1、TOEFL詞匯題精選440題9001. Most of these leaders were invo Ived in p ublic life as reformers, activists worki ng for wome ns right to vote, or authors, and were not representative | at all of the great of ordinary wome n.The word rep rese ntative is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) typ ical(B)
2、 satisfied(C) supp ortive(D) dist in ctive 002. In the Un ited States, Louis Comfort Tiffa ny (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, p roduc ing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly p rized | today.The word p rized is clos
3、est in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) valued(B) uni versal(C) un com mon(D) p reserved 003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 un til 1915, although its in flue nee continued throughout the mid-1920s. It was eve ntually to be overtaken I by a new school of t
4、hought known as Fun cti on alism that had bee n p rese nt since the turn of the cen tury.The word overtake n is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) surpassed(B) in cli ned(C) exp ressed(D) app lied004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like nor mal glaciers, traveling perha
5、ps only a couple of inches per day. However, at | in tervals| of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster tha n usual.The word in tervals is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) records(B) speeds(C) dista nces(D) p eriods 005. The in creas ing water p ressure un d
6、er the glacier might lift it off its bed, overco ming the frictio n betwee n ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders dow nhill surge glaciers also might be in flue need by the climate, volca nic heat, or earthquakes.The word free ing is closest in meaning to which of follow ing
7、?(A) p ush ing(B) releas ing(C) stre ngthe ning(D) draining 006. A flood of ice would the n surge into the Souther n Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge in to the ocea n, caus ing sea levels to rise eve n higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in moti on a
8、vicious cycle.The word plun ge is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) drop(B) exte nd(C) melt(D) drift007. Group members look to in strume ntal leaders to get thi ngs don e. Exp ressive leadershi p, on the other han d, is leadersh ip that emp hasizes theollectivel well-be ing of a social g
9、roups members.The word collective is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) n ecessary(b) typ ical(C) group(D) p articular 008. They offer symp athy whe n some one exp erie nces difficulties or is subjected to disc ip li ne, are quick to lighte n a serious mome nt with humor, and try toresolv
10、e! issues that threate n to divide the group. The word resolve is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) avoid rep eat ing(b) talk about(C) avoid thi nking about(D) find a solutio n for 009. Thousa nds of tons were extracted before 1875, whe n it was firstlnoticed that the tar contained fossi
11、l rema ins. Major excavati ons were un dertake n that established the sig nifica nee of this remarkable site.The word no ticed is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) p redicted(b)announced(C) corrected(D) observed 010. Since then, over 100 tons of fossils, 1.5 millio n from vertebrates, 2.
12、5 millio n from inv ertebrates, have bee n recovered, ofte n in den sely concen tratecta ngled masses.The word ta ngled is closest in mea ning to which of follow ing?(A) buried ben eath(B) twisted together(C) quickly formed(D) easily dated 011. The asp halt at La Brea see ps to the surface, esp ecia
13、lly in the summer, and forms shallow p uddles that would often have bee n con cealed by leaves and dust.The word con cealed is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) highlighted(b) covered(C) tran sformed(D) con tami nated 012. The ocea n bottom - a regi on n early 2. 5 times greater tha n th
14、e total la nd area of the Earth - is a vast fron tier that eve n today is largely unexplored and un charted, un til about a cen tury ago, the dee p-ocea n floor was compi etely in accessible,hidde n ben eath waters averagi ng over 3,600 meters dee p.The word in accessible is closest in meaning to wh
15、ich of follow ing?(A) un recog ni zable(B) un reachable(C) unu sable(D) un safe 013. The DSD Ps drill shi p, the Glomar Challe nger, was able to maintain a steady p ositi on on the ocea ns surface and drill in very deep waters,extracting samples of sedime nts and rock from the ocea n floor.The word
16、extracti ng is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) breaki ng(B) locat ing(C) rem oving(D) an alyz ing014. Today, largely on thestre ngth of evide nee gathered duri ng the Glomar Challe ngers voyages, n early all earth scie ntists agree on the theories of p late tect onics and con ti nen ta
17、l drift that explain many of the geological p rocesses that sha pe the Earth.The word stre ngth is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) basis(B) purpose(C) discovery(d) en dura nee 015. For every three Can adia ns in 1945, there were over five in 1966. In Sep tember 1966 Can adas popu lati
18、on p assed the 20 millio n mark. Most of this surg ing growth came from n atural in crease.The word surg ing is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) new(B) extra(C) accelerat ing(D) surp ris ing 016. Whe n the p rairies were being settled, un doubtedly, the good econo mic con diti ons of th
19、e 1950s suppo rted a growth in the population, but the expansion also derived from a trend I toward earlier marriages and an in crease in the average size of families. The word tre nd is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) tendency(B) aim(C) growth(D) directive 017. After the peak year of
20、1957, the birth rate in Can ada bega n to decli ne. It con ti nued falli ng un til in 1966, it stood at the lowest level in 25 years.The word p eak is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) poin ted(B) dismal(C) moun ta in(D) maximum 018. Although the growth in Ca nadas popu lati on had slowe
