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1、An alysis of cross-cultural com muni cati onmedia regi on alizati on An alysisAbstract have con tributed to globalizati on by the media, the East-West cross-culturalcom municationhasbeen the concern of many scholars in the East-West cross-culturalcom municationprocess, the increasinglyprominent East

2、-West cultural differe nces become a major obstacle to com muni catio n,and cultural affin ity of thepromoti on of a regi onal cross-culturalcom muni cati oncross-culturalcom muni cati on.This paper attempts tointroducethe concept of regional media, and historicalbackgro und,curre nt situati onan al

3、ysis, sig ni fica neeandproblems of three point of view, i n-depth an alysis of the formati onof regi onal cross-culturalcom muni catio n,developmentand problems faced by Asian culture anddisputes.Paper Keywords media globalizati on; media regi on alizati on, cultural affin ity, the dispute a sub-cu

4、lture, regi onal media, the historical backgro und1, media globalizatio n and the Western media from the late 20th cen tury, the media field in a clear trend ofiglobalization.Media globalization not only in the rapiddevelopme ntof media tech no logy, formed un der theglobal com mun icati ons n etwor

5、k, but also in the econo mic philosophy of free trade have con tributed to cross un der the audio-visual services. traditionalfilm and televisionproducti on,sale and con sumpti onpatter ns of the hugeshift from a single small-scale cross-border flow into a type of producti oncooperatio n, however, w

6、orldwideecono miccapital andhuma nresources After thecompetitionin the market re-integration, and graduallygathered in the hands of a small nu mber of mult in ati onal media group.Intern ati onalmedia markets,in clud ingtelevision,film, radio, magazines, newspapersand musicare con trolled almost lik

7、e Time Warner, News Corp. media gia nt in the hands of such a Un ited Nati ons report in 1989: the world s 78 largest media group, 39 from the United States, 25 from Wester n Europe, 8 from Japa n, five fromCan ada, one from Australia, but no one from Third World coun tries. scholars Norde nstre ng

8、Vairs study also showsthat in the past Decades of intern ati onaltrade inaudiovisual products among Western countriesfar more than the output televisi on output in develop ing coun tries, the formatio n of a on e-way flow of cultural tren ds.2, media globalizatio n and cultural hegem ony andmedia gl

9、obalization, accompanied by the increasingly close in teracti onbetwee n various eth nicand culturalexcha ngeandin tegrati on,but, for tech ni cal andmarketi ng resources for the media of differe nt proficie ncy, eth nic cultural excha nge and in tegrati on betwee n is not a peace process, but full

10、of frictionand conflict to a largeextent, the cultural values ?of Western media products through its monopolyin the global market circulation,through Ion g-termnon-reciprocaltrade str ongrelatio nshipbetwee nthe spread around the world,resulting in some of the nation s local culture to varying degre

11、es, to be homogeneous,being Westernized,morenarrow sense, is American.that attached to the strongeconomicstrengthof the expansion of Western culturecame to be He Botexile theory of cultural hegem ony and other scholars as the mai n basis for the theory of cultural hegemony that the West s video prod

12、ucts is embedded in a large number of values ?and ideology, as they are impleme nted in the global market, i ntroduced to Western culture the world has become acultural hegem ony. The face of film and televisiontrade deficit andcultural hegem ony, many develop ing coun tries gen erally have a strong

13、 culture of prepared ness of the West, bega nto take culture to resist protectionistpolicies to achievethe Westernculturalin vasi onandthe purposeofprotect ingthelocal culture .1993,firstproposed bytheFrench the cultural excepti onprin ciple supportedbymany coun tries. culturalexception ,the princip

14、leoftrying to erect barriers of cultural products, which to some extent, since the construction of thecultural fence toresist the cultural hegem ony.In recent years, with Asia, especially China s continu ous econo mic developme nt, Asia n coun tries try to adopt a com monapproach to regionalcooperat

15、ionaga inst cultural hegem ony, which largely con tributedtothe developme nt ofregi on al-scalecross-culturalcom muni cati on.This will be the East scope of regi onalcooperati on,for example,in clud ingChina, Korea,Singapore,Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries andregions, the concept of regionaliz

