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1、Current value of global equity fundCurrent Value of G lobat Equity FundiToial 情alg-51B8million)M. Eas.tUK 1 陰 MJ apan 18%QUESTION3 / how much do the alue of the hajdin in th a US and Latin America exceed that cf the rmue u,aBthe othr tickings curnbined7S1.3& nruihsnQUESTIONCvr the Ila51 3 year5

2、he avtraflt tn grease ti 廿巳 US homing lies been 8% per annum. V. hot y te > akie of the US hnHng 3 years a20?S55 99m*on§70 2D miMon Nont of theseS62 6& rnitonS71.4S(iAmQUESTIONFor the next ty; 口 ysarst the value of ths holding尋 n th號 UK and Germany are exp&cted t口 i?e increaseci by 2

3、0K per nnjnn t jt the -, slue at the ether hold ng= are exp&cted to be increased E:,T2 / per annurri. .Vhat is the exp acted htl .aide sf the Fund in tv;o y=a rs time7519Q.3mi*n210.7 rrrillonH 5177 Ei" Q 3203.9 million 目 S21E 7 m»onQUESTIONThe Fundptsrn lr> move c of tif 山u* of tn*

4、US holding irtii L «hn Ar*ricA Wh*t pepenian ef th* loial Fund wilCABEA(2)Income for Lazdech industriesIncome for Lazdech Industries.Londo n ln<txn« - If&ar 8 - £31140aQDOBradTord Income - Year 8QUESTION0th 日TrainingConsulting 10%6%8%Repairs 12%Product sales 64%Repairs£540

5、,000Training56.000Corwulting1120,000Product sales£60,000Other£24,000Total£1.200,000if 23% of 0tadford, s ConsuitiDQ income had come to Lcrtdan in year Bt Mat would thart have mads Londcni, s Consulting incorfle?£issjoao £3。4 aM £1.40,000£219/100£367.6tMlQUESTI

6、ONIf 25% of 1 Other* riccrne © profit and 45 % of Consulting income is pro/r., how much prof ft does London make from 101theP and Consuifing?儂P。£204,000 £264,000£153,000£240,800DBDC(3)TLN Group Revenue by division7LM Group - Revenue by DivisionY«»r 1 million $)18Y&

7、#187;ar 2 Total - $5 million)32%f 1 .65 ITlNIiCl-5175 m iion BrandingV AdverUsing Public RelalionsO ConsultancyQUESTIONIn Yer Public Rei印2n鼻 revenue (as 旨 percentsc)e E 1(?tgl reveny?) in。號謊與d kjy ttie 營日m牛 scriunt a? the世、while 忙柑 revenue ire峰居 ed by 2041, How much revenue clid Public Re Inions maJ

8、ic in Year 3?5170 Mion 31 60 millionCannot seyQUESTIONWhat wa3 the increase in total revenue for the- TIN Group from Year 1 to Year 2?A15%B20%C25D30%目NejneoT theseACAQuestionh Year 3 Advertising in corns is predicted Jo re-ach S2rnii»n.4鳥學 u min g hat the contributions for al diyis ions wl mair

9、itairi the Year 2 proportions, what isitie >redided revenue eeneratedi b/TLM Groupi in Year 3-?A 56 miliDn& 36.25 mdlbriC SC.SmlonD SS.75 rrifonE 57 intllion(4)AER PetrochemicalsAER PetrochemicalsCrude olt production breakdown for last yearKerosene 14%Lubricating oil 5%Gasoline 34%Other prodj

10、cis 18%Total production from crude oil -Die&ei 60 million barre幅QUESTIONHow many more barrels of Gasotne than Cfeul were produced M year500,0005.000,000.,COO,COD300.000.0C0500,000,000QUESTIONV/hat was. the tola I production of Gasolne and Kercsene ccmbined 5 oarrels)7D48,00023.& miliicinQUES

11、TIONBDCShareholding in Tazon Insurance by CountryShareholding in Fazon Insurance bv Cbiintry (as of April 2002) Total Number of Shares: 45 millionQuestionlithe ictal shareholdiTig was warth 13 bllion, how much is the Treasury S-tock hoWing worth?B «1.2 biion0 卷 o billion900 nAon4, billion9.0bil

