1、2011 Cambridge Business & Economics ConferenceISBN : 9780974211428Luxury Generation Gap? A Comparison between Generation X and YSo Lai Man, StellaDepartment of MarketingThe Chinese University of Hong KongIntroductionThere is a growing research interest in the area of luxury brands. However, little i
2、s known about the how to market the luxury brands to the different segments, especially to the younger segments. A previous study (Ross and Harradine, 2004) explored some of the relationships between young school children and branding. The research suggested that the earlier the marketers establish
3、brand awareness and recognition in the child, the stronger the brand association can be developed when they become independent. Although young people are getting more and more interested at branded products, they might value luxury goods differently among the different age groups. Marketers are beco
4、ming interested at this segment in expanding their market share, while the educator would like to understand more about this particular segment in their perception of wealth and luxury consumption. Despite the interest in understanding more about the age differences in luxury brand consumption, it i
5、s a lack of research examining the luxury consumption values and attitudes of young consumers.As China has undergone considerable social and economic change in recent years which has developed a strong consumer market for western brands. Growing number of consumers, especially the female consumers a
6、re in a position to purchase a wide variety of non-staple consumer goods (Kim, Forsythe, Gu and Moon 2002). Marketers of western brands are then attracted to this huge size and potentiality of female market in China, and therefore have to understand the needs and values of this market to develop bet
7、ter branding strategies to capture this lucrative sector.Culture can be broadly characterized as either individualist or collectivist (Hofstede 1991; Triandis 1998). For individualistic culture, I-identity and personal self-expression are being emphasized against collectivistic that we-identity, sym
8、bol of success and wealth are highlighted. Further, comparing with the western societies, face is an important concern in a Chinese society which refers to a claimed sense of favorable social self-worth that a person wants in a relational and network context. It was discovered that Chinese consumers
9、 are more likely to be influenced by their reference group, relate product brands and prices to their face, and consider the prestige of the products in other-oriented consumption than are American consumers (Li and Su 2006). In China, nearly everyone confronts face-related issues everyday (Gao 1998
10、) and consumption is regarded more as a tool to serve higher-order social needs than an activity in its own right (Tse 1996). According to a survey conducted by Tse (1996), around eighty-six percent of the Hong Kong students admit that their consumption pattern are influenced by their reference grou
11、p, particularly on clothing. Tse suggests that the Chinese within the same social class is likely to conform to peers influence and behave in an appropriate manner. In doing so, they are ready to accept and conform to community restricts of self-expression to consume the same kind of products or bra
12、nd names is one of these restrict. It was also argued that consumer socialization is viewed as a developmental process that changes through different stages as children mature into adult consumers (John 1999). In other words, although young people are getting more and more interested at branded prod
13、ucts, they might value luxury goods differently among the different age groups. Marketers are becoming interested at this segment in expanding their market share, while the educator would like to understand more about this particular segment in their perception of wealth and luxury consumption. In s
14、hort luxury brand is the extreme end of the prestige-brand category. It is generally agreed that prestige is a benchmark to measure the component of luxury brand. Past studies stressed that the prestige in a brand consists of perceived hedonic conspicuous value or identity, perceived unique value, p
15、erceived social value, perceived hedonic value, perceived quality value and high awareness level (Vigneron and Johnon 1999; Biel 1992). Bagwell and Bernheim (1996) further suggest that consuming luxury brands is a means to achieve higher social status rather than for physiological utility and practi
16、cal use. In a study on Asian consumers (represented by Singapore and Hong Kong), Phau and Prendergast (2000) concluded that the Confucian values, such as respect for authority and desire for harmony are still highly represented in the Asian societies. Further, Chinese consume products to reflect his
17、/her status to maintain “face”, if not he/she will lose face. Thus, buying luxury brand is seen as an indication of ones social position and prestige. The latest Nielsen Global Luxury Brands Study shows that Hong Kong tops the world with most people claiming to buy luxurious brands such as LV, Gucci
18、 and Burberry (Nielsen March 17, 2008). Further, when money is not a concern to the brand conscious Hong Kong customers, forty percent express their desire to buy a LV product in the near future. Mainland China is also a growing force in the luxury business, Morgan Stanley analyst comments that the
19、potential size of the Mainlands luxury goods market is as large as 100 million people (The Standard, January 03, 2007). A manager of the Boston Consulting Group in Hong Kong further comments that “a luxury brand in China represents middle-class aspirations, so you cannot be too hidden”; therefore, a
20、 lot of products bearing visible logos are the best sellers in China (The Standard January 03, 2007). Generation X and YAge is a widely used demographic variable to characterize the consumption behaviour of target consumers. This study explores the differences in luxury brand values and attitudes be
