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1、RETAILINGOverviewIndia is witnessing an unprecedented consumption boom. The economy is growing between 7 and 9 percent and the resulting improvements in income dynamics along with factors like favourable patterns are driving the consumption demand.demographics and spendingIndian Retail Industry isra

2、nked among the tenworld. The attitudinal shift of the Indianlargest retail marketsin theconsumer in terms of ChoicePreference, Value for Money and the emergence of organised retail formats have transformed the face of Retailing in India. The Indian retail industry is currently estimated to be a US$

3、200 billion industry and organised Retailing comprises of 3 per cent (or) US$6.4 Billion of the retail industry. With a growth over 20 percent per annum over the last 5 years, organised retailing is projected to reach US$ 23 Billion by 2010.The Indian retail industry though predominantly fragmented

4、through the owner -run Mom and Pop outlets has been witnessing the medium sized Indian Retail chains, namely Pantaloon Shoppers Stop, Westside (Tata Group) and Lifestyle International.emergence of a few Retail, RPG Retail,Given the attractiveness of the Indian retail sector, Wal-Mart, Carrefour SA,

5、Europes largest retailer and Tesco Plc, the UKs largest retailer, were keen to enter this growing market, despite the Indian retail sector being closed to foreign direct investment (FDI). In February 2006, the Indian Government had announced its decision to allow FDI of upto 51% brand retailing. Wal

6、-Mart had said that India was high on its priority and that it was closely monitoring the Governments policy on FDI in the retail sector.foreign retailers likein singleIn the last few years, Indians have gone through a dramatic transformation in lifestyle by moving from traditional spending on food,

7、 groceries and clothing to lifestyle categories that deliver better quality and taste. Modern satisfies rising demand for such goods and services with many players entering the bandwagon in an attempt to tap greater opportunities.retailingAccording to the Global Retail Development Index (GRDI) manag

8、ement consulting firm A.T. Kearney, India has retained position in the annual study of retail investment attractiveness emerging markets.2006itsby the topmost among 30retail-specificThe index is based on more than 25 macro-economic and variables. For instance, the country risk includes parameters li

9、ke political risk, economic performance, debt indicators, credit ratings, access bank finance and bus in ess risk. The market attractive ness covers retail sales per cap ita, urba npopu lati on,laws and regulati onsand bus in essefficie ncy. Similarly, marketsaturati on cap tures share of moder n re

10、tail ing, nu mber of intern ati onal retailersetc. and time p ressure has bee n calculated as the sum of CAGR (2000- 2005) ofthe retail sales and the retail sales area weighted by the CAGR of the GDP betwee n 2000-05. The study quotes: The In dia n retail market is gradually butsurely opening up, wh

11、ile Chin as market becomes in creas in gly saturated. Similarly, Asia has dislodged Eastern Europe as the most attractive regi on.The Growth DriversThe In dia n Retail growth can be attributed to the several factors in clud ingDemogra phy Dyn amics: App roximately 60 per cent of In dia n popu lati o

12、n below 30 years of age.DoubleIn comes:In creas ingin sta ncesof Double In comes in mostfamilies coup led with the rise in spending po wer.Plastic Revoluti on: In creas ing use of credit cards for categories relat ingto App arel, Con sumer Durable Goods, Food and Grocery etc.Urba ni sati on: in crea

13、sed urba ni sati on has led to higher customer den sity areas thus en abli ng retailers to use lesser nu mber of stores to target the same nu mber of customers. Aggregati on of dema nd that occurs due to urba ni zatio n helps a retailer in reaping the econo mies of scale.Coveri ngdista nceshas becom

14、e easier: within creasedautomobilepen etrati on and an overallimp roveme ntin thetransp ortati onin frastructure, coveri ng dista nces has become easier tha n before. Now a customer can travel miles to reach a p articular shop, if he or she sees value in shopping from a p articular locati on.Tech no

15、 logy in RetailOver the years as the con sumer dema nd in creased and the retailers geared upto meet this in crease, tech no logy evolved rapi dly to support this growth. Thehardware and software tools that have now become almost esse ntial for retaili ng can be into 3 broad categories.Customer In t

16、erfac ing Systems Bar Codi ng and ScannersPoint of sale systems use sca nners and bar codi ng to ide ntify an item, use p re-stored data to calculate the cost and gen erate the total bill for a clie nt. Tunnel Scanning is a new concept where the con sumer pu shes the full shopping cart through an el