12、lvnQuestionA dr, idsnd of 0.7S per share is 也 paid to al shareholders. Hew much k. il they obtain in totaI?A C123.75B 123750C 名 116 Ma。120.75 rndiorE T5 millionEEQUESTIONIf each shire had a market v-alue of 30 n April 2002. what wa.3 the total value of the Germsn hsreholdlirig7AC1SZ5 mllfionB187.5 m

13、illionC197.5 milbon回20(2.5 million目207.5 millmnQUESTIONbetr of shares held by tlhe US?17.5 rTMllianIn Msrch 2003r another thre-& mllion shares will be issued Piese are to be ssiied to American staff members onty. Whet will16.5 rnftoni18.5 mfan19.5 million線圖和條形圖Us modem marketft:nDuBte in tnstyar

14、 t& match the mart-&t一* EaayrnodAReM(*G=EeEssOJESTJONAa.Lmhg由由TH白I Ll&rmt亨巾惻女a(chǎn)y 1 EK力*啟事門卜the?- achieved in Vear 2?和,.二 mltiDnSWT? nillofiSUSrmilion51231m mflpFEfi inslu-sive?n於L5103. i: milmQUESTIONVsha: w sbQUESTIONIn Year 7, what niilbe ttie differencq in rvsnues i1 Eaayrnods's c3

15、mpetitcrs manage an increase cf 10% but Eowyrr口k it尋el only man ages an iincreaseS25£ 9 milEn327$.4 million鷺疆專million”729 milfonQUE WONVhat wre the totalof Easy meds s competitors between Year 1 and Yearf incliisre?A5339 miNionB5514 mil kanC$&48in 麗 nDS1.12S rrllbnESr46fimilfonS467 4 miltio

16、nUESTIONBetweer which two years did the increase In Easymade5 s sales most closely match the increase in the total UE Modem Market?A1BCfDYear 2 to Year 3Y,r 4m Year 5日 Csnncrt sa/QuestionAppnaximat&ty w hat percentage of the tptal US Wcem Market in Year 2ttributatitq Easyrrio de?A23%B25%C31%口33%

17、E38%Global white goods producersGlobal White ProducersEs-'wc由 nudlA(DD£QUESTIONAppnoxmately what proportion of 市甘 totalLess than £%2f-gjods rewefiue ismarket =gmerit responsible 忙, 承笆& to W%IQ%to 20%EG% B 3(%JO%to 40%QUESTIONWhich E忸巨 five Mmp&nies l-iSdthsrsver»u* aerasai

18、he Premium 與面1 Gnp的 P忸陌on mark&t 總金寸巾白Mr?AElect ncBh/taeistrcinT和 ringDC*MisGheiEGETQUESTJQNWhich orfikie ive companies had the iowest share of -the total white-goods revenue?Electroh4ae(3tromDeutschel目GETQUESTION,Vhai ig th difference in tbe 閏lue af Spring Wddi# 曰rd Frernium market segment r&am

19、p;renue&?S10 millrofi$ 1 bilbnnS100 miWonS.1 0 bdlicnQUESTIONWiieh is the i印照時 of th* 用由Wet seents?ADiscount回MiddlePremkiroDSuper PreiTiium510 42 billionwioce m&n oneDCDEC-BQuestionVhat percentage of the total Deutsctiei revenue was accounted for by their Premium market segment share737.5%43

20、.75%47 75%QuestionIf the overall Discount market segment revenue increased by 50% the folowing year and a further 20% the year after, what v/ouki the overall Discount market segment revenue have in creased to58.2 bilbonS11.9 billion514-.0 billionS10 6 billion5126 billionRetails sales by product cate

21、goryRetail Sales hy Product CategorySMes t* rrillions)Questionn whicti year wee .Vq menswsa &印e占己 t least twice that of Accesso ries?Contract sales across companiesContract sales across companies Company A f- Company B t Company C=BIC- Ai 一處 rkpc一一o流)GV-ESQUESTIONIf Company A1 聿 sfisre of co