21、tween two particular generations of consumers Generation X and Y. A comparison of the feelings and perceptions of luxury brands between the two groups is expected to offer insights to luxury brand marketers about effective targeting their products. Generation X consumers were born before 1980 while
22、generation Y were born between 1980 and 1994 (Kumar and Lim 2008). In America, generation X are described as consumers who are highly educated, entrepreneurs, good in communication, professional etc (Watson 2002). They are expected to like convenience, relations and branding (Harwood 2002). Generati
23、on Y are shaped by computer games and internet and become the most savvy and informed consumers who enjoy online shopping. They are globally and environmentally conscious. They are an important consumer segment as they are less loyal to brands and more willing than older consumers to try new brands
24、(Anderson and Sharp 2010). The brands that were popular with their parents are being rejected by this generation. It is believed that behind the shift in Gen Y labels lies a shift in values on the part of Gen Y consumers. Having grown up in an even more media-saturated, brand-conscious world than th
25、eir parents, they respond to ads differently, and they prefer to encounter those ads in different places. The marketers that capture Gen Ys attention do so by bringing their messages to the places these kids congregate, whether its the Internet, a snowboarding tournament, or cable TV. In the past re
26、search studies, age difference had been explored in its significant impact on branding preferences and attitudes. A research work done by Kaigler-Walker and Gilbert (2009) examined the branding attitudes among the women consumers in the Chinese societies. As for the luxury brand preferences, they di
27、scovered that among the young (20-34), middle aged (35-49) and older aged (50-65) female consumers, the middle aged females displayed greater preference for purchasing and wearing luxury brand apparel than the other two groups. Whereas the younger aged women expressed a significant higher degree of
28、preference on purchasing new apparel items and paying more attention to fashion information than the other two groups. Another research study on age differences done by Anderson and Sharp (2009) had demonstrated that younger consumers are slightly easier for brands to attract. Growing brands were mo
29、re likely to skew towards younger consumers, while in contrast, that declining brands were more likely to skew towards older consumers. This study is aiming to measure the differences between generational X and Y on their attitudes and values toward consumption of luxury brands. Hong Kong people as
30、the worlds most brand conscious consumers and relatively experienced with luxury consumption, we therefore predict the younger Hong Kong females will be more “face-oriented” in terms of values and attitudes when buying luxury brand names. Hypothesis 1a:Younger Hong Kong females (Generation Y) rate h
31、igher on Face-oriented Brand Values (FoBV) than the more mature Hong Kong females (Generation X)Hypothesis 1b:The more mature Hong Kong females (Generation X) rate higher on Self-oriented Brand Values (SoBV) than Hong Kong younger females (Generation Y).Hypothesis 2a:Younger Hong Kong females (Gener
32、ation Y) rate higher on Face-oriented Brand Attitudes (FoBA) than the more mature Hong Kong females (Generation X).Hypothesis 2b:The more mature Hong Kong females (Generation X) rate higher on Self-oriented Brand Attitudes (SoBA) than Hong Kong younger females (Generation Y).MethodologyA survey stud
33、y with a well constructed questionnaire was used to collect data regarding working female and young university females on brand values and purchase in Hong Kong. A pretest was conducted on the street in Hong Kong to test the measurements and some items were deleted according to the pretest result. F
34、or the working female sample, mall-intercept was being used, aiming at working female from mid-twenties to mid-fifties. For the young age sample, the same questionnaire was distributed among undergraduate female students in the classes of marketing management. Total successful sample was 198. Detail
35、s can be found in Table 1. The Hong Kong female interviewees were divided into eight groups according to their age. The sample of Generation Y focuses on females under the age of 30 which representing 44% of the total sample, while Generation X are female sample between the age of 31 and 55 represen
36、ting 56% (Table 1). The questionnaire was designed to cover brand values, brand attitudes, real brand purchase and respondents demographic profile. For brand values and attitudes statements 6-points scale was being used. A factor analysis was conducted to categorize the values and attitudes items. A
37、lthough an assumption of a two dimensional structure (self-and face- oriented brand values/attitudes) was made, an exploratory factor analysis was performed on the initial 22-item scale to check item loadings and to allow the number of dimensions in the initial exploratory phase to be driven by the
38、data. A principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation was applied to determine the factor structure of brand values and attitudes of generation X and Y consumers. When interpreting the factors, a decision was made to discard the factor loadings of less than 0.50. Those poor items were dr
39、opped in the item-to-total correlation tests and 21 items were finally retained in both vales and attitude tables. A 2-factor model for the Hong Kong female samples was concluded for values items and a 3-factors model was concluded for the attitude items (Table 4 and 5). Regarding the brand value st
