1、 分類號 編號畢 業(yè) 論 文the seeking of selfhood under the same color -the comparative study of the thematic concern in invisible man and the hairy ape 同一“色彩”下自我本質的追求申請學位: 文學學士 院 系: 外國語學院 專 業(yè): 英 語 姓 名: 學 號: 指導老師: the seeking of selfhood under the same color -the comparative study of the thematic concern in inv
2、isible man and the hairy ape bysupervisorsubmitted tothe school of foreign languagesin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree of bachelor of artsin the department of english畢業(yè)論文(設計)任務書院(系):姓名學號畢業(yè)屆別專業(yè)英語畢業(yè)論文(設計)題目同一“色彩”下自我本質的追求指導教師學歷博士職稱講師所學專業(yè)英語具體要求(主要內(nèi)容、基本要求、主要參考資料等):同學的論文寫作將從第七學期的第15周
4、排:1 第七學期第十五周:學生提交論文題目。2 第八學期第一周:學生提交開題報告(中文)。3 第八學期第二周:學生提交論文提綱(英文)。4 第八學期第八周:學生提交論文初稿(不少于4000字)。5 第八學期第十三周末:學生提交定稿。6 第八學期第十六周末:學生論文答辯。 指導教師簽字:2008年 2 月 20 日院(系)意見: 教學院長(主任)(簽字): 年 月 日備注:acknowledgementsfor the completion of my b. a thesis, first, i wish to express my deepest gratitude to my supervi
5、sor, prof. zhang, who has given me the most valuable suggestions and advice, and made necessary corrections. then i am greatly indebted to prof. gong for his advice on the format and help with my computerization and i also owe a lot to ralph waldo ellison and eugene oneil who have shown much conside
6、ration for my composition and have provided me with some useful materials. contentsacknowledgementsabstract1摘 要21introduction32 innocence in the ideal dreams 42.1the blind optimism of the two main characters52.2waking up from the dreams63 tracing back to the individual identity 73.1the importance of
7、 the individual identity 83.2the comparison of the surbodinate roles in the two works 93.2.1the surbodinate roles in invisible man 103.2.2.the surbodinate roles in hairy ape114 the question of the interrelationship between the self and the world.124.1 the conflicts between the self and the world.134
8、.2 the two heroes of the modern society144.3 raising of themes to a higher level15conclusion16bibliography17 abstractobviously, the invisible man and the hairy ape are written in different literary forms and times. however, we will find there are a lot of things in common among the themes, backgroun
9、ds and characters in the two different works. actually, the seeking of selfhood in the two books is beyond the color or class. finally the two great authors help us to find the only way to solve the universal problem of losing identity, that is, to establish a harmonious society. invisible man is mo
10、re than a “protest novel.” there is, on the one hand, good reason to read the novel as one african american book on racial discrimination, black-white relationship, and the rebellious stance that the african american protagonist evinces toward an unjust and repressive society. on the other hand, inv
11、isible man means much more than that. it covers a much more extensive territory of life, so that it transcends race and racial relations, and goes beyond protest to a new phase of perception in the evolution of the african american awareness. seeking of the self identity is the main theme of this no
12、vel.the hairy ape is one of the most important plays written by eugene oneill. through employing the figure, yank, the writer has disclosed the theme of belongings of people in the society and exposed the miserable situation of lower class. the hairy ape also has the similar thematic concern that is
13、 seeking of the selfhood. so the two novels concern the universal problem the seeking of selfhood rather than the problem of racial or class discrimination. on the seeking of identity the two novels are beyond the color and class. when there is no difference between color and class, we can achieve t
14、he harmonious society and find our own identity. key word: seeking; color; class; selfhood 摘要顯而易見,無形人和毛猿寫于不同的年代也屬于不同的文學體裁,但是經(jīng)過仔細閱讀和思考兩篇作品的主題,人物和社會背景之后, 我們會發(fā)現(xiàn)兩部作品有著驚人的相同之處。實際上追尋自我本質在這兩部作品中是超越種族色彩和階級的。 兩位作者在書中都找到解決自我迷失這一人類共性的方法是建立一個和諧的社會。 無形人不僅僅是一部黑人抗議小說, 而是一部探尋自我本質和實現(xiàn)自我理想的作品。一方面這部小說帶有典型的黑人文學的色彩, 另一方面
16、能讓每個發(fā)現(xiàn)自我和實現(xiàn)自我。關鍵字:追尋; 種族色彩; 階級;自我本質1. introductionafrican american literature attained to a higher degree of maturity in the spring of 1952 when ralph ellisons invisible man appeared in print. invisible man tells an archetypal existential story of modern times. the protagonist-narrator is nameless a
17、pparently because he is invisible. the very opening of the book states the existentialist crisis of modern man in explicit terms:i am an invisible mani am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me, like the bodiless heads you see sometimes in circus sideshows, it is as though i h
18、ave been surrounded by mirrors of hard, distorting glass, when they approach me they see only my surroundings, themselves, or figments of their imagination-indeed, everything and anything except me you often doubt if you really existyou ache with the need to convince yourself that you do exist in th
19、e real world. (ellison, 6) invisible man is immensely interesting as a work of art; it is more than a “protest novel.” shadow and act ,ralph ellison(1964:65)ellisons vision is too great and his taste is too catholic to allow his book remain merely on that level. “it covers a much more extensive terr
20、itory of life, so that it transcends race and racial relations, and goes beyond protest to a new phase of perception in the evolution of the african american awareness.” (ellison, 85) in so doing, what happens to an african american becomes a metaphor, a formula, or even a paradigm for all humankind
21、. this is ultimately the reason why invisible man has appealed to its readers so much for so long.eugene oneill is the most outstanding representative of expressionist dramatists in the united states of america. “the hairy ape is the representative of his expressionist plays.”(chang, 543)the protago
