



七年級下冊段考復習資料名詞:1.Dont talk to_ (strange)on the Internet.They may be bed men.2.She is a _(teach),she work at school.3.Look at the man over there,he is strong,he must a _(player).4.I have a Childrenarelookingforwardto_(receive)giftsonChristmasDay.5.I have a _ (Australia)pen friend.6.A_(tour)cameuptomeandaskedmethewaytoitheGreatWall.7.Lookatthe_(paint)onthewall.Itlookssobeautiful.8.It s not difficult to make a_(decide), so Ill do it myself.9.Most people know Jackie Chan is a famous_(Act)10.My grandfathers_(die) made me very sad.11.Paris is the capital of_(French).12.Some_(German )are waiting for the night at the airport at the moment. They are going to London.13.We all want to learn more about_(Russia) history.14.Our teacher says that many_(visit) will come to our school next day.15.She wanted to try Japanese food and_(India) food.16.This kind of animal has four_(foot).17.I met some_(foreign ) They said they were from London.18.Germany is an _(Europe)country.代詞:1.Lucyisaclassmateof_(I).She,sgoodatEnglish.2. Isthisredbikelilys?-NO,itisnt._(she)isblue.3. Ourbikesarenew.-Theseareold.Theyarent_(our)4.Mysisterisin_(she)room._(her)isateacher.5.Woundyoupleasetellme_(I)theirnames? 6. They go to the park and enjoy_( them)very much.7. _(She) favorite player is Ma long.動詞:1.Look!Thegirlis_(fly)akiteinthepar.2.Tim_(ride)hisbiketoUnclejohnsFarmandpickedstrawberries.3.Thelittleboyis_(carry)aheavybox.letsgivehimahand.4. _(swim)isagoodwayformodernpeopletoloseweightandkeephealthy5.WhenIgottoschoolyesterdaymorning,Itwas_(rain).6.ItstimetostoptheChinesetyleof_(cross)theroad.7.Thispairofgloves(be)purple.8.Thestudentsare(get)onthebusatthemoment.9.Look!Aboyare(run)ontheplayground,10.Childrenarelookingforwardto_(receive)giftsonChristmasDay.11.What about _(go)to the library.12.Would you like_(go)to the park?13.I want to _(join)the 14.He is ready _(help)others.15.Davidfinished_(make)themodelplanejustnow.16.Becarefulwhenyougo_(across)thestreet.17.My family and I_(be )in Chengdu last year18.Last weekend, Bob did his homework and_(see)a movie with his father.19.He is_( watch) TV and _(read)an interesting book.20.He left the room without _(say) goodbye to us.21.My brother and I _(visit)my aunt near the in 1999.22.Mr greer_(marry )ten years ago and has three children nowAt that time. we didn,t have a car. We_(travel )to Beijing by train23. The singer _(become) popular when he was twenty years old24.When they_(are ) young, my parents didnt haveBikes.25.My grandfather was born in 1935 and_(die)in 1999.26.He_(meet )a friend of his yesterday.27.Last year, the light- coloured car_(sell) better than the dark-coloured one.28.Last weekend they_(go)to the beach and had great fun.29.They were afraid and_(run) away quickly.30.It s easy_(finish) the work with the help of Mr. Lee.31. What did they do?-They_(shake) their heads and went away.32.Can you see the instrument over there? It is_( call)a violin.形容詞副詞:1. Sometimesitrains_(heavy)inWuzhouinsummer.2.Itisthe_(good)oneamongallthebooks.3.Youdbetterwearyourhatandscarftogotoschool.its_(wind)outside4.Youshouldreadit_(careful).5.Milk is very _(care)and he often make mistakes.6.I hope your new product will be very_(success).7.I am very_( relax) ,and than I am walking in the park.8. If you go to the party, you can have a_( wonder)time.9.Swimming is a_(relax)sport.10.Yesterday I went on a school trip.All in all it was an_(excite) day.11.I feel_(relax) when I listen to classical music.12.I cannot read my _(person) letters without my permission.13.Our manager greeted the guests_(polite) with a smile at the entrance.14.I like pop music while my sister enjoys_(west) music.15.I like the quiet countryside. The city is too_( noise) for me.16.Come and try it. It is a _(tradition) food in Britain.數(shù)詞:1.Thebooksaboutmusicandartareonthe_(two)shelfinthelibrary.2.MyfriendLindahascollect_(hundreds)ofstampssofar.3.Thereare_(thou


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