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1、Prep2012-Pack1-SC-002 VSC07625 EASYEffortstothefundsavailableto schooldistricts,amajorgoal ofeducation reformers and many states in the 1970's, has not significantlyreduced the gags existing between the richest and poorest districts.A. has not significantly reduced the gaps existingB. has not be

2、en significant in reducing the gap that existsC. has not made a significant reduction in the gap that existsD. have not significantly reduced the gap that existsE. have not been significant in a reduction of the gaps existingPrep2012-Pack1-SC-013 VSC002568 EASYIn February 1995, Doris Schopper became

3、 president of the internationalcouncilofMédecinssansFrontiéres, known in Englishas“DoctorsWithoutBorders,” theworld'slargestindependent,international,voluntary emergency medical assistance and relief organization.A. known in English as“Doctors Without Borders,"B. the English for“D

4、octors Without Borders,"C. in English named as“Doctors Without Borders,"D. “Doctors Without Borders," as they are known in EnglishE. or “Doctors Without Borders," which is in EnglishKnow as = 稱為, name as= 提名,任命Prep2012-Pack1-SC-014 VSC002587 EASYRestorers say that if allowed to r

5、emove and replace the discolored layerof varnish on the Mona Lisa, the colors Leonardo da Vinci painted nearlyfive hundred years ago will once again shine through.A. IfB. if it isC. if they areD. whenE. when it isThey 指代 restorersPrep2012-Pack1-SC-016 VSC002795 EASYNineteenth-centurydoctorsthoughtth

6、atalcohol,when ingested,passedthrough the stomach into the bloodstream and was broken down only by theliver;recentstudies,however,haveledthem toconcludethatthestomachbreaksdownup to 20percent ofingestedalcoholbeforeitreaches the liver.A. have led them to concludeB. have led to their conclusionC. hav

7、e led doctors to concludeD. ead to doctors concludingE. ead to the doctors conclusionPrep2012-Pack1-SC-024 VSC07628 MediumWhile largerbankscan affordto maintaintheirown data-processingoperations, many smaller regional and community banks are finding thatthe costassociatedwith upgrading data-processi

8、ngequipmentandwiththe development and maintenance of new products and technical staff areprohibitive.A. cost associated withB. costs associated withC. costs arising fromD. cost ofE. costs of句子結(jié)構(gòu): the costs are prohibitive平衡結(jié)構(gòu):withupgradingdata-processingequipment andwith thedevelopmentPrep2012-Pack1

9、-SC-026 VSC07631 MediumArchitects and stonemasons, huge palace and temple clusters were builtby the Maya without benefit of the wheel or animal transport.A.hugepalaceandtempleclusterswere builtbytheMayawithoutbenefit of the wheel or animal transportB.withoutthebenefitsofanimal transportorthe wheel,h

10、ugepalaceand temple clusters were built by the MayaC. the Maya built huge palace and temple clusters without the benefit ofanimal transport or the wheelD.therewerebuilt,withoutthebenefitofthewheeloranimaltransport, huge palace and temple clusters by the MayaE.werethe Maya who,withoutthebenefitofthew

11、heeloranimaltransport, huge palace and temple clustersArchitects and stonemasons主語(yǔ)是人,后面要跟人的修飾說(shuō)明the maya 是人Prep2012-Pack1-SC-030 VSC001573 MediumA recent poll of elected officials suggests that candidates, when in the midst of a tough campaign, often make statements about an opponent that they may no

12、t think is true.A. IsB. areC. to beD. of asE. it isthat refers to plural statements、 statements that they may not think(that) (the statements) are true.Prep2012-Pack1-SC-033 VSC001601 MediumThe infant mortality rate has decreased steadily over the past decadesand is now at a lower rate than ever bef

13、ore.A. now at a lower rate thanB. now bower thanC. now a lower rate thanD. presently lower than it wasE. presently lower than the rate wasever before,所以 D 用 has been 更好Prep2012-Pack1-SC-036 VSC001641 MediumIn a state of pure commercial competition, there would be a large numberof producing firms, al

14、lunfetteredby governmental regulations,allseeking tomeet consumerneeds andwants moresuccessfullythaneachother.A. all seeking to meet consumer needs and wants more successfully thaneach otherB. all seeking more successfully to meet consumer needs and wants thanthe othersC. each seeking to meet consum

15、er needs and wants more successfully thanone anotherD. each seeking to meet consumer needs and wants more successfully thanthe othersE. each seeking more successfully to meet consumer needs and wants thananotherEach other和 one another意思差不多 one another更多是用于兩個(gè)以上的比較。句子是每個(gè)和其余的比較Prep2012-Pack1-SC-040 VSC

16、001735 MediumThe region of Norden is comprised of five sovereign states, each of which recognize a stronger cultural bond to their Nordic neighbors than to any other cultural grouping.A.whichrecognizea strongerculturalbond totheirNordicneighborsthan toB. which recognize a stronger cultural bond with

