1、國際銷售獨家代理合同協(xié)議(中英文對照)EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENT本協(xié)議系于 年 月日,由當(dāng)事人一方 A、B、C 公司按中國法律組建并存在的公司,其主營業(yè)地在 ( 以下簡稱賣方 )與他方當(dāng)事人X、Y、Z公司,按國法律組建并存在的公司,其主營業(yè)地在 (以下簡稱代理商 ) 所簽訂。This Agreement is made and entered into this day of ,19 - by and between A? B? C?Co.Ltd. a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of
2、Peoples Republic of China.with it s principal place of business at (hereinafter called Seller) and X.Y.Z.Co.Ltd. a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of ,with its principal of business at (hereinaftercalled Agent).雙方一致同意約建如下:Whereby it is mutual agreed as follows:第一條委任與接受Article
3、1 ? Appointment在本協(xié)議有效期內(nèi),賣方指訖代理商為本協(xié)議第四條項下商品的獨家代理商,在第三條所規(guī)定的區(qū)域內(nèi)招攬顧客的訂單。代理商同意并接受上述委任。During the effective period of this Agreement. Seller hereby appoints Agent as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for products stipulated in Article 4 from customers in the territory stipulated in Art icle 3 and Agen
4、t accepts and assumes such appointment.第二條代理商的義務(wù)Article 2. Agents Duty代理商應(yīng)嚴(yán)格遵守賣方隨時給予的任何指令,而且不得代表賣方作出任何擔(dān)保、承諾以及訂 立 契約、合同或作其他對賣方有約朿力的行為。對于代理商違反賣方指令或超出指令范囤所 用的 一切作為或不作為,賣方都將不承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任。Agent shall strictly conform with any and all instructions given by Seller to Agent from time to ti me and shall not make a
5、ny mise,contract,agreement or do any other act binding Seller. Seller shall not be held responsible for any acts or failures to act by Agent in exces s of or comrary to such第三條代理區(qū)域Article 3. Territory本協(xié)議所指的代理區(qū)域是: ( 以下簡稱區(qū)域 )。The territory covered under this Agreement shall
6、be expressly confined to(hereinafter calledTerritory)第四條代理商品Article 4. Products本協(xié)議所指的代理商品是 ( 以下簡稱商品 ) 。The products covered under this Agreement shall be eXpressly conned to (hereinafter calledproducts) 第五條獨家代理權(quán)Article 5. Exclusive Right基于本協(xié)議授予的獨家代理權(quán), 賣方不得在代理區(qū)域內(nèi), 直接地或間接地, 通過英他渠道銷 售、 出口代理商品。代理商也不得在代理
7、區(qū)域內(nèi)經(jīng)銷、分銷、或促銷與代理商品相似或有競 爭性的 商品,也不能招攬或接受到區(qū)域外銷售為目的訂單。在本協(xié)議有效期內(nèi),對來自于區(qū)域內(nèi)其他顧客有關(guān)代理商品的訂單、詢價,賣方都應(yīng)將其轉(zhuǎn)交給代理商。In consideration of the exclusive right herein granted. Seller shall not,directly of indirectly,sell of e xport products to Territory through other channel than Agent and Agent shall not sell、 distribute
8、or promote the sale of any products competitive with of similar to Products in Territory and shall not solicit or accept orders for the propose of selling Products outside Territory. Seller shall refer to Ag ent any inquiry or order for products Seller may receive from others in Territory during the
9、 effecti ve period of this Agreement.第六條最低代理額和價格Article 6. Mininnim Transaction and Price在本協(xié)議有效期內(nèi),如果賣方通過代理商每所 (12個月 )從顧客處收到的貨款總金額低于,則賣方有權(quán)提前 30 天書而通知代理商解除本協(xié)議。賣方應(yīng)經(jīng)常向代理商提供最低的價格表以及商品可以成交的條款、條件。In the event that during one year (12 months) during the effective period of this Agrcement,aggreg ate payment
10、received by Seller from customers on orders obtained by Agent under this Agreement amounts to less than , Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agreement amounts to lessthan .Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days writt en notice to Agent. The sell
