1、Part I MUltiPIe ChoiCe(15%)DireGti ons: There are 15 in completeStateme nts in this part. For eachStateme nt there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best ONE to complete the Statement. (1' X 15=15 ')1. ACCOrding to the rules of Writing a title,“ is correct.A. The Way To ImPrO
2、Ve OUr En glish-Speak ing AbiIityB. My VieW on the NegatiVe EffeCtS of AdSC. the Myth of a Negro LiteratUreD. the War of In depe ndence2. WhiCh of the followi ng Senten CeS has PUn CtUati on error?A. The alarm clock soun ded, the StUde nts got UP quickly.B. The alarm clock soun ded; the StUde nts go
3、t UP quick.C. The alarm clock soun ded. The StUde nts got UP quickly.D. When the alarm clock sounded, the StUdents got UP quickly.3. does not contain in the PrinCiPIeS of “ChOiCe of words ” .A. ACCUraCyB. Arbitrari nessC. APPrOPriate nessD. Con CiSe ness4. What kind of figures of SPeeCh(修辭格)is USed
4、in the SentenCe “ ThiS elephant is like a Snake as anybody Can see. ” ?A. MetaPhOrB. PerSOn ificati onC. SimiIeD. HyPerbOIe5. During the TV in terview, the Sin ger announ Cedthat he WaS going tohis new album soon.A. releaseB. renewC. relieveD. rehearse6. GreatIy agitated, I rushed to the apartme nt
5、and tried the door,to find it locked.A. onlyB. justC. henceD. thus7. AS I' ll be away for at least a year, I ' d appreciatefrom you nowand the n telli ng me how every one is gett ing along.A. heari ngB. to hearC. to be heari ngD. hav ing heard8. An introductoryParagraPh should arouse the rea
6、der ' S interest andthe main idea of the essay.A. ig noreB. i ntroduceC. developD. emphasize9. WhiCh of the following SentenCeS COntainS a dangling modifier?A. COming UP the hall, I heard the clock StrUCk 10.B. While Wendy WaS driv ing on Gree nwood AVe nue yesterday after noon,a tree bega n to
7、fall toward her car.C. When I WaS ten, my gran dfather died.D. None of the above.10. WhiCh one is not USed as a tran Siti on word to give examples?A. for in Sta nceB. SUCh asC. IikeWiSeD. n amely11. While making a good Senten ce, the Prin CiPIeS do not contain.A. VarietyB. COhere nceC. UnityD. duali
8、ty12. “ is a compo UndSenten ce.A. Her mother would rem ind her.B. The rain fell for a week; therefore, every Street in the City WaS flooded.C. BeCaUSe the rain fell for a week, every Street in the City WaS flooded.D. She Wanted to make SUre that her mother WaSn' t WatChing.13. is the core Sente
9、nCe of a paragraph.A. Topic SentenCeB. The first SentenCeC. SUPPOrt ing sentenceD. Con cludi ng SentenCethere14. In the SentenCe “After the Plane took off, JeSSiCa still stood crying. ” , What is the function of the Underlined part?A. It ' S a PrePOSitional phrase, functioning as an adverb.B. It
10、' S not a phrase, but an adverbial clause.C. It' S not a phrase, but an independent clause.D. It' S a PrePOSitional phrase, functioning as the subject.15. In order to keep a ParagraPh COhere nt, We ofte n USe the orga ni Zati onalPatter ns:.1) time order2) SPaCe order 3) order of importa
11、 nce4)order ofgen eralityA. 1), 2), and 3)B. 1), 2), and 4)C. 2), 3), and 4)D. 1), 2), 3), and 4)Part II COrreCt Senten CeS (15%)DireGti ons: The followi ng Senten CeS have SQme faults and CQrreCt them.(3' X 5 = 15 ')1. There are many StUdents StUdy in the GIaSSrQQm everyday.2. Feeling hungr
12、y, I deCided to walk to the village buy SQme food.3. A man is judged not only by What he SayS but also by his deedS.4. EVery man, WQman, and Child are entitled to join in the group.5. Jane WaS trying to keep her bala nce but fin ally falls.Part III TranSitiOnS (10%)DireCti ons: Read the followi ngPa
13、SSage and choose an appropriatetranSition word or PhraSe in the box. Write the COrreSPOndingword orPhraSe in the blank. (2' x5=10 ')first of allon the other handfurthermorefor examplecon SeqUe ntlyAnother difference among the world ' S SeaS and oceans is that the sali nity VarieS in diff
14、ere nt CIimate zon es., the BaItiC Sea(波羅的海) in NOrther n EUrOPe is only on e-fourth as sali ne as the Red Seain the MiddIe East. There are two reas ons for this., inWarm CIimate zon es, Water evaporates rapidly: therefore, the COnCen trati onof salt is greater. SeC ond, the surro Unding Iand is dry
15、 and, , does not con tribute much fresh Water to dilutethe salty Sea water. In cold CIimate zones, , Waterevaporates slowly. , the run-off Created by meltingsnow adds a conSiderabIe amount of fresh Water to dilute the saline Sea water.Part IV Read ing for Better Writi ng (20%)PaSSage OneDireCti ons:
