



1、組織文化的負(fù)功能Culture as a liabilitye are treating culture in anon-judgmentalmanner. We haven t said itsW good or bad, only that is exists. Many of its functions are valuable for boththe organizations and the employees. Culture enhances organizational commitmentand increasestheconsistency of employeebehav

2、ior 員工行為的一致性. Theseareclearