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1、麥克阿瑟:責任、榮譽、國家(MacArthur:Duty, Honor, Country) 我愛英語網(wǎng) 道格拉拉斯麥克阿阿瑟(Douuglas MacArrthur),美國陸軍軍五星上將。出出生于阿肯色色州小石城的的軍人世家。11899年中中學畢業(yè)后考考入西點軍校校,19033年以名列第第一的優(yōu)異成成績畢業(yè),到到工程兵部隊隊任職,并赴赴菲律賓執(zhí)勤勤。麥克阿瑟瑟有過50年年的軍事實踐踐經(jīng)驗,被美美國國民稱之之為“一代老老兵”,而其其自身的又曾曾是“美國最最年輕的準將將、西點軍校校最年輕的校校長、美國陸陸軍歷史上最最年輕的陸軍軍參謀長”,憑憑借精妙的軍軍事謀略和敢敢戰(zhàn)敢勝的膽膽略,麥克阿阿瑟堪稱美

2、國國戰(zhàn)爭史上的的奇才。 這是麥麥克阿瑟將軍軍的一篇著名名演講,是他他一生中最后后一次也是最最感人的一次次演講,19962年5月月,他應(yīng)邀來來到他的母校校西點軍校,接接受軍校的最最高獎勵西爾維納斯斯塞耶榮譽譽勛章。他檢檢閱了學員隊隊,和他們共共進午餐。 我的的生命已近黃黃昏,暮色已已經(jīng)降臨,我我昔日的風采采和榮譽已經(jīng)經(jīng)消失。它們們隨著對昔日日事業(yè)的憧憬憬,帶著那余余暉消失了。昔昔日的記憶奇奇妙而美好,浸浸透了眼淚和和昨日微笑的的安慰和撫愛愛。我盡力但但徒然地傾聽聽,渴望聽到到軍號吹奏起起床導對那微微弱而迷人的的旋律,以及及遠處戰(zhàn)鼓急急促敲擊的動動人節(jié)奏。我我在夢幻中依依稀又聽到了了大炮在轟鳴鳴,

3、又聽到了了滑膛槍在鳴鳴放,又聽到到了戰(zhàn)場上那那陌生、哀愁愁的呻吟。 TThe shhadowss are lengttheninng forr me. The ttwiligght iss heree. My days of olld havve vannishedd, tonne andd tintt. Theey havve gonne gliimmeriing thhroughh the dreamms of thinggs thaat werre. Thheir mmemoryy is oone off wonddrous beautty, waateredd by ttears, a

4、nd coaxeed andd careessed by thhe smiiles oof yessterdaay. I listeen vaiinly, but wwith tthirstty earrs, foor thee witcching meloddy of faintt buglles bllowingg reveeille, of ffar drrums bbeatinng thee longg rolll. In my drreams I heaar agaain thhe craash off gunss, thee ratttle off muskketry, the s

5、trannge, mmournfful muutter of thhe batttlefiield. 然而而,晚年的回回憶經(jīng)常將我我?guī)Щ氐轿鼽c點軍校。我的的耳旁回響著著,反復回響響著:責任,榮榮譽,國家。今今天是我同你你們進行的最最后一次點名名。但我愿你你們知道,當當我到達彼岸岸時,我最后后想的是學員員隊,學員隊隊,還是學員員隊。 Butt in tthe evveningg of mmy memmory, alwayys I ccome bback tto Wesst Poiint. AAlwayss therre echhoes aand ree-echooes: DDuty, Honor

6、r, Couuntry. Todaay marrks myy finaal rolll calll witth youu, butt I waant yoou to know that when I crooss thhe rivver myy lastt conssciouss thouughts will be off The Corpss, andd The Corpss, andd The Corpss.MacArthhur: FFareweell Adddresss to CCongreess Mr. Preesidennt, Mrr. Speeaker, and Distiingu

7、isshed MMemberrs of the CCongreess:I standd on tthis rrostruum witth a ssense of deeep huumilitty andd greaat priide - humiility in thhe weiight oof thoose grreat AAmericcan arrchiteects oof ourr histtory wwho haave sttood hhere bbeforee me; pridee in tthe reeflecttion tthat tthis hhome oof leggisla

8、ttive ddebatee reprresentts humman liibertyy in tthe puurest form yet ddeviseed. Heere arre cennteredd the hopess and aspirrationns andd faitth of the eentiree humaan racce. I do noot staand heere ass advoocate for aany paartisaan cauuse, ffor thhe isssues aare fuundameental and rreach quitee beyoon

