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unit04,Agenda,Lesson 1,Lesson 2,Extended Exercises,Checkpoint,Agenda,UNIT GOALS,1. Discuss appropriate dress 2. Comment on fashion and style 3. Evaluate ways to change ones appearance 4. Describe what makes a person beautiful 5. Write about a description of people,Lesson 1,Lesson 1,Lead-in,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,1-Lead-in,Lead-in,TV Documentary: Selling Them Short,Exercise A,Exercise B,1-Exercise A,Exercise A,The report mentions some problems short men face. What are they?, making money raising children buying clothes getting a good career getting a date seeing around people in elevators cooking meals seeing a movie screen being discriminated against driving cars,1-Exercise A,Exercise B,Use words from the box to complete the statement. You will not use all of the words.,childish fearful intelligent mature powerful respected scary sexy submissive weak,1. When Chris was taller, the adjectives used to describe him were _. 2. When Chris was shorter than Debbie, they called him _.,submissive, childish, weak,mature and respected,1-Listening,Listening,Part 1,Part 2,New Words,Phrases and Expressions,1-L-Part 1 T Talk About Dressing Up and Dressing Down,Part 1,A. Sound Bites,B. Pair Work,Talk About Dressing Up and Dressing Down,part1-A,A. Sound Bites,Read and listen to a conversation between a couple about dressing up and dressing down.,MARGO: Dont you think you might be a little overdressed? PAUL: What do you mean? MARGO: Hello! The invitation said casual. PAUL: Oops. I thought we were supposed to get dressed up. Be right back.,PAUL: Hows this? MARGO: Now thats a little too casual. PAUL: Margo! I wish youd make up your mind. MARGO: And whats with the baggy pants? PAUL: OK. If I change into a polo shirt and a pair of slacks, will that work? MARGO: Perfect.,1-L-Passage B Pair Work,B. Pair Work,Use the following words to tell the story of what happened in the conversation.,underdressed overdressed formal casual,STARTING POINT Pair Work. Look at the pictures. Are the people dressed appropriately for each event? With a partner, use the words to describe how the people are dressed. Then compare your answers with other students.,Discussion. 1. When was the last time you got dressed up? What did you wear? 2. Have you ever been underdressed or overdressed for an event? What happened? How did you feel?,1-L-Part 2 Evaluate Ways to Change Ones Appearance,Part 2,A. listening Comprehension,B.,C. Discussion,Evaluate Ways to Change Ones Appearance,part2-A,A. Listening Comprehension,Listen to Part 1 of a radio program about mens hairstyles. then read the statements and listen again. Complete the statements, according to the information in the program.,1. In the eighteenth century, wigs were considered _. a. chic b. tacky c. out of style 2. In the nineteenth century, wigs were considered _. a. in style b. old-fashioned c. striking 3. Before the twentieth century, short hair would not have been considered _. a. stylish b. out of style c. shocking,a,b,a,part2-B,B.,Read the following statements and listen to Part 2. Complete the statements, according to the information in the program.,1. Men changed their hairstyles in the 1960s as a _ statement. a. fashion b. social and political c. religious and moral 2. Twenty years ago, the bald look would have been considered _. a. eccentric b. stylish c. old-fashioned 3. Young people who dye their hair want to _. a. be stylish b. conform c. express their individuality,b,a,c,1-L-Passage C Discussion,C. Discussion,Do you agree with the hair stylist that “anything goes” today for mens hairstyles? Are there any hairstyles that you really dont like on a man? Do you think mens hairstyles have improved or gotten worse in recent times?,1-L-Passage C Discussion,C. Discussion,braids,1-New Words,New Words, overdressed adj. dressed in clothes that are too formal for the occasion 穿著過(guò)于正式的 slacks n. old-fashioned trousers 便褲,1-Phrases and Expressions,Phrases and Expressions,baggy pants 寬松肥大的褲子,1-Speaking,Speaking,Comment on Fashion and Style,A. Conversation Snapshot,B. Vocabulary,C. listening Comprehension,speaking-A,A. Conversation Snapshot,A: Check out that guy over there. B: Which guy? A: The one on the cell phone. Can you believe what hes wearing? B: What do you mean? A: Dont you think that shirts a