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1、2018 專八語言知識題八大類高頻考點2018 專八語言知識題主要考查: 1.語法是否扎實 ;2.詞匯掌握是否豐富,詞匯的搭配與用法 ;3.對篇章結構 (句子間邏輯關系 )是否敏感。短語搭配錯誤 (大部分為介詞錯誤 )carry/get with things - > carry/get on with thingsleap out to me - > leap out at meto let alone - > let aloneinject them lethal strains - > inject them with lethal strainsin retur

2、n to - > in return forcharge him with the same price - > charge him the same pricethe need of - > the need forimbalance of A and B - > imbalance between A and Bsubstitute A with B - > substitute A for Baccount 70% -> account for 70%shortage of protein with them - > shartage of p

3、rotein among themfortify sb for sth - > fortify sb against sth ( 加強以抵御)under the grounds of/that - > on the grounds of/thatshed light to sth - > shed light on sthattitude on life - > attitude towards/to lifein proportion with - > in proportion toin a quick speed - > at a quick spee

4、dwith many respects - > in many respects pay for it with dollars - > pay for it in dollarsbe in liberty to - > be at liberty toat the face of - > in the face(s) ofbegin at doing - > begin with doingconsiderations to - > considerations for be contrasted to - > be contrasted withb

5、ecome victims of -> become victims to commit an offence to - > commit an offence againstride in a train - > ride on a trainmodern time - > modern timesthe problems with the government - > the problems forthe governmentability of (doing) sth - > ability in (doing) sthresistive again

6、st - > resistive todefend sth against - > defend sth fromresistance of - > resistance toat the first place - > in the first placeembark sth - > embark on sthpay money in doing - > pay money for doingwith the belief that - > in the belief thattake to do - > take to doing (&quo

7、t;求助于,開始”,to 為介詞)at advance of sth - > in advance of sthyearn to - > yearn forinterpret to - > interpret asat average - > on averagein line to - > in line withidentify oneself to - > identify oneself withto varing degrees - > in varing degreesbe successful on doing - > be suc

8、cessful at/in doingtake pride of - > take pride inget one's teeth on - > get one's teeth into( 埋頭做,認 真做 )balk to - > balk at (回避,繞過 )the action of formation - > the action of forming (of后應接動名詞而非名詞 )differ A from B - > distinguish A from Bsuit to sb/sth - > suit for sb/sthco

9、nsumers demand of luxury goods - > consumersvary byvary withdemand for luxury goodsemphasis ofemphasis onapproach to do -> approach to doing one contributor of - > one contributor toon one' s 30s - > in one ' s 30s易混詞錯誤(1)形近異義詞imaginativeimaginaryadaptadoptconfirmconformformerfor


11、tiontransmissionvalue - evaluate tense - tension anything - something cooker - cook complexity(復雜性)-complex(合成體) insurance - assurance provide( 提供 ) - provided/providing( 假設,如果 ) perceive - conceive efective(有效的)-affective(受影響的,由引起的 ) (2)形近(形異 )近義詞 latter - later late(遲的,已故的)-latest(最晚的,最新的) farther

12、( 距離更遠 ) - further( 程度更進一步 ) healthy( 健康的 ) - healthful( 有益健康的 ) effective - efficient continual( 連續(xù)的 ) - continuous( 持續(xù)不斷的 ) respectable - respectful historic - historical rise - arise - raise - arousesure - insure - ensure - assure opposite - opposition producing - productive lonely - alone across

13、 - cross impressed - impressive permit(n. 通行證 ) - permission relating - relatedin return toin response tomemorizing - memorable normal(n.常態(tài),通常標準,一般水平)-norm(規(guī)范,行為標準) favorite - favorable acceptability - acceptance economical - economic few - little a few - few little - a little invent - discover befo

14、re - ago another - other agent(代理人)-agency(代理機構) reward(回饋)-award(獎賞) special - specific(3)兼有兩種形式的副詞 firstly - first (firstly 用于列舉條目或者表示順序, first 表示時間上“第一次、首次” ) hardly(幾乎不)-hard(努力地) sure - surely late - lately clear(完全地、徑直地)-clearly(顯然、清楚地) high(高度高地)-highly(程度高地、非常) close(接近地、緊密地)-closely(緊密地、嚴密地

15、) most(最)- most(大部分) (4)反義詞 with - without possible - impossible subjective - objective import - export better - worseemployee - employer employment - unemployment modifiable - unmodifiable natural - unnatural discernable - indiscernable lent - borrowed exclusive - inclusive independency - dependenc

16、ywilling - unwilling agree - disagree rarely - frequently / often specific - general less - more (still more - still less) most - least known - unknownnothing more thannothing less thanrespective - irrespective (irrespective of 表示 "不管") majority - minority result in - result from fortunate