16、ationof the media toexam ine the issue.Second, the media regi on alizati on An alysis1, thedefi niti onof mediaregi on alizatio nregi on alizati on Media Study is defi ned in the text with in acerta in geographic area, those that share similar cultural and econo mic backgro und of coun tries or regi

17、 ons in order to promote the region s cultural and economic exchanges for film and televisionproduct related tradeactivities, such as program distributi on within the regio n, regionalco-productions as well as within the region tomeet the tastes of the audie nee program ming, etc. Back in the 1990s,

18、 the media regi on alizati on has emerged inthe increasingly frequent potential,the Asian tigers withtheir own econo mic adva ntages,actively exploretheregi onalmarket, led theregi onalcross-culturalcom muni cati on.2, the regi onaldevelopme ntof cross-culturalcom muni cati onof the Asia n tigers of

19、 the East Asia neconomic growth is to facilitate regionalcooperationinthe media objective factors. With four regi onal econo micgrowth, the local media industry has also been rapid developme ntof the film betwee n cooperati onandexcha nge have become in creas in gly freque nt, Hong KongEast Asia n c

20、ross-cultural com muni cati on is very successful in early cases of Hong Kong Televisi on Broadcasts Limited, TVB (referred to as the Hong Kong Wireless) is a Hong Kong n ative is more in flue ntial in East Asia, TV producers and operators and it with up to 75,000 hours of Chin ese program mingstora

21、ge capacity, through overseas salesand ren tal in come of up to 80 TV programs some $ .1993, the wireless expa nsion of regi onal markets in Hong Kong, and Taiwan Cooperative was established in Taiwan and Asia TVBS Chi nese TV viewers Service In 1994, Sin gapore set up SITV (Sin gapore Intern a-ti o

22、n alTV), 1 day broadcast locally producedtelevisi onprograms in Sin gapore,coveringan area directly north of South Australia fromChina the same period, East Asia, South Korea, based on similar cultural backgro unds to join the regi onal televisi on services area, by 1998 the export of televisi on pr

23、ograms in South Korea, one-thirdof the output to the Chinesecultural market. With the recent rapid developmentofChina s media products, the Chinese film and television programs is also in creas ing the proporti on of import and export from China Central Television in 1982 to import foreig n programs

24、 proporti on of the total program time ofrapid growth of 8% to 30% of the late 1990s from the 1990s, the en tire East Asia n regi on from the regio n bega n to in creasesubsta ntially the producti on of televisi onprograms, and programs from a number of Western coun tries is the in troducti on of gr

25、adually reduced.Data show that in 1999 exports to the U.S. film and televisi on programs in East Asia fell 17 perce nt, while South Korea s top 20 ratings of television programs are locally produced in 90%, while Hong Kong is one hun dred perce nt.3, the media culture of the causes of regional econo

26、 mic growth and developme nt of media tech no logy un doubtedly con tributed to the media regi on alizati on of objective factors, overseas market developme nt and satellite TV tech no logy and other con diti ons are limitless possibilities to promote the formation of the regional media market, comp

27、ared to econo mic and tech no logical power, and cultural affinity of the factors that play a role in promot ing and no less tha n the first two. cultural affin ity - referring to cultural values ?and the similarity of the Ian guage system - not only in the excha nge program the formati on of a regi

28、 onal televisi on audie nee prefere nee forthe product prefere nces, but also in theregi onal marketfor these products offer the consumera great deal ofpotential.In this paper, closely related to China s EastAsian region, for example to study the formationof theregi onal media market, the cultural c

29、auses.Inrece ntyears, South Korea producedtelevisi on dramas, such as <&l t;bathhouse owner family man who & gt ;& gt;,< ;<Miss Mermaid> ;>and<&l t;refueli ng, Jin Shun> ;& gt;, i n the Chin ese market has bee n remarkable rate of retur n on high rati ngs in the audienee requiremen

30、ts of the next broadcast and then broadcast, a wave of Korean wave. This is obviously acultural affin ity boost.Chin eseaudie neewatch ingthe Korea nTVseries is easy to find similarities in each other s culturesof Korea, knownforTV series toreflectthe dailylife,focusingon the details of the descript

