1、英語翻譯第一課第一段1. Infbnnation is part of all human experience. Acquiring and processing information are fiuidamental aspects of life itself. Cunent interest in a science” of infbnnation has developed as tlie result of the complexity of lifes problems The rapid development of technology, the gro1h of know
2、ledge, and the fast pace of the modem world create au mcreasing awareness of the nnpoitance of mfonnation and the need for professionals dedicated to studying and understanding it.第十段10 As the definitions above point out, the word infbnnation can be applied to a continuum of cognitive state, from se
3、nsory awareness to synthesis of ideas. If we are to deal scientifically with ambiguous words such as data, information, aud knowledge we need a more thorough understanding of what they mean. In defining such words we face problems inherent in the definition of all tenns. One problem is that it is di
4、fficult to say that what anything is, ill terms that will stand up to ngorous tests of logic. Determining tlie basic nature of something requires considerable study and effort. Another difficulty concerns the problem of consensus: definitions based on consensus depend on agreement among those who us
5、e the term. Individual viewpoints and opuuous can lead to great differences m how we view terminology.第二課第五段5 The following definitions of infbnnation management are usefill:The aim of information management is to promote organizational effectiveness by enhancing the capabilities of the organization
6、 to cope with tlie demands of its internal and external environments in dynamic as well as stable conditions.Infbnnation management includes organization-wide iiifbnnatiou policy planning, the development and maintenance of integrated systems and services, the optimization of mfbniianon flows and th
7、e harnessing of leading edge teclinologies to the fiinctional requirements of end-users, whatever their status or role in the parent organizationIiifbiiiiation management has two dimensions, the management of the infbnnation process and the inauagement of data.第六段Iiifbniiation management is viewed a
8、s the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of infoiination within an open system (i.e. organization). Information management is viewed as using technology (e.g. computers, infbnnation systems, IT) and infoiination resources and assets from internal aud external sources for meaiungful dial
9、ogue and iinderstanduig to enhance pio-active decision making and problem solving to achieve aims and objectives on personal, operational, organizational and strategic level of tlie organization for the competitive advantage and to unprove the performance of the system and to raise the quality of li
10、fe of the individual (by teaching him/her infbnnation skills, of winch infbnnation management is one, to become a global citizen).第三課第三段A professional career implies activity requiiing au education at or above the baccalaiueate level. Such activity is guided by certain standards. Professionals adher
11、e to standards that may be sel imposed, or be established by a community of individuals who shaie common theoretical and technical interests and who agree on their own ethics. Professionals usually view themselves as such, unplymg commitment to excellence and adherence to the etlucs of the professio
12、n.第八段S This descnption stresses tliat the infbniiarion professional is concerned prunanly with users of infoiination, and secoudaiily with logistics of handling (acquiring, storing, retrieving) matenal that has the potential for informing mdividuals. Witli tins descnption as a framework fbr analysis
13、, the survey yielded some important statistics on the relative numbers of information professionals. For example, iu 1980 tliere were approximately 1.64 million infbnnation professionals working in nine specified categones in the Umted States Iii a corresponding study (Svenonms and Wirthus1981), it
14、was estimated that over half tlie United States labor force are infoiniation workers.第四課第三段3. “In some ways, at the most technical core of traditional libraiy science, it (classification) also stands as a bndge builder between the past and the future of our field, Susan L. Star and Geoffrey C. Bowke
15、r coniinented in their introduction to How Classifications Work: Problems and Cliallenges in ail Electronic Age, 1998.第五段From the day when a man first assembled documents and records of any kind or form, men have been mterested in ways of arranging them It is merely a pan of the divine instinct that
16、 order is Heavens first law”: for systematic grouping, that is to say classification, lies at the base of every well-managed life and occupation The act of classification in libraries and government infoimation departments may be bnefly defined as: The systematic arrangement by subject of books and
17、other matenal on shelves or of catalogue and index entnes m the maimer which is most usefill to those who read or who seek a definite piece of information. Library classification, then, is a tool for very simple but infinitely important puiposes. Its whole object is to secure an order which will be
18、useful to readers aiid to those who seek infoimation with the smallest of complication of search or other effort. It is a tecluiique designed to expedite the fbll use of the knowledge stored m books and otlier matenal housed in the collection第五課第十七段The process of translation from one language to ano
19、ther, as carried out by human abshactors, may result in considerable variation in the size aiid quality of the abstract. Such vanatious depend laigely on the abstractors facility with both the source language aiid the target language It seems luilikely that an abstract prepared by an abstractor whos
20、e facility with one of the languages is poor will be of as good quality as that prepared by one fluent in the language The fault is most serious when the source language is not well understood by tlie abstractor Then tlie abstract may be well written (grammatically), but may not represent the conten
