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1、汽車對生活的影響Alo ng with the econo mic growth, private cars have pen etrated into a wealth of citizens ' lives because of its convenience features. Undoubtedly, the widespread use of cars promotes the social productivity and enhan ces the econo mic developme nt. But we aresupposed to weighstre ngths

2、and weak nesses of the popularity of cars. With the grow ing prevale nee of vehicles, a host of problems have emerged.In the first place , car emissions are having an immeasurable effect on the world ' s climate. Solid scientific evidenee can confirm this harm. Second, because the car depends so

3、 heavily on fossil fuels, it is a major source of carb on dioxide that causes global warm ing. Additi on ally, soaring ownership of cars puts tremendous pressure on the limited capacity of curre nt tran sport system. There is a heavy urba n traffic flow with freque nt traffic jam. These harmful side

4、 effects of autos burde n our society with unacceptable costs to humanhealth, the environment, and our economy.So we must reverse thisrisingtrend and promote the masstran sportati on. Our heavy relia nee on private cars must be reduced.大學(xué)生畢業(yè)后的去向:1. 越來越多的大學(xué)畢業(yè)生面臨著很大的壓力2. 他們畢業(yè)后的選擇主要有出國深造繼續(xù)讀研或者自己創(chuàng)業(yè)或工作3.

5、 談一下自己的看法.體裁擴展:這個內(nèi)容對大家來說比較熟悉了,但是體裁除了這種描述+論述 的體裁外,還可以變換為圖表作文.The prospect of un certa in ties is putt ing a heavy stra in on a grow ing nu mber of college graduates. A major decisi on facing these freshm en of the real world is to choose a suitable life path.Some are bent on furtheri ng their educati

6、o n abroad or going to gr aduate school, with the aim of acquiri ng more kno wledge or in creas ing their cha nces of finding more gainful employme nt after they retur n h ome or graduate. Others decide to plunge themselves into the tight jo b market. Still others, who are in the mi nority, i ntend

7、to set up the ir own bus in ess because they are more ambitious tha n their peers.These are tough choices. Next Jun e, I will say good bye to my col lege days. Although a couple of options lie ahead of me, I have made up my mi nd to land a job with one of the big compa nies in some afflue nt areas,

8、such as Yan gtze Delta, Canton and so on. I was born into an impoverished urba n family. My pare nts are laid-off and have bee n wor king feverishly to fund my college educati on. As a grow n-up, I have t o shoulder more resp on sibilities and strive to lighte n my pare nts' load.城市交通問題1. 交通日益成為

9、城市的一大難題2. 現(xiàn)有解決交通問題的辦法3. 提出自己的看法There is no doubt that traffic con gesti on becomes a grow ing worry for the residents of most urban areas. Some major roads are regularl y choked with traffic in rush hours. The limited tran sport capacity c on tributes largely to the vex ing problem. How to solve the

10、 headache?The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aims at creating met ro bus systems and broade ning major roads. Wide ning the exist ing road s can solve traffic sn arls on some level. Soari ng car own ership compo unds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heav y relian

11、ce on cars and drive a shift to the mass transportation. It i s a cheap and good way. We can create a system of customized bus rout es and highlight the developme nt of subways, trolleys and light rail.The effective comb in ati on of these soluti ons will en able the urba n a reas to possess a smoot

12、h traffic.信息安全問題1. 信息安全問題日益重要。2. 信息安全事故可能導(dǎo)致的危害。3. 如何做到信息安全。When a variety of problems plague the in formatio n systems, the cr itical importa nce of in formati on security becomes the focus of people 's concern .It does deserve the un precede nted emphasis. It is widely accepted that in formatio

13、 n security, to some exte nt, outweighs other s pheres in the field of information. So the related authorities, enter prises, institutions and organizations place the high priority on it.In formatio n Security concerns a range of problems- in formati on in tercepti on, I oss, damage etc. Busin ess a

14、nd military in formatio n leaka ge will have an devastating impact. For the information owners and mo n itors, they must drive their efforts to enhance the security protect ion and maintenan ce. For example, a strict con trol over the access to the secret data should n't be absent. The network a

15、nd software provid er should take a set of tailored protecti on measures targeti ng differ ent computer crimes. The security issues should be also con sidered at the legislative level, so we are clamoring for a law designed to cla mp dow n on various cyber crimes.壓力問題1. 日常生活中壓力無處不在。2. 描述不同人面對壓力表現(xiàn)和態(tài)度

16、。3. 指出正確對待壓力的辦法。There are so manypeople under the unbearably high pressure in China. Heavy work demandsand intense competition pile enormous pressure on the individualswhodesperately try to pursue a more well-paid salary and pushfor a higher position. For students, exampressure makesthem overburdene

