsurvival(Con servati on,Relati ons and A

21、daptati on)and twopoles of attractio n to self-perpetuati on (Sexual andSpiritual). With a baseline of a psyche in a state of unity as aprototypical model, the Fixations were defined as aberrati ons from thisbaseli ne, much as the DSM is an observatio nally based tool for recognizing pers on ality d

22、isorders .In fact, Ichazo has related the Fixatio nswith the DSM Diag nostic and Statistical Ma nual of Men tal Disorderscategories to show that Fixati ons are the precursor to men tal ill ness.Each Fixati on is diag no sed from the particular experie nee ofpsychological trauma a child suffers when

23、the childs expectations are6 / 21not met in each respective In sti net. Since a child is completely self-centered in its expectati on s, it is in evitable that the child will experiencedisappointment of expectation viewed by the child as a matter of one ofthe three fun dame ntal attitudes (attracted

24、, un attracted or dis interested are the only possible attitudes), and thus experie nce traumaand beg in to form mecha ni stic thought and behavior patter ns in anattempt to protect itself from experie ncing a recurre nce of the trauma.This basic, irrefutable un dersta nding of threefun dame ntal In

25、 sti nets and three possible attitudes alongwith the understanding that a humanbeing can be in a stateof un ity, an alyzed with Trialectic logic forms a solidfoundation upon which the theory of Fixations is based. As such, thetheory of ego Fixati ons has a particularfoundation which can be tested. T

26、he idea of PersonalityTypes is an inventionof intuitionwithout any particularfoundation beyond the theory of ego Fixations, and as such can be interpreted to mean whatever any of the Enn eagram of Pers on alityprop onents chooses it to mean whe never theychoose to so interpret it. Thus we understand

27、 why there is no specific,solid agreeme nt among the various prop onents of Pers on ality assometh ing objective and anything more than a propositi on toobfuscate huma n sufferi ng.By un dersta nding on es Fixatio ns and through selfobservation,the hold on the mind, and suffering caused by7 / 21the

28、Fixatio ns, is reduced and eve n tran sce nded. There was never anintention or purpose in Ichazos originalwork touse this kno wledge to rei nforce or man ipulate what is esse ntially asource of huma n sufferi ng. Therefore almost all later in terpretatio nsof the Enn eagram of Pers on ality are view

29、ed by Ichazo as unfoun dedand therefore misguided and psychologically harmful as well asspiritually harmful (in the sense of coming to see on es process assuch) in light of his orig inal inten ti ons. In other words, theEnn eagram Moveme nt can be con sidered, i n most cases, to actuallybe promoting

30、 the strengthening of the basis for the personalitydisorders we find expositions of in the DSM.From the 1970s Ichazos partial and misun derstoodEnneagram teachings were adapted and developed by a number ofothers, first by the Chilean-bornpsychiatrist, ClaudioNaranjo , who was a member of a training

31、program in Arica, Chile withIchazo for some mon ths in 1969. Naranjo taught his un dersta nding ofthe Enn eagram of Pers on ality to a nu mber of his America n stude nts,i nclud ing some Jesuit priests who the n taught it to sem in aria ns.It is believed by Enn eagram theorists that the pointsof the

32、 Enneagram figure indicatea number of ways in whichnine prin cipal ego-archetypal forms or types of huma n pers on ality(also ofte n called Enn eatypes) are psychologically conn ected.These nine types are ofte n given names that indicate some of theirmore distinctively typical characteristics. Such

33、n ames are in sufficie nt8 / 21to capture the complexities and nuan ces of the types which requirestudy and observati on to un dersta nd in depth.Some brief descripti ons of the Enn eatypes are asfollows:OneReformer, Critic, Perfectionist- This typefocuses on in tegrity. Ones can be wise, discer nin

34、g andin spiri ng in their quest for the truth. They also tend todissociate themselves from their flaws or what they believe are flaws(such as n egative emoti ons) and can become hypocritical andhyper-critical of others, seeking the illusion of virtue to hide their ownvices. The Ones greatest fear is

35、 to be flawed and their ultimate goal isperfecti on. The corresp onding deadly sin Ones isAngerand their holy idea or esse nee isHoly Perfection. Un der stressOnes express qualities of Fours and whe n relaxed qualities of Sevens.TwoHelper, Giver, Caretaker- Twos, at their best, are compassion ate, t

36、houghtful and ast onishin glygen erous;they can also be pro ne to passive-aggressive behavior, cli ngin essand man ipulati on. Twos want, above all, to be loved and n eeded andfear being un worthy of love. The corresponding deadly sin of Twos isPrideand their holy idea or esse nee isHoly Will. Un de

37、r stressTwos express qualities of Eights and whe n relaxed qualities of Fours.Three:Achiever, Performer, Succeeder- Highly adaptable andcha ngeable. Some walk the world with con fide nce and un sti nti ng9 / 21authe nticity; others wear a series of public masks, acting the way theythink will bring them approval and los ing track of their true self. Threesare motivated by the n eed to succeed and to be see n assuccessful. The corresp onding deadly sin of T


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