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1、20XX英文版推薦信3篇pril 12, XXdear sir or madam:i am XXX, gen eral man ager of xxx. lear ning that an excelle nt staff member of ours, mr. xxx is intent on further study ing abroad, i am much pl eased and gratified. in my opinion, such a pro mis ing youth striv ing for progress should receive better educat

2、ion so as to create a brighter future. therefore, it gives me a high honor to stron gly reme nd this outsta nding young man to your world-re nowned uni versity.mr. xxx once did p ractice in ours in his last academic year atuni versity. though he was not familiar with bus in ess and in sufficie ntinw

3、ork ing exp erie nee, he, in stead of admitt ing defeat, n ever allowed any opportunity to study to slip away. taking full advantage of leisure time, mr. xxx thumbed through volumes of books regardi ng bus in ess and remitted to other exp erie need staff members modestly. gradually, he became well v

4、ersed in various bus in ess and obta ined certa in work ing results. n ever satisfied with and proud of his acquisition, mr. xxx still discussed modestly with his colleagues about somepuzzles in the work till finding out soluti ons. in light of his p raiseworthy performanee in the practice, we madea

5、n exception to recruit member of ours after his graduatio n .by now, as a bus in ess elite of ours, mr. xxx works eve n seriously, respon sibly and dilige ntly,municated andhe encoun teredhim as a fullsetting a good example to other staff members. as excelle ntevery drop of sweat will be rep aid. mr

6、. xxx has bee n app raised empio yee of ours and awarded con siderable bonus.to some exte nt, it may be a great loss of our pany that such a superexcellentempioyee as mr. xxx is going to study abroad.con siderati on of his prosp ect, i, without any hesitati on, am in great favor of his decision of s

7、tudying at your reputable university.however, inwith greatsincerity,i expect that you will support his applicationfully and granthim an opportun ityto up lifthimself and realize his dream. tha nks a lot.res pectfully yours,XXXgen eral man agerXXXtel: XXX香港大學自主招生考生自我推薦信英文版20XX英文版e-mail: xxx推薦信(2) |i

8、' m a student of xxx, hoping to study at hong kong university. i'm going to in troduce myself and reas ons for the choice as follow.above all, the stre ngth is one of the major asp ects to en courage meto apply for hk university. the self-control, extensive social skill, high sense of res po

9、n sibility, strong orga ni zati on ability is what i acquired from my high school. i have served as vice-minister of propaganda dep artme nt of stude nts' union for a year. this p recious exp erie neeenhan ces my ability of orga ni zati on and social con tacts,a nd makes me handle the balanee be

10、tween work and study well. what' s more, i haveexpansive interests such as painting,writing and playing volleyball. so,up till now i have participatedin various activities and all gained goodresults. with all thisthings i havelear nt, i truly find my conno tati on bee rich and rich.whe n es to t

11、he reas on why i choose hku, the first thing occurs to me is the atmos phere. hong kong ' s in here nt chin ese and wester n culture has a po werful attract ion on me. only study ing at hk, can i broade n my horiz ons at a more open and freedom stage. an tici pati ng a collisio n of concep t, i

12、cannot wait to take this challe nge, because young heart will n ever satisfy.andin my eyes, hku is a universitywith profound historical culturehongfree academic exchange. i ' ma student of arts, and as far as i know, kong university' s faculty arts are pretty famous, for it is one ofthefacul

13、ties that have the Iongest history and largest scale. all adva ntages are just great eno ugh to light my p assi on.the youth is full of unexp ected encoun ters, and i want to have a beautiful encoun ter with you hong kong uni versity.博士生導師推薦信范文20XX英文版推薦信(3)|being a pro fessor in sha nghai finance an

14、d econo mics uni versity, ihad give n six lectures to hua she ng as an audit ing teacher whe nshe studied acco untancy there as her sec ond major, and had bee n her sup ervisor whe n she worked as an intern in my credit rat ing pany. she had liste ned to me so atte ntively that many of the cases we

15、studied in class were app lied to her work effectively.i was really imp ressed by hua she ng' s p erforma nee duri ng her five-week internship. in order to be more p ete nt in the field of credit rating, she volunteered to assumemore tasks, and further offered to work overtime with other regular