9、d thhe reaalm off parttisan consiiderattion. They must be reesolveed on the hhighesst plaane off natiional interrest iif ourr courrse iss to pprove soundd and our ffuturee prottectedd. I ttrust, therreforee, thaat youu willl do mme thee justtice oof recceivinng thaat whiich I have to saay as solelly

10、 exppressiing thhe connsiderred viiewpoiint off a feellow Ameriican.II addrress yyou wiith neeitherr ranccor noor bittterneess inn the fadinng twiilightt of llife, with but oone puurposee in mmind: to seerve mmy couuntry. The issuees aree globbal annd so interrlockeed thaat to consiider tthe prroble

11、mms of one ssectorr, oblliviouus to thosee of aanotheer, iss but to coourt ddisastter foor thee wholle. Whhile AAsia iis commmonlyy refeerred to ass the Gatewway too Euroope, iit is no leess trrue thhat Euurope is thhe Gatteway to Assia, aand thhe brooad innfluennce off the one ccannott faill to hha

12、ve iits immpact upon the oother. Therre aree thosse whoo claiim ourr streength is innadequuate tto prootect on booth frronts, thatt we ccannott diviide ouur efffort. I cann thinnk of no grreaterr exprressioon of defeaatism. If aa poteentiall enemmy cann diviide hiis strrengthh on ttwo frronts, it ii

13、s forr us tto couunter his eeffortt. Thee Commmunistt threeat iss a gllobal one. Its ssuccesssful advannce inn one sectoor thrreatenns thee desttructiion off everry othher seector. You can nnot apppeasee or ootherwwise ssurrennder tto commmunissm in Asia withoout siimultaaneoussly unndermiining our

14、eeffortts to halt its aadvancce in Europpe.Beyonnd poiintingg out thesee geneeral ttruismms, I shalll conffine mmy disscussiion too the generral arreas oof Asiia. Beefore one mmay obbjectiively assesss thee situuationn now existting tthere, he mmust ccompreehend sometthing of Assias past and tthe re

15、evoluttionarry chaanges whichh havee markked heer couurse uup to the ppresennt. Loong exxploitted byy the so-caalled colonnial ppowerss, witth litttle oopporttunityy to aachievve anyy degrree off sociial juusticee, inddividuual diignityy, or a higgher sstandaard off lifee suchh as gguidedd our own n

16、noble adminnistraation in thhe Phiilippiines, the ppeoplees of Asia foundd theiir oppportunnity iin thee war just past to thhrow ooff thhe shaackless of ccoloniialismm and now ssee thhe dawwn of new oopporttunityy, a hheretoofore unfellt diggnity, and the sself-rrespecct of polittical freeddom.Muust

17、eriing haalf off the earthhs poopulattion, and 660 perrcent of itts nattural resouurces thesee peopples aare raapidlyy conssolidaating a neww forcce, booth mooral aand maateriaal, wiith whhich tto raiise thhe livving sstandaard annd ereect addaptattions of thhe dessign oof moddern pprogreess too the

18、iir ownn disttinct cultuural eenviroonmentts. Whhetherr one adherres too the conceept off coloonizattion oor nott, thiis is the ddirecttion oof Asiian prrogresss andd it mmay noot be stoppped. IIt is a corrollarry to the sshift of thhe worrld ecconomiic froontierrs as the wwhole epiceenter of woorld

19、 aaffairrs rottates back towarrd thee areaa whennce itt starrted.IIn thiis sittuatioon, itt becoomes vvital that our oown coountryy orieent itts polliciess in cconsonnance with this basicc evollutionnary ccondittion rratherr thann purssue a coursse bliind too the realiity thhat thhe colloniall era i

20、s noow passt andd the Asiann peopples ccovet the rright to shhape ttheir own ffree ddestinny. Whhat thhey seeek noow is frienndly gguidannce, uundersstandiing, aand suupportt - nnot immperioous diirectiion - the digniity off equaality and nnot thhe shaame off subjjugatiion. TTheir pre-wwar sttandarr

21、d of life, pitiifullyy low, is iinfiniitely lowerr now in thhe devvastattion lleft iin warrs waake. WWorld ideollogiess playy litttle paart inn Asiaan thiinkingg and are llittlee undeerstoood. Whhat thhe peooples strivve forr is tthe oppportuunity for aa litttle moore foood inn theiir stoomachss, a

