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1、英語中考復(fù)習(xí)單項(xiàng)選擇專項(xiàng)練習(xí)1. How old is your son? . We had a special party for his birthday last Sunday.A Nine; ninthB Nine; nineCNinth; nineD Ninth; ninth2. Linda seemed to be today What' s the matter? I don't know But she said she yesterday.A tired; feels sickBtire; felt sickC tired; felt illD tiring;

2、 feeling ill3. Would you mind me how English words?A tell; rememberB telling; rememberC telling; to remember D tell; remember4. Beth has a beautiful Listen! She is singing very well.A voice B lookC soundD smell5. The food good and well.A. tastes; sellsB. is tasted; is sold C. taste; sellD. smell; so

3、ld6. I have some in working out the problem.A. difficultyB. difficultiesC. troublesD. difficult7. There is a wire pole along the road meter.A. about fiftyB. every fiftiethC. each fifty D. every 508. Southerners rice.A. lives onB. feeds onC. lives onD. feed on9. Could I use your bike? Yes, of course

4、you A. can B. couldC. must D. will1010. Have you finished your report yet? No, I ' ll finish it in ten mintues.A. anotherB. other C. moreD. lessher daughter laugh.11. She said that she would do she couldA. what, make B. that, make C. what, to make D. that, to maket help.12. Tom' s mother kep

5、t telling him that he should work harder, but didnA. he B. whichC. thatD. it it next dayB. have, repairedD. shall have, to be repaired13. My watch doesn ' t work well. IA. will have, repairC. will get, repaired14. He has decided to IiVe abroad, So he WillStay here.A. not moreB. mot I On gerC. no

6、 Ion gerD. no more15. We have no SeCretSeach other.A. inB. betwee nC. toD. from16. Why is LUCy so happy today?BeCaUSe She will haveholiday soon.A. two mon ths B. a two-mo nth C. a two-m On thsD. two-m On ths17. Thepeople must Continue What those dead didn' t finish.A. livi ngB. aliveC. livelyD.

7、live18. I don 'have to in troduce him to youyou know the boy.A. Un tilB. Unl essC. SinCe D. but19. I ' Ve found some interesting PIaCeSWe Can ViSit during the Winter holidays.A. WhereB. WhiChC. WhatD. who20. I ' d like to go hunting With you, but I have a meeting.If you don ' t go,.A

8、. to atte nd, so do IB. atte nding, so will IC. atte nd, neither will ID. to atte nd, nor will I21. Mr Green is a football fan. Hefootball.A. USed to play ing B. is USed to play C. USed to play D. USeS to play22. The mana Stra nge hat is a funny actor.A. dress ingB. inC. OnD. With23. The film made a

9、ll the StUde ntsto tears.A. movedB. movingC. move D. to move24. Mary his mother. They are both smart.A. look likeB. looks afterC. takes after D. takes Care25. no n eed for US to discuss the problem aga in since it has bee n Settled.A. It hasB. There has C. It isD. There is26. HiS failure made his fa

10、ther thi nk him aboy.A. disappo intB. disappo in tedC. disappo in ti ng D. disappo in tme nt27. ThiS is the best Way I Canthink ofthe problem.A. solveB. to solveC. solvi ngD. solved28. The days We look forward toat last.A. ComingB. CameC. comes D. be Coming29. It ' S no goodIiketthaA. to talkB.

11、talk ingC. talked D. talk30. What a Wonder! They ' Ve finiShed30% of the task Within one week.A. no more tha n B. no IeSS tha n C. not more tha nD. much less tha n31. He WaS madefor the lost book, WhiCh WaS borrowed from the Iibrary last week.A. PaidB. to PayC. PayD. Pay ing32. He' S justtim

12、ethe basketball match.A. i n, WithB. on, byC. i n, forD. on, to33. The old man slept sothat We couldn' t Wake him up.A. lazyB. tiredC. wellD. good34. Itn early two WeekSI had received his letter.A. is, thatB. was, thatC. is, SinCeD. was, SinCe35. Don ' t it. Let ' S try again.A argue Wit

13、hB. compla in about C. get OnD. be angry With36. China should dobest to be a Strong and moder n CoUn try.A. hisB. itsC. herD. our37. HUrry up, youOn the phone. Oh, I m coming. Thank you.A. are Wan tedB. are being wan ted C. WantD. are Wan ti ng38. It WaSexciting news that all of US couldn' t hel

14、pA. so a, Crying B. such, CryingC. so, to CryD. SUCh an, Crying39. He turnedthe radio a little because his father WaS asleep.A. onB. dow nC. UPD. off40. Can you Un dersta nd me? Sorry, I CanUn dersta nd you.A. hardly B. almostC. n earlyD. ever41. They all think the gifts are not .A. SPeCiaI eno Ugh

15、B. eno Ugh SPeCiaI C. specially eno Ugh D. eno Ugh specially42. Her WiSh isa doctor.A. beco ming B. becomeC. to become D. being come43. HiS talk made mein the moder n music.A. in terest ingB. to in terestC. i nterested D. i nterest44. She WaS afraidthe yard because She WaS afraidby the big dog Iying

16、 at the gate.A. to en ter; to be bitte nB. of en teri ng; of being bitte nC. of entering; to be bittenD. to enter; of being bitten45. We keep in touch With each otherIetterS and teleph On es.A. byB. in form ofC. i n forms of D. i n the form of46. We believe SCientists will a Way to solve the problem

