1、32.數(shù)字電路與邏輯設(shè)計實驗實驗報告姓 名:xxx班 級:xxxxxxxx學 號:xxxxxxxx一、設(shè)計課題的任務(wù)要求 兩人乒乓球游戲機是以8*8點陣作為場地,中間的6*6共36個點作為球臺,最外圍的一圈點作為球拍移動的軌道,并通過數(shù)碼管顯示雙方的局數(shù)和比分。雙方個通過3個按鈕控制球拍的上下移動及發(fā)球(場上無球時)。球接觸到球拍后會自動改變方向和速度(在一定范圍內(nèi))。當球在甲方的半場移動出球臺范圍后,乙方得分,然后重新發(fā)球。直到達到規(guī)定比分后,比賽結(jié)束。(1) 以8*8點陣作為場地,中間的6*6共36個點作為球臺,最外圍的一圈點作為球拍移動的軌道,通過兩個按鍵控制球拍的移動;(2) 球的移動
2、速度:在x,y方向上均為0.2s/點0.6s/點(可為0),會在擊球時按一定規(guī)則自動改變;(3) 通過按鈕移動球拍,球拍不能移出自己的半場(8*4);(4) 球出界后,自動判定得分,球從球場中消失,等待下一次發(fā)球;(5) 用數(shù)碼管顯示局數(shù)和比分,參考正式比賽規(guī)則,采用7局4勝制:當一方得分超過11分,并超過對方兩分時,本局比賽結(jié)束,當一方率先贏得4局時,比賽結(jié)束,此時數(shù)碼管保持最終比分。(6) 按下復(fù)位鍵,比分清零,雙方重新開始比賽;(7) 雙方按乒乓球比賽規(guī)則獲得發(fā)球權(quán),沒有發(fā)球權(quán)的一方,發(fā)球開關(guān)無效。二、系統(tǒng)設(shè)計1、設(shè)計思路用x,y兩坐標表示8*8點的每個點。分別用一組信號表示球和兩球拍的
5、形仿真及波形分析1、分頻器 本設(shè)計中用到1000hz和10hz的時鐘信號,采用兩級分頻器,由50mhz的主時鐘信號產(chǎn)生。分頻器1:輸入50mhz時鐘信號,產(chǎn)生1000hz時鐘信號(占空比為調(diào)節(jié),為1/50000)分頻器2:輸入1000hz時鐘信號(分頻器1產(chǎn)生),產(chǎn)生10hz時鐘信號(占空比為調(diào)節(jié),為1/100)2、球拍移動 本模塊集成了按鍵防抖動功能。lf為向上移動,ri為向下移動,reset重置;1、2表示兩名球員。球拍(racket)的坐標(rx1,ry1為球拍1的橫縱坐標,rx2,ry2為球拍2的橫縱坐標)表示其位置。球拍在8*8場地的最外圈移動,卻不會超出各自半場。reset鍵按下時
6、,坐標復(fù)位3、球臺顯示 根據(jù)輸入的球坐標(x,y)球拍坐標(racketx,rackety)顯示球,球臺和球拍。row,colg和colr為控制矩陣顯示的輸出,輸出為掃描方式。 特別要指出的是,所有坐標的有效范圍均不超過為1-8(特別的x為0不顯示球),而球拍只能在8*8矩陣的最外圍顯示。波形中超出此范圍的賦值不予考慮。4、數(shù)碼管輸出 數(shù)碼管采用掃描輸出,cat1-6(共陰極)分別對應(yīng),球員1的局數(shù)(innings1),比分的十位、個位(score11,score10),球員2比分的十位、個位(score21,score20),局數(shù)(innings2)。app為數(shù)碼管輸出,cat為共陰極,0電
7、平選通。5、球移動 由于情況過多,顧不采用枚舉法,而通過仿真依次驗證其功能。 發(fā)球后球在兩板的中間點間反彈,速度逐漸上升(范圍0-5,到達5后不再上升)racketx、y分別為板的橫縱坐標,xmo、ymo為兩方向上的移動速度,球的坐標以xmo、ymo為速度,按一定周期改變。xo、yo為球的橫縱坐標。球從板的邊緣反彈后,會改變y方向上的速度,達到最外圈(本例中為x=8)后判斷為出界,x設(shè)為0以記錄球在場外,等待下一次發(fā)球交換發(fā)球權(quán):發(fā)球時,將球的坐標設(shè)置在板的中間點之前(x=racketx1+1或racketx2-1,y=rackety1或y2),按乒乓球比賽規(guī)則,發(fā)兩次球后交換發(fā)球權(quán)(此時另一
9、、球移動和6、計分模塊因多次仿真,故無法提供直接可用的波形文件,如需仿真,請在:報告分塊仿真 下找到相應(yīng)的工程自行按上圖設(shè)置仿真條件并仿真,以上波形圖均為作者如此仿真操作后生成。2、因本設(shè)計較為復(fù)雜,采用總體仿真難以設(shè)計全面的仿真條件(要考慮球在臺上的各種反彈情況),同時也無法直觀地觀察實驗結(jié)果以及檢查程序中出現(xiàn)的問題(輸出為數(shù)碼管以及8*8點陣的坐標,并且為掃描輸出方式,不以觀察),故在各模塊仿真正確的情況下,不再進行整體仿真四、源程序-filename : table_tennis-author : shenkewei-time : 2011-10-10-library ieee;use
10、ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity table_tennis isport(lf1,lf2,ri1,ri2,serve1,serve2 : in std_logic;-1,2 : two player ; lf: move left ; ri :move right ; hit : hit the ball ;reset : in std_logic;row : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); colg,colr : out std_logic_vector(0 to 7); - row,colg,colr : 8*8 output
11、cat : out std_logic_vector(1 to 6); -digitron chioceaap : out std_logic_vector(0 to 7); -digitronclk : in std_logic);end table_tennis;architecture a of table_tennis is signal cl_1000: std_logic ; -1000hz clocksignal cl_10 : std_logic ; -10hz clocksignal x : integer range 0 to 8 ;signal y : integer r
12、ange 1 to 8 ; -x,y : coordinatesignal xm : integer range 0 to 5 ;signal ym : integer range 0 to 5 ; -xm,ym:the length ball move at once in the directionsignal xmd ,ymd : integer range 0 to 1 ; -the direction in which the ball movessignal score10,score11 : integer range 0 to 9;signal score20,score21
13、: integer range 0 to 9; -different digitals of both players scoressignal innings1,innings2 : integer range 0 to 4; -players innings signal rackety1,rackety2 : integer range 1 to 8; signal racketx1 : integer range 1 to 4; signal racketx2 : integer range 5 to 8; -racketscoordinatessignal serve_flag1,s