40、atements, the items are categorized into self-oriented brand values (SoBV) and face-oriented brand values (FoBV) (Table 4). The attributes for self-oriented brand values are: durability, confidence, identity, taste, uniqueness and self expression, while attributes for the face oriented brand values
41、are: hedonic, materialism, symbol of success and wealth. As for the attitude statements, they are reduced into three factors by Factor Analysis Self-Oriented Brand Attitudes; Face-Oriented Brand Attitudes (close friends) and Face Oriented Brand Attitudes (outsiders) (Table 5). The self-oriented bran
42、d attitudes statements reflect respondents attitudes and feelings of luxury brands, such as being respected, self-identity, value for money etc. to reflect impacts of brand names on their own personal feelings. Whereas the face-oriented brand attitudes statements include feelings of how luxury brand
43、 names would bring them with involvement of social interactions and interpersonal motives, such as buying gifts to people, buying brands that friends used (close friends). These statements reflect how they want to be perceived from close friends. The factor of Face-oriented Brand Attitudes was furth
44、er developed into a dimension that involves respondents feelings and interactions with outsiders who are not their friends, such as sales peoples treatments in stores and how other people view them (Table 5). ResultsTable 2 and 3 show the ranking order of the perceived brand values and brand attitud
45、es between Generation X and Y. From Table 2A and 2B, it can be observed that “Confidence”, “Status” and “Materialism” are regarded as the highest brand value attributes both for Generation X and Y although Generation Y has higher mean score in general comparing to Generation X. As for the brand atti
46、tudes statements (Table 3A and 3B), the older females (Generation X) rated the highest on “we do not have to consider others views towards the brands that we purchase” while Generation Y only rated this 5th. Generation Y seems to consider luxury brands are important in making them feel superior (ran
47、king 1). For buying gifts, Generation X considered luxury brands are more important than the Generation Y, whereas both groups rated lowest for “it is insulting for both gift givers and receivers if it is a “cheap brands”. This indicated that samples from the two generations have mix attitudes towar
48、d luxury brands. Table 4 and 5 show factors reduced for brand values and brand attitudes respectively. Brand values can be categorized into two factors, namely face-oriented brand values (FoBV) and self-oriented brand values (SoBV). Consistently with my last paper on brand values and attitudes betwe
49、en Hong Kong and China samples (So and Kwok 2009), two brand value factors are also generated in this study. Whereas for the brand attitude statements, three factors are resulted in the Generation X and Y sample with face-oriented brand attitudes further broken down into “close friends” and “outside
50、r” factors. Hypothesis 1Table 6 shows the t- test results of the brand values between the two sets of samples: Generation Y and X. Independent Sample Mean Test was employed to measure the significant differences between samples of the two groups. Levenes Test for Equality Variances was used to deter
51、mine the significant differences between the two sets of samples. If the sig. of the Levenes test is 0.05, we check the Equal variances assumed. From the results, the rates on Self-oriented Brand Values (SoBV) and Face-oriented Brand Values (FoBV) are associated with the age. It can be observed that
52、 five attributes out of the ten attributes are significantly different between the respondents of Generation X and Y. Interestingly, all means scores of the Generation Y sample are higher than the Generation X sample which implying that the younger females in Hong Kong perceive branded goods at a hi
53、gher value than the more mature Hong Kong females. In particular, , the Generation Y females are more concerned than the Generation X in terms of Face-oriented Brand Value that there are significant differences between the two groups on attributes: “materialism”(p0.05), “wealth” (p0.01) and “status”
54、 (p0.01). In the meantime the attributes of Self oriented Brand Values “confidence” and “taste” also have a strong p-value (0.01) and 0.01). This proves that the younger females are more concerned with the face-oriented and self-oriented brand values than the more mature females. Therefore, Hypothes
55、is 1a expected that younger Hong Kong females (Generation Y) rate higher on Face-oriented Brand Values (FoBV) than the more mature Hong Kong females (Generation X) can be supported, while H1b cannot be supported.Hypothesis 2The brand attitudes statements were factorized into three factors: Self-orie
56、nted brand value, Face-oriented brand value (close friend) and Face-oriented brand value (outsiders). H2 was tested with an Independent Sample Mean Test to measure the significant differences of brand attitudes between means of the 2 sets of samples (Table 7). In Table 7, there is no clear differenc
57、e between the two groups on the SoBA and the FoBA (Close friends). However, for FoBA Outsiders, there is a strong significant means difference between the two groups on “We are happy when sales person treated us as VIP” with the strongest p value (0.001). For the same factor, it is also evident that
58、 the two groups have differences on “we do not have to consider others views towards the brands that we purchase” (p0.05). This is a negative statement that the higher mean score from the Generation X proves that the older the females sample the less concern on others views toward the brands they buy, while this also implies the younger the females the more concern on others views on brands they buy. Therefore, Hypothesis 2a expected that the younger Hong Kong females (Generation Y) rate higher on Face-oriented Brand Attitudes (FoBA) than the more matu
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