17、d and overwhelmed. Stress is a personalizedphenomenon but confrontsevery one at differe nt degrees.This phe nomenon divides people. Some have a depress ing and gloomy attitude toward the physical and mental strain.So stress is always blamedfor some on e's men tal disorder, viole nee and eve n su

18、icide. In con trast to their negatively reacting to stress, others may face up to the mounting pressure and keep a excelle nt mood.How to properly and effectively cope with the huge pressure? First, people un der the treme ndous pressure can select a proper way to relax, such as pampering themselves

19、 with a long hot bath and immersing themselves in the favorite CD. Repetitive tasks and no break will propel people to pay a hefty health price. Second, the over-high expectations leading to the strong strain must be lowered. Third, a chat with close friends is a favorably good way. Talking to them

20、will alleviate enormous pressure.公共場所安全問題1. 工作場所安全問題引起普遍關(guān)注2. 事故發(fā)生的原因3. 如何避免事故的發(fā)生It is now n early com mon place to hear and read of the devastat ing electro nic cafe viole nee while the drin k-fulled viole nee has became a national epidemic. Growing attention are being focused on the emerging and kn

21、own security problems in public places.There are a variety of factorstriggeringincidentsin publiclocations. Their negative impact is the last thing we can underestimate. The alcohol-related violenee disrupts public order and may cause irreversible physical and men tal damage to victims. Illegal gath

22、eri ngs and protestspresenta serious challenge to the social safety andstability. Moreover, a flood of crimes in public areas also con stitute a huge threat to the society.Net cafes, bars and railway stati ons are the crime-torn places, so more police must be dispatched to these priority areas. A se

23、ries of crime prevention measures must be taken to guarantee public safety, especially in these crime-pro ne areas. Let's make the public placescrime-freethrough our Ion g-term un remitt ing efforts.Saving ani malsThere is an undeni able fact that the nu mber of ani mals is decli ning faster tha

24、n ever before. According to a recent survey madeby someexperts, about 37 species disappear from our earth every year. It is obvious that the problem has become a serious one worth our concern.Whenwe explore this problem, someunderlying factors emerge. In the very first place, huma n beings have play

25、ed a big part. With the fast developme nt of huma n society, the en vir onment is much destroyed, and ani mals lose their home. Accord in gly, some species become ext inct. Wha' s more, people hunt animals for food and skin. A good case in point is that the Japanese have killed a lot of whales b

26、ecause they like to eat the meat. I n additi on, huma n beings are largely resp on sible for the pollution of natural environment, and poison animals in many ways.The current problem, I believe, should be solved immediately. First of all, our gover nment should play a key role in making releva nt ru

27、les and protect ing ani mals. The gen eral public should also be educated to value the existe nee of these ani mals on our pla net.Tourism in Chi naRecent years have seen a tendency in China that tourism is growin g faster. Accord ing to a rece nt survey made by some experts, about 47% urba n reside

28、 nts travel regularly, and 28% rural reside nts also make their tour across the coun try. The survey also shows that more people are interested in tourism, and will join the army in the future.Facing this tendency, we can ' t help exploring some underlying fa ctors that are responsible. In the v

29、ery first place, with the policy of reform and opening up, Chinese people' s living standard has beengreatly improved, and therefore, most of them can afford to travel ar ound. What' s more, it is believed that people now take a more positi ve attitude to tourism, and regard it as a life sty

30、le. In addition, t ourism facilities are becoming better and better. For example, transp ortatio n develops fast, and many sce nic spots are available now.Though there are still some problems with tourism, I pers on ally b elieve that tourism should be playing a key role in our life. I also hope tha

31、t our gover nment will make policies to create a better en viro nment for tourists.Dear James, In today ' s newspaper, I read about the recent events in your tow n and I am writi ng to exte nd my deepest con dole nces.It broke my heart to see all those pictures of those whose homes havebeen dest

32、royed in the tragic hurricane. I couldn' t believe my eyeswhe n I saw a little girl crying on the roof of her house ask ing for h elp. I am really worried about you and your family, and all your frie nds there. I am cross ing my fin gers for you now in hopes that you are all safe and sound.I can

33、 only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and I wan t to exte nd to you my un waveri ng support. Our gover nment and many non gover nmen tai orga ni zati ons are in itiati ng various campaig ns to urge p eople to don ate money and n ecessary things to send to America. I dona ted all my

34、allowa nee that I have bee n sav ing for years.I feel extremely sorry for this tragedy, and I will be looking forwar d to heari ng from you. Please pass my concern on to your pare nts. Yours sin cerely,Meng Fei1. Ask ing for Leave of Abse neeTo: Ms. Riddle, an Oral En glish teacherFrom: Sam, a sopho

