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1、Ben-Jonson(本瓊森)本瓊森本瓊森本瓊森(Ben Jonson ,約 1572 年 6 月 11 日1637 年 8月6日),英格蘭文藝復興劇作家、詩人和演員。他的作品以諷刺劇見長,福爾蓬奈(Volpone)和煉金士(The Alchemist )為其代表作,他的抒情詩也很由名。英國詩人,劇作家,評論家。1572年6月11日生于倫敦。主要詩集有格言詩、森林集、灌木集等曾就學于古代史學者坎姆登,并在其資助下到威斯敏斯特學校讀書,獲得關于 希臘、羅馬文學的豐富知識。后又博覽群書,成為當時學識 最淵博的劇作家之一。目錄生平本瓊生( 1573 1637)與莎士比亞同時創(chuàng)作并 持續(xù)到莎士比亞死后

2、,戲劇生涯三十余年。他一生經(jīng)歷坎坷,曾經(jīng)隨繼父學習泥瓦手藝,后來從軍參加對西班牙人的戰(zhàn)爭。因譏諷時政、爭斗殺人曾多次入獄。他也是由演 員轉(zhuǎn)向戲劇創(chuàng)作的。在1616年莎士比亞逝世那年,他把自己的劇本結(jié)集由版。當時劇本都作演由本用,本瓊生把它們作為獨立的文學作品由版,盡管當時有人譏評, 但在文學史上是有意義的事件。他受過古希臘、 羅馬文化的影響,傾心拉丁詩篇,詩作有收斂整飭的古典美。他的非 戲劇的詩歌有許多佳作,像“用你的雙眸給我祝酒吧”是抒情的名詩。他的散文作品中有關文藝批評的意見,對新古典主義的形成有很大影響。本瓊生在當時文壇上受到推崇,成為作家中的領袖人物,圍繞著他活動的文學圈被稱為“本瓊生

3、派”。個人作品瓊森寫了 18部戲劇,除兩部羅馬歷史悲劇西亞努 斯的覆滅和卡塔林的陰謀之外,大都是社會諷刺喜 劇。其劇作遵循古典主義原則,并有強烈的道德傾向。劇 中對當時社會惡劣風習的尖銳批評曾使他兩次被捕入獄。 一次是因與 T納什合寫諷刺時事、現(xiàn)已佚失的 狗島,此劇的演曲還導致了倫敦劇場的暫時關閉;另一次是因與 。 馬斯頓合寫向東方去,劇中批評了詹姆斯一世的政治 。1598年的人人高興和1599年的 人人掃興是瓊森根據(jù)氣質(zhì)論(中世紀所謂4種不同氣質(zhì)產(chǎn)生不同性格的生理學學說)創(chuàng)作的癖性喜劇。后者因戲擬馬斯頓的風格導致了劇場之戰(zhàn),其間有幾位戲劇家爭以寫戲相互攻訐,瓊森為此又寫了辛西婭的狂歡和冒 牌

4、詩人。瓊森最成功的喜劇有狐貍、煉金術(shù)士和巴 托羅繆市集。Benjamin Jonson was born 1571 as the posthumous son of a Protestant minister. His mother then moved him to Westminster, where she married a bricklayer.He attended a free parish school as a boy, and thanks to the sponsorship of the headmaster, was able to attend Westminste

5、r Grammar School. Unofortunately, Ben lost his scholarship and was forced to take up bricklaying alongside his stepfather. This occupation did not appeal to him, and he left for military duty in Flanders and did not return to England until 1592. He married in 1594, and joined a touring acting compan

6、y in 1597. Ben Jonson and another playwright then wrote a play called "IsleofDogs" which was immediately banned on charges of sedition,and he and his friends found themselves inFleet Prison. He was released after a few months and managed to restart his acting career. In December of 1598 he

7、 fought a duel with another actor named Gabriel Spencer; fortunately for Ben, he won, but unfortunately, he was imprisoned on charges of murder and given the death sentence. He managed to escape the gallows and returned to playwriting. He set out on foot in 1618 to visit Scotland and on his return b

