1、2021 年英語專業(yè)四級模擬試題PART m CLOZE (15 MIN)32、根據(jù)以下資料,32-51 回答:Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted it, the corresponding blanks Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet TwoAlthough most people return from package holidays reasonably atisfied, this
2、is not always the 31 Take, forinstance, the nightmare experience of a Frenchman who went on 32 to Cololnbia The hotel in the small Caribbean port was overbooked The holidaymaker was 33 round the streets, looking for a(n) 34 and breakfast place, when he was arrested for vagrancy He was 35 where he to
3、ld the magistrate that it was the hotel's 36 The magistrate was the hotel-owner'sbrother, and he charged the Tourist 37 making false accusation and sent him to prison for eight days By the timeof his 38 , hit return flight had left He had insufficientfunds to buy a return ticket, 39 he went
4、to the Post Office to end a telegraph to his home in Montpellier, asking for money He was 40 before he could send it ,This time he was charged with illegal 41 It was explained that, havingmissed his return 42 he could no longer be classified as a tourist He now needed a work 43 , he didn't have
5、one He wasfined $500 for this 44, and a further $ 500 when he again blamed the hotel for overbooking His 45 was cont seated because e couldn't pay the fines He hitch hiked to Bogota 46 the consulate finally arranged to send him homeAll things 47 , I would prefer to plan my holidayindependently 4
6、8 my view, it's safer to “ do it yourself And the advantages of planning your holiday yourself are49 If it is well-planned, an independentholiday canusually be good 50 for money 請在第 (31) 處選擇準確答案 A occurrenceB situationC stateD case33、請在第(32) 處選擇準確答案A packageB holidayC festivalD celebration34、請在第
7、(33) 處選擇準確答案A strollingB saunteringC wanderingD patrolling35、請在第(34) 處選擇準確答案A accommodationB hotelC bedD lodging36、請在第 (35) 處選擇準確答案A taken to courtB brought to the police stationC taken to the reform schoolD sent to prison37、請在第 (36) 處選擇準確答案A faultB blameC dutyD responsibility38、請在第 (37) 處選擇準確答案A wi
8、thB ofC forD to39、請在第 (38) 處選擇準確答案A freedomB dischargeC releaseD liberty40請在第(39) 處選擇準確答案A andB thoughC butD so41請在第 (40) 處選擇準確答案A finedB rearrestedC arrestedD punished42請在第(41) 處選擇準確答案A citizenshipB naturalizationC migrationD immigration43請在第(42) 處選擇準確答案A tripB ticketC flightD journey44請在第 (43) 處選擇
9、準確答案A permitB allowanceC permissionD license45請在第 (44) 處選擇準確答案A crimeB offenceC faultD error46請在第 (45) 處選擇準確答案A luggageB belongingC thingD money47請在第 (46) 處選擇準確答案A whenB afterC whereD while48、請在第 (47) 處選擇準確答案A consideredB includedC thoughtD known49、請在第 (48) 處選擇準確答案A ToB InC ByD With50、請在第 (49) 處選擇準確
10、答案A considerableB thinkableC considerateD imaginable51、請在第 (50) 處選擇準確答案A bargainB buyC saleD valuePART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN)52、 When I try to understand that prevents somany Americans from being as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes A what it doesB what it isC
11、why it doesD why it is53、 can be seen from the comparison of thesefigures, the principle involves the active participation of the patient in the modification of his conditionA AsB WhatC ThatD It54、 I am sure he is up to the job _ he would give his mind to it A if onlyB in caseC untilD unless55、 We t
12、old you that he would come tonight,A didn't weC would heD wouldn't he56、 The Social Security Retirement Program is made up of two mast founds, could go penniless by next year A the larger oneB the largest oneC the larger of whichD the largest of which57、 It's reported that by the end of
13、the month the output of cement in the factory about 10%A will have risenB has risenC will be risingD has been rising58、 George wasn't in class today Professor Brown excused him _A of attendingB from attendingC to attendD attending59、 It is said that with more forests _ huge quantities of good ea
14、rth are being washed away A being destroyedB destroyedC destroyingD to destroy60、 A safety analysisthe target as a potentialdanger Unfortunately, it was never done A would identifyB will identifyC would have identifiedD will have identified61、 Jean doesn't want to work fight away because she thi
15、nks that if she _ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often A has to getB had gotC were to getD could have got62、 John D Rockefeller owned 90 percent of allAm, dean oil refineries A as still a young manB while still a young manC a young man howeverD in spite of a young ma
16、n63、 This law the number of accidents caused bychildren running across she road when they get off the busA intending to reduceB is intended to reduceC in ended reducingD intends reducing64、 about the bookkeeper's honesty, the companyasked him to resign A There be some questionsB There are some q
17、uestionsC There have been some questionsD there being some questions65、 He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more thanA he was in good healthB was good for his healthC his good health wasD his health was good66、 He claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in actual fact he is quite igno
18、rant on the subject he knowsabout it is out of date and inaccurateA What littleB So muchC How muchD So little67、 Though rich, he was better off than at anyother period in his life A by any meansB by some meansC by all meansD by no means68、 When any non-human organ is transplanted into a persor the b
19、ody immed ately recognizes it as A novelB remoteC distantD foreign69、 When travelling, you are advised to take travelers checks, which provide a secure to carrying yourmoney in cash A substituteB selectionC preferenceD alternative70、 He always did well at school _ having to do parttime jobs every no