22、1;TtrectE won stays et it3 2OQ2 level 呂nd Compfiny C' s share conrtinues to grow at the sme rgite it did from 1999 to 2002, in whsrt yeer wuuld Cjompany C wii twice as many contracts as Coinpany A?QUESTIONif C&i7K:afie& A sfic C had join*cicjettier n wtnaesiilt hadof the contrasit in 19&

23、amp;5 tnat the/actiidlly rtcm J3 separate cqpparie&. tioyv, 1 r/ere sardd to tilt irkduslry thatjiMr5iiVj'SicIi楠),4M 、。鼻儂d<900,50C'iSn ey qlW therJ%'re lost m from joining togsttier if350 GontncrtSr 計centrad豈單品。缶£10(07QUESTIONIf each af the 200 cortracts in year 2000 was wort

24、h 的4冉口口 白nd Company C made a 20% prolrt on each conrl:racl.l how much profit did Company C ififike In 2000?A43,400B£54,500Ti £55,040D加口E£86,400QUESTIONIt there werfe seven companies in the industry in 1S9S, what w/as the average percentage cf contracts won by each oi ihe rour not shov

25、ri m tKa 學呂口 h?A12.75%C15%17.5%ra:Camnrf 氣月v"QUESTIONIf there ere twice 至 mariY oontracte in 2003 sttiere were h 2002 but edcti ts only wortr1 2ird& of a 2002 contract, what Is ttie mriinwn peroertags of Qortractsthat Company C wfl need to winto ensure ihat is mcome does nd go (town?12.75%1

26、5 5%QUESTIONIf Company B bid for 36 of ttie cortracts available in 2001 and g on 蘇 of these it bid for, hew many contracts bVere available in 2M1727 D5404&0CCEDA-CTazon gross revenues by business segmentTazon Gross Revenue Oy 日usin,5今 Segment% of OverallAnnual RevenueLife Mid Savings PropertyCas

27、uaRy,*, 用忸用口3加I訕rar心Asset Manajcmeni-W- Other FnandalServicesAnnual RevenueOUESTJONn im iimd in 曲也 Lit# "如胴融才 r»reAntw 旭1金柱內(nèi)后召 M ccrtinue lor ArwMhAr 世m(xù) am tr*射tftv*nu* io(Kiesse 也也 20 Wimd whM woiW be Ihe vcMe of life and Swings revenue lor 2003T442 biion32 bibonbi bonCetflnrt sayQUESTION

28、What is tlie difference jr1h value of ths目v«nu整 between Intsmional Insurncs in 2000 snd Internatiorai Insixance in 20017目.00 billion decrease包QU billion increaseQUESTIONWhsrt is percentage increase in tot' gro: s revenu& from 2001 to 2002?19.1%泣2%DADQuestionWhati導 tht c fkr&nct in t

29、ht fIug cf thtreYnu« btt<.&tn Lifnnd Savings n。Property and Casualty inSOCS? A 12.5 biionB 皂伯.5 biEriC 17.5 biilbnO 1-8.9 bilbDnE CZ2,5 bNionQuestionV/hat v;ere th e Q .erell gro&s revenues t,er the three years (2000 io Z002)十口Pnaperty anc Ca suaty'3日 &S billonD 隹口 billionA *

30、5(1 bilbo aC F.S billionE 針口 billion表格199920002001Life and Savings112114371564Property and Casualty62940858bInternaiianal Insurance-4b153206Asset Management99211210Other Financial Services264273289Holding Companies-225872Tazon insuranceTazon InsuranceContribution to Net Cash Earnings iin millions)qu

31、estion.Vtiat were tlie Net Cssh Eanings for Internationa InswAC宕 1 M TTlIINonD313 million日官4嶼而knCBACAnchor global insurance; number and cost of employees by regionRnginnNo. of EmployeesToial Cost (in $ millions)Full TimPart TimeFull TimePart TimeUS174a17047.026South Fast Asia6706414407UK300307.20.4E

32、urope250246.6。3 "China330324.6zh/iiddle East135122.0*一 hVA 二Ancha r Global Insurance; Number arid Cosl of Employeby RegionQUESTIONWwer cf full line s-taff du ttie/svinpby?溟.4%弭3%Daking ths US and Sautt East L&gsth*H如沿 | &5.0%135取4粕EBDCDAnnual number of non-fata major injuries at w

