



1、n ame: n ati on ality:ch inacurre nt p lace:baiy un height/weight:155 cm marital status:s in gleage:31 years career objectiveapp licati on typ e:jobseekerp referred jobsup ervisor:salessp ecialist/assista nt:45 kgtitleforeig ntrade / import-exportmanager /foreig ntrade/i mp ort-ex port海外市場拓展總監(jiān)英文簡歷模板

2、man ager、sales engineer:work ing life:8title:se nior titlejob typ e:full timeex pected start date:in two weeksexp ected salary:Y 1XXY 19999preferred worki ng p lace:gua ngzhoupanyu luoga ngwork exp erie neepany' s n ame:gua ngzhou aodeli n electr onics co., ltdbegi n and enddate: XX-10-XX-05ente

3、rp rise n ature:p rivate enterp rises in dustry: auto & auto ponentsjob title:ex port directorjob descri pti on: select and trainning the new salesestablish dep artme nt man ageme nt system, in cluded staffs man ageme nt and sales con trolwork out the missio n p olicy,achieveme nt exam in ati on

4、 ,sales planning ,sales task and so onwork out the salesp rice , guid ing the sales in the market , get themost p rofit for the pany.con trol dep artme nt expense and money back , make sure 100% t/t .study the back ground of p etitors and their customers, share withsales and get in touch with the cu

5、stomers in order to cha nge them to be ours .do the p roducts advertiseme nt ,he Ip to establish pany website and finish p roduct cataloguesearch for the new customers in many ways, coop erate with sales todevel op the market .visit the vip customer,deali ng with their plain and discuss new coop era

6、ti on.gatheri ng in formati on of own p roduct p roduc ing and researchme nt , share with salesmen to adjust the sales new products informationin themarket , advanee new products' development .reas ons for leav ing:and end date:pany' s n ame:gua ngzhou jun li ng battery co.,ltdbeg inXX-06-XX

7、-09enterp rise n ature:p rivate enterp rises in dustry: auto & auto ponentsjob title:ex port man agerjob description:constructexport department,begin from zero ,set upalibaba website and keep our products' ranking on top all the time.there are 4 important customers visit our factory within 2

8、months hard work ing, and 3of them intent to give orders .have 3sa mples order withi n 2mon ths hard work ing, one is Singapore customer with usd4,000 samp les, the other is in dia n customer with usd2,000 samp les , and the third is ban gladesh with free sample.success to receive 3containers orders

9、 with in 3mon ths,totalvalue is rmb1,000,000reas ons for leav ing:pany' s n ame:gua ngzhou ruixia ngmecha ni cal& electro nicco.,ltdbegin and end date: XX-01-XX-05enterp rises in dustry:enterp risen ature: private(mecha ni cs/electrical equipmen t/heavy in dustryjob title:regi onal bus in es

10、s man agers target.job descri pti on: devel op over sea market ,achieve sale had devel oped more tha n ten new customers.mai ntai n the relati on shi p with the vip customer.orders or plain .,such as r+tmuni cate with customers by p hoe,e-mail to deal with orga nize to atte nd to intern ati onal fai

11、rs stuttgra,heimtextil fran kfurt.do advertiseme nt on internet and b2b website .reas ons for leav ing:pany' s n ame:gua ngzhou the third electrical equipment factorybeg in and end date: XX-06-XX-12n ature:state-ow nedenterp rises in dustry:enterp risemuni cati on /tele/network equipmentjob titl

12、e:sales executivejob description:developthe oversea market,search for new customersreas ons for leav ing: educati onal backgro undn ame of school:gua ngzhou uni versityhighest degree:bachelordate of graduatio n:XX-07-01n ame of major 1:geogra phy in formatio n syste mn ame of major 2:dateeducati one

13、ducati onexp erie nce:startdatee ndorga nizatio nm ajorscertificatecertificate noin formatio nXX-09XX-07gua ngzhouuni versitygeogra physystemcet40464280854230263Ian guage abilityforeig n Ian guage:e nglishlevel: perfectIan guage ability:flue nt in sp roke n and writte n en glish chin ese level: perf

14、ectca nton ese level: perfect releva nt skills and abilitiesoversea marketskilled in network advertise promote ,can develop theand search for the newcustomers,skilled in follow up import process,such as deal with custom cleare nce,i nspection, arra nge shipment笆二;二三先汪案,高三機師結(jié)卩以師的教案n改:一 考業(yè)關首 -霊-的切價環(huán)輕學

15、"積注教泛玄上遠冒課課沃周疔::二我S續(xù):二致:勤主溝”二5A'"-,+_«”. .出色地-各項任"校Rib組織全組教師進一步;習熟* 材的體系和特"索新教材教學模*.組好新教材的研究*"全0師師提供“ 學習的平臺和“。m:住指*.認;習貫徹”改”神,以貫徹*基礎教程改革*核心,以研 9學重*促進教* G根本,以»教*二三團inyyim"Fi"三“”及時工作及析二."項學指標:主主活動.冬G師的示” “ B合,«慧”."組I圍繞探索效”課”高照文史綜合72加史對,科真學學科體知和思三習合感析態(tài)度=m:x = sS=i = 5SN N2S5問於.


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