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1、part one introduction the strategic role of human resource management 1 lecture outline strategic overview the managers human resource management jobs why is hr management important to all managers? line and staff aspects of hrm cooperative line & staff hrm: an example from line manager to hr ma

2、nager the changing environment of hr management hrs changing role a changing environment measuring hrs contribution: strategy, metrics, and the hr scorecard an emphasis on performance metrics the hr scorecard the high performance work system (hpws) the new hr manager new proficiencies the need to “k

3、now your employment law” ethics and hr hr certification hr and technology improving productivity through hris the plan of this book the basic themes and features overview part i: introduction part ii: recruitment and placement part iii: training and development part iv: compensation part v: employee

4、 relations in brief: this chapter gives an overview of what human resource management is and how it relates to the management process. it illustrates how managers can use hr concepts and techniques, line and staff managers responsibilities, hrs role in strategic planning, and the plan of this book.

5、interesting issues: human resources play a key role in helping companies meet the challenges of global competition. strategic objectives to lower costs, improve productivity and increase organizational effectiveness are enabled by human resource strategies and technologies. students will learn how h

6、r plays a strategic role in creating high performance work systems that employers need today to thrive. annotated outlinei. the managers human resource management jobs the managementprocess involves the following functions: planning, organizing, staffing,leading, and controlling. staffing involves:

7、conducting job analyses; planninglabor needs and recruiting job candidates; selecting job candidates; orientingand training new employees; managing wages and salaries; providingincentives and benefits; appraising performance; communicating; trainingand developing managers; building employee commitme

8、nt; beingknowledgeable about equal opportunity, affirmative action, and employeehealth and safety; and handling grievances and labor relations.a. why is hr management important to all managers? managers dontwant to make mistakes while managing areas such as hiring the wrongperson, having their compa

9、ny taken to court because of discriminatoryactions, or committing unfair labor practices.b. line and staff aspects of hrm although most firms have a humanresource department with its own manager, all other managers tend toget involved in activities like recruiting, interviewing, selecting, andtraini

10、ng.1. line versus staff authority authority is the right to make decisions,to direct the work of others, and to give orders. line managers areauthorized to direct the work of subordinates. staff managers areauthorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing theirbasic goals. hr managers

11、are generally staff managers.2. line managers hrm responsibilities most line managers areresponsible for line functions, coordinative functions, and some stafffunctions.c. cooperative line and staff hr management: an example in recruitingand hiring, its generally the line managers responsibility to

12、specify thequalifications employees need to fill specific positions. then the hr stafftakes over. they develop sources of qualified applicants and conductinitial screening interviews. they administer the appropriate test. thenthey refer the best applicants to the supervisor (line manager), whointerv

13、iews and selects the ones he/she wants.d. from line manager to hr manager: line managers may make careerstopovers in staff hr manager positions.Ø notes educational materials to useii. the changing environment of hr managementa. hrs changing role human resource responsibilities have becomebroade

14、r and more strategic over time as organizations' human resourcerequirements have become more complex. the role of hr has evolvedfrom primarily being responsible for hiring, firing, payroll, and benefitsadministration to a more strategic role in employee selection, trainingand promotion, as well

15、as playing an advisory role to the organization inareas of labor relations and legal compliance,b. a changing environment - globalization of the world economy and othertrends have triggered changes in how companies organize, manage anduse their hr departments.1. globalization refers to the tendency

16、of firms to extend their sales,ownership, and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad. forbusinesses everywhere, the rate of globalization in the past decadehas been enormous, and has several strategic implications for firms.more globalization means more competition, and more competitionmeans more pr

17、essure to lower costs, make employees moreproductive, and do things better and less expensively.2. technological advances have been forcing, and enabling, firms tobecome more competitive. hr faces the challenge of quicklyapplying technology to the task of improving its own operations.3. exporting jo

18、bs has been prompted by competitive pressures andthe search for greater efficiencies.4. the nature of work is changing due to new technological demands.in addition, the shift from producing products to producing anddelivering services is a contributor to the change from “brawn tobrains”. dramatic in

19、creases in productivity have allowedmanufacturers to produce more with fewer employees. in general,the jobs that remain require more education and more skills. theshift to using nontraditional workers such as those who hold multiplejobs, “contingent” or part-time workers or people working inalternat

20、ive work arrangements has enable employers to keep costsdown.5. human capital refers to the knowledge, education, training, skills,and expertise of a firms workers. there is a growing emphasis onthe importance of knowledge workers and human capital and the hrmanagement systems and skills needed to s