33、orkAnnual Number of Non-fatal M ajor Injuries at WorkSetvrNumber of InjuriesR.ate(per lOO.OOD employees)5 years agoNow5 years atfoNowAgriculture4294271365173.6Energy1 ,713564330.317G.2Manufacturing7,3735,271145.0123.0Constru ction27361772202.7224.4Services3,0677S6757.5513Seif-Emplayed690124,26339 8Q

34、UESTIONHow many mo re major injuries are like-to occur now in a graui> of 1 million Construction employees compared to s gMp 口,1 million Manufacturing employees71.Q6Q3.499QUESTION目 ae e1%Q前棧As 3 perccfM»9e (he Msncjiactuting rate, hew much 手 信He* Is the wckleM r4te tw cutve iian ManuiettLur

35、i:use ICMta/t TiguresJ?Q 34核BBBDC目編熱Company share issuesCOMPANY SHARE ISSUESCOMPANYShare Price 問Latest MarketCapiial isation (£ million)Number ofSharesIssueHighLowLatestDinar0.500.570.52 576 711,754,386Skanol1 50150 53,S3142.S41,609First 口 il0751.220.711 15322782,609Benzol1.001.130.95,95d 85.05

36、2,632Markel Cspitalisation = Number of Shares x Share PriceQuestionIf you sclrt 200.000in S-anol. approxirria:&y v/hat percentage M Dirtsr Shares tsuid you t jy Lste&tShare-Prcw!?B 1吊戈O 16%QuestionAssuming thattfie number of j.hares tia5 rut char ;&d, '/Jhich c;nroafiy nas see-n ttie

37、 greatest in crease in i-larktC a p it li atw n fin mil I iu n 5 nee shares is5je-d : u5e Lats-st Share =rict :7B SkanolD 日 ENCilQUESTION5 how nwny rw per»nt htiv« sherm in Fretoiinto chwe / Dirtw381/3%M 40 1ZJ%F3 42 1/3%BCBRegister of finance exam results for bonds incRegister of Finance

38、E把am ResuItsfor Bonds Inc - Yar 2001Exa ms taken this yearQMsian ADivision BDhrislnn CNo ex5ms0120-3rade I ExamPassed2728028Failed429-Grade II Exampassed3533241Failed737-Grade III ExarmPassed5545Failed102-Total no. of traih&es13S645112Notes; Allnrirwes inBonds Inc take Orflde I exflms 州tthin two

39、 vears of joiring.“ Exsms must be 忸km in or<ler Q,II, III) and trainees ma/ only lake one exam a year, Same figrre3 are nort名y制舊口 I合for Division C.QUESTIONOn average, across al I three division 牛 9.35% of those taking their Graefe I ereiiR in 2D 01 liled How many trainees inDivision C fail&ci

40、 their Grade I exern in 2001 ? ClQUESTIONis the475665CarnetDIf everyone in Cr/isicn A lias faiiec at least trf; mken in th曰 OrvraiDr?F nurribrr of exams ttiaf could ha it beenQUESTIONIf Division B takes 38 of 1ho5e who have the Grade III qu刨ifiGaticn irom Division A, and Division A are 3iven 39 new

41、trainees with no exanto cornpensate, how msny more bx:日ms vould Division A staff have to take to get bactc ther curnent 修vela f RBRie at 號目時 grad?3539117121QUESTIONAll members of Division B took their ne)ct exam In 2002 acdi the percentage of trainees f薊lr)g their Grade II e>:am was half of whflr

42、t rt was tar that exam m 2001. Appifaximartely haw many trainees in Division B failed their (?rade I eam in 2002?1216目18EDDDFrequency of drivers accidentsFrequency of Driver AccidentsAccidentsAccidentsAe Range(per person per year*(per milNon miles)MenWomenMenWomanUnder 16CU620.274504622100.3250.1993

43、2.338.119-22涉290.1260.0929.516.230 390.0920 0737 213.540-49OWOQgE,911.360-590.0790.0678314.46 口 G90.0550.0467912.770 & oyer口口班0 03711711 9QUESTIONgsA group ct one thousand %即,sed 23-29, each drive 10,000 miles per year How many accidents 對號 there likely to Be in this group?3 124EJ 1