35、more stude nt in Oral En glish Class TwoDate: Ju ne 18th, 2005Subject: Ask ing for Leave of Abse neeDear Ms. Riddle,I ' m Sam, a respectful sophomore student of yours in Oral English Class Two. I won der if I could be excused for abse nce from your Oral En glish class this Wedn esday morni ng.Ye

36、sterday eve ning I got a phone call from my cous in, who is now r unning a small firm in the suburbs of this city. He needs an interpre ter for two days but cannot find the most reliable pers on, so he want s me to have a try. Pers on ally, I regard this as a golde n opport un ity to put what I have

37、 lear ned in your class into practice, but I n eed y our permissi on of abse nce. If you think I may go and help him get ove r the difficulty, I am con fide nt that I' II do a good job and both ofus will be grateful.Earnestly yoursSam2. On Power Shortage(1) .很多城市缺電現(xiàn)象嚴重(2) .分析原因(3) .提出建議Recently,

38、 every morning when I wake up, I find my air-conditioner automatically turned off. I didn' t understand why at first, but soon I learned that there is a great shortage of electricity supply in o ur city my air-c on diti oner turned off because of a power failure mid n ight.With the rapidly devel

39、op ing in dustry and the ever in creas ing popu lati on, dema nd for electricity supply is soari ng. Besides, summers in recent years are much hotter than before, so most working places and households are air-conditioned, which consumes additional electricit y.Faced with such a hard nut, we have to

40、find ways to crack it. Above all, in wester n areas of China, there is surplus of electricity su pply. So, cities that are thirsty for electricity may ask for remote help. Then, when we have electricity, we should remember to save it. Set your air-conditioners at 270C and you won ' t feel less c

41、omfortable than when they are at 260C. In fact, some factories already shift t heir working hours to avoid the peak time of electricity-consuming. M y pare nts don ' t work from Mon day through Friday as before they workfrom Sun day through Thursday and have/take the followi ng two days off in s

42、tead. This is als o a way out, is n ' t it?3. We Need Humor(1) .幽默可以幫我們解決問題(2) .幽默可以使生活充滿快樂(3) .生活中離不開幽默We Need HumorA suspicious customer murmured, “ I won der if this milk is fresh.The quick- witted waiter answered,“Fresh? Three hours ago it was GRASS”See? A humorous resp onse may solve your p

43、roblem.Some one asked a young artist, "Did you sell any of your paintings at the art show?" "No, but I am en couraged," he replied. "Somebody s tole on e." And years later he became world known.Humor may susta in us in hard times and bring happ in ess in everyda y life.

44、Once my neighbor told me that he shaves fifty times a day. Was he crazy? Of course not he is a barber.So, my dear friends, remember, we need humor and try to be humoro us in your life. Next time, whe n you are asked, “ How can I stop water from coming into my house? ” Say, “ Don't pay the water

45、bil I. ”4. 你的一個熟人下崗了,你給他寫一封安慰信,并給他出點主意。以下諺語可 以有選擇地用于你的信中。(1) . All roads lead to Rome.(2) . All thi ngs are difficult before they are easy.(3) . Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.(4) . God helps those who help themselves.My dear aunt,I ' m greatly surprised and sad to hear that you' r

46、e laid off. Butplease don ' t worry too much. All roads lead to Rome. I believe we will find a way out.I remember when I was a child, I had so manycolofuland comfortablesweaters that I becamemyfriends ' envy. Those were all your masterpieces. Recently I madea survey in the city where I '

47、 m living now, and found that unique hand-knitted things are muchmore welcomethan massproducts. Would you think about tak ing up kni tt ing as your sec ond career? I know, all things are difficult before they are easy. We will meet some un expected difficulties in the beg inning. But I firmly believ

48、e that no thi ng is impossible to a willing heart. Maybe your product will turn out to be a n ame brand.My dear aunt, please do think about it. I' ll lend you a hand. Takecare.Your dearest ni ece5. On The Earth or into the Sky?With the Shen zhou No.6 successfully soari ng in to the sky and retur

49、ni ng to the earth safely, China ' s space flight has stepped further forward. But there arises a con troversy: does it merit all the large sum of money and efforts (put in to achieve the success)?Given the poor conditions in rural China, the children not being able to go to school, the husba nd

50、s struggli ng to susta in a family, the old having difficulty living a healthy and happy life, somecritics hold that the mon ey, which has gone to the research of space flight, should have been ta ken better advantage of to improve people ' s lives in the not so developed areas in China. They wonder what on earth the significance is to these people as far as the space flight is concern ed.But tastes differ. Those who approve of space flight maintain that it not only in dicates our country' s progress in scie nce and tech no logybut also ben efits all of us in


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