16、 empio yees. however hard the tasks were, she always man aged to fulfill them with flyi ng colors. such devoti on to her career even as an intern is rarely seen in her peers. as she had done well in her accounting major, with an average score of 85 for the core courses, in additi on to her remarkabl

17、e lear ning ability,hua she ng was cap able ofshe was able to acplishwhile at the same time imuni cati ng with all ofdoing some of the basic bus in esses in the pany, and thus un dersta nding the kno w-how of acco un ti ng more profoun dly. she visited and researched fifteen panies in all, big or sm

18、all, homeor abroad, within the twenty-five weekdays. i could see a clear mind and a strong logic in her participation in writ ing credit rati ng rep orts. she was able to acp lish her own assig nmentsindependen tlyand cooperating excellently her some instructionsduri ng the a few profound questions

19、in the her work was highly appraised bygive n raisedhadsmoothly/articulately/ex plicitly the fiveteachers,whohadintern shi p, furthersheall in all.sp ecialty of credit rati ng. every one in the pany.原文:我是財經大學會計學院的博士生導師,盛樺是我校會計專業(yè)輔修課學生, 我曾擔任該學生的審計學老師和實習指導老師。她上課很用心,我講過的很多案例,在她參與資信評估的實習時,能得到運用。實習期間,盛樺給我

20、留下了非常好的印象。為了能學習更多的評估專業(yè)知 識,她主動承擔了更多的工作,像正式員工一樣主動留下來加班。并且不論工作難度高低,她都能盡心盡力地做好,這樣的敬業(yè)精神實屬難得。她會計基礎牢固, 核心課程平均成績85分,加之學習能力較強,因此實習期間她已能較好地掌握 評估的一些基本業(yè)務,而這又進一步使她對會計有了更深的領悟。25天工作日,她共參與調研了包括上海建橋學院、海航酒店集團等15家公司。在參與撰寫評估報告時,她思路清晰、有較強的邏輯性;在獨立完成一部分工作的同時,能較 好地與老師溝通、合作,并能提一些有深度的問題,得到了大家的一致好評。出國留學推薦信標準范文(英文版)英文版推薦信(4) |

21、in cap acity as pro fessor of mathematics at fuda n uni versity?i writi ng to reme nd mr. wan g?ges in tosyour phd p rogram in pu ter scie nee. i have known mr. wang since his sop homore year of college?a nd have acted as his thesis advisorme ntor. i n my exp erie nce?he is a gifteddilige nt stude n

22、t?a nd an admirably hard worker.wang is an imp ressive stude nt because he has bee n forced to overe the significantchallenge of a serious illnessduring his freshman year.whe n i first met wang in my discrete math class?he did not app ear to be anything sp ecial to me.while his exam scores were good

23、?they were not ashigh as i would now expect of him. what i didn' t know then was that dueto his ill ness?wa ng was atte mpting to take all of the difficult early mathematics courses at one time?including discrete mathematics?advaneed mathematics?linear algebra?and possibilities.while most studen

24、ts foundpreparing for just one set of these examsdifficult?wang was overwhelmed by four of them. but in the en d?he achieved an imp ressive score on the final exam?which made me con scious of his unu sual determ in ati on he dem on strates whe n confronting difficult challe nges.him tomr. wangi have

25、 ofte n talked about a variety of mathematics pu ter scienee conceptsproblems. during these discussions?ialways foundthesebe delightfully in tellige nt. not only does he quickly un dersta nd the conceptsp roblems p rese nted to him?he is able to an alyze p roblems prese nt soluti ons. but p erha ps

26、most imp orta nt is that wang thinking is intensely rigorous. when looking at any question?he carefully scrut ini zes itif he finds any un certa in issuehe clears them up immediatelybelieve this kind of thought is esse ntial to bee an excelle nt pu ter p rogrammer.serv ing as his thesis advisor?i ha

27、d a first-ha nd opportunity to observe the way in which wang s mind works. in his senor thesis?mr. wang mainiy discussed two challenging questions in regards to ann。 in our books in china?knowledge of annits uses are very rare. few people in china have studied this top icc on seque ntly?the materials that are available onann are limited.working on


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