21、d dow n by 1966 (the in crease the first half of the 1960s was only nine p erce nt) , ano ther large popu lati on wave was coming over the horiz on .It would be comp osed of the childre n who were born duri ng the p eriod of the high birth rate| prior to| 1957.The p hrase p rior to is closest in mea
22、ning to which of follow ing?(A) behi nd(B) since(C) duri ng(d) p recedi ng 019. Advocates of orga nic foods - a term whose meaning varies greatly - freque ntly p roclaim that such p roducts are safer and more nu tritious tha n others.The word Advocates is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A
23、) Proponents(b) Mercha nts(C) Insp ectors(D) Con sumers 020. There are nu merodsjn substa ntiated rep orts that n atural vitam ins are sup erior to syn thetic on es, that fertilized eggs are nu tritio nally sup erior to un fertilized eggs, that un treated grains are better tha n fumigated grains, an
24、d the like.The word un substa ntiated is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) un believable(B) uncon tested(C) unpopu lar(D) unv erified 021. But in many cases con sumers are misled if they believe orga nic foods can maintain | health and pro vide better nu triti onal quality tha n conven t
25、i on ally grow n foods. So there is real cause for concern if con sumers, p articularly those with limited in comes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expen sive orga nic foods in stead.The word mai ntai n is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) imp rove(B) mon itor(C) p reserve
26、(D) restore 022. In addition, there were p erformers and since Sonsiderabl importanee was attached to avoidi ng mistakes in the en actme nt of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task.The word con siderable is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) thoughtful(B) substa ntial(C) rela
27、tio nal(D) cere monial 023. I n additi on, there were p erformers and since con siderable impo rtance was attached to avoiding mistakes in thebnactment| of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task.The word en actme nt is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) establishme nt(B) p erf
28、orma nee(C) authorizati on(D) season024. iStaggeringl tasks confronted the people of the Un ited States, North and South, whe n the Civil War en ded. About a millio n and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilia n life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy. Th
29、e word Staggeri ng is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) sp ecialized(B) confusing(C) various(D) overwhel ming 025. About a millio n and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilia n life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.The word devastated is clo
30、sest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) devel oping(b) rui ned(C) comp licated(D) fragile 026. Some bota ni sts hypo thesized that the liv ing cells of plants acted as pumps. But many exp erime ntsdem on strated that the stems of plants in which all the cells are killed can still move water to ap
31、p reciable heights.The word dem on strated is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) ignored(b) showed(C) disguised(D) disti nguished 027. As water is lost from the surface of the leaves, a n egative p ressure, or tension, is created. The eva po rated water is rep laced by water movi ng from
32、in side the plant in un broke n colu mns thatexte nd from the top of a plant to its roots. The same forces that create surface tension in any samp le of water are respon sible for the maintenance of these un broke n colu mns of water.The word exte nd is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A)
33、stretch(B) branch(C) in crease(d) rotate 028. By opening vast areas of unoccup ied land for reside ntial expansion, the omni buses, horse railways, commuter trai ns, and electric trolleys p ulled settled regi ons outward two to four times more dista nt from city cen ters tha n they were in the p rem
34、oder n era.The word vast is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) large(b) basic(C) new(D) urba n 029. The new accessibility of land around the perip hery of almost every major city sp arked an expl osi on of real estate devel opment and fueled what we now know as urban sp rawl. Between 1890
35、 and 1920, for exa mple, some 250,000 new reside ntial lots were recorded within the borders of Chicago, most of them located in outl ying areas.The word sp arked is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) brought about(B) surr oun ded(C) se nt out(D) followed 030. An xious to take adva ntage
36、of the p ossibilities of commut ing, real estate develo pers added 800,000oten tialbuild ing sites to the Chicago regi on in just thirty years-lots that could have housed five to six millio n people.The word poten tial is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) certa in(B) popu lar(C) impro ve
37、d(d) p ossible 031. The quality of p reservati on is outstanding , but what is even more imp ressive is the nu mber of ichthyosaur fossils containing p reserved embryos. The word outsta nding is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) exte nsive(B) surprising(C) vertical(D) excelle nt 032. Ich
38、thyosaurs with embryos have bee n rep orted from 6 differe nt levels of the shale in a small area around Holzamde n, suggest ing that a sp ecificsite was used by large nu mbers of ichthyosaurs rep eatedly over time.The word site is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) exa mple(B) locati on(
39、C) devel opment(D) characteristic 033. The quality of p reservati on is almost unm atched, and quarry op erati ons have bee n carried out carefully with an aware ness of the value of the fossils. But these factors do not dccount fori the interesting question of how there came to be such a concen tra
