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Sweep frequency response analysis for diagnosis of low level short circuit faults on the windings of power transformers An experimental study Vahid Behjat a b Abolfazl Vahedia Alireza Setayeshmehrc Hossein Borsic Ernst Gockenbachc aCenter of Excellence for Power System Automation and Operation Iran University of Science these faults must be quickly and accurately detected and the appropriate action taken to isolate the faulty transformer from the rest of the power system 1 If not quickly detected these faults can propagate and lead to catastrophic phase to ground or phase to phase faults resulting in a complete transformer breakdown which in turn generate substan tial costs for repair or replacement and fi nancial loss due to the power outage 2 Most power utilities are therefore highly moti vated to detect interturn short circuit fault in its earliest stage to prevent further damage to the transformer and electrical network Conventional methods for early detection of failures in power transformers such as dissolved gas in oil analysis partial discharge analysis and power factor tests display considerable limitations in detection of interturn faults on the transformer windings 3 Also the problem with thelastly developedpowertransformers assessment methods is that they just only give a general indication of the internal status of the transformer and do not permit the detection of interturn winding faults 4 Frequency response analysis as one of the well recognized methods for on site diagnosis of power transformers is based on the fact that every transformer winding has a unique signature of its transfer function which is sensitive to change in the parameters of the winding namely resistance inductance and capacitance Any geometrical or electrical changes within the transformer due to internal faults which have an effect on the capacitive or induc tive behavior of a transformer winding cause a change in the trans fer function of the winding and consequently a modifi cation of its frequency response Since the pioneering work of Dick and Erven at Ontario Hydro Research Laboratories in Canada in the late 1970s FRA has been widely applied to power transformers to investigate mechanical integrity of the windings 6 There are two ways for making frequency response analysis FRA measurements sweep frequency response analysis SFRA and low voltage impulse meth od LVI Many early practitioners tried impulse systems and have continued to try them up to the present Though appealing in terms of speed the LVI method has never been able to match the range resolution or repeatability and signal to noise ratio of the sweep method 7 A detailed evaluation of the relative merits of the two methods can be found in the research works carried out in 6 16 Given the potentials of sweep frequency analysis this 0142 0615 see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved http dx doi org 10 1016 j ijepes 2012 03 004 Corresponding author at Department of Electrical Engineering Engineering Faculty Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem AUTM 5375171379 Tabriz Iran Tel 98 0 412 432 7500 x2281 fax 98 0 412 432 7566 E mail address Behjat azaruniv edu V Behjat Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 2012 78 90 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Electrical Power and Energy Systems journal homepage paper along with its companion Ref 5 deals with development of a diagnosis approach based upon sweep frequency analysis for detecting interturn winding faults In recent years applicability and sensitivity of the SFRA method in evaluating mechanical integrity of core windings and clamping structures within power transformers has been extensively tested by means of faults simulations in laboratory and of real cases stud ies of transformers in site 6 27 However despite its importance research on interturn fault diagnosis using the SFRA method is rather limited A literature review indicates that all of the contribu tions pertinent to the present study have concentrated only on in ter disk type faults and fi nd it enough to show the overall changes of the frequency response of the transformer as a result of fault 28 30 The modifi cation of the winding frequency response as a result of inter disk fault has neither been systematically analyzed nor reasons for it ascertained in the existing literature Investigating the sensitivity and feasibility of the SFRA method as a diagnostic tool to detect interturn winding faults especially low level interturn faults in power transformers identifi cation of the most appropriate test confi guration for this application and reliable information about the relationship between changes of the winding transfer function and interturn faults are the issues so far remain unreported This research work is aimed at extend ing the previous studies for sensitive detection of interturn faults utilizing characteristic signatures associated with the interturn faults extracted from the SFRA records through a systematic study The approach adopted keeps at disposal a 100 kV A 35 kV 400 V distribution transformer on which interturn faults were imposed and a measurement setup consisting of a network analyzer for measuring the transfer function in the required frequency range While the effects of the interturn faults are known to be prob lematic the current study was focused upon obtaining a better understanding of the complex physical behavior of the transformer in the presence of interturn faults In order to see these relation ships most clearly a fi nite element model of the tested transformer was developed Obviously a correct understanding of what gov erns the modifi cation of the physical behavior of the transformer as a result of interturn faults would assist in justifying the changes of winding frequency response and hence developing a reliable and sensitive fault detection method Efforts will be made to interpret the SFRA result and quantifying the fault severity