22、nist of the play, yank, is a stoker who lives in the industrial environment is presented as toxic and dehumanizing; the world of the rich, superficial and dehumanized. yank has also been interpreted as representative of the human condition, alienated from nature by his isolated consciousness, unable
23、 to find belonging in any social group or environment.胡鐵生. 奧尼爾的社會悲劇觀兼評社會悲劇毛猿吉林大學社會科學學報,2004 , (5) . yank can not find his own place in the industrial world, so at this point, the self and the world conflict again. judging from the two books we can find that one becomes suddenly aware that what yank
24、has been talking about all along concerns the plight, not merely of an african american individual, not even of the american race alone, but of the modern existence of man as a whole. more specific, the subordinate roles in the two works are also playing an important part in the thematic concern of
25、the seeking of selfhood. for example, mr. norton (white school; president) and mr. bledsoe (dean of the school) in the invisible man, paddy (yanks friend) and mildred (daughter of the boss) in the hairy ape. although they have different color and belong to different class, all of them have lost thei
26、r identity. by comparative study of the two different works by different writers and written in different times, this thesis finds some universal overlap and the way of seeking selfhood. the development of society has changed peoples life and living condition, however, we still have some spiritual p
27、roblems. just like in the american literature the stoker and the black young man face the same trouble that is the self and the world, however, they lose themselves and can not find their belonging .their position and identity can not be found by their struggle. ellison and oneil use different works
28、 to tell people the seeking of the self identity is important to all human beings and it is also a universal problem. however, at the end of the two books, the two great writers give us some similar suggestions to solve this universal problem - to establish a harmonious world. 2 innocence of the ide
29、al dreamsat the beginning of the two books both main characters lived in their own ideal life and have confidence to the life right now and in the future. 2.1 the blind optimism of the two protagonists it described a free-for-all of blindfolded black boys at a stag party of the leading citizens of a
30、 small southern town. before being blindfolded the boys are made to stare at a naked white woman; then they are herded into the ring, and, after the battle royal, one of the fighters, his mouth full of blood, is called upon to give his high school valedictorians address. as he stands under the light
31、s of the noisy room, the citizens rib him and make him repeat himself; an accidental reference to equality nearly ruins him, but everything ends well and he receives a handsome briefcase containing a scholarship to a negro college. from that time on the young man has optimistic attitude towards his
32、future life. he dreams to be the outstanding black just like he has mentioned in his speech. moreover, he begins to follow the whites will to study and delivering speech. although in invisible man the narrators first real glimpse at the cruel manipulation of white people comes when he is invited to
33、the local mens club to read the speech (sentence structure) he prepared for his high school graduation. he gives the speech and is rewarded with a briefcase and a scholarship to a black college “even an invisible man has a socially responsible role to play,” (ellison, 225). the narrator goes off to
34、college and determines to model himself after dr. bledsoe, the colleges dean and a successful black man who is well respected in his community and his field. in short, the young man thinks he is visible in this society that is why he has confidence to his future. meanwhile, the hairy ape tells the s
35、tory of a brutish, unthinking laborer known as yank, as he searches for a sense of belonging in a world controlled by the rich. at first yank feels secure as he stokes the engines of an ocean liner, and is highly confident in his physical power over the ships engines. taking place in the stokehole,
36、where yank and the other firemen are talking and singing drunkenly:all men are born free and equal. thats in the bleeding bible, mates. but what dithery care for the biblethem lazy, bloated swine what travels first cabin? themes the ones. they dragged us down til were only wage slaves in the bowels
37、of a bloody ship, sweating, burning up, eaten coal dust! hits themes tar blamethe damned capitalist class! (oneil, 56)yank is shown to be a leader among them. so we can find that yank is satisfied with his life in this environment. in his eyes, he has his own position in this world and there is noth
38、ing in this society can challenge his dream and confidence. 2.2. waking up from the dreams unfortunately, the narrator in the invisible man makes a dreadful mistake when he is chauffeuring mr. norton, a wealthy white man who gives great deal of money to the college. he inadvertently reveals the seed
39、ier side of the black race by allowing the man to stop and speak with joe true blood, a poor, black man ostracized from the black community because he got his own daughter pregnant. after the upsetting encounter with true blood, the white man is feeling weak and needs a drink, so the young man takes