11、er shall from time to time furnish the Agent with a statement of the minimum prices and th e terms and conditions of sales at which the goods are respectively to be sold?第七條訂單的處理.Article 7. orders 在招攬訂單時,代理商應(yīng)將賣方成交的條件、合同的一般條款充分通知顧客. 也應(yīng)告知顧客 任何合同的訂立都須經(jīng)賣方的確認(rèn)。代理商應(yīng)將其收到的訂單立即轉(zhuǎn)交給賣方,以供賣方選 擇是否 接受訂單。賣方有權(quán)利拒絕履行或接
12、受代理商所獲得的訂單或訂單的一部分,而代理商對于被拒絕的訂單或其中的一部分,無任何傭金請求權(quán)。In soliciting orders ,Agent shall adequately advise customers of the general terms and conditions o f Sellers sales note or contract note and of any contract being subject to the confirmation of accept ance by Seller.Agent shall immediately dispatch any
13、 order received to Seller for its acceptance or r ejection. The seller shall have the right to refuse to execute or accept any such orders or any part thereof an d the Agent shall not be entitled to any commission in respect of any such rejected order or part th ereof refused. 第八條費用分擔(dān)Article 8. Expe
14、nses除另有約定外,所有的費用和支出,如電訊費、差旅費以及英他有關(guān)商品銷售的費用,都應(yīng)由代理商承擔(dān)。除此以外,代理商還應(yīng)承擔(dān)維持英辦公處所、銷售人員以及用于執(zhí)行賣方中有關(guān)代理商的義務(wù)而發(fā)生的費用。All Expenses and disbursements such as ing and other expenses incurred in connect! on with the sale of products shall be for the account of Agents. unless especially an anged.Further Agen
15、t shall, at this own expensesjnaintain office(s), salesmen and others sufficient for the perfor mance of the obligation of Agent in conformity with any and all instnictions given by Seller.第九條傭金Article 9. Commission賣方接受代理商直接獲得的所有訂單后,就應(yīng)按商品凈銷售額的百分之 , 以 (貨幣) 支付給代理商傭金。傭金只有在賣方收到顧客的全部貨款后,每6 個月支付一次,以匯 付方式支
16、付。Seller shall pay to Agent commission in currency at the rate of % of the net invoicedselling price of products on all order directly obtained by Agent accepted by Seller. Such commiss ion shall be payable every six months only after Seller receives the full amount of all payments du e to Seller. P
17、ayments of such commission shall be made to Agent by way of remittance?第十條商情報告Article lO.Information and Report賣方和代理商都應(yīng)按季度或按對方要求提供有關(guān)市場信息的報告,以盡可能促進(jìn)商品的銷 售。 代理商應(yīng)向賣方報告商品的庫存情況、市場狀況及其他商業(yè)活動。Both Seller and Agent shall quarterly and/or on the request of either party furnish information and market report eac
18、h other to promote the sale of products as much as possible.Agent shall give Sell er shall furnish with or without charge to Agent reasonable quantity of advertising literatures catal ogsjeaflets,and the like as Agent may reasonably require.第十一條商品的推銷Article 11. Sales Promotion在代理區(qū)威內(nèi),代理商應(yīng)積極地充分地進(jìn)行廣告宣傳
19、以促進(jìn)商品的銷售。賣方應(yīng)向代理商提 供一泄數(shù)量的廣告印刷品、商品樣本、小冊子以及代理商合理要求的其他材料。Agent shall diligently and adequately advertise and promote the sale of Products throughout Territ ory.Seller shall furnish with or without charge to Agent reasonable quantity of advertising literatur es Catalogsjeaflets.and the like as Agent may
20、reasonably require?第十二條工業(yè)權(quán)保護(hù)Article 12 .Industrial Property Rights在本協(xié)議有效期內(nèi),代理商可使用賣方的商標(biāo),但僅限于代理商品的銷售。如果在本協(xié)議終止后,代理商地銷售庫存代理商品時,仍可使用賣方的商標(biāo)。代理商也承認(rèn)使用于或包含于代理商品中的任何專利、商標(biāo)、版權(quán)以及其他工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán),都屬于賣方所有,并且不得以任何方式提出異議。一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)浸權(quán),代理商應(yīng)及時通知賣方并協(xié)助賣方采取措施保護(hù)賣方產(chǎn)權(quán)利 益。 Agent may use the trade ? mark(s) of Seller during the effective perio