17、ectro nic gate to the point of sale. In amatter of sec on ds, the items in the cart are hit with laser beams and sca nn ed. All that the con sumer has to do is to pay for the goods. P ayme ntPayment through credit cards has become quite widespread en ables a fast and easy p ayme nt pro cess. Electr

18、onic cheque conversion, a rece nt devel opment in this area, pro cesses a cheque electr on ically by tran smitt ing tran sact ion in formatio n to the retailer and con sumers bank. Rather tha n manu ally p rocess a cheque, the retailer voids it and hands it back to the con sumer along with a receipt

19、, havi ng digitally cap tured and stored the image of the cheque, which makes the p rocess very fast. InternetInternet is also rapi dly evolvi ng as a customer in terface, removi ng the n eed of a con sumer p hysically visit ing the store.Op erati on Support SystemsERP SystemVarious ERP ven dors hav

20、e deve loped retail-s pecific systems which help in in tegrati ng all the functions from warehous ing to distributio n, front and back office store systems and mercha ndis ing. An in tegrated supply cha in helps the retailer in maintaining his stocks, gett ing his supp lies on time, preven ti ng sto

21、ck-outs and thus reduci ng his costs, while servici ng the customer better.CRM SystemsThe rise of loyalty p rograms, mail order and the Internet has p rovided retailers with real access to con sumer data. Data warehous ing & mining tech no logies offers retailers the tools they n eed to make sense o

22、f their con sumerdata and apply it to bus in ess. This, along with theavailable CRM (CustomerRelationshipManagement)Systems,the retailers to study the pu rchase behavior of con sumers in detail and grow the value of in dividual con sumers to their bus in esses.and thisvariousallowsAPS systems can p

23、rovide imp roved con trol across the supply cha in, all the way from raw material suppliers right through to the retail These APS p ackagescompi eme ntexisti ng (butoftenlimited)packages. They enable consolidation of activitiessuch as longshelf.ERPtermAdvanced P lanning and Scheduling Systemsbudget

24、ing,mon thlyforecast ing,weekly factory scheduli ng anddistributi on scheduli ng into one overall planning p rocess using a sin gle set of data.dailyLeadi ng manu factures,distributors and retailers and con sideri ngpackages such as those from i2, Manugistics, Bann, MerciaLincs Stirl in g-Douglas.AP

25、SandStrategic Decisi on Support Systems* Store Site Locati onDemogra phics and buying p atter ns of reside nts of an area can be used to compare various po ssible sites for opening new stores. Today, software p ackages are helping retailers not only in their locati onal decisi ons but in decisi ons

26、regard ing store siz ing and floor-s paces as well. Visual Mercha ndis ingThe decisi on on how to p lace & stack items in a store is no more take n on the gut feel of the storemanager.A largernumberofmercha ndis ing tools are available to him to evaluate the impact of his stackingoptions. The SPACEM

27、ANStore Suit from AC NeilsenModaCADare exampleof productshelping in modelinga retaildesig n.visualandstoreIn vestme nt Opportun itiesPote ntial For In vestme nt: The total estimated In vestme nt Opportun ity in the retail sector is around US$ 5-6 Billio n in the Next five years.Pune,Locati on: with

28、moder n retail formats hav ing made their foray into the top citiesn amelyHyderabad, Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Mumbai,Chenn ai, Ban galore, Delhi, Nagpur there exists treme ndous poten tial in two tier tow ns over the n ext 5 years.Sectors with High GrowthPoten tial:Certa insegme ntsthat pro mise ahigh

29、 growth areFood and GroceryClothi ngFurn iture and FixturesP harmacyDurables, Footwear & Leather, Watch & JewelleryFastest Grow ing Formats: Some of the formats that offer good growth poten tial are:Sp eciality and Super MarketHyper MarketDisco unt storesDep artme nt StoresConvenience Stores and E-R

30、etaili ngSupply Chain In frastructure: Supply cha in in frastructure in terms of cold cha in and Logistics.Rural Retail: Retail sector offersopportun itiesfor expIo rati onandinvestmentin rural areas, with Corporatesand Entrepreneurshavingmade a foray in the p ast. In dias largely rural popu latio n