17、 their Nordic neighbors thanC. which recognizes a stronger cultural bond with its Nordic neighbors than withD. them recognizing a stronger cultural bond with its Nordic neighbors than they have withE. them recognizing a stronger cultural bond to their Nordic neighbors than they have to1.each of所以后面的

18、句子是單數(shù), ABE錯(cuò)誤2. 結(jié)構(gòu)平衡: with than withPrep2012-Pack1-SC-044 VSC002074 MediumIn1982,archaeologistsrecoveredHenryVIIIsshipMagRose,which having sunk in 1545 withmorethanartifactsonboard,everythingfromarrowsandlongbowstoa barber-surgeon'schestcontaining items commonly used by sixteenth-century medics.A

19、. In 1982, archaeologists recovered Henry VIIIs ship Mary Rose, which,having sunk in 1545, with more than 17,000 artifacts on board,B. Henry ship Mary Rose sank in 1545 and, recovered by archaeologists in1982, they found more than 17,000 artifacts on board,C. When Henry ship Mary Rose, which sank in

20、 1545, was recovered in 1982,archaeologists found more than 17,000 artifacts on board,D.Havingsunkin 1545,HenryV111'sshipMaryRose was recovered in1982 by archaeologists,findingmorethan17,000 artifactsonboard,withE.Findingmore than 17,000 artifactsonboard,HenryshipMaryRose,which sank in 1545, was

21、 recovered in 1982 by archaeologists and it hadA. 的 have sunking用法不好B 句子不完整D finding more than 17,000 artifacts on board, with的主語(yǔ)是 Henry shipMary Rose,- 錯(cuò)誤E Finding more than 17,000 artifacts on board的主語(yǔ)是 Henry ship MaryRose,- 錯(cuò)誤Prep2012-Pack1-SC-045 VSC002117 MediumInundisturbedprimaryforests,the H

22、onduranmahogany growsupto aheightof130feet,havinga buttressedtrunkand acrownthatspreadover the canopy of lesser trees.A.uptoa heightof130feet,havingabuttressedtrunkandacrownthat spreadB.upto130feetinheight,and withabuttressedtrunkandacrownspreadingC. to as high as 130 feet in height, having a buttre

23、ssed trunk and with a crown that spreadD. to a height of 130 feet, with a buttressed trunk and with a crown that spreadsE. as high a height as 130 feet, having a buttressed trunk and a crown spreading樹(shù)只向一個(gè)方向生長(zhǎng),所以u(píng)p 是多余的C中 as high as和 in height語(yǔ)義重復(fù), E 也一樣Prep2012-Pack1-SC-058 VSC002715 MediumTheScand

24、inavianassaultonWesternEuropeculminatedinthe earlyeleventh century with the Danish conquest of the English kingdom, whichotherScandinaviankingsattemptedtorepeat,unsuccessfullylaterinthe same century.A. which otherScandinaviankingsattemptedtorepeat,unsuccessfully,later in the same centuryB. which oth

25、er Scandinavian kings attempted torepeatlaterthatsamecentury, but not successfullyC. an achievement that other Scandinavian kings attempted later in the century to repeat, but were not successful at itD. an achievement attempted later in the century by other Scandinavian kings that was not successfu

26、lE.anachievementthatotherScandinaviankingsattemptedtorepeatlater in the century, but without success同位語(yǔ)插入,后面跟的but without success是修飾最前面的句子Prep2012-Pack1-SC-059 VSC002774 MediumOn the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa, water remains frozen, but thegravitationalforceofJupiteranditsothermoons causec

27、ontractionsthat may generateso much heatthatitwouldmelticebelowEuropassurface.A. moons cause contractions that may generate so much heat that it wouldmeltB. moons cause contractions, with enough heat generated for meltingC. moons causes contractions that may generate enough heat to meltD. moons, cau

28、sing contractions, may generate so much heat to melt邏輯問(wèn)題, force 引起 contraction(收縮),收縮引起很多 heat to meltE. moons, which causes contractions,may generateenoughheatformeltingPrep2012-Pack1-SC-062 VSC002507 hardNarwhals canbe calledwhalesof theice:inicychannels,ponds,andice-shieldedbaystheyseek sanctuary

29、fromkillerwhales,their chiefpredator, and their annual migrations following the seasonal rhythm of advancing and retreating ice.A. their annual migrations followingB. their annual migrations which followC. their annual migrations followD. whose annual migrations followingE. whose annual migrations f

30、ollow主謂一致, follow是句子的謂語(yǔ)Prep2012-Pack1-SC-063 VSC002550 hardNaked mole rats form colonies of approximately twenty animals, each of which consists of a single reproductive female and workers that defend her.A. each of which consistsB. with each of them consistingC. each colony consistingD. and each of

