



1、DACROMET 320 is a non-electrolytic water-based thin-film coating for the corrosion protection of articles made from steel, cast iron or other iron metals. The Coating Contains Zinc and aluminium flakes in a chromium binder. The coating is metallic silver in appearance. DACROTIZING is the process whe

2、reby the aqueous dispersion is applied by cold immersion or spray and is therefore free of any riskof hydrogen embrittlement. The coating thus produced is passivated throughout the film and provides high performance corrosion protection.CHARACTERISTICSThe corrosion resistance of DACROMENT 320 depend

3、s upon the thickness of the coating and is due to the combination of several mechanisms:A barrier effect due to the tile-like structure of the film, Controlled sacrificial protection of the zinc in relation to the metal substrate,The film passivation which reduces the speed at which the zinc and alu

4、minum are consumed.COATING THICKNESSTwo coating weights are commonly used to meet the automobile industry s requirements;Grade A: coating weight 24 g/m2, average thickness 5 to 7 umGrade B: coating weight 36 g/m2, average thickness 8 t0 10 umGreater coating weights may be applied to increase the dur

5、ation ofthe corrosion protection.PROPERTIES1/No hydrogen embrittlementWhen surface preparation is done according to recommended techniques, the non-electrolytic application of the film does not induce hydrogen embrittlement. DACROMET 320 is therefore especially indicated for protecting security part

6、s.2/Corrosion resistanceDACROMET 320 meet all automobile manufacturer specifications專業(yè)文檔供參考,如有幫助請下載。for the corrosion protection of mechanical parts. It is also very well suited for numerous other applications such as building, civilengineering, railway equipment2.1/Salt spray test(ISO 9227):600 hou

7、rs (Grade A) without red rust.1000 hours (Grade B) without red rust.No white rust (zinc corrosion) before 250 hours.2.2/Salt spray test after 8 hour thermal shock at 260 Ditto2.3/Cyclical corrosion tests: 3C testTest method: RENAULT D17.1686: 10 cycles without red rust2.4/Bimetallic corrosion resist

8、ance:DACROMET 320 behaves very well in contact with aluminium and performs as well as other zinc-based coatings in contact with copper, stainless steel or magnesium.3/Resistance to automotive fluids:Standardized test fuel, diesel fuel, motor oil, organic solvents, cooling fluid, brake fluid; no coat

9、ing alteration (VDA 621-412) Immersion in brake fluid for 24 hours at 80 ; no coating alteration. 4/Ductility:Sufficient for elastic deformations of springs, clip 5/Electrical conductivity:DACROMET320isconductive.Itallowsforuseofelectrodeposited paints.6/Heat resistance:DACROMET 320 is cured at 300

10、, thus providing excellent heat resistance.7/Paintability:DACROMET 320 may be covered by most organic coatings and in particular, those applied by electrodeposition.8/Throwing powerThe application on parts by cold immersion allows for the total covering of the internal surfaces.專業(yè)文檔供參考,如有幫助請下載。APPLI

11、CATION FIELDWhen choosing the coating process best suited for a given application, DACROMET 320 may be used in all industrial areas, for all types of metallic parts.HOMELOGATIONSDACROMET 320 is specified and used by all automobile manufacturers, and numerous other companies.寧波金陵噴漆實業(yè)有限公司最新引進達克羅涂覆工藝。適

12、用于多種基材達克羅涂層可以適用于鋼、鑄鐵、鋁、及其合金、粉末冶金等多種材料的表面保護。粉末冶金件、 鑄鐵件的電鍍比較麻煩。 粉末冶金件鍍前要進行封孔處理等。處理不好,吸附到微孔內的酸、 堿或其分化學溶液會從內到外地腐蝕鍍鋅層,從而降低鍍鋅層的耐腐壽命。采用達克羅涂層則不存在這類問題。生產設備達克羅應用專業(yè)文檔供參考,如有幫助請下載。達克羅涂覆工藝被列為清潔生產技術,是 1999 年國家重點保護實用技術推廣項目國家環(huán)境保護總局文件環(huán)發(fā)1999185 號達克羅是 DACROMET的中文譯音,又稱鋅鉻膜、達克銹、達克曼等,在即將發(fā)布的我國有關達克羅的標準中稱為“鋅鉻涂層”,其定義為: “將水基鋅鉻涂

13、料浸涂、刷涂或噴漆于鋼鐵零件或構建表面,經烘烤形成的以磷片狀鋅和鋅的鉻酸鹽為主要成份的無機腐蝕涂層?!边_克羅技術是由美國人發(fā)明的,是一種類似電鍍鋅的金屬涂層處理技術,達克羅涂層外觀為均勻的銀灰色,涂層中含有80%的薄鋅片和鋁片,其余為鉻酸鹽,具有優(yōu)良的性能,如極強的抗腐蝕性:比電鍍鋅提高 710 倍;無氧脆;特別適用于高強度受力件,如用于地鐵工程的高強度螺栓;高耐熱性;耐熱溫度300。此外,還具有高滲透性、高附著性、高減摩性、高耐氣候性、高耐化學品穩(wěn)定性及無環(huán)境污染等優(yōu)點。達克羅技術工藝處理過程無公害、無環(huán)境污染,這是優(yōu)越于任何一種金屬表面處理工藝的最大特點。 在達克羅涂層形成過程中, 揮發(fā)物

14、質經過汽化處理。 不存在含有酸、堿、鋅、鉻物質的污水排放問題。被國家機械工業(yè)定為“清潔生產專業(yè)文檔供參考,如有幫助請下載。技術”基金開發(fā)項目。被專家譽為國際金屬表面處理行業(yè)的一場革命性產品。達克羅工藝對于各種類形工件具有廣泛的適應性,既可以處理小型零件, 如:緊固件、五金配件; 也可以處理大型結構和鈑金件。達克羅涂層具有良好的工藝配套性,可以在涂層表面進行靜電噴粉、噴漆、電泳漆等二次涂覆,以提高金屬表面的抗污染性并滿足種種產品的表面裝飾性。在工業(yè)發(fā)達國家的汽車,土木建筑,電力、化工、海洋工程、家用電器、鐵路、公路、橋梁、隧道、軍事工業(yè)等眾多領域里已經得到極為廣泛的應用。為此我公司引進當今國際先進的反腐防銹技術“達克羅”為各行業(yè)提供達克羅涂覆加工優(yōu)質服務。歡迎各行業(yè)人員垂詢。本公司向您提供以下系列達克羅涂覆服務涂覆類型名稱特點用途高耐蝕達克羅普通型達克羅,三次涂一般緊固件、五金配DKL-1000覆可通過 80


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