8、egan lecturing on rhetoric at colleges. He died in 1637 and was buried in Westminster Abbey; his epitaph reads: "Oh Rare Ben Jonson!"風格詳見詩 Song to Celia :本詩為英國劇作家、詩 人本瓊生(Ben Jonson , 1572 1637)所作。他的詩的 特點在于明快,文字干凈,已有后來古典主義詩歌的特點。 To Celia是一首很有名的抒情詩,贊美的是精神愛(Platonic love ),曾譜成音樂。Celia 女子名。Son

9、g to CeliaDrink to me only with thine eyes2,And I will pledge3 with mine;Or leave a kiss but in the cup4 And I'll not look for wine.The thirst that from the soul doth5 riseDoth ask a drink divine6 ;But might I of Jove's nectar sup7,I would not change for thine.I sent thee8 late9 a rosy wreat

10、h,Not so much honouring10 theeAs giving it a hope that thereIt could not wither'd be11;But thou thereon didst only breathe12And sent'st it back to me ;Since when13 it grows , and smells , I swearNot of itself but thee14!代表作NOTESBen Jonson ,1. .本詩為英國劇作家、詩人本瓊生( 15721637)所作。他的詩的特點在于明快,文字干凈,已有后來

11、古典主義詩歌的特點。To Celia 是一首很有名的抒情詩, 贊美的是精神愛(Platonic love ), 曾譜成首樂。 Celia女子名。2. Drink to me only with thine eyes只需用你的眼睛為我祝酒thine thy ,你的古3. pledge drink a toast , 祝酒4. leave a kiss but in the cup=leave a kiss only in the cup 以吻代酒5. doth doos,由于音節(jié)需要而用的墊詞,非加強語 氣。6. drink divine divine drink ,詞序顛倒是為了詩 韻的需要。

12、7. But might I of Jove's nectar sup=if I mightsup some of Jove's nectar .might I= if I mightJove Jupiter ,丘比特(羅馬神話中的主神)8. thee古thoy 的賓格,你、汝9. late (此處)lately10. . honouring in order to honour11. . As giving it a hope that there it could not wither'd be這一句的正常語序應是:As giving it ahope that t

13、here it could not be wither'd.there with you ,即戴在你頭上wither'd be be wither'd,順序顛倒為押韻的需要。that there it could not wither'd be是 hope 的同位語,意為:希望戴在你的頭上永不枯萎。12. . But thou thereon didt only breather=But if you merely breathe on it .didst brcathe現(xiàn)在虛擬式(下行的sen'st 同。)13. . since when then14

14、. . Not of itself but thee!此句實際與上文的grows和smells 連用。of itself=by itselfbut thee=but of thee=on account of you整個意思為:花環(huán)由于你而生長,由于你而散發(fā)由芬芳。給西麗雅你就只用你的眼睛來給我干杯,我就用我的眼睛來相酬;或者就留下一個親吻在杯邊上我就不會向杯里找酒。從靈魂深處張開起來的渴嘴著實想喝到美妙的一口; 可是哪怕由我嘗天帝的瓊漿, 要我換也不甘把你的放手。我新近給你送上了 一束玫魂花,與其說誠心拿來孝敬你不如說讓它們有希望得到熏陶,不會得枯搞以至于委地;可是你只在花上呼吸了一下,把它

15、們送回到我的手里;從此它們就開得叫我聞得到(不是它們自己而是)你。(卞之琳譯)代表作狐貍故事簡介:福爾蓬奈(Volpone)是一個威尼斯的紳士。他假裝重病臥床去欺騙貪求他財產(chǎn)的沃爾特(Voltore ),科爾巴林(Corbaccio )和科維諾(Corvino )。 他們輪流去到福爾蓬奈的家里,給他帶來昂貴的禮物, 希望能成為這無兒無女的紳士的財產(chǎn)繼承人。律師沃爾特獻給福爾蓬奈送了一個古老的餐具。老紳士科爾巴林帶著鴉片劑來探望福爾蓬奈,他怕福爾蓬奈立沃爾特我繼承人,于是又交由一代印度金幣。福爾蓬奈的仆人莫斯卡( Mosca)哄騙科爾巴林,說他應 該立福爾蓬奈為自己的遺產(chǎn)繼承人,這樣就可確保他相