21、t of the onginal document. On the otlier hand, when the target language is the souice of difficulty, the absfract will show this, and the reader will be alerted to the possibility of eiTor or misinterpretation on the part of the abstractor.第十八段18. A second factor that influences the selection of mat
22、erial for the abstract is the abstractors knowledge of the subject area of the document being abstracted. The abstractor who is expert in the subject area will likely produce an abstract that is shorter and more general and that requires more knowledge on the part of the reader than an abstract prod
23、uced by an abstractor with marginal knowledge of the subject area. On the other hand, the latter type of abstractor is perhaps less likely than the subject expert to get the main thrnst of the document into the absfract. What is probably needed is an abstractor whose qualifications lie between the e
24、xtremes of expertise and passing knowledge in a subject area.第六課第八段S. Indexing may be thouglit of as a process of labelmg items for fiiture reference that involves a lot of care and skills Considerable order can be introduced into this process by standardizing the tenns that are to be used as labels
25、. This standardization is known as vocabulaiy control, the systematic selection of prefeired tenns In a sense, we all exercise vocabulary control whethei* we are conscious of it or not. The fact that tins book is written in English rather than French, Russian or Swaluli is evidence of control, stand
26、ardization, and introduction of order into the communication process. Similarly, when people converse, they normally do so in a natural language that is mutually agreeable to them. However, for indexing purposes, the problem of vocabulaiy control is uot solved by choosing one paiticular natural lang
27、uage and sticking with it. There are several linguistic problems that have to be taken into consideration. Piobably the three most important considerations aie (1) synonymy, (2) semantic ambiguity, and (3) the proper choice of generic levels of meaning.第九段 9. Synonyms are two or more words having th
28、e same meaning, and, obviously, tlie use of synonyms in ail index will lead to the scattering of iiifbniiation throughout the alphabet For example, employing two identical terms forces users of the index to examine both places to make sure that they have fbiind everything that might be of mterest.第七
29、課第六段6. Cmlization can be haced to the tune when humans began to associate abstract shape with concepts and with the sounds of speech that represented them Early recorded representations were those of visually perceived objects and event as, for example, the animals and activities depicted in Paleoli
30、thic cave drawings. Tlie evolution of writing systems proceeded tluough the early development of pictographic language, m which a symbol would represent an entire concept Such symbols would go through many inetainoiphoses of shape m which the resemblance between each symbol and the object it stood f
31、or gradually disappeaied, but its semantic meaning would become more precise. As the conceptual world of huinaukiud became large, the symbols, called ideographs, grew iii number. Modem Chinese, a present-day result of this evolutionaiy direction of a pictographic anting system, has upward of 50, 000
32、 ideographs第十五段15. Tlie versatility of modem infbiination systems stems from their ability to represent infbiination electronically as digital signals and to niampulate it automatically at exceedmgly high speeds. Information is stored m binary devices, which are the basic components of digital techn
33、ology. Because these devices exist only in one of two states, infbnnation is represented in them either as the absence or the presence of energy (electnc pulse). The two states of binary devices are conveniently designated by the biiiaiy digits, or bits, zero (0) and one (1).第九課第十一段1L The process of
34、 recording iiifbnnatiou by handwriting was obviously laborious and required the dedication of the likes of Egyptian scnbes or monks in inonastenes aiound the world. It was only after mechanical means of reproducing writing were invented that infonnation records could be duplicated more efficiently a
35、nd economically.第十八段18. TOnle tlie volume of infonnation issued in the fonn of pmited matter continues unabated, the electronic publishing iiidiistiy has begun to disseminate infonnation in digital fbnn. Tlie development of the microcomputer has provided the mam impetus. Not only is such a system al
36、most as versatile and efficient as larger computers in infonnation retrieval, but it cames out this operation relatively economically. Certain types of infonnation media lend themselves particularly well to distnbution m digital fbnu. Tliese include catalogs, handbooks, indexes, databases, and refei
37、ence mateiials designed to be consulted rather tliaii read in toto Computer software also is well suited for distnbution via electronic publislung第十一課第四、五段4. Without records, a busmess cannot function They contain all the infonnation vital to the day- to-day operation of the business or organization
38、. Numerous studies have shown those businesses that lose their records through fire, disaster, or negligence cease to operate. When goveiimient agencies lose records, it often creates a hardship for pnvate individuals who may need tliese records to prove date of birth, date of militaiy discharge, or
39、 ownership of property. Medical records may be essential years later for reference or fbr identificatioii purposes An individual may want to return a defective piece of merchandise. Without tlie onginal sales slip to prove the pnce paid and the date of the purchase, this may not be possible.5 Indivi
40、duals who lose certain records may experience merely an annoyance However, when a business caimot find records, it costs money and often goodwill Businesses as well as individuals need to keep complete, accurate records for tax purposes. Failure to comply with the tax laws may result m expenses, and