31、ion of family life,which embodiesthecore of theKoreanemphasis onfamily elders and love childre n, childre n of filial piety, and emphasis on family un ity and harm onious atmosphere of Con fucia n values. This coin cidedwith the Chin eseConfucian culture advocated by traditionalmoral andcultural val

32、ues ?to be compatible, so that the Chinese audie nee reson ates.Not only that, the East Asia n cultural affin ity inaddition to get the audienees emoti onalide ntity,butalso in East Asia willalso be give ngover nmenten courageme ntand support provided for the formationof a regionalmedia policy to pr

33、otectSingaporeis theregionalmedia support of the East Asian countries I. Inaddition,South Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwanand othercoun triesand regi ons in their respectivegovernment s strong support throughthe organizationof intern ati onal exhibiti onsto actively con tribute to theregional

34、television marketboom, for examplein 2006China International Radio Film Fair, China s production ofTV series <<Goujian>>bought at high pricesby the Japanese copyright extensive overseas trading volume will reach $ 1 millio n.Third, the significaneeand problems of regionalmedia1, positive

35、: resista nee aga inst Wester n cultural hegem ony of Western cultural hegem ony from the perspective of analysis, the media has a number of its members regi on alizati on positive:First, by in creas ing the flow of televisi on programswith inthe regi onto reduce depe ndenceon Wester ntelevision pro

36、grams through the media regionalization strategy, Asia n coun tries can sell and distribute each other to produce their own programs, relying on the market within the regi on to fill the supply gap, thereby reduc ing the depe ndence on Wester n televisi on programs.Second,Asia ncoun tries within the

37、 regi onthroughexchange programs, is also reduced in theculturalchallengesand the impact from the West, toen surethe uniquenessof the local culture and socialstabilityif the Asian audienee to poetry by Westerntelevisi onprograms, may not know felt in the Westernvalue system into an advocate of the l

38、arge numberofn atio nalculture may be replaced or assimilated in thedark, facing the risk of los ing their n atio nal characteristics, will endanger the country s social stability, so the flow of programs within the region to some extent weakening Western culture impact on the domestic market, as we

39、ll as on traditi onal culture and the erosi on of moral values.2, issue: sub-culture media, the dispute led to regi on alizati on has long bee n made to break the culture of the Chin ese dichotomy assumpti on, the foreig n culture and the culture of the n arrow frame of reference directly to the Eas

40、ter n culture internal to internal sub-culturethe subtle differences between ethnic groups has been revealed.For example, i n Chi na, South Korea hit historicaldrama & It ;<DaeJang Geumcausedthe people ofChina and the ROK ontraditi onalmedicalkno wledgeofthe debateonthemediareflects the cultureof

41、regi on alizati oninEastAsia caused by ithe differe ncesbetwee n thesub-culture.DaeJang this>>aboutthe historyofKoreas firstfemalephysicia n,anoutsta ndinglongthis lege nd. the film toshow therichculture of SouthKorea n courtMedici ne,the Chin eseaudieneeis not difficult to interpretfrom the a

42、ncientChin ese traditi onalmedic ine by Korea n in flue nee ofculturalinformation. For example, in cases of illness,physicia n referen ced bibliography is a large physicia n Han Zhongjing < ;&l t;Febrile Diseases.However, in South Korean TV viewers are familiar with these Chin ese medic ine kno wl

43、edge, the expla nati on made by the Chin ese audie nee couldnot get therecog niti on.Play covers acup un ctureand an esthesiaphysicia n and other medical tech no logyis a woma ninven ted this long, but accord ing to Chin ese historical records, acup un cturetech no logyas early as the Easter nHan Dy

44、n asty in China, has bee n used for complex diseases, an esthetic tech niq ues is also China s famous doctor HuaTuo in the use of an esthetic to the impleme ntati onofChinese anesthesia in patients with abdominal surgery has been used in China to the Korean audienee tothis alteredSouth Korea nin terpretedas Orie ntalMedic inebehavior expressed grea


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