20、w and then A in spite ofB regardless ofC on account ofD in case of71、 Ms Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be _ with everyone who comes to the storeA acceptedB admittedC admiredD acquainted72、 The government has provided the capital library with heavyto keep it one of
21、 the largest in the worldA subscriptionsB tipsC subsidiesD bonuses73、 I didn't say anything like that at all You arepurposelymy ideas to prove your pointA revisingB contradictingC distortingD distracting74、 Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas thatdisease resis
22、tance inneighboring plants A contractsB activatesC maintainsD prescribe75、 Fuel scarcities and price increases _ automobile designers to shale down the largest models and to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucksA persuadedB promptedC imposedD enlightened76、 He spoke so that even his
23、opponents were wonover by his arguments A bluntlyB determinedlyC emphaticallyD convincingly77、 The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of allIndians but seems to bethe welfareof his animals A critical aboutB indignant atC indifferent toD subject to78、 Dozens of scientific grou
24、ps all over the world have beenthe goal of a practical and economic way to usesunlight to split water molecules A pursuingB chasingC reachingD winning79、 She gave directions about the way the rugshE aid be cleaned A explicitB briskC transientD opaque80、 It is up to the Government to tackle the air p
25、ollution problem and measures in line with thecouncil's suggestions A set aboutB work outC fill upD bring over81、 France's of nuclear testing in the SouthPacific last month triggered political debates and mass demonstrations A assumptionB consumptionC presumptionD resumptionPART V READING CO
26、MPREHENSION (25 MIN)82、根據(jù)以下資料,回答82-101 題:What accounts for the great outburst of major inventions in early America-breakthroughs such as the telegraph, the steamboat and the weaving machine?Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country's excellent elementary schools; a labor for
27、ce that welcomed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors; and above all the American genius for nonverbal, "spatial" thinking about things technologicalWhy mention the elementary schools? Because thanks to these schools our early mechanics, specially in the New Eng
28、land and Middle Atlantic states, were generally literateand at horn, in arithmetic and in some aspects of geometry and trigonometry Acute foreign observers related American adaptiveness and inventiveness to this educational advantage As a member of a British commission visiting here in 1853 reported
29、, "With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline, the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman "A further stimulus to invention came from the "premium" system, which preceded our patent system and for years ran parallel with it This approach, originated abroad,
30、 offered inventors medals, cash prizes and other incentives In theUnited States, multitudes of premiums for new devices were awarded at country fairs and at the industrial fairs in major cities Americans flocked to these fairs to admire the new machines and thus to renew their faith in the beneficen
31、ce of technological advance Given this optimistic approach to technological innovation, American workers took readily to that special kind of nonverbal thinking required in mechanical technology As Eugene Ferguson has pointed out, "A technologist thinks about objects that cannot be reduced to u
32、nambiguous verbal descriptions; they are dealt with in his mind by a visual, nonverbal process The designer and the inventor are able to assemble and manipulate in their minds devices that as yet do not exist "This nonverbal "spatial" thinking can be just as creative as painting and w
33、riting Robert Fulton once wrote, "The mechanic should sit down among levers, screws, wedges, wheels, etc like a poet among the letters of the alphabet,considering them as an exhibition of his thoughts, in which a new arrangement transmits a new idea "When all these shaping forces-schools,
34、open attitudes, the premium system, a genius for spatial thinking-interacted with one another on the rich U S mainland, they produced that American characteristic, emulation Today that word implies mere imitation But in earlier times it meant a friendly but competitive striving for fame and excellen
35、ceAccording to the author, the great outburst of major inventions in early America was in a large part due toA a special way of thinking8 enthusiastic workersC the attractive premium systemD elementary school83、 Which of the following statements about early American mechanics is TRUE?A They had rece
36、ived privileged home training B They contributed to disciplined school managementC They are the result of technological developmentD They benefited a lot from their mathematical knowledge84、 According to the passage, the premium system _A was an American inventionB appeared before the patent systemC
37、 is as important as the patent systemD is supported by the federal government85、 A technologist can be compared to an artist because they both A use various instrumentsB abandon verbal descriptionC arc experts in special thinkingD are winners of awards86、 The best title for this passage might beA In
38、ventive MindB Effective SchoolingC Ways of ThinkingD Technological Advance87、根據(jù)以下資料,回答87-106 題:If winning is everything, British anthropologists have some advice : Wear red Their survey of four sports at the2004 Olympic Games in Athens shows competitors were more likely to win their contests if they