16、Read the follow ing paragraph, find QUt the topic SentenCe and the niden tify the irreleva nt Senten ces. Mark the CQrreSP Qnding nu mber Qn the below.(5'). SQme enjoy going Differe nt people SPe nd their Weeke nds in differe nt WayS(5 ')to the mountains to hike, Ski Qr just relax Water Skii
17、ng is much more difficultthan SnQW Skiing . OtherS Prefer going to the beach to enjoy the SeaShQre activities and to get a SUntan . SQme Qf these people WQrk Very hard during the Week ; QtherS have rather relaxing jobs. Still QtherS like to relax by Staying homeand read ing a good book .TQPiC Senten
18、Ce : IrreIeVa nt Senten CeS :PaSSage TWQDireCtions:In the folloWi ng ParagraPh the topic SentenCe is abse nt, read themand Write an appropriate topic SentenCe in your QWn WQrdS Qn the Underline.It Can affect US PhySiQlogically.EXCiting music Can inCreaSe QUr heart rate, QUrbreathing, and Our blood P
19、reSSure. Calming music Can relax Our muscles and eve n lower our Skin temperature. MUSiC Can affect US PhySiCally too. EVery one has found themselves tapping their feet or Wanting to get UP and dance to their favorite song. MUSiC Can definitely affect our mood and emotions. MUSiC is slowand quiet ma
20、kes US feel relaxed and less stressed, and StimUIatingmusic Canen ergize US and make US feel PIayfUI and alive.PaSSage ThreeDireCti ons:Rearra nge the followi ng Senten CeS so that they will read logically. PUtthe IetterS in PrOPer SeqUence in the boxes PrOVided below. (2' x5=10 ')A ImitatiV
21、e words are words that sound like the thing or action they Stand for.B The other one fifth is made UP PartIy of borrowed words and PartIy of threeother kinds of words: words from the n ames of peoples and places; imitative words; and inven ted words.C BUt there are PrObabIy more.D The old words WhiC
22、h Were born Cen turies ago in the An glo-Sax on, Germa nicand FrenCh Ian guages make UP four fifths of the En glish Ian guage.E Scholars guess that En glish has about 600, 000 words.F There is no need to Say anything about these words, for they SPeak for themselves.G Ampere, volt and Watt are all Un
23、its of electricity, and they are named for themen who discovered them.H NeW words COntinueto COme into the Ianguage at SuCh a rate that nodicti onary could POSSibIy keep UP With them.CHAPart V ReWrite Se nte nces (15%)DireCti ons:ReWrite the followi ng Senten CeS accordi ng to the requireme nts.(3
24、39; X 5 = 15 ')1. (a) XiaXi Town is not big but beautiful.(b) It has an area of about 80 SqUare kilometers.(sentenceWith aPrePOSiti onal PhraSe)2. (a) Mr. Smith Will leave our school .(b) He is a teacher of history .(Se ntence With an appositive PhraSe)3. (a) The temple is ViSited by thousands o
25、f PeOPle every year.(b) It WaS built 1, OOO years ago. (Se ntence With a v-ed PhraSe)4. (a) I still remember the day .(b) I first Came to Beijing On that day. (Sentence With an attributiveClauSe)5. (a) He SUffered from Can Cer(b) He had SmOked too much . (Sentence With an adverbial CIaUSe)Part Vl Wr
26、iting (25%)DireCtions:For this part, you are allowed to Write an essay on the topicGetti ng to Know the World OUtSide of Campus.You should Write about150 words according to the SitUation given below in Chinese(Note: PIeaSeWrite the title of your essay): (25')1. 如今,很多大學(xué)生都會通過兼職工作了解校外的世界,這是很必要的;2.
27、了解校外世界的途徑;3. 你了解校外世界的方法。ReferenCe AnSWerPart I Writi ng BaSiCS (15%)DireCt ions: There are 15 in complete Stateme nts in this part. FOr each Stateme nt there arefour ChOiCeS marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best ONE to complete the Statement. (1' X15=15 ')12345678910BABCAAABDC1112131415DBABD
28、'X 5 = 15 ')Part II COrreCt Sentences (3' X 5 = 15 ')DireCt ions:The followi ng SentenCeS have some faults and PIeaSe COrreCt them. (31. There are many StUdents StUdy in the CIaSSroom everyday.應(yīng)為:There are many StUdents who StUdy in the CIaSSroom everyday.2. Feeling hungry, I decided
29、 to walk to the village buy some food. 應(yīng)為:Feeling hungry, I decided to walk to the village to buy some food.3. A man is judged not only by What he SayS but also by his deeds應(yīng)為:A man is judged not only by What he SayS but also by What he does.Or A man is judged not only by his words but also by his d
30、eeds.4. EVery man, woma n, and child are en titled to join in the group.應(yīng)為: EVery man, woman, and child is entitled to join in the group.5. Jane WaS trying to keep her bala nce but fin ally falls.應(yīng)為:Jane WaS tryi ng to keep her bala nce but fin ally fell.orPart III Tran Siti OnS (10%)DireCtiOnS :Read the following PaSSage and choose an appropriatetranSition wordPhraSe in t
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