40、ti on of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a p articular p lace very close to their time of givi ng birth.The p hrase acco unt for is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) record(B) describe(C) equal(D) explain 034.In the seve ntee nth cen tury the orga n, the clavichord, and the har psichord became
41、the chief in strume nts of the keyboard group, a sup remacy they mai ntai ned un til the piano supplan ted them at the end of the eightee nth cen tury.The words a sup remacy in line 9 are closest in meaning to(A) a suggesti on(B) an impro veme nt(C) a dominance(D) a devel opmentbluffs of Chiaco Cany
42、on in n orthwest New Mexico.The word sup reme is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) most com mon(B) most outsta nding(C) most expen sive(D) most convenient 037. They fun cti oned as san ctuaries where the elders met to plan festivals, p erform ritual dan ces,settle p ueblo affairs, and im
43、part tribal lore to the youn ger gen erati on. The word settle is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) si nk(B) decide(C) clarify(D) locate035. A series of mecha ni cal impro veme nts continuing well into the nin etee nth cen tury, in cludi ng the in troducti on of p edals to susta in tone
44、or to softe n it, the p erfecti on of a metal frame, and steel wire of the fin est quality, fin ally p roduced an in strume nt cap able of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harm onies to an almost orchestral full ness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a ship, p ercussive brillia nee
45、. The word myriad is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) no ticeable(B) many(C) loud(D) unu sual 036. Each one was virtually a stone tow n, which is why the Spanish would later call them p ueblos, the Spanish word for tow ns. These pu eblos rep rese nt one of the An asazis sup reme achieve
46、me nts. At least a doze n large stone houses took sha pe below the038. Then, to conn ect the p ueblos and to give access to the surr ounding tablela nd, the architects laid out a system of p ublic roads with stone staircases forasce nding cliff faces.The word asce nding is closest in meaning to whic
47、h of follow ing?(A) arriv ing at(B) carv ing(C) conn ect ing(D) climbi ng 039. Within a very short time, however, the incon gruity of p layi ng lively music to a sole mn film became apparent, and film piani sts bega n to take some care in matchi ng their pi eces to the mood of the film.The word sole
48、 mn is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) sim pie(B) serious(C) short(d) sile nt(D) extreme040. Certai n films had music esp ecially comp osed for them. The most famous of these early sp ecialscores was that comp osed and arra nged for D. W. Griffiths film Birth of a Nati on, which was re
49、leased in 1915.The word co mpo sed is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) selected(B) comb ined(C) p layed(D) createdThe word scores is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) totals(B) successes(C) musical comp ositi ons(D) groups of musicia ns c 041. The Earthco mp rises three prin
50、cipal layers: the den se, ir on-rich core, the man tle made of silicate rocks that are semimolte n at dep th, and the thin, solid-surface crust.The word co mp rises is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) ada pts to(B) ben efits from(C) con sists of(D) focuses on d 042. These p lates move o
51、ver the semimolte n lower man tle to p roduce all of the major top ogra phical features of the Earth. Active zones where intensd deformati on occurs are confined to the n arrow, in terc onn ect ing boun daries of con tact of the plates.The word inten se is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(
52、A) surface(B) sudden(c) rarea 043. New oceanic crust is formed along one or moremarglHs of each plate by material issu ing from dee per layers of the Earths crust, for exa mple, by volca nic erup ti ons of lava at midocea n ridges.The word marg ins is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) ed
53、ges(B) p eaks(C) in teriors(D) dista nces d 044. If at such a sp read ing con tact the two p lates support con ti nen ts, a rift is formed that will gradually wide n and become flooded by the sea. The Atla ntic Ocea n formed like this as the America n and Afro- European p lates move in oppo site dir
54、ecti ons. The word supp ort is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) sep arate(B) create(C) reduce(D) hold d 045. Coin cide nt with concerns about the accelerati ng loss of sp ecies and habitats has been a growingappreciation of the imp orta nee of biological diversity, the nu mber of sp eci
55、es in a p articular ecosystem, to the health of the Earth and huma n well- bei ng.The word app reciati on is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) ignorance(B) recog niti on(C) tolera nee(D) forgive ness d 046. An alie n exploring Earth would p robably give p riority to the plan ets dominant
56、, most-dist in ctive feature-the ocea n. Huma ns have abias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly exam ining global issues.The word bias is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) concern(B) disadva ntage(C) attitude(d) p rejudice 047. The prevailing winds in the Great Basi n are
57、 from the west. Warm, moist air from the Pacific Ocea n is forced up ward as it crosses the Sierra Nevada.The word p revaili ng is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) most freque nt(B) occasi onal(C) gen tle(D) most dan gerous 048. There seem to have bee n several p eriods with in the last tens of thousa nds of years whe n wateraccumulatedl in these bas ins. The rise and fall of the lakes were un doubtedly lin ked to the adva nces and retreats of the great ice sheets that covered much of the no rther n p art of the North America n con ti nent duri ng those tim
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