17、 of air pollution.A. Set offB. PUt offC. come UP WithD. CatCh UP With47. They pla nted trees OnSide of the PIaygrO und.A. eitherB. eachC. allD. every48. the inven ti On Of TV, We Can have more funour SPare time.A. ThankS to; inB. In Stead of; atC. Not Un til; OnD. Tha nks for; duri ng49. Dad, let us

18、, go to the Cin ema,?A. JaCk and I, shall WeB. JaCk and me, shall WeC. JaCk and I, will youD. JaCk and me, will you50. It ' S raining hard, I'm afraid l miss the train if I Wait here.Can I give you a?A. handB. liftC. moveme ntD. drive51. In the bookshop, a reader asked the ShOPkeePerWho Move

19、d My CheeSe WaS an in terest ing book.A. thatB. how C. WhatD. if52. He is famous ratheran actor tha nhis Son gs.A. as, forB. for, as C. for, for D. as, as53. Today, the forests have almost gone. People mustdow n too many trees.A. stop to CUtB. stop from CUtt ingC. be StOPPed to CUtD. be StOPPed from

20、 CUtt ing54. HUan gya n ISIa nd bel OngS to ChinaSUreIy it does! We Chin ese will n everit up.A. CUtB. give C. mix D.set55. WhiCh of the two En glish dicti On aries will you buy ?I'IIbUyof them, so I Can give One to my friend, Helen.A. either B. neither C. all D. both56. Hetwo thousa nd trees Si

21、nCe 1985.A. pla nts B. pla nted C. will pla ntD. has pla nted57. You' d better hurry, or We' Il be late for the plane.Don' t WOrry The pla ne willin two hours.A. take off B. take awayC. PUt off D. take out58. it is today!A. What fine weatherB. What a fine weatherC. How a fine weatherD. H

22、ow fine a weather59. Tom, please help me the picture on the wall.A put up Bput onC get upD. put into60. We can have blue sky if we create less polluted world.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the61. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, ?A. don 't you B. doesn't he C. do you D

23、. does he62. When shall we meet again next week? day is possible. It's no problem with me.A. Either B. Neither C. Every D. Any63. I don ' t know when he . When_h_e here, I ' ll call you in a minute.A. will come; will arriveB. comes; arrivesC. will come; arrives D. comes; will arrive64. y

24、ou your book to the library? Yes. I returned it yesterday.A. Did, return B. Have, returned C. Will, returnD. Do, return65. Though it ' s cloudy now, it get sunny later.A. canB. mayC. must D. need66. Would you pleasethe paper for me and see if there are any obvious ( 明顯的 ) mistakes? Of course I w

25、ill.A. look aroundB. look throughC. look upD. look into67. David, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me ? He is a doctor.A. who is heB. who he isC. what does he do D. what he does68. If you don ' t go to the meeting tomorrow, ?A. he will, tooB. he won 't, either C. he does, to

26、o D. he doesn't, either69. I don't think we can finish all the work before Friday, ?A. do IB. can we C. can't we D. don 'twe70. Do you know ? I 'm not surMe.aybe an artist.A. what the man with long hair isB. what is the man with long hairC. who the man with long hair isD. who is

27、the man with long hair71. Though she talks , she has made friends here.A. a little, a few B. little, few C. little, a few D. few, a few72. My parents never stop going on about( 嘮叨 ) how I should study hard. A. So my parents doB. Nor my parentsC. Nor do my parentsD. Neither my parents do73. I could n

28、ot get through the door because there was a big stone 。A. by the wayB. on the way C. out of the wayD. in the way74. His work is better than .A. anyone B. anyone else C. anyone else's D. anyone 's else75. I know you are writing new fiction. How are you with it? Very well. I' ll finish it

29、in a week.A. getting upB. getting onC. getting off D. getting out76. Can you lend me the book the other day?A. that you talkedB. you talked about itC. which you talked toD. you talked about77. You never told us why you were late for the meeting, ? . I think it is not necessary to explain.A. weren &#

30、39;t you; NoB. did you; NoC. did you; YesD. didn 't you; No78. Jim 's father got very angry .A. with that he had doneB. with what he had doneC. at what he had doneD. at what had he done79. What are on show in the museum? Some photos by the children of Yushu, Qinghai.A. have been takenB. were

31、 takenC. are takenD. taken80. The doctor did what he could the dying man.A. save B. to save C. savedD. saving81. Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David? If I had to choose, David would be choice.A. good B. better C. the better D. the best82. the window. What 's happening there?A

32、. Look off B. Look over C. Look out of D. Look fort work.83. Again, my computer doesn must be something wrong with the CPU.A. There B. That C. ItD. This84. Can you imagine that little ants can eat many big worms.A. so; soB. such; such C. such; so D. so; such85. Everyone except Tom and John seen the

33、film.A. is B. has C. are D. have86. All the oil in the world will have some day. Yeah. What shall we use for power at that time?A. given awayB. put awayC. run outD. set out87. She asked me I would do it or not.A. if B. whether C. as D. until88. In our country every boy and every girl the right to ed

34、ucation.A. has B. have C. isD. are89. The population of the world still now.A. has, grown B. is, growing C. will, grow D. are growing90. Nobody but Jane and Lily the secret.A. knows B. know C. have know D. is known91. I have to well prepare for the math test tomorrow because it 30% of the final exam.A. sets up B. puts up C. uses up D. makes up92. There is no enough on the corner to put the table.A. place B. room C. floor D. ground93. There are many trees on side of the street.A. either B. anyC. all D. both94. After


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