little flashy? B: Well, the colors are pretty loud, but thats whats in style. Rhythm and intonation practice,Strategies for Speaking,Strategies for Speaking, Use Can you believe to indicate disapproval Use Dont you think to promote consensus Begin a response with Well to convey polite disagreement or reservation Stress the main verb to acknowledge only partial agreement,A. Conversation Snapshot,speaking-B,B. Vocabulary,Describing fashion and style.,attractive fashionable / stylish modern in style / trendy / hot* temporarily popular elegant / chic in good taste striking attention-getting,Unattractive old-fashioned / out of style no longer popular tacky* in poor taste flashy* attention-getting shocking offensive,*informal,speaking-C,C. Listening Comprehension,Listen to the conversations about fashion and style. Choose the adjective that best summarizes each speakers point of view.,1. They think the purses in the magazine are _. a. hot b. flashy c. elegant 2. He thinks the jacket Carl is wearing is _. a. stylish b. flashy c. striking 3. They think the girls hairstyle is _. a. striking b. old-fashioned c. shocking 4. He thinks the dress the salesperson is suggesting is _. a. elegant b. striking c. trendy 5. She thinks the blouse her friend is holding is _. a. out of style b. tacky c. chic,a,b,c,a,a,1-Reading,Reading,Text A,Text B,Vocabulary Exercise,Vocabulary Activity,Text A,Text A,Warm-up,Text,Exercises,Warm-up,Warm-up,1. What is your own opinion towards fashion? Is fashion a good thing for college student? 2. As a young man, are you a fashionable person? Why or why not?,TextA-1,Text A,From Shocking to Striking Tattoos Gain Acceptance Just as fashions come and go, standards for appropriate dress continue to change. This change is often accepted by some sooner than others. What is attractive or trendy in one situation may be seen as shocking or tacky in another. In Western society, tattoos are an example of this.,Fifty years ago, a tattoo was a symbol of nonconformity. A person with a tattoo was seen as devious and offensive. This began to change in the 1960s, as many standards for dress, grooming, and behavior began to change. Rock n roll musicians were among the first to wear tattoos as a way to rebel against societys rules. Eventually, athletes, models, and movie stars also began to wear tattoos.,TextA-2,Text A,Today, tattoos are seen on all types of people. For many teenagers, tattoos are an expression of individuality and self-confidence. Smaller, more subdued tattoos are hardly even noticed. It is too early to say that tattoos have achieved total social acceptance. A tattoo could still be a “career-killer” in more conservative professions such as banking or finance. However, plenty of people are now entering the business world with tattoos they got as students. Eventually, these people will become business leaders, and the style will be more acceptable. When we see a tattoo on a president or prime minister, we will know that tattoos have finally arrived.,devious,devious,adj. departing from the correct or accepted way 犯錯(cuò)誤的,步入歧途的 Achieving success by devious means is not accepted by most of us. They are getting rich by devious ways.,Groom,groom,v. care for the appearance of; make neat and trim 使整潔,打扮 Jack groomed himself carefully in front of the mirror. Xiao Liu cares for his appearance and often well groomed.,Subdue,Subdued,adj. below usual brightness, loudness, etc. 柔和的;不強(qiáng)烈的 The soft, subdued light is seen at dusk or dawn or in dimly lit interiors. The curtain gave the room a subdued light.,TA-Exercises,Exercises,Exercise A,Exercise B,TA-Exercises A,Exercise A,Read the magazine article. Then read it again and circle the letter of the answer that correctly completes each sentence.,1. Before the 1960s, people with tattoos were _. a. in style b. shocking c. respectable 2. Rock n roll musicians began to wear tattoos because _. a. they wanted to show that they did not follow societys rules b. they wanted to be part of society c. they wanted to be trendy 3. In the 1960s, _. a. models had tattoos but rock musicians did not b. tattoos gradually started to become stylish c. tattoos were still not accepted by anyone,b,a,b,TA-Exercises A,Exercise A,4. According to the article, _. a. some teenagers see tattoos as a symbol of their individuality b. teenagers are self-conscious c. a majority of teenagers are afraid to be seen as self-confident 5. According to the last paragraph, _. a. most students with tattoos go into the business world b. visible tattoos could still be a problem in some professions c. tattoos have already achieved total social acceptance 6. The main idea of this article is that _. a. tattoos are losing popularity b. tattoos are now acceptable to everyone c. tattoos are more acceptable now than before,a,b,c,TA-Exercises B,Exercise B,Complete each sentence in your own way. Write sentences about fashion and style.,Example: A few managers in my company dont like casual Fridays. 