level in the shorted turns using statistical indicators The paper is organized as follows Section 2 focuses on basic concepts related to SFRA method and the methodology used for doing the experiments Section 3 presents a brief description addressing the electrical characteristics of the tested transformer and illustrates how interturn faults were staged on the windings of the transformer The most appropriate test confi guration for making sensitive SFRA measurements will be discussed in Section 4 Several characteristic signatures attained to interturn faults in ferred based on the inspection of transfer function of the winding in faulty and normal operating conditions of the tested transformer and the subsequent diagnosis are illustrated in Section 5 Section 6 describes the results of applying statistical indicators to the mea sured SFRA records in order to provide a quantitative way for diag nosing the fault on the transformer windings Discussion of the experimental results and implications for future researches are gi ven in seventh section Finally conclusions will be presented in the last section 2 Measurement method The SFRA method injects sinusoidal low voltage signals of vary ing frequencies into one side of the winding and measures the out put signals as they exit the winding in order to obtain the winding transfer function Treating a power transformer undergoing SFRA as a two port network the transfer function of the network is de fi ned as the quotient of the output to input frequency responses when the initial conditions of the network are zero Fig 1 illus trates a basic SFRA measurement circuit including two port net work model of the transformer where Zijparameters in the model are formed by distributed resistive capacitive self and mu tual inductive elements of the electrical equivalent circuit of the transformer The tested impedance in this case the impedance of the winding is denoted by Z12 In a case where the input and mea sured signals are generally referenced to ground Z11and Z22repre sent the impedance paths to ground through the bushing insulation Z21represents the impedance between the two refer ence grounds which in practice approaches zero because the neg ative terminals in the above diagram are short circuited through the transformer tank when the transformers is tested Finally S is the source used for generating the input sinusoidal signal and ZSis the impedance of the source Conventionally there exist two types of transfer functions which normally used in FRA analysis for diagnostic purposes Voltage Ratio Vout Vin and Impedance Vin Iin It should be noted that the sensitivity of each transfer function to defects and changes in the transformer assemblies is very different Therefore the user of the method has to fi nd out the most sensitive transfer function for defect detection In this study determination of the transfer function in the fre quency domain was performed with a network analyzer which used for generating the input sinusoidal signal also making the voltage measurements and manipulating the results Omicron measuring system Bode 100 was used in the measurements car ried out in this paper The tracking generator of the network ana lyzer produced an alternating voltage of 5 V in amplitude as the reference signal of the measuring system Two leads carrying input reference and output test signals were used for the connections between the network analyzer and the bushings at two ends of the test winding The transformer tank and the lead ground shields were connected together to assure that no external impedance is measured and also reduce the effect of noise and the environmen tal effects This measurement setup accompanied by the experi mental test object which will be introduced in the following section completes the test setup for performing the SFRA measure ments In the tests reported in this paper the measured frequency range is 100 Hz 1 MHz with 400 frequency points per decade The use of such high number of points which lead to increasing the ta ken time to make each measurement is justifi ed by the decrease in the probability of missing true resonance points and losing resolu tion in the approximated transfer function with the collected data points With the used sweep settings an SFRA scan could take a few minutes 3 Experimental setup SFRA measurements were carried out in high voltage laboratory on a three phase two winding 35 kV 400 V 100 kV A distribution transformer with a turn ratio of 4550 60 The LV and HV windings ofthetransformerhadlayeranddisk type confi gurations Vin IinIout Vout S ZsZ12 Z21 Z11 Z22 Network Model of the Transformer Fig 1 Basic SFRA measurement circuit including two port network model of the transformer V Behjat et al Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 2012 78 9079 respectively Interturn faults were imposed on the turns of outer most layer of HV disks which was the only accessible part of the transformer s windings To develop interturn short circuit faults in steps the transformer oil was pumped out and the front wall of the transformer tank was removed to expose the windings After the windings were allowed to dry two conductors on the farthest layer of the second disk from the line end of the HV winding on phase U located at two ends of the layer were chosen and the insulation over them at a point on each was carefully removed to make tapping points The next step was extracting leads from the tapping points on the chosen conductors Low impedance insulated wires were attached to the conductors by means of specifi c clamps embracing the conductors at the tapping points The leads were then brought out of the transformer to allow easy access to the internal turns and also providing possibility for externally produc ing interturn faults Since it was diffi cult to quantify exactly what number of turns involved by the fault so after the connections were completed the winding was energized by a low voltage power supply and the open circuit voltage between the tap con