31、 them consistE. and each colony consistingA 中的 which 指代錯(cuò)誤,指代了animalsPrep2012-Pack1-SC-067 VSC003591 hardWithout adequate amounts of sleep, peoples newly acquired skills andalsonewfactualinformationmay notget properlyencodedintotheirmemory circuits.A. Without adequate amounts of sleep, people's n

32、ewly acquired skills andalsoB.Withouttheadequateamountofsleeptheyneed,people'snewlyacquired skills and evenC.Iftheydonot have adequate amounts ofsleep,people'snewlyacquired skills and evenD. If people do not get adequate amounts of sleep, newly acquired skillsand evenE. If people do not get

33、the adequate amount of sleep they need, newlyacquired and alsoPrep2012-Pack1-SC-069 VSC003901 hardLaboratoryratsandmice liveupto40percentlongerthanusualwhenfed a dietof at least 30 percent fewer calories than that which theywould normally eat, but that otherwise contains all necessary vitaminsand nu

34、trients.A.ofatleast30percentfewercaloriesthanthatwhichtheywouldnormally eat, but that otherwiseB.withatleast30percentfewercaloriesthanwhattheywouldnormally eat though otherwise itC. that has at least 30 percent fewer of the calories that they wouldnormally eat, but otherwise itD. that has at least 3

35、0 percent fewer calories than they would normallyeat but that otherwiseE.thathas atleast30percentfewercaloriesthanthatwhichtheywould normally eat, though that otherwise比較是在兩個(gè)diet之間, a diet has at least 30 percent fewer caloriesthan(adiet)theywouldnormallyeat平 行thathasatleast30percentfewercaloriestha

36、ntheywouldnormally eat but that otherwise兩個(gè) that同時(shí)做定語(yǔ)從句修飾 a diet。注意比較的 and 和 but 的平衡關(guān)系Prep2012-Pack1-SC-070 VSC004360 hardIn July 1965 Mariner IV passed by Mars and took the first-ever close-upphotographs of another planet, which showed that the Martian surface waslike that of the Moon's in that

37、 it was pockmarked by moonlike craters and was dry and apparently dead.A. which showed that the Martian surface was like that of the Moon's inthat it was pockmarked by moonlike craters and was dry and apparently deadB. which showed a dry, apparently dead Martian surface, and it was pockmarked by

38、 craters like the Moon hasC. which showed the Martian surface as a dry, apparently dead one, which was pockmarked with craters such as the Moon'sD. photos showing the Martian surface to be that of the Moon's, dry and apparently dead, and it was pockmarked by moonlike craters啰嗦重復(fù)E. photos tha

39、t showed a dry, apparently dead Martian surface pockmarkedwith craters like those on the MoonLike不是舉例,是像的意思Prep2012-Pack1-SC-071 VSC004462 hardInhospitableplacesonour planet,fromsteaming hotspringsto thethickiceof thePolarRegions,tendto be populatedbyspeciallyadapted microbes flourishing, it seems,

40、in these extreme conditions andaretherefore called“extremophiles.”A. flourishing, it seems, in these extreme conditions and areB. that seem to flourish with these extreme conditions andC. that seem to flourish in these extreme conditions and that are 平衡結(jié)構(gòu)D. seeming to flourish in these extreme condi

41、tions and areE. seeming to flourish with these extreme conditions and that are Prep2012-Pack1-SC-072 VSC004493 hardA study of food resources in the North Pacific between 1989 and 1996 revealed that creatures of the seabed were suffering from dwindling foodsupplies,possiblyaresultfromincreasingseasur

42、facetemperaturesduring the same period.A.t hatcreaturesoftheseabedweresufferingfromdwindlingfoodsupplies, possibly a result from increasingB.thatcreaturesoftheseabed were sufferingbecausefoodsupplieswere dwindling, possibly as a result of an increase inC. that creatures of the seabed were suffering

43、because of food supplies,which were dwindling possibly as a result of increasing creatures of theseabedthat weresufferingfromfoodsuppliesthatweredwindling,possibly resulting from an increase inD.creaturesoftheseabedthatweresufferingbecausefoodsupplieswere dwindling, which possibly resulted from incr

44、easingE.creaturesoftheseabedthatweresufferingbecausefoodsupplieswere dwindling, which possibly resulted from increasingPrep2012-Pack1-SC-073 VSC004703 hardAlthoughimprovedefficiencyinconvertingharvestedtreesintowoodproductsmayreduceharvestrates,itwillstimulatedemand byincreasing supply and lowering

45、prices, thereby boosting consumption.A. in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvestrates, it will stimulate demand by increasing supply and lowering prices,thereby boostingB. in converting harvested trees into wood products may reduce harvestrates,demandwillbestimulatedbecauseofincreasingsupplyandlowering prices


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