39、 wore red uniforms or red body armor "Across a range of sports, we find that wearing red is consistently associated with a higher probability of winning," report Russell A Hill and Robert A Barton of the University of Durham in England Their findings are in Thursday's issue of the jour
40、nal Nature Red coloration is associated with aggression in many animals Often it is sexually selected so that scarlet markings signal male dominance Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species But red is not exclusively a male trait It
41、'sthe female black widow spider that is venomous sand displays a menacing red dot on her abdomen Similarly, the color's effect also may subconsciously intimidate opponents in athletic contests, especially when the athletes are equal in skill and strength, the researchers suggest In their sur
42、vey, the anthropologists analyzed the results of four combat sports at the summer games : boxing, tae kwon do, Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling In those events, the athletes were randomly assigned red protective gear and other sportswear Athletes wearing red gear won more often in 16 of
43、 21 rounds of competition in all four events The effect was the same regardless of weight classes, too : 19 of 29 classes had more red winners, and only four rounds had more blue winners,The red effect also might come into play in team sports The anthropologists made a preliminary analysis of the Eu
44、ro 2004 international soccer tournament, in which teams wore jerseys of different colors in different matches Theyfound that five teams scored more goals and won more often when they wore shirts that were predominantly red, as opposed to blue or white jerseys Scientists don't precisely know how
45、wearing red might give athletes an advantage But the color delivers implicit messages of vigor and danger When people get angry, theirfaces turn red It's also a reason why stop signs are red Soare most Ferraris Red color is associated with all of the followingEXCEPT _A controlling power of male
46、Mandrills8、 greater chances of winning in sportsC menacing characteristics of female back widow spidersD higher speed of automobiles88、 The word "intimidate" in Paragraph 3 is similar in meaning to A threatenB imitateC distractD confuse89、 Which of the following statements about red effect
47、 in sports is TRUE?A It works for athletic contest only8 It varies from different weight classesC It exists in team sports D It is not so obvious in other sports as in soccer90、 Scientists are sure that the color redA encourages athletes to win8 is a signal of vigorC is superior to the color blueD d
48、elivers messages, f mental advantage91、根據(jù)以下資料,回答91-110 題:When Gina Garro and Brian Duplisea adopted 4-month-old Andres from Colombia last month (they also have a 6-year-old daughter), they were determined to take time off from work to care for him Though Garro's $40,000salary will cover their mo
49、rtgage, the couple will have to freeze their retirement accounts, and pray that nothing goes wrong with the car "Ittakes away from you your cushion and your security," says Garro "Things will be tight "The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act was supposed to help families like Garro
50、's, offering a safety net to employees who want to take time off to nurture newborns, tend to their own major illnesses or care for sick relatives But while the law guarantees that workers won't lose their jobs, it doesn't cover their paychecks One surveylast year showed that while 24 mi
51、llion Americans had taken leaves since 1999, 2 7 million more wanted to, but couldn'tafford it That may change soon In response to increasing demand from voters, at least 25 states are now exploring new ways to offer paid leave One possibility : tapping state disability funds A handful of states
52、-New York, New Jersey, California, Rhode Island and Hawaii-already dip into disability money to offer partial pay for women on maternity leave But that doesn't help dads or people caring for elderly parents New Jersey and New York may soon expanddisability programs to cover leave for fathers and
53、 other caretakers Thirteen states, including Arizona, Illinois and Florida, have proposed using unemployment fund to pay for leave Massachusetts has been especially creative When the state's acting governor, Jane Swift, gave birth to twin daughters in May, she drew attention to the issue with he
54、r own "working maternity leave" : she telecommuted part-time but earned her usual full-time salary Even before Swift returned to work last week, the state Senate unanimously passed a pilot plan that would use surplus funds from a health -insurance program for the unemployed to give new par
55、ents 12 weeks off at half pay Another plan, proposed in the House, would require employers to kick in $20 per worker to set up a "New Families Trust Fund " Businesses would get tax credits in return This week Swift is expected to announce her own paid-leave plan for lower-income mothers an
56、d fathers Polls show widespread public support-another reason Swift and other politicians across the, country have embraced the issue Still, not everyone's wild about the idea People withoutchildren question wh y new parents-the first group to get paid leave under many of the proposed plans-should get more government perks than they do Business groups are resistant to proposals that would raid unemployment funds; several have; already filed suit to block them As the economy slows, many companies
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