41、 deductions can result in substantial savings by avoiding the overpayment of taxes.第十四課第三段The ready availability of computers has meant an information explosion for society in general and businesses in paiticular Managing computer- generated infbnnation differs fi*om managing manually generated uifo
42、nnatiou in significant ways. There is usually a greater quantity of computer-generated iiifbnnation to manage: the ongiuation and maintenance costs of computergenerated information are more appaient; computer-generated information can multiply at alaniiuig rates; and computer-generated iiifbnnation
43、is often treated less skeptically than infonnation created in otlier ways.第十八段18. The systems analyst systematically assesses the functioning of businesses by examining the inputting and processing of data, and the output of information, with the intent of improvmg organizational processes. Many imp
44、rovements involve better support of business functions through the use of computeiized iiifbnnation systems. Tlie emphasis iii this definition is on taking a systematic, methodical approach to analyzing, and potentially improving, what is occurring in the specific context created in a business.第二十九段
45、29. About all, the analyst is a problem sob er. He or she is a person who views the analysis of pioblem as a challenge and who eiijoys devising workable solutions. Wlien necessarythe analyst must be able to tackle systematically the situation at hand thiough skillful application of tools, techniques
46、, and expenence. Tlie analyst also must be a communicator capable of relating meanmgfully to other people over extended penods of time. Systems analysts need enough computer expenence to program, to understand the capabilities of computers, to glean infonnation requirements :from users, aiid also to
47、 communicate what is needed to progranuners第十七課第一段1. Computer science is concerned with infonnation processes, with the infonnation stmchires and procedures that enter mto representation of such processes, and with their implementation in infoiination processing system. It is also concerned with rel
48、ationships behveen infoimation pi ocesses and classes of tasks that give rise to them第十七段Computer science is a young and rapidly expanding discipline. It has succeeded m establislnng its distinct identity in univeisities and laboratories throughout the world Oue of its recogiuzed roles is to provide
49、 the intellectual guidance needed for the understanding and development of the computer field. Another role, which is likely to grow in significance in the coming years, is to contnbute to an understanding of tlie impact of computers on other disciplmes and on society m general.第十九課第十二段12. Tlie phra
50、se democratization of communication often comes up in discussions about the Internet, which is, indeed, a tnily democratic forum. The network doesnt care if you re president of a Fortune 500 company or a warehouse clerk, a potato fanner or a molecular biologist Your tidings and opuuons are handled t
51、lie same way, and its the worth aud wit of what you have to say that detenniiies whos willing to listennot your title.第十四段14. This environment empowers tlie mdnidual; it encouiages aud stimulates participation imagination, and iimovation. Tliere are iminerous stories of how just one or two people ha
52、ve leveraged the Net to do great things, whether its to publish a newsletter, make a name, or develop contacts. If you dont have access to a wluz-bang, high-speed Internet connection or to a large multi-iiser computer, thats not a problem Already there are businesses offering rental space on their I
53、nternet-connected computeis and disks. You can lease Cofiice space from office parks in cyberspace and set up shop. Youi* virtual storefront may be thousands of miles and two countries away, but its probably a few seconds hyperdnve from every location. Convenience is given on the Intemet.第二十課英語介詞填空第
54、一課Iiifbniiation is expandable. Some infbnnation for some purpose is certainly depletive time yesterdays weather forecast is merely historical interest tomorrowbut the most part, infbnnation expands as it is used lufoniiation is compressible Paradoxically, this infinitely expandable resource can be c
55、oncentrated, integrated, summarize miniaturized, if you will easier handling. Infbnnation is substitutable. It can replace capital, labor, or physical matenals. Robotics and automation factones and offices are displacing workers and thus requiring a transfbnnation of the Infbnnation is transpoitable
56、 the speed of light and perhaps, through telepathy, faster tliat. Infbnuation is diffusive. It tends to leakand the more itleaks, the we have. In staving to break out the unnatural bonds of secrecy in whichthmg-minded people try to impnson it. Like a vinis, infbniiation tiies to affect the organisms
57、 itwhether by over-the-fence gossip or satellite broadcasting.第二課The concept of information management has been for a decade or twobut as a subject is vague, and seemingly incapable cleai definition At present, tliere is no organized body of knowledge winch an educational discipline can be based, an
58、d this undoubtedly slows markedly the rate which the subject can develop. Inforniahon management means different things different people. In the USA,it is closely associated the emerging discipline of infoiination management aud infoimation resources management. The latter relates all the resources
59、required to manage information, as opposed the former, which is concerned solely content In UK, I have also been taken task for promoting the cause of mfoimation management by a politically motivated listener to one of my lectures who maintained tliat what I was actually promoting was uinfbnnation manipulation!第三課Infbniiation professionals are those
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