21、elect, train, and motivatethese employees.6. workforce demographics are changing. the workplace isbecoming more diverse as increased numbers of women, minoritygroupmembers, and older workers enter the workforce. the aginglabor force presents significant changes in terms of potential laborshortages,

22、and many firms are instituting new policies aimed atencouraging aging employees to stay, or at attracting previouslyretired employees.Ø notes educational materials to useiii. measuring hrs contribution: strategy, metrics, and the hr scorecard hrs central task is always to provide a set of servi

23、ces that make sense interms of the company strategy. trends of globalization, increasedcompetition, a changing workforce and more reliance on technology havetwo main implications for how companies now organize, manage, and rely ontheir hr operations. first, hr managers must be more involved inpartne

24、ring with their top managers in designing and implementing theircompanies strategies. second, the focus on operational improvementsmeans that all managers must be more adept at expressing theirdepartmental plans and accomplishments in measurable terms.a. an emphasis on performance management expects

25、 hr to providemeasurable, benchmark-based evidence for its current efficiency andeffectiveness, and for the expected efficiency and effectiveness of newor proposed hr programs. management expects solid, quantifiedevidence that hr is contributing in a meaningful and positive way toachieving the firms

26、 strategic aims.b. metrics hr managers need a set of quantitative performancemeasures (metrics) they can use to assess their operations. thesemetrics allow managers to measure their hr units efficiency.c. the hr scorecard is a concise measurement system, showingquantitative standards or “metrics” us

27、ed to measure hr activities,employee behaviors resulting from these activities, and to measure thestrategically relevant organizational outcomes of those employeebehaviors. the scorecard highlights the causal link between hractivities, emergent employee behaviors, and the resulting firm-widestrategi

28、c outcomes and performance.d. the high performance work system (hpws) the general aim of thehpws is to maximize the competencies and abilities of employeesthroughout the organization.Ø notes educational materials to useiv. the new hr managera. new proficiencies are required of the hr manager to

29、day in: humanresources, business, leadership, and learning.b. the need to “know your employment law” is increasingly importantas a growing web of hr related laws effects virtually every hr decision.equal employment laws, occupational safety and health laws, and laborlaws are among the areas in which

30、 hr professionals need to beknowledgeable.c. ethics and hr have gained increasing exposure as a result of ethicallapses in corporate behavior. it is clear that ethics needs to play a biggerrole in managers decisions. hr has an important role in promotingethical behavior at work and will be explored

31、more fully later in the text.d. hr certification through the society of human resource managementhas become increasingly important as human resource management isbecoming more professionalized. certifications of phr (professional inhr) and sphr (senior professional in hr) are earned by those whosucc

32、essfully complete all the requirements of the certification program.e. hr and technology technology improves hr functioning in four mainways: self-service, call centers, productivity improvement, andoutsourcing. more firms are installing internet and computer-basedsystems for improving their hr oper

33、ations. technology also makes iteasier to outsource hr activities to specialist service providers byallowing them to have real-time internet-based access to the employershr database.improving productivity through hris the hr portal. hrportals provide employees with a single access point or “gateway”

34、 toall hr information. portals streamline the hr process, enables hrto redeloy its assets focus more on strategic issuesØ notes educational materials to useiv. the plan of this book each topic interacts with and affects the others,and all should fit with the employers strategic plan.a. the basi

35、c themes and features- hr is the responsibility of every manager- hr managers must defend plans and contributions in measurableterms- hr systems must be designed to achieve the companys strategicaims- hr increasingly relies on technology to achieve the strategic aims- virtually every hr decision has

36、 legal implications- globalization and diversity are important hr issues todayv. overviewa. part 1: introduction1. chapter 1: the strategic role of human resource management2. chapter 2: equal opportunity and the law3. chapter 3: strategic human resource management and the hrscorecardb. part 2: recr

37、uitment and placement1. chapter 4: job analysis2. chapter 5: personnel planning and recruiting3. chapter 6: employee testing and selection4. chapter 7: interviewing candidatesc. part 3: training and development1. chapter 8: training and developing employees2. chapter 9: performance management and ap

38、praisal3. chapter 10: managing careersd. part 4: compensation1. chapter 11: establishing strategic pay plans2. chapter 12: pay for performance and financial incentives3. chapter 13: benefits and servicese. part 5: employee relations1. chapter 14: ethics, justice, and fair treatment in hr management2

