



1、岳陽樓記英文深度解析范仲淹Fan Zhongyan1 Fan Zhongyan (989-1052) of Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, was a celebrated man of letters and statesman of the Song Dynasty.2 He was born in a poor family, but the restraint of life did not blunt his will to learn. In his childhood he was very diligent in reading.? He would rea

2、d all night through, trying to discover the meaning of life in books.? Urged by his desire to go and see the rest of the world and study with learned scholars, at the age of twenty-three he went to YingtianfuAcademy, one of the four famous academies of the Song Dynasty, where he worked with establis

3、hedscholarsand exchangedideas with his fellow students. He had read a large portion of theAcademy'scollection,?as a result of which he greatly extended his breadth of vision. His student life at the Academy paved the road along which he eventually became an erudite scholar.?He was not only exper

4、t on the classics of Confucianism but also well versed in the craft of poetry and prose writing.3 The hardships he had experienced in childhood hadtoughened his willpower and endowed him with such broad-mindednessthat he began to concern himself about the affairs and future of the state, regardless

5、of personal gains or losses. When Teng Zijing, his friend relegated to Yuezhou? (whereYueyang in Hunan Province stands today), decided to renovate theYueyang Tower and wrote to him asking him to write a memorial note of the renovation, Fan zhongyan, though in poor health, composed the famous "N

6、ote of the YueyangTower" at HuazhouAcademy in Dengzhou where he himself had been relegated following a series of setbacks in his political career. In this memorial note, elegant in style and succinct in wording, he admonished hisfriend not to be overcome by sorrow from personal tribulations, no

7、r neglect the welfare of the state for the pleasures of the natural environment. He asked him to "show concern for the people while maintaining a high-ranking position and do the same for the monarch though placed far away from the court", and always put the state affairs and people's

8、miseries on the top of his mind.Should he complain too much, he would never be contented. FanZhongyan, in the note, put forward the famous motto of "Be the first to worry about the trouble of the state and the last to partake of the p leasures it p rovides".? This was not only to en courag

9、e his friend Teng Zjing, but it also reflected his lifetime pu rsuit and lofty sp irit. This motto had inspired coun tless people with p atriotic ideals to sacrifice their lives in the in terests of the country and the people.4 Fan Zhon gya n was also an established educator. "The greatest conc

10、ern of the coun try," he would say, "is the training of tale nts and tale nts are trained at schools. If p riority is give n to the running of schools, the country will be put in order." He rep eatedly suggested to the court that "education be encouraged and talents trained n ati

11、 on wide".? While he served office as a local magistrate, he had made pain stak ing efforts to boost educati on.? In the "New P olicies of the Reig n of Qin gli" which he was in charge of draft ing, there were several secti ons regard ing educati onal reform. He loved and cared for ta

12、lented young people. When he was lecturing atYin gtia nfu Academy, there was a young stude nt by the n ame of SunFu, who had to quit school because his mother was alone at home with no one tak ing care of her. Lear ning about Sun Fu's p redicame nt,Fan Zhon gya n decided to assist him from his o

13、wn p ocket and helped him find a p art-time job at the Academy with an in come of 3 000 wen per month to tide his family over. To repay Fan Zhongyan's kindn ess, he worked duri ng the day and, at ni ght, atte nded Fan's lectures on The Spnng and Autumn and the n he would spend the rest of th

14、e ni ght read ing. In ten years' time he became a Con fucia n scholar, specialized in the study ofThe Spring and Autumrand later he became one of the three great scholars of early Song Dyn asty.Among those hav ing bee n sup ervised and aided by Fan Zhon gya n, there were the renowned scholar Hu Yuan, and the renowned thin ker Zhang Zai.5 Throughout the country Fan Zhongyan was well-known for his moral in tegrity. He was so popu lar that his n ame was familiar to the people in grass-root neighborhoods and even to the people in n eighbori ng states. Scholars took


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