21、d of this Agreement onlyin connection with the sale of Products. provided that even after the termination of this Agreement Ag ent may use the trade - mark(s) connection with the sale of Products held by it in stock at the time of termination? Agent shall also acknowledge that any and all patents, t
22、rade? marks, copyright and other industrial property rights used or embodied in Products shall remain to be sole properties of Seller and shall not dispute them in any way. If any infringement being found ? Agent shall promptl y notify seller and assist seller to take steps to protect its right.第十三條
23、協(xié)議期限Article 13. duration本協(xié)議經(jīng)雙方簽字生效。在本協(xié)議終止前至少 3 個月,賣方或代理商應(yīng)共同協(xié)商協(xié)議的續(xù)延。 如 果雙方一致同意續(xù)延,在上述規(guī)泄的條款、條件下,附上補(bǔ)充文件,本協(xié)議將繼續(xù)有效另 夕卜 年。發(fā)生續(xù)延,本協(xié)議將于 年 月 日終止。This Agreement shall enter into force on the signing of both parties. At least three(3) months befor e the Expiration of the term? both Seller and Agent shall consult
24、 each other for renewal of this? Ag reement. If the renewal of this Agreement is agreed upon by both parties,this - Agreement shall be renewed for another year(s) period under the terms and conditions herein set forth,withamendments, if agreed upon by both parties. Unless this Agreement shall Expire
25、 on .第十四條協(xié)議的中止Article 14. Termination在本協(xié)議有效期內(nèi),任何一方當(dāng)事人不履行合同或違反本協(xié)議的條款,如第五、六、十一條 , 雙 方當(dāng)事人座爭取及時解決爭議的問題以期雙方滿意。如果在違約方接到書而通知后 3 日內(nèi) 問題 仍不能解決,非違約方將有權(quán)中止本協(xié)議,由此造成的損失、無力償付債務(wù)、淸算、死亡以及被第三人兼并,另一方當(dāng)事人可提岀中止本協(xié)議,而無需書而通知對方。In case there is any nonperformance and/or violation of the terms and conditions including Article 5
26、611 under this Agreement by either party during the effective period of this agreementjhe partie s hereto shall do their best to settle the matter in question as prompt and amicable as possible to m utual satisfaction.Unless settlement should be reacher within thirty (30) days after notification in
27、writing of the other party,such other party shall have the right to cancel this Agreement and the los s and damages sustained thereby shall be indemnified by the party responsible for the nonperform ance and/or violation. Further in case of bankruptcy or insolvency or liquidation or death and/or re
28、organization by the third party of the other party ,either party may forth with terminate this Agree ment without any notice to the other party.第十五條不可抗力Article 15. Force Majeure任何一方對由于下列原因而導(dǎo)致不能或暫時不能履行全部或部分協(xié)議義務(wù)的,不負(fù)責(zé)任: 自然 災(zāi)害、政府采購或禁令以及其他任何雙方在簽約時不能預(yù)料、無法控制且不能避免和克服的事件。但受不可抗力影響的一方,應(yīng)盡快地將發(fā)生的事件通知對方,并附上證明材料。 E
29、ither party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of the due t o Acts of God. Government orders or restriction or any other events which could not be predicted at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement and could not be controlled.avoided or overcome b y t
30、he parties.However, the party effected by the Event of Force Majeure shall inform the other part y of its occurrence in Written as soon as possible?第十六條準(zhǔn)據(jù)法Article 16. Trade Terms and Governing Law本協(xié)議有關(guān)貿(mào)易條款應(yīng)按 INCOTERM90 解釋。本協(xié)議的有效性、組成以及履行受中華人民 共和 國法律管轄。The trade terms under this Agreement shall be governed and interpreted under the provisions of 19 90 Incoterms and this Agreement shall be
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