16、應地成為福爾蓬奈的遺產(chǎn)繼承人;況且福爾蓬奈都快死了。他一死遺產(chǎn)就會全部落入科爾巴林的口袋里??茽柊土致勓?,解除了自己兒子布納瑞爾( Bonario )的繼承人身份 而改立福爾蓬奈。商人科維諾帶著東方珍珠來探望裝病的福爾蓬奈,希望能博得他的歡心。 莫斯卡告訴他,他必須把漂亮的妻子, 賽利亞(Celia )獻給福爾蓬奈,才能得到他的遺產(chǎn)。在 巨大的利益驅(qū)使下,科維諾讓妻子去和福爾蓬奈H。在科維諾把妻子帶到前,科爾巴林的兒子布納瑞爾得知父親要解除自己的財產(chǎn)繼承權(quán),去到福爾蓬奈家理論。 莫斯卡帶他的旁邊的房間先等著。當科維諾將妻子賽利亞騙到福爾蓬奈的房間時,房門剛剛關上, 在床上裝病的福爾蓬奈一躍而起

17、,向賽利亞逼近賽利亞沒有順從他。 她苦苦哀求,請他講講天地良心,堅決表示寧死不從。但 肉在前,福爾蓬奈豈會放手,撲上去就要強她。這時,善 良的小伙子布納瑞爾沖由來英雄救美,阻止了福爾蓬奈, 并痛斥他的無恥下流。一群人被帶上法庭。 在第一次審訊中, 作為律師的沃 爾特明知布納瑞爾和賽利亞是無罪的,卻為了博得福爾蓬奈的歡心,給他和莫斯卡由壞主意, 和他們一同誣告布納瑞爾和賽利亞,致使法庭認定善良的布納瑞爾和賽利亞是 有罪的。后來福爾蓬奈喬裝打扮成政府官員,說自己已經(jīng)死 了,所有的財產(chǎn)都留給仆人莫斯卡??聽柼?、科爾巴林和 科維諾被徹底激怒。全部人再次返回法庭。無視福爾蓬奈的懇求,莫斯卡拒絕放棄自己新

18、的有錢人的身份。于是福爾蓬奈決定把所有的事情和騙局都翻由來,踢莫斯卡下 臺。至此,所有貪婪的人們都受到應有的懲罰。本瓊森的福爾蓬奈(又名狐貍)是很有名 的復制節(jié)錄如下作為經(jīng)典教材VOLPONE. Good morning to the day; and next, my gold!福爾蓬奈:早晨好!其次,我的黃金:Open the shrine, that I may see my saint.(Mosca opens the curtain that hides much treasure)莫斯卡拉開窗簾,發(fā)現(xiàn)一大堆黃金、金銀餐具、寶 石等等。Hail the world's sou

19、l, and mine! more glad than is萬歲!世紀的靈魂,我的靈魂!The teeming earth to see the longed-for sun比令人渴望的遍地陽光更多的黃金。Peep through the horns of the celestial ram,穿過天上的公羊角一瞥,Am I, to view thy splendour darkening his;你的光彩讓它黯然失色,That lying here, amongst my other hoardes,它放在我的儲藏的最中間。Show'st like a flame by night,

20、or like the day象黑夜中的火焰閃耀,Struck out by chaos, when all darkness fled 象白晝中的混沌廓清,那時所有的黑暗消散, Unto the centre. O thou son of Sol, 光明*中央。啊,你是太陽神的兒子, But brighter than thy father, let me kiss, 你比太陽更明亮,With adoration, thee, and every relic我崇敬地吻你和在這神圣的房間Of sacred treasure in this blessed room.中的每一個神圣財寶的遺物。W

21、ell did wise poets by thy glorious name讓詩人說得好,你的光榮的名字,Title that age which they would have the best;會有時代最好的頭銜。Thou being the best of things, and fartranscending你是最好的東西,All style of joy, in children, parents, friends,遠勝于在孩子、爸媽、同事Or any other waking dream on earth.和地球上清醒的眾人中的各種類型的歡樂。Thy looks when the

22、y to Venus did ascribe,你看,當她們屬意于維納斯的時候,They should have given her twenty thousandCupids,她們會獻上無數(shù)的愛之箭。Such are thy beauties and our loves! Dear saint,可愛的天使 一財富,我們的愛,你是如此美麗!Riches, the dumb god, that givest all mentongues,無聲的上帝,賦予所有人以語言。That canst do nought, and yet mak'st men do all things;你能使大家從無到有,The pr ice of sou I ; even hell, with thee to boot,你能給靈魂、甚至給地獄定價,I s made worth heaven. Thou


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