14、erve_flag2 : integer range 0 to 2; -flag of the right to servesignal hit_flag1,hit_flag2 : integer range 0 to 1 ; - right to hitconstant speed : integer := 5 ;procedure dig (signal num: in integer range 0 to 9; signal out1 : out std_logic_vector(0 to 7) is -output of digital tubesbegincase num iswhe
15、n 0 = out1 out1 out1 out1 out1 out1 out1 out1 out1 out1 =11100110;end case;end procedure dig;beginp1 : process(clk)-get 1000hz clock-variable count1 : integer range 1 to 50000 ; beginif clkevent and clk =1 then if count1=50000 then count1 := 1; cl_1000=1; else count1 :=count1+1; cl_1000=0; end if; e
16、nd if; end process p1;p2 : process(cl_1000)-get 10hz clock-variable count2 : integer range 1 to 100 ; beginif cl_1000event and cl_1000 =1 then if count2=100 then cl_10 =1; count2 := 1; else cl_10 row row row row row row row row =01111111; end case; if (count3=1 or count3=8) then -upside/downside col
17、g colr(1 to 3) colr(1 to 3) colr(1 to 3) colr(1 to 3) =011; end case; else colr(1 to 3) colr(4 to 6) colr(4 to 6) colr(4 to 6) colr(4 to 6) =001; end case; else colr(4 to 6) =000; end if; else colr(1 to 6)=000000; colg(0 to 7)=01111110; end if; if (rackety1=count3 and racketx1=2) or (rackety1-count3
18、=1 or rackety1-count3=-1) and racketx1=1) then -racket of player1 colr(0) =1; else colr(0) =7) or (rackety2-count3=1 or rackety2-count3=-1) and racketx2=8) then -racket of player2 colr(7) =1; else colr(7) =0; end if; elsif countf=0 then -show the ball countf:=1; if y/=count3 then colr colr colr colr
19、 colr colr colr colr colr colr x x y y=y+1;end case;county:=0;else county:=county+1;end if;else county:=0;end if;end if; if x=0 and serve1=1 then -serve the ball if serve_flag1/=0 then x=racketx1+1;y=rackety1; -put the ball hit_flag1=0;hit_flag2=1; -give right to hit xmd=1;xm=1;ym=0; -reset the spee
20、d serve_flag1=serve_flag1-1; if serve_flag1=1 then serve_flag2=2; end if; end if; end if; if x=0 and serve2=1 then if serve_flag2/=0 then x=racketx2-1;y=rackety2; hit_flag1=1;hit_flag2=0; xmd=0;xm=1;ym=0; serve_flag2=serve_flag2-1; if serve_flag2=1 then serve_flag1=2 and rackety1=7 and x=2 then - ba
21、ll moves into the racket if rackety1=y then xmd=1; - ball moves backwards in the direction of x hit_flag1=0; hit_flag2=1; - change the right to hit if xm/=speed then xm=xm+1; -renew the speed end if; if ym/=speed and ym/=0 then ym=ym+1; end if; elsif rackety1-y=1 then xmd=1; hit_flag1=0; hit_flag2=1
22、; if ym=0 then ym=1; ymd ym if ym/=speed then ym=ym+1; end if; end case; end if; elsif rackety1-y=-1 then xmd=1; hit_flag1=0; hit_flag2=1; if ym=0 then ym=1; ymd ym if ym/=speed then ym=ym+1; end if; end case; end if; end if; elsif (rackety1-y=1 or rackety1-y=-1) and (rackety1=1 or rackety1=8) and y
23、m /=0 then if racketx1-x=-1 then xmd=1; ymd=1-ymd; hit_flag1=0; hit_flag2=1; if xm/=speed then xm=xm+1; end if; if ym/=speed then ym=ym+1; end if; elsif racketx1=x then xmd=1; ymd=1-ymd; hit_flag1=0; hit_flag2=1; xm=xm-1; elsif racketx1-x=-2 then xmd=1; ymd=1-ymd; hit_flag1=0; hit_flag2=1; if xm/=sp
