



1、人教新課標(biāo)版英語必修 3 Unit 5 語法-名詞性從句專項訓(xùn)練 含答案1 / 3必修3 Unit 5語法名詞性從句專項訓(xùn)練1、It doesnt matter I rest or not.A.ifB.whetherC.thatD.when2、_I cant understand is hewants to cha nge his mind.A.that, that B.which, whatC.what, why D.what, that3、_I was free that day.A.It happe ned toB.It happe ned thatC.That happenedD.It

2、 was happe ned that4、He_you are not going abroad.A.surprised thatB.is surprised whetherC.is surprised thatD.surprised at5、I wonder how much_ .A.cost the coatB.does the coat costC.the coat costsD.the coat is cost6、_I have will be yours sooner orlater.A.No matter whatB.WhateverC.WhetherD.That7、_in the

3、 newspaper that theJapaneseMinister will arrive in Beijing nextFriday.A.It says B.He is saidC.It has said D.It is said8、_we go swimming every day_ us a lot of good.A.If, doB.That, doC.If, doesD.That, does9、Is this_we met them last night.A.where B.placeC.place in whichD.place which10、We all know the

4、truth_ thereare air, water and sun lightthere are livi ngB.whereverD.that wherever_youreeating tooB.becauseC.the reas onD.for12、It is said_has been translatedinto French.A.that that B.whichC.thatD.that which13、It is still a question_ we shallhave our sports meet.A.whyB.thatC.whe nD.which14、Its not y

5、et clear of those will bechose n to go abroad.A.thatB.whichC.whomD.who15、_Thesepictures show you_ .A.What does our village look like B.What our village looks liveC.How does our village look likeD.how our village looks like16、_Can youmake sure_ the goldn ecklace?A.where Alice had putB.where did Alice

6、 putC.where Alice has putD.where has Alice put17、_Go andget your glasses. It_s_you left it.A.thereB.whereC.there where D.where therethi ngs.A.whereC.that11、I think it ismuch.A.that人教新課標(biāo)版英語必修 3 Unit 5 語法-名詞性從句專項訓(xùn)練 含答案2 / 318、-Do you remember_hecame?- Yes, I do. He came by train.A.howB.whe nC. whereD.

7、that19、_we cant get seems better than_we have.A.What, what B.What, thatC.That, thatD.That, what20、Mother asked me_ .A. what was wrong with meB. whats wrong with meC. what wrong was with meD. what wrong is with me21、_they have won the gamemade us excited.A./B.ThatC.WhatD.Where22、_I accept the girl or

8、 refuse itis none of your bus in ess.A.IfB.WhetherC.Even if D.When23、_he says in his report is avery in terest ing questi on.A.What all B.All whathands.A.whatB.thatC.howD.which29、Energy ismakes things work.A.whatBeveryth ingC.somethi ngD.that30、My hometown is not_it used to_ten years ago.A.whe n; do

9、B.what; doC.what; beD.whe n; be31、The reas onI have to go ismy mother is ill in bed.A.why; whyB.why; becauseC.why; thatD.that; because32、The thoughthe might fail in theexam worried him.A.whichB.thatC.whe nD.so that33、That isI lost my pen.A.whe nB.whereC.thatD.whatC.WhatD.What that24、When they will s

10、tart_ not beendecided.A.haveB.isC.doesD.has25、_certain that his inventionwill lead to the developme nt of producti on.A.That is B.This is C.It is D.It has26、_is unknown to us all.A.Where did she put itB.Where she put itC.That where she put itD.Inwhich she put it27、_nothing to do with us.A.What she d

11、id haveB.What she did isC.What did she do hasD.What she has done has28、The trouble is_we are short of34、Have you any ide _ ?A.how fast does light travelB.how quick light travelsC.how soon light travelsD.how fast light travels35、His suggestion_ to see the artexhibiti on in terested every one of us.A.

12、that we goB.which we should goC.that we would goD.wewould go36、He was interested in_ he had seen at the exhibiti on.A.which B.thatC.allwhatD.all that37、He often thinks of_he can domore for his coun try.A.whatB.howC.人教新課標(biāo)版英語必修 3 Unit 5 語法-名詞性從句專項訓(xùn)練 含答案3 / 3thatD.which38、He made_ quite clear that hewo

13、uldnt change his mind.人教新課標(biāo)版英語必修 3 Unit 5 語法-名詞性從句專項訓(xùn)練 含答案4 / 3A.thisB.thatD.what39、He got angry with_aga inst his opinion.A.whom B.who C.whoever D.anyone40、I dont kn _.what was the matter outsidewhat the matter outside was what wasoutside the matter what was happened outside41、He has come, but I di

14、dnuntil yesterday.A.is comingB.C.was coming D.42、He ran back into the room to see if heany thi ng behi nd.A.has forgotte n forgotte nC.has leftleft43、The new_ he died in the battlehas got round in the village.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.this44、_you say, I wouldnfellowyou to do that.A.WhatB.WhichC.WhateverD

15、.However45、We are wonderin _ our teacherwill come to the party or not.A.ifB.thatC.whyD.whether46、_he hasbeen getting on wellwith his studies makes allof us happy.A.B.C.D.itA.B.C.D.what had happe ned whathas happe ned which tookplacewhat has bee n take n place49、No one knows when and whereA.was she bornshe come fromC.she work wasborn50、The truthB.didD.shetheA.of whichC.about thatfactory wouldt know that heeak down made all the workers shocked. thatD.will come wasntcomingwhat答案:1、B2、C3、4、C5、C6、7、D8、D9、10、D11、B12、13、C14、B15、16、C17、B18、19、A20、A21、22、B23、C24、25、C26、B27、28、B29、A30、31、C32、B33、34、


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