39、. chapter 15: labor relations and collective bargaining3. chapter 16: employee safety and health4. chapter 17: managing global human resourcesØ notes educational materials to usediscussion questions1. explain what hr management is and how it relates to the management process. thereare five basi

40、c functions that all managers perform: planning, organizing, staffing, leading,and controlling. hr management involves the policies and practices needed to carry out thestaffing (or people) function of management. hr management helps the managementprocess avoid mistakes and to get results.2. give ex

41、amples of how hr management concepts and techniques can be of use to allmanagers. hr management concepts and techniques can help all managers to ensure thatthey get results-through others. these concepts and techniques also help you to avoidcommon personnel mistakes such as: hiring the wrong person;

42、 experiencing high turnover;finding your people not doing their best; wasting time with useless interviews; having yourcompany taken to court because of discriminatory actions; having your company cited underfederal occupational safety laws for unsafe practices; have some employees think theirsalari

43、es are unfair and inequitable relative to others in the organization; allow a lack oftraining to undermine your departments effectiveness, and commit any unfair labor practices.3. illustrate the hr responsibilities of line and staff managers. line managers aresomeone's boss; they direct the work

44、 of subordinates in pursuit of accomplishing theorganization's basic goals. some examples of the hr responsibilities of line managers are:placing the right person on the job; starting new employees in the organization (orientation);training employees for jobs that are new to them; improving the

45、job performance of eachperson; gaining creative cooperation and developing smooth working relationships;interpreting the companys policies and procedures; controlling labor costs; developing theabilities of each person; creating and maintaining department morale; and protectingemployees health and p

46、hysical conditions. staff managers assist and advise line managersin accomplishing these basic goals. they do, however, need to work in partnership witheach other to be successful. some examples of the hr responsibilities of staff managersof employees, and the administering of various benefits progr

47、ams.4. why is it important for a company to make its human resources into a competitiveadvantage? how can hr contribute to doing so? building and maintaining a competitiveadvantage is what allows a company to be successful, and to remain profitable and inbusiness. hr can make a critical contribution

48、 to the competitive advantage of a company bybuilding the organizational climate and structure that allows the company to tap its specialskills or core competencies and rapidly respond to customers' needs and competitors' moves.dessler companion web sitewe invite you to visit the dessler hom

49、epage ( on theprentice hall web site for the best online business support available. this siteprovides professors with a customized course web site, including newcommunication tools, one-click navigation of chapter content, and great resources,such as internet resources, an hrci exam prep guide, ass

50、essment exercises, andmore.individual and group activities1. working individually or in groups, develop several lists showing how trends like workforce diversity, technological trends, globalization, and changes in the nature of workhave affected the college or university you are now attending. pres

51、ent in class. thelist might include items such as the growth of adult (non-traditional aged) students, the use ofcomputer and communications technology, diversity issues, and others.2. working individually or in groups, contact the hr manager of a local bank. ask the hrmanager how he or she is worki

52、ng as a strategic partner to manage human resources,given the banks strategic goals and objectives. back in class, discuss the responsesof the different hr managers. the students should the hr manager to discuss how his/herrole as a strategic partner is improving the banks performance, and if the ba

53、nks culture ismore innovative and flexible as a result of the strategic partnership.3. working individually or in groups, interview an hr manager; based on that interviewwrite a short presentation regarding hr's role today in building a more competitiveorganization. the response here will, of co

54、urse, depend upon the organization and hrmanager interviewed. hopefully items such as work force diversity, technological trends,globalization, high performance work systems, hr metrics or ethics will be mentioned.4. working individually or in groups, bring several business publications such asbusin

55、ess week and the wall street journal to class. based on their content, compile alist entitled, “what hr managers and departments do today.” the students should lookfor articles and advertisements that deal with any of the following topics: conducting jobanalyses, planning labor needs and recruiting

56、job candidates; selecting job candidates;orienting, training, and developing employees; managing wages and salaries; providingincentives and benefits; appraising performance; communicating; training and developingmanagers; building employee commitment; equal opportunity; affirmative action; employee

57、health and safety; and labor relations.5. based on your personal experiences, list ten examples showing how you did use (orcould have used) human resource management techniques at work or school.depending on the degree of their work experience, students will cite a wide range ofexamples possibly inc

58、luding some of the following: 1) situations where they have improvedthe efficiency of their work through the use of technology made available to them throughhuman resource systems; 2) employed the services of non-traditional workers (or beenemployed as a non-traditional worker); 3) developed metrics to measure how they haveadded value in terms


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