ductors was recorded This measured voltage between the taps di vided by the line to neutral value of the measured voltage applied to the winding was an exact measure of the fraction of the winding that was involved by the fault The fault level that could be realized by shunting the tap conductors was equal to 0 2 of the turns on the winding which involves a very small percentage of the winding Before reassembling the transformer an insulation resistance test was performed to verify that the resistance of the tap conduc tors to ground was greater than 1 MX A glass wall as a replace ment for front wall of the transformer tank was fi xed to the tank by screw bolts and then the oil refi lled Fig 2 shows a physical view of the tested transformer before and after refi lling the oil to the transformer tank After reassembling of the transformer interturn faults could be staged by connecting two taps to each other through a low impedance knife switch to be able to handle the ex tremely high circulating fault currents fl owing through the shorted turns To adjust the fault severity in the shorted turns a variable resistor was used in series with the switch in the conductive path between the terminals of the fault region Various levels of fault severity could then be attained by changing the value of the fault resistance in this leakage path The sketch in Fig 3 illustrates an exaggerated presentation of the corresponding geometrical and circuit domain of the transformer coils and also the details of the tapping points and the staged fault on phase U of the transformer Fig 2 a Front view of the tested transformer before refi lling the oil and b Side view of the transformer after refi lling the oil a Geometrical Domain LV Winding HV Winding Core Shorted Turns LV Winding Shorted Turns Rf Phase u Phase w Phase v S Phase U Phase V Phase W HV Winding b Circuit Domain Fig 3 Exaggerated presentation of the transformer coils and the staged fault on the 2nd disk from the line end of the HV winding on phase U 80V Behjat et al Electrical Power and Energy Systems 42 2012 78 90 HV winding In the fi gure the external limiting fault resistance and the time controlled switch for initiating the fault are denoted by s and Rf symbols respectively A close view of the considered transformer s HV windings and tap positions of the introduced fault before and after refi lling the oil to the transformer tank is gi ven in Fig 4 Before conducting the experiments a full load test was performed on the transformer with the taps open to verify that the modifi cations had not changed the transformers normal oper ating characteristics Once this test was completed selected fault scenarios could be staged to make the SFRA measurements 4 Identifi cation of the most sensitive test confi guration An effort was made by the authors in order to identify the most appropriate confi guration for making sensitive frequency response measurements Two different transfer functions various terminal confi gurations and three categories of measurement types were studied The sensitivity of the two transfer functions i e voltage gain and impedance was investigated by analyzing the frequency responses determined by each of the methods Once the appropri ate transfer function for fault detection was identifi ed the next step was to determine the most appropriate combination of termi nal connection and measurement type for achieving the maximum fault detection ability Open and short circuit terminal confi gura tion and three categories of winding measurement including high voltage low voltage and inter winding measurements were made to identify the most sensitive confi guration for detecting winding faults Through these studies it was found that measuring voltage gain across HV winding of the transformer keeping all HV and LV non tested terminals fl oating offers greater sensitivity and ability in fault detection owing to preparing more number of resonance points and also effectively taking into account the core effects at lower frequencies More detailed description regarding the most suitable set of test confi guration which would have the highest possible ability for interturn fault detection can be found in the re search work carried out by the authors in 31 The following sec tion focuses upon evaluating of the SFRA measurements in diagnosis of interturn faults on the windings of the transformers 5 SFRA measurements To obtain diagnosis criteria for detecting of interturn winding faults a fault involving 0 2 turns was staged on the phase U of HV winding of the transformer It should be noted that the im posed fault involves a very small percentage of the winding As well the smallest value of the fault resistance was chosen to ac count for a metal to metal contact and dispose of an extreme value which helped to evaluate trends Over the course of the experi mental tests a series of experiments were conducted in some cases with several trials of each to verify the correctness of the measurement records Fig 5 gives two traces collected in normal and faulty operating conditions of the transformers when the transformer is fi lled with oil It is clear from the results that the faulted response is substantially different from the non faulted re sponse over the low frequency range below 1 kHz The key point to understand the low frequency deviation caused by shorted turns can be found in explanation of Faraday s law in the shorted turns Faraday s law states that the electromo tive force emf induced in a turn equals the rate of variation of the electromagnetic fl ux inside it As a well known conclusion from this law at a fi xed frequency the amount of fl ux entering the turn is fi xed by the emf at its terminals From this assumption when a short circuit occurs at a given turn the voltage is forced to drop in it and consequently circulating current fl ows in the short circuited Fig 4 Tap positions along the HV winding of the transformer a before refi lling the oil an
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