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1、獅子王英語觀后感篇一:獅子王觀后感英文Thelionkingisthemostglorious movie I have ever seen. Itimpressed me deeply.From the movie,I learn a lot of thing in real life.First:liveindependentlyandbravely. There one day well leavethe harbor of our parents. We needlearntonotcountinguponourparentsor relativesalltimes.LikeSimba

2、 he losther fatherin her earlylife and must learn to lead his lifeon his own without any preparing.Second: A friend in deed is afriend in need. Sometimes there aremany friendsaroundus,However,there only few real friends near us.When we confront with some trouble,therealfriendswillhelpandaccompany us

3、 to conquer it. As theplotof the movies, AfterSimba leavehishometown,aswellasbeingexhaustedbythelongtrip,Fortunately, Pumbaa and Timon meet him just in time. And singing a songto cheer him up, Timon once says”youshould put your past behind you”they also saving him when he was indanger. then theykeep

4、 Simba intheirplace and sharetheproblemsandhappinesswithhim.ThemostimportantlytheyhelpSimbatoreleasefromdepressionandself-condemning,andtheirfriendship makes Simba live happilyand warmly there.Third:Troublewillmake you stronger. When youconfrontedwithatrouble,itwill defeat you or defeated by you.If

5、you want to be a winner, you needto fostera strongwillpower, itwillhelp you a lot. Like the Simba in the movie, he never surrender to the obstruct. But become stronger afterhis experience.篇二:獅子王英文影評1000 字he Lion KingTheLionKingisagloriousanimation that praises justice andlove, castigateseviland cons

6、piracy,shows respecttotheprincipleofthecircleoflife,anddisclosesaphilosophy of the whole life. Afterviewingthefilm,Iwouldliketoshare my impressions of this movinganimationfrom thenotestaken intheclass here.1 Blood is thicker than waterThis proverb is embodied thoroughlyin thismovie. Simba grows up w

7、iththecompany of his parents love. Hismother Sarabiisgentleand elegant.Althoughsheisnotmentionedfrequentlyinthemovie,buttheaudiencecaninferthatSimba sgood manner isowe to her utmost care.While Simba s fatherMufasaisserious and mighty. He teaches hissonskillstosurvive suchaspouncing and principlewhic

8、h wouldbe usefultoSimba inhiswhole life,such as ” There s more to being aking than getting your way all thetime.“ “ As a king, you need tounderstand that balance of life andrespect allthe creatures.” “ Beingbravedoesn tmean lookingfortrouble ” and so on. Once realizingSimba is in danger, Mufasa will

9、 runtorescuehissonimmediately.IBelieve that most of whom have seenthe movie willbe movedby thisscene:Mufasa runs to the gorge and savesSimba from beingtrampledtodeath bythestampedingwildebeests,he leapsand dodges, comes close to Simba, holds him in mouth and puts his son in a safer place. But when h

10、e clawshimself up the steep cliff side andtries to get on, he is pushed backdown intothe gorge by Scar and died.What makes Mufasa ignore the dangercoming to him and run to rescue hisson? What makes the audience so movedand can t help tearing? Yes, it istheloveofMufasa,thetrulyanddeeply love which is

11、 willing to begiven but for no feedback from a greatfather.2 A friend in need is a friendindeedSimba isina lossafterhisfather s death. He runs away fromthepridelandsandfaintsfromexhaustiononanopenplain.Fortunately, Pumbaa and Timon savehim justin time.They carrySimba toa shady placeand wait untilthe

12、lioncub comesto,and then they keep Simbain theirplaceandsharetheirproblem- free philosophy with him,just as Timon tells Simba” You should put your pastbehindyou”. So thephrase ” HakunaMatata ” help s Simba toreleasefromdepressionand self-condemning, andtheirfriendshipmakes Simbalivehappilythere.Then

13、 Simba s anotherfriend-Rafikiappears,he isglad tosee Simba is still alive, but at thesame time,healsohopes Simba toexerthimselfandtaketheresponsibilitytobe the king again.So one day, Rafiki finds Simba andleads Simba deep into the forest .He helps Simba to ” see ” his father. The lion cub is inspire

14、d by the late king, and clears the puzzle in hisheart.Rafikialso conducts Simba tofind a way to future and to take hisresponsibilitythatowes tohim.“ The past can hurt, but the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it. ” Simba chooses the latter and goes back to his kingdom to challen

15、ge Scar. Surely his loyalfriends-Timon,Pumbaaand Rafiki-allgatherto helphim,justas Timon says:“ If it s important to you, were withyou tillthe end. ” They fightbravely, and defeat the evil Scar,clear the path forSimba tobe crownedkingofPrideRockatlast.Conclusioncan be drawn that itis thefirm friends

16、hipthat supports Simba,makes him feel that he is not alone,gives him strength and helps him totriumph.3Thespiritoflookingbackbravely and forward hopefullyBeforethetruthuncovered,Simba thinks he himself leads to hisfathers death .He runs outofprideland,andrunsfromthepastaswell .Thevoiceofhimself“What

17、woulditproveanyway? Itwon tchange anything.You cant change thepast ” dwelton in hismind. But underthehelpofRafiki,Simba finallyknows thathe doesnthave to changethepast.Sinceithadalreadyhappened, it s no use to regretsdoingit,thewise way isjustlet itbe, but not forgettingthe experiencegained from it.

18、So hisFather s words“You aremore thanwhatyouhavebecome .You must take your place inthecircleoflife” rekindleinSimba a long forgotten ambition torule,finallyhefaceshispastbravely,getsthesenseofresponsibilityand goes back tofightfor his kingdom with the help of hisloyal company.The lion king s rough e

19、xperience inspire me a lot. Surely, there are indeed many things that makes us feel painful and fearful,but once they happened, they need to be faced up instead of being avoided. What we should do is to make a deep thought and decision about how to take the next positive step. Maybeit will takes a l

20、ong, hard time to make them, but it doesnt matter, becauseavoiding reality only means burdening one s soul and constraining one s courage. Humanbeingsneed to go ahead because therewill be wilder prospects waiting tobe explored.The pastmaybeheavy andgray, but the future is bound to behopefulandbright

21、-aslongasyouunload burden, pick up the spirit of“l(fā)aughinginthefaceofdifficulty”andgreetfuturepositively and aggressively .So nomatter how long the pain would last,you should remember not to let thepain disturb your normal and dailylife too much, just arrange the mindand take the firststep bravely,thenyouwillfinallyconquerthedifficulties and find you yourselfh


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