1) A majority of _. 2) Most _. 3) Several _.,employees enjoy casual Fridays.,of the time, I wear jeans to school.,of my friends wear contact lenses.,Text B,Text B,Warm-up,Text,Comprehension Exercises,TB-Warm-up,Warm-up,1. Do you think most people are self-conscious about how they look? Why or why not? 2. Read the article about female body image. What do you think is expressed in the song lyrics?,TextB-1,Text B,What makes a girl beautiful? The lines above are from the song “Not Pretty Enough,” written and performed by Kasey Chambers, an Australian folk-rock singer and songwriter. The words tell us a lot about what its like to be female in a society in which media such as television, movies, and magazines define what it means to be beautiful. In cultures where success and happiness are equated with being thin and attractive “just like models or movie stars,” many young women are left feeling either invisible or fat and unaccepted.,The average fashion model is 5 feet, 11 inches (1.83 meters) tall and weighs 117 pounds (53 kilograms). The average woman is 5 feet, 4 inches (1.65 meters) tall and weighs 140 pounds (63.5 kilograms).,WHO DEFINES BEAUTY? “Am I not pretty enough? Is my heart too broken? Do I cry too much? Am I too outspoken? Dont I make you laugh? Should I try it harder? Why do you see right through me?”,TextB-2,Text B,It might not surprise you to read that 75% of women in the United States think that they are “too fat.” But many people do not realize how these ideas about body image have affected teenagers and children. You dont have to look much farther than a billboard sign, magazine advertisement, or popular television show to see how girls and women are being presented and to understand how it affects them. On average, U.S. children age eight or older spend almost seven hours a day watching television, playing video games, or reading magazines. Studies have revealed these trends:, If they had just one wish, girls ages eleven to seventeen say they would wish to be thinner. Between the ages of ten and fourteen, the percentage of girls who are “happy with the way I am” drops from 60% to 29%.,TextB-3,Text B, 80% of ten-year-old girls are on diets. Between 5 and 10 million teenage girls and young women have an eating disorder extreme dieting that can be dangerous to their health. Teenage cosmetic surgeries more than doubled in the last decade and are growing at an alarming rate. 70% of girls say they have wanted to look like an actress. About 30% have actually tried to.,Young people can benefit from realizing how much they are being targeted as a consumer group and how media messages are used to either sell them products or convey messages about body image, self-esteem, social values, and behavior.,equate,equate,v. consider, treat, or depict as equal or equivalent 同等對(duì)待 We should not equate inexperience with youth. Politics cannot be equated with art.,self-esteem,self-esteem,自尊,自負(fù) Its too cruel to injure ones self-esteem. Someone regards his self-esteem as his weak personality.,TB- Comprehension Exercises,Comprehension Exercises,Exercise A,Exercise B,TB- Exercises A,Exercise A,Check whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).,1. It is the society that defines beauty. ( ) 2. Common woman has great difference from fashion model. ( ) 3. Thinner people are more accepted by some companies. ( ) 4. The most effective way for losing weight is to be on diet. ( ) 5. The media can be damaging to young peoples self-image. ( ) 6. If girls had more self-confidence, they would not want to look like fashion models. ( ) 7. Before the age of ten, most girls are self-conscious. ( ) 8. After the age of ten, a lot of teenage girls suffer from high self-esteem. ( ),F,T,T,F,T,T,T,F,TB-Exercises B,Exercise B,Discussion,1. Are girls and women in your country affected by images in the media? Are boys and men also affected? How? 2. What do you think young people can do to avoid being affected by the messages they get from advertising, TV, and the movies? What can they do to be more satisfied with the way they look and to develop their self-esteem?,1-Vocabulary Exercises,Vocabulary Exercises,Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words chosen from the box. Change the forms where necessary.,1. I realized that much that would have seemed horrible to most people did not in the least _ Jerry. 