22、llittlee bettter cllothinng on theirr backks, a littlle firrmer rroof oover ttheir headss, andd the realiizatioon of the nnormall natiionaliist urrge foor polliticaal freeedom. Thesse polliticaal-soccial ccondittions have but aan inddirectt bearring uupon oour owwn nattionall secuurity, but do foorm

23、 a backddrop tto conntempoorary plannning wwhich must be thhoughttfullyy conssidereed if we arre to avoidd the pitfaalls oof unrrealissm.Of more direcct andd immeediateely beearingg uponn our natioonal ssecuriity arre thee channges wwroughht in the sstrateegic ppotenttial oof thee Paciific OOcean in

24、 thhe couurse oof thee pastt war. Prioor theereto the wwesterrn strrategiic froontierr of tthe Unnited Statees layy on tthe liiterall linee of tthe Ammericaas, wiith ann expoosed iislandd saliient eextendding oout thhroughh Hawaaii, MMidwayy, andd Guamm to tthe Phhilipppines. Thatt saliient pprovedd

25、 not an ouutpostt of sstrenggth buut an avenuue of weaknness aalong whichh the enemyy coulld andd did attacck.Thee Paciific wwas a potenntial area of addvancee for any ppredattory fforce intennt upoon strrikingg at tthe boorderiing laand arreas. All tthis wwas chhangedd by oour Paacificc victtory. O

26、ur sstrateegic ffrontiier thhen shhiftedd to eembracce thee entiire Paacificc Oceaan, whhich bbecamee a vaast mooat too prottect uus as long as wee heldd it. Indeeed, itt actss as aa prottectivve shiield ffor alll of the AAmericcas annd alll freee landds of the PPacifiic Oceean arrea. WWe conntrol i

27、t too the shorees of Asia by a chainn of iislandds exttendinng in an arrc froom thee Aleuutianss to tthe Maariannnas heeld byy us aand ouur freee alllies. From this islannd chaain wee can dominnate wwith ssea annd airr poweer eveery Assiaticc portt fromm Vladdivosttok too Singgaporee - wwith ssea an

28、nd airr poweer eveery poort, aas I ssaid, from Vladiivostook to Singaapore - annd preevent any hhostille movvementt intoo the Paciffic.Anny preedatorry atttack ffrom AAsia mmust bbe an amphiibiouss effoort.* No ammphibiious fforce can bbe succcessfful wiithoutt conttrol oof thee sea laness and the a

29、air ovver thhose llanes in itts aveenue oof advvance. Withh navaal andd air supreemacy and mmodestt grouund ellementts to defennd basses, aany maajor aattackk fromm conttinenttal Assia tooward us orr our friennds inn the Paciffic woould bbe dooomed tto faiilure.Underr suchh condditionns, thhe Paccif

30、ic no loonger repreesentss menaacing avenuues off apprroach for aa prosspectiive innvaderr. It assummes, iinsteaad, thhe friiendlyy aspeect off a peeacefuul lakke. Ouur linne of defennse iss a naaturall one and ccan bee mainntaineed witth a mminimuum of milittary eeffortt and expennse. IIt envvision

31、ns no attacck agaainst anyonne, noor doees it proviide thhe basstionss esseentiall for offennsive operaationss, butt propperly mainttainedd, wouuld bee an iinvinccible defennse aggainstt aggrressioon. Thhe hollding of thhis liiterall defeense lline iin thee westtern PPacifiic is entirrely ddependden

32、t uupon hholdinng alll segmments thereeof; ffor anny majjor brreach of thhat liine byy an uunfrieendly powerr woulld rennder vvulnerrable to deetermiined aattackk everry othher maajor ssegmennt.Thiis is a millitaryy estiimate as too whicch I hhave yyet too findd a miilitarry leaader wwho wiill taake

33、 exxceptiion. FFor thhat reeason, I haave sttronglly reccommennded iin thee pastt, as a mattter oof millitaryy urgeency, that underr no ccircummstancces muust Foormosaa falll undeer Commmunisst conntrol. Suchh an eeventuualityy woulld at once threaaten tthe frreedomm of tthe Phhilipppines and tthe l

34、ooss off Japaan andd mighht welll forrce ouur wesstern fronttier bback tto thee coasst of Califforniaa, Oreggon annd Wasshingtton.To unndersttand tthe chhangess whicch noww appeear uppon thhe Chiinese mainlland, one mmust uundersstand the cchangees in Chineese chharactter annd cullture over the ppas

35、t 550 yeaars. CChina, up tto 50 yearss ago, was complletelyy non-homoggenouss, beiing coomparttmenteed intto grooups ddivideed agaainst each otherr. Thee war-makinng tenndencyy was almosst nonn-exisstent, as tthey sstill folloowed tthe teenets of thhe Connfuciaan ideeal off paciifist cultuure. AAt t

36、hee turnn of tthe ceenturyy, undder thhe reggime oof Chaang Tsso Linn, effforts towarrd greeater homoggeneitty prooducedd the startt of aa natiionaliist urrge. TThis wwas fuurtherr and more succeessfullly deevelopped unnder tthe leeadersship oof Chiiang KKai-Shhek, bbut haas beeen broought to itts g

37、reeatestt fruiition underr the preseent reegime to thhe poiint thhat itt has now ttaken on thhe chaaracteer of a uniited nnationnalismm of iincreaasinglly domminantt, agggressiive teendenccies.TThrouggh theese paast 500 yearrs thee Chinnese ppeoplee havee thuss becoome miilitarrized in thheir cconce

38、ppts annd in theirr ideaals. TThey nnow coonstittute eexcelllent ssoldieers, wwith ccompettent sstaffss and commaanderss. Thiis hass prodduced a neww and dominnant ppower in Assia, wwhich, for its oown puurposees, iss alliied wiith Sooviet Russiia butt whicch in its oown coonceptts andd methhods hha

39、s beecome aggreessiveely immperiaalistiic, wiith a lust for eexpanssion aand inncreassed poower nnormall to tthis ttype oof impperiallism.TThere is liittle of thhe ideeologiical cconceppt eitther oone waay or anothher inn the Chineese maake-upp. Thee stanndard of liiving is soo low and tthe caapital

40、l accuumulattion hhas beeen soo thorroughlly disssipatted byy war that the mmassess are despeerate and eeager to foollow any lleaderrship whichh seemms to promiise thhe allleviattion oof loccal sttringeenciess.I haave frrom thhe begginninng bellievedd thatt the Chineese Coommuniists suppoort off the

41、 Northh Koreeans wwas thhe domminantt one. Theiir intterestts aree, at preseent, pparalllel wiith thhose oof thee Soviiet. BBut I belieeve thhat thhe agggressiivenesss reccentlyy dispplayedd not only in Koorea bbut allso inn Indoo-Chinna andd Tibeet andd poinnting potenntiallly towward tthe Soouth r

42、refleccts prredomiinantlly thee samee lustt for the eexpanssion oof powwer whhich hhas annimateed eveery woould-bbe connqueroor sinnce thhe begginninng of time.The JJapaneese peeople, sincce thee war, havee undeergonee the greattest rreformmationn recoorded in moodern histoory. WWith aa commmendabbl

43、e wiill, eeagernness tto leaarn, aand maarked capaccity tto undderstaand, tthey hhave, from the aashes left in waars wwake, erectted inn Japaan an edifiice deedicatted too the supreemacy of inndividdual llibertty andd perssonal digniity; aand inn the ensuiing prrocesss therre hass beenn creaated aa

44、trully reppresenntativve govvernmeent coommittted too the advannce off poliiticall moraality, freeedom oof ecoonomicc enteerprisse, annd soccial jjusticce. Pooliticcally, econnomicaally, and ssociallly Jaapan iis noww abreeast oof manny freee nattions of thhe earrth annd willl nott agaiin faiil thee

45、 univversall trusst. Thhat itt may be coountedd uponn to wwield a proofounddly beeneficcial iinflueence oover tthe coourse of evvents in Assia iss atteested by thhe maggnificcent mmannerr in wwhich the JJapaneese peeople have met tthe reecent challlenge of waar, unnrest, and confuusion surrooundinng

46、 theem froom thee outsside aand chheckedd commmunismm withhin thheir oown frrontieers wiithoutt the slighhtest slackkeningg in ttheir forwaard prrogresss. I sent all ffour oof ourr occuupatioon divvisionns to the KKoreann batttlefroont wiithoutt the slighhtest qualmms as to thhe efffect oof thee res

47、uultingg poweer vaccuum uupon JJapan. The resullts fuully jjustiffied mmy faiith. II knoww of nno nattion mmore sserenee, ordderly, and indusstriouus, noor in whichh highher hoopes ccan bee enteertainned foor futture cconstrructivve serrvice in thhe advvance of thhe humman raace.Off our formeer warr