17、ly - unfortunately powerful - powerless easiness - uneasiness professional - amateur aware - unaware include - exclude (5) 名詞單復數異義moral - morals(作名詞時用復數形式,表示"道德、倫理") collection( 不可數名詞表示“各種因素集合體” ) - collections( 可數名詞表示“收藏品” ) manner(方法,方式)- manners(禮儀,禮節(jié))saving - savings(復數表示"存款”)spec

18、ie(硬幣)- species(種類)(species 只有單數)mean(n.平均值)- means(方法) (6) 易混短語live with(同一起生活,忍受)-live by(靠過活) go about (doing) sth(開始做某事,四處走動,流傳,經常從事于)-go around(四處走動,繞道走) tend to - intend to in next week( 以當下時間為基準點 ) - in the next week( 以過去的時間為基準點 ) spend in doing sth - spend on sth die of( 內部 ) - die from( 外部

19、) rather than - other than have sb do sth - have sth done take on(從事,開始對付,呈現 )-go on(繼續(xù)) take place - take the place of consist in(在于)- consist of(包括) in all(總共)-after all(畢竟) in return( 作為報答 ) - in turn( 反過來,輪流 ) one reason for +短語 - one reason why +句子bring out( 使顯露,使顯現 ) - bring up( 教育,培養(yǎng),提出,(船)抵達

20、目的地 ) be worth doing - be worthwhile to do react to( 對作出反應 ) - react with( 以作出反應 ) applyto(將應用于)-apply for(請求,申請)邏輯關系錯誤 (連詞使用錯誤 ) therefore - nevertheless/however (大部分 therefore 者E要改為 however,反之亦然) and - but / while or - and but - because moreover - however after - beforesincealthoughthere is no the

21、re is also ifthatfrom now onfrom then onallnonebesidesyetifunlessbesidesexceptthereforebecausesobecauseso does he neither/nor does he that's why +結果that 's because +原因as if - even ifwhetherif代詞錯誤 (一致錯誤 )itstheirthatthose (需要特別注意 )whichthat (有些情況下關系代詞只能用 that)whichwhatititself (主賓相同,賓語用反身代詞 )

22、that/thisit (只有it可作形式主語)hisone's (泛指時用 one)youyourselfittheythissuchXX is less sophisticated than what they are todayXX is less sophisticated than they are today冠詞錯誤(1)定冠詞多余 on the either side - > on either sidein the Europe - > inEuropeKaufman, the/an author of a recent bookin the winter

23、- > in winter ( 季節(jié)前不加定冠詞 )Kaufman, author of a recent book( 同位語間完全對等關系,不必使用冠詞 )take the issue - > take issue(對持異議,不同意 ) (2)定冠詞缺漏 among most - > among the most one of first - > one of the first atmosphere - > the atmosphere( 表示獨一無二的事物 )(另外還有如: the Equator, the Outerspace) between us an

24、d rest - > between us and the rest in minority - > in the minority around floor - > around the floor piano - > the piano (西洋樂器的前面要有定冠詞 )English language - > the English language at heart of - > at the heart of world - > the world( 表示“地球”這種獨一無二的事物要加定冠詞 ) in long run - > in the

25、 long run (3)定冠詞與不定冠詞之間的誤用 illustrate the further difference - > illustrate a further difference (diference 第一次提及 )注意以下短語的區(qū)別in church - in the church at college - at the college in court - in the court in hospital - in the hospital in office - in the office in prison - in the prison at sea - at t

26、he sea in school - in the school at table - at the table形容詞與副詞使用錯誤have been currently - > current be well equipped as - > be as well equipped as heavy industrialized - > heavily-industrialized spread colossal - > spread colossally similar strong - > similarly strong keep the number co

27、nstantly at X a year - > keep number constant at X a year feel hopeless thwarted - > feel hopelessly thwarted comparative high proportion - > comparatively high proportion (quakes) start deeply in the earth - > start deep in the earth in the passed 5 years - > in the past 5 years cult

28、ure embedded attitudes - > culturally embedded attitudes as much as - > as often as from one meter afar - > from one meter away increasing - > increasinglysimple - > simplypure- > purelymuch- > manymany- > morelarge- > largerearly- > earlier成分殘缺或多余 (單復數錯誤 )a world which

29、 I could get -> a world in which I could get shows - > that shows (先行詞在定語從句中作主語,關系代詞不可省略) take for granted that - > take it for grated that 1980 - 1980s one of the most glaring form - > one of the mist glaring forms their jobs engage in their interest - > their jobs engage their interest (engage 單獨使用表示 “占用 (某人時間 ),吸引(某人注意力 )” )complain about sth - > complain sth work sth - > work out sthbelieve in - believe (believe單獨使用表示一般的"相信”,believe in表示"信任某人,信仰”) point sth - > point out sth 20 percents - > 20 percen


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