40、 him to the closest place he can think of, the local black bar and brothel. after a disastrous encounter with a mentally altered war veteran, the narrator takes mr. norton back to campus. dr. bledsoe is so furious with the narrators indiscretion and stupidity that he expels him. dr. bledsoe offers h
41、im some hope, however, by offering to write him several letters of recommendation to deliver to the schools trustees in new york. the dean tells the young man that if he makes enough money for tuition, he can come back to school. the young man sets out for the city unaware that the letters of recomm
42、endation are really a hoax just to get him quietly away from the school. once he finds out about the letters” keep this negro boy running.”(ellison, 235) , he is so broke that he loses heart to his school and hates bledsoe so deep that he wants to kill him. at this time he begins to wake up from his
43、 own ideal dreams. in other words, he lost himself and wants to seek his self-identity in order to realize his goal and fulfill his grandfathers dream.while yank is living in his own world something incidentally happened. in the stokehole, yank and the other firemen have pride in their work. when mi
44、ldred comes to visit the stokehole, the weak but rich daughter of an industrialist in the steel business refers to him as a filthy beast, (oneil, 115).yank is shocked and more importantly he is undergoing a crisis of identity. he felt very sad about the mildreds words and .behaviors. he wants to rev
45、enge and even to kills that lady. all of his thought and actions show that yank has also waken up from his own ideal dream and begin to have self awareness in the industrial society.consequently, the two persons in the two different novels can have the same feelings about their misfortunes. they can
46、 not be accepted by the main stream society and even be laughed at by the world. they have realized that they can not find themselves. in the invisible man, the narrator becomes invisible; likewise, yank in the hairy ape becomes a beast. so they begin to seek the selfhood and they begin to struggle
47、for their own position in the society. 3. tracing back to individual identity 3.1 the importance of the individual identity in the invisible man the young black man comes across a lot of confusions and problems. for example, he could never forget his grandpas words when he was dying but he was trick
48、ed by the black school president mr. bledsoe (dean of the school) and he also get help from the white in order to find a job. it seems that all of the problems come from the outside world. however, it reflects the universal problem of losing identity: mr. bledsoe has to make his own position stable
49、while the white look down on the black and even laugh at them. not only the young man lost himself but also others. so the individual identity is very important to all people because it will become the basic drive of human beings. judging from this point, oneils hairy ape has a lot of things in comm
50、on with the invisible man. the hairy ape displays oneills social concern for the oppressed industrial labor class by the example of yanks fate. when the weak but rich daughter of an industrialist in the steel business refers to him as a filthy beast,(hairy ape scene five) yank undergoes a crisis of
51、identity. the industrial environment is presented as toxic and dehumanizing; the world of the rich, superficial and dehumanized. yank has also been interpreted as representative of the human condition, alienated from nature by his isolated consciousness, unable to find belonging in any social group
52、or environment. yank can not find his own place in the industrial world, so at this point, the self and the world has conflict again.3.2. the comparison of the subordinate roles obviously in the first chapter we have discussed enough about the main character in the two works and we can easy to get t
53、heir simple problem of lost and finding their own identity. moreover, some subordinate roles also play very important roles in the whole plot. for example, mr. norton (white school; president) and mr. bledsoe (dean of the school) in the invisible man, paddy (yanks friend) and mildred (daughter of th
54、e boss) in the hairy ape. although they have different color and belong to different class, all of them have lost their identity.3.2.1. subordinate roles in the invisible man.in the invisible man, one episode might well be the high point of an excellent novel. it has turned out to be not the high po
55、int but rather one of the many peaks of a book of the very first order, a superb book. the valedictorian is himself invisible man. he adores the college but is thrown out before long by its president, dr. bledsoe, a great educator and leader of his race, for permitting a white visitor to visit the w
56、rong places in the vicinity. bearing what he believes to be a letter of recommendation from dr. bledsoe he comes to new york. the letter actually warns prospective employers against him. he is recruited by white radicals and becomes a negro leader, and in the radical movement he learns eventually th
57、at throughout his entire life his relations with other men have been there; neither with negroes nor with whites has he ever been visible, real. after reading the horizon (ellison ,336) we may have underestimated mr. ellisons ambition and power for the following very good reason, that one is accustomed to expect excellent novels about boys, but a modern novel about men is exceedingly rare. for this enormously complex and difficult american experience of ours very few people are willing to make them morally and intellectually responsible. consequently, maturity is hard to find. before the
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