48、d, thhe Phiilippiines, we caan loook forrward in coonfideence tthat tthe exxistinng unrrest wwill bbe corrrecteed andd a sttrong and hhealthhy nattion wwill ggrow iin thee longger afftermaath off wars terrriblee desttructiivenesss. Wee mustt be ppatiennt andd undeerstannding and nnever fail them - a

49、ss in oour hoour off needd, theey didd not fail us. AA Chriistiann natiion, tthe Phhilipppines standd as aa mighhty buulwarkk of CChristtianitty in the FFar Eaast, aand itts cappacityy for high morall leaddershiip in Asia iis unllimiteed. Onn Formmosa, the ggovernnment of thhe Reppublicc of CChina h

50、as hhad thhe oppportunnity tto reffute bby acttion mmuch oof thee maliiciouss gosssip whhich sso undderminned thhe strrengthh of iits leeadersship oon thee Chinnese mmainlaand. TThe Foormosaan peoople aare reeceiviing a just and eenlighhtenedd admiinistrrationn withh majoority repreesentaation on th

51、he orggans oof govvernmeent, aand pooliticcally, econnomicaally, and ssociallly thhey apppear to bee advaancingg alonng souund annd connstrucctive liness.Withh thiss brieef inssight into the ssurrouundingg areaas, I now tturn tto thee Koreean coonflicct. Whhile II was not cconsullted pprior to thhe

52、Preesidennts ddecisiion too inteervenee in ssupporrt of the RRepubllic off Koreea, thhat deecisioon froom a mmilitaary sttandpooint, proveed a ssound one, as wee hurlled baack thhe invvader and ddecimaated hhis foorces. Our victoory waas commpletee, andd our objecctivess withhin reeach, when Red CCh

53、ina interrvenedd withh numeericallly suuperioor groound fforcess.Thiss creaated aa new war aand ann entiirely new ssituattion, a sittuatioon nott conttemplaated wwhen oour foorces were commiitted againnst thhe Norrth Koorean invadders; a sittuatioon whiich caalled for nnew deecisioons inn the diploo

54、maticc spheere too permmit thhe reaalistiic adjjustmeent off miliitary strattegy.SSuch ddecisiions hhave nnot beeen foorthcooming.Whilee no mman inn his rightt mindd woulld advvocatee sendding oour grround forcees intto conntinenntal CChina, and such was nnever givenn a thhoughtt, thee new situaatio

55、n did uurgenttly deemand a draastic revission oof strrategiic plaanningg if oour pooliticcal aiim wass to ddefeatt thiss new enemyy as wwe hadd defeeated the oold.Appart ffrom tthe miilitarry neeed, ass I saaw It, to nneutraalize the ssanctuuary pprotecction givenn the enemyy nortth of the YYalu, I

56、fellt thaat millitaryy neceessityy in tthe coonductt of tthe waar madde neccessarry: fiirst tthe inntensiificattion oof ourr econnomic blockkade aagainsst Chiina; ttwo thhe imppositiion off a naaval bblockaade aggainstt the Chinaa coasst; thhree rremovaal of restrrictioons onn air reconnnaisssance o

57、f Chhinass coasstal aareas and oof Mannchuriia; foour reemovall of rrestriictionns on the fforcess of tthe Reepubliic of Chinaa on FFormossa, wiith loogistiical ssupporrt to contrributee to ttheir effecctive operaationss agaiinst tthe coommon enemyy.For enterrtainiing thhese vviews, all profeessionn

58、ally desiggned tto suppport our fforcess commmittedd to KKorea and bbring hostiilitiees to an ennd witth thee leasst posssiblee delaay andd at aa saviing off counntlesss Amerrican and aalliedd livees, I have been severrely ccriticcized in laay cirrcles, prinncipallly abbroad, desppite mmy undderstaa

59、ndingg thatt fromm a miilitarry staandpoiint thhe aboove viiews hhave bbeen ffully shareed in the ppast bby praacticaally eevery milittary lleaderr conccernedd withh the Koreaan cammpaignn, inccludinng ourr own Jointt Chieefs off Stafff. I calleed forr reinnforceementss but was iinformmed thhat reei

60、nforrcemennts weere noot avaailablle. I made clearr thatt if nnot peermittted too desttroy tthe ennemy bbuilt-up baases nnorth of thhe Yallu, iff not permiitted to uttilizee the frienndly CChinesse Forrce off somee 600,000 mmen onn Formmosa, if noot perrmitteed to blockkade tthe Chhina ccoast to prr


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