2. The cancer had caused a blood _ that was making my teeth fall out. 3. Any of these _ conditions would mean a quick death for someone who did not wear special protective clothing. 4. These people are often in the high-income group and should be a major _ for tax collection.,affect disorder extreme invisible target equate double alarm reveal present,affect,disorder,extreme,target,1-Vocabulary Exercises,Vocabulary Exercises,5. A research estimated that in 1998 US consumers would purchase $7.3 billion of goods over the Internet, _ the 1997 total. 6. I hate people who _ the end of film that you havent seen before. 7. Steven went from one store to the next until he finally found the perfect _ for his wife. 8. Ultraviolet rays are _ rays in sunlight which have an effect upon the skin, causing certain skin diseases. 9. I felt a growing sense of _ when he did not return that night. 10. Some teachers often make the mistake of _ high test scores with intelligence.,affect disorder extreme invisible target equate double alarm reveal present,double,reveal,present,invisible,alarm,equating,1-Vocabulary Activity,Vocabulary Activity,Use a dictionary to find other words with the prefix self-.,1-Writing,Writing,Compare and Contrast,Step 1 Prewriting,Step 2 Writing,Step 3 Self-check,Compare and contrast,Compare and contrast,Connecting words can help a writer examine similarities and differences.,Compare Two Peoples Tastes in Fashion,1-W-Step 1 Prewriting,Step 1 Prewriting. Organizing ideas.,Choose a topic. Then on a separate sheet of paper, draw a diagram similar to the one on the right. Label the circles with the topics you are comparing and write both in the middle. List the differences in each circle and the similarities in the middle.,My fashion style,conservative style wear suits, skirts, blouses,kind of eccentric likes flashy pants, tacky shoes,like to wear hats buy clothes on sale have many pairs of shoes,Topics Compare and contrast your fashion style with that of someone you know. Compare and contrast fashion today with fashion five, ten, or twenty years ago.,My brothers fashion style,Both,1-W-Step 2 Writing,Step 2 Writing,On a separate sheet of paper, write two paragraphs comparing and contrasting ideas within the topic you chose, referring to the notes in your diagram. In your first paragraph, write about the differences. In your second paragraph, write about the similarities. Remember to use connecting words and include a topic sentence for each paragraph.,My brother Eric and I have very different tastes in fashion. I wear conservative clothes, while he prefers more eccentric outfits. He thinks he looks good in his flashy clothes, but I think his style is unattractive. However, there are some similarities in our styles. Eric likes to wear hats, and I do too. Like Eric, I am not,WRITING MODEL,1-W-Step 3 Self-check,Step 3 Self-check, Did you correctly use connecting words for comparing? Did you correctly use connecting words for contrasting? Does each paragraph have a topic sentence?,Lesson 2,Lesson 2,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,2-Listening,Listening,Talk About Hair Styles Listen to the conversation twice and then do the following exercises.,Exercise A,Exercise B,New Words,Phrases and Expressions,2listening-A,Exercise A,Check whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).,1. The majority of Pauls friends think his haircut is too flashy. ( ) 2. A few of Pauls friends think his haircut is too flashy. ( ) 3. Margaret thinks buzz cuts are out of style. ( ) 4. Margaret thinks buzz cuts are hot right now. ( ) 5. Margaret thinks Pauls hair color might be offensive to some people. ( ) 6. Margaret thi
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