31、 has caught the eye ofretailers lookingfor new areas ofgrowth.ITC launched thecountrys firstrural mall Chaupal Sagar,offeringa diverse productrange from FMCG to electr on ics app lia nee to automobiles, atte mpting to p rovide farmers a on e-st op dest in atio n for all of their n eeds. There has be

32、e n yet ano ther in itiative by the DCM Sriram Group called the Hariyali Bazaar, that has in itially started off by p rovidi ng farm related inputs and services but plans to introduce the complete shopping basket in due course. Other corpo rate bodies in clude Escorts and Tata Chemicals (withTata Ki

33、sa n Sansar) sett ing up agri-stores to p rovide p roducts/services targeted at the farmer in order to tap the vast rural market.Wholesale Trad ing: wholesaletradi ngalso holds huge poten tialforgrowth.Germa ngia nt Metro AG and South Africa n Shop riteHoldi ngshave already made headway in this segm

34、e nt by sett ing up stores sell ing mercha ndise on a wholesale basis in Ban galore and Mumbai resp ectively.These n ew-format cash-a nd-carry stores attract large volumes from a sizeable nu mber of retailers who do not have to maintain relati onships with mult iple supp liers for all their n eeds.C

35、hea p Con sumer CreditMajor Formats of In-Store Retail ing1Formatr. .TheValueDescri ptio nPropo siti on1Bran dedStoresExclusiveshowroomseitherowned or franchisedout by amanu facturer.CompI eterangeavailable for a given brand,certifiedp roduct quality1Sp ecialtyStoresFocus on a sp ecific con sumer ne

36、ed, carry most of the brands availableGreater choice to thecon sumer,comp aris onbetwee nbrands is po ssibleOnestopshopcateri ngto varied/con sumer n eeds.fDep artme nt StoresLarge storeshavi nga widevarietyof p roducts,orga ni zedinto differe ntdep artme ntssuchascloth ing,housewares,furn iture, ap

37、p lia nces, toys, etc.Sup ermarketsDisco untStoresExtremely large self-service retail outletsOnestopshopcateri ngto variedcon sumer n eedsStores offering discounts on the retail price through selli ng high volumes and reapingecono miesof scaleLow Prices1Hyper- martLargertha nasup ermarket,sometimesw

38、ith a warehouseapp eara nee, gen erally located in quieter p arts of the cityLowp rices,vastchoiceavailablein clud ingservicessuch as cafeterias.1ConveniencestoresSmallself-serviceformatslocated in crowded urba n areas.Convenientlocati onandexte ndedop erati ng hours.fShoppingMallsAn en closurehavi

39、ngdiffere nt Varietyofshopsformats of in-store retailers, all availabletoeachun der one roof.other.In dia n Retail- expanding the nu mber of formatsIn moder n retail ing, a key strategic choice is the format. I nno vati on in formats can p rovide an edge to retailers. Organi zed retailers in In dia

40、are trying a variety of formats, ranging from disco unt stores to sup ermarkets to hyp ermarkets to sp ecialty cha ins.Formats Ado pted by Key P layers in In diaRetailerOrigi nal formatsLater FormatsRPGRetailSup ermarket (Foodworld)Hyp ermarket(Spen cers)S pecialty(Health and Glow)StorePiramalsDep a

41、rtme ntStoreDiscou nt Store (TruMart)(P iramyd Megastore)Pan talo onRetailSmall format outlets(Sho ppe)Dep artme ntStore(Pan talo on)Sup ermarket (Food Bazaar)Hyp ermarket(BigBazaar)Mall (Ce ntral)K RahejaGroupDep artme ntStore(sh opp ers stop)Sp ecialtyStore(Crossword)Sup ermarket (TBA)Hyp ermarket

42、 (TBA)Tata/TrentDep artme ntStore(Westside)Hyp ermarket(StarIn diaBazaar)Lan dmarkGroupDep artme ntStore(Lifestyle)Hyp ermarket (TBA)OthersDisco untStore (Subhiksha,Margin Free, ApnaBazaar),Sup ermarket(Nilgiris),Sp ecialtyElectro nicsRoad Ahead; Plans of Large RetailersRelia nee Retail: in vesti ng Rs. 30,000 crore ($6.67 billi on) in setti ng upmult iple retail formats with exp ected sales of Rs. 90,000 crore plus ($20 billi on) by 2009-10.Pan tal


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