44、,310QUESTIONIn Uirns of mi。于 driven> for which 審g號 用ng。歸 the prqRoriign研 difference Retvv號已nthq number of accidents for men mnd women ihe smallest?40-4950弋9QUESTIONin terms o-f acode-nte。與ry電打,to what extenLdo woman aged 30-39 hs7t fewer aceidenta than women 白牛日目 2V2S?A1SY月&占B仃乂 lesscn% ies-3

45、D211H lessNone ofthewHONki 岫rn& H mi電自 ar>ei. and iampar&d tathe previous sg& range, vJhith age range far ntimon 甘甘自 grea:«t proportionsi rfrdtctjon in the number of accidents?s(M9OUESTION571®hcw many rnorc Kcx>erx s lr et Ttaf will v jx oup or a ihoui ond i S-vtor ow fli

46、er* oe bkeiy lo horwc ccrvared wtft 力/w ot« fhousend 18”ar 山 n*wre*i?El AEDBDGranta industries ltd product rangeGrants hidustries Ltd. Product RanqeProductTotal cttsl per unitSale Price per unitProfit per unitManufactureDistributionOtherZelec 25£1240£1.16£3.40£40.95£24

47、30El 325E1J5£3,00珞口 35£33 石 5Z3ec32b£13.25£1.15£3.5Q£5595£36.05Mldras 14£20 20復.30£4;2D£72.00£45.30Mldrns120£2540£250£7.60£10,00£84.50QUESTIONIf you sell seventeen units of Mklras 14 far every Micjras J 20 you sei, whgt

48、would be the latal profit an Midraa products ii you 3 口I。2 Midrs 120s7心羽,妗43。£jB6,635 2OC£266 400.40£2蜀,414.20ENone of theseQUESTIONIf the total cast of a bleh of2eiec 32a un 血 waa £41O 40,川 Mt wuuld belii talal pro fits on me &白 le of th ese unitsthey wer« each sold for

49、£4.00 leis than ttiey ncrmaly ar-e?目 £11,060.20QUESTION9.43011,944I 2.聞Hdw rnarry unts of Z&lec 32b woukl you need to sell to mat e rrwre profit than you wotAd by selfing 13(294 units af Zelec 32a?11/22 12J01BEBBBPopulation statisticsBDBDCPopula-tion Statist! csN印ALINDIA199120011991200

50、1Total Population (millions)16.821 7843W79Population Growth Rate (a?rage annual increase2625Birth RaW口時如。rorJ42433.440.624.3FUte 3仃 140Qp。,)13.51Q21222日Urban : RuraE(和口p5#n r就口1:91 : 852:7.51 ; 4.6Literacy Rate (%male f femalerop)267193口,2。64/3976/50QUESTION11 in 2002 and 2003 the Nepalese popul喇or

51、grew in line with the swerve 1991 -2001 rsie, wotddthe population be ii 2003 (tolhe nearest WH000J?21.94 曬fan22.94m怔m23 .0+million24J$4 rndliwi(None QttheseQUESTIONTtyw many people lived in rural areas ir India in 2001 (to the nearest milbon)7A680 millionB381 mN Ianc632 millionD333 mi ionE8S4 mNIIor

52、i0UESTIGMAMLtnng tn9t Jtie In由ar popus<iori cortmuK Io &0a 咨 tfw sam aw冷粥1日* bv 虱 y&ar,i*M 什心沖沖hit 1.2S bfcon Cl 3 moor) people?A師C20092009T2Ot0Stationery costs from five providersStationery co sis from five providersHotterMarinskiGaeff5110goBelluci100 Ink pens后 25.0024.0020 5030.0026.505

53、0 pencils7.500.0010 2012.00隹 7.D015 erasers1.302001.562,002 105 rules4£65.20名 5.204 5020 coloured pens3.005.00W3,5QW2UU3.K1 Reltel offer a 10% discount on orders ofover100.2 * Marinski give away one packet of 20 coloured pans with every 1 , ink pans ordered3 * Belluci will give a 15% discount on packs of 50 pencils for every pack of 110 ink pens bouglit.QuestionShago are producing a special pack of 250 mk p&fis and25。吃nc厄 far £120. Appruxi


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