24、eed then xm=xm+1; end if; end if; elsif x=2 and racketx1=1 and (rackety1=1 and y=2) and ym=0 then xmd=1; ymd=1; hit_flag1=0; hit_flag2=1; ym=1; elsif x=2 and racketx1=1 and (y=7 and rackety1=8) and ym=0 then xmd=1; ymd=0; hit_flag1=0; hit_flag2=1; ym=2 and rackety2=7 and x=7 then if rackety2=y then
25、xmd=0; hit_flag1=1; hit_flag2=0; if xm/=speed then xm=xm+1; end if; if ym/=speed and ym/=0 then ym=ym+1; end if; elsif rackety2-y=1 then xmd=0; hit_flag1=1; hit_flag2=0; if ym=0 then ym=1; ymd ym if ym/=speed then ym=ym+1; end if; end case; end if; elsif rackety2-y=-1 then xmd=0; hit_flag1=1; hit_fl
26、ag2=0; if ym=0 then ym=1; ymd ym if ym/=speed then ym=ym+1; end if; end case; end if; end if; elsif (rackety2-y=1 or rackety2-y=-1) and (rackety2=1 or rackety2=8) and ym/=0 then if racketx2-x=1 then xmd=0; ymd=1-ymd; hit_flag1=1; hit_flag2=0; if xm/=speed then xm=xm+1; end if; if ym/=speed then ym=y
27、m+1; end if; elsif racketx2-x=2 then xmd=0; ymd=1-ymd; hit_flag1=1; hit_flag2=0; if xm/=speed then xm=xm+1; end if; elsif racketx2=x then xmd=0; ymd=1-ymd; hit_flag1=1; hit_flag2=0; xm=xm-1; end if; elsif x=7 and racketx2=8 and (rackety2=1 and y=2) and ym=0 then xmd=0; ymd=1; hit_flag1=1; hit_flag2=
28、0; ym=1; elsif x=7 and racketx2=8 and (y=7 and rackety2=8) and ym=0 then xmd=0; ymd=0; hit_flag1=1; hit_flag2=0; ym=1; end if; end if; if x=1 then - out of the table x=0; - the mark of time-out if score20=9 then score21=score21+1; score20=0; else score20=score20+1; end if; elsif x=8 then x=0; if sco
29、re10=9 then score11=score11+1; score10=0; else score10=score10+1; end if; elsif (y=1 or y=8) and x/=0 then x=0; if x=4 then if score20=9 then score21=score21+1; score20=0; else score20=score20+1; end if; else if score10=9 then score11=score11+1; score10=0; else score10=score10+1; end if; end if;end
30、if;if score11=2 or (score11=1 and score10=1 and score21=0) or (score11=1 and score21=1 and score10-score20=2) then -get one inning if innings1+innings2=0 or innings1+innings2=2 or innings1+innings2=4 or innings1+innings2=6 then - reset the right to serve serve_flag2=2; serve_flag1=0; else serve_flag
31、1=2; serve_flag2=0; end if; innings1=innings1+1; score11=0; score10=0; score21=0; score20=0;elsif score21=2 or (score21=1 and score20=1 and score11=0) or (score11=1 and score21=1 and score20-score10=2) then if innings1+innings2=0 or innings1+innings2=2 or innings1+innings2=4 or innings1+innings2=6 t
32、hen serve_flag2=2; serve_flag1=0; else serve_flag1=2; serve_flag2=0; end if; innings2=innings2+1; score11=0; score10=0; score21=0; score20=0;end if; if reset=1 then -reset score11=0; score10=0; score21=0; score20=0; innings1=0; innings2=0; x=0; serve_flag1=2; serve_flag250 then if ctu_1=1000 then ct
33、u_1:=0; else ctu_1:=ctu_1+1; end if; else ctu1:=0; ctu_1:=0; end if; if ctu150 and ctu_150 then - deicde the input of button if rackety1/=8 and racketx1=1 then -move the racket rackety1=rackety1+1; elsif rackety1=8 and racketx1/=4 then racketx1=racketx1+1; elsif rackety1=1 then racketx150 then if ctu_2=1000 then ctu_2:=0; else ctu_2:=ctu_2+1; end if; else ctu2:=0; ctu_2:=0; end if; if ctu250 and ctu_250 then if rackety2/=8 and racketx2=8 then rackety2=rackety2+1; elsif racketx2/=5 and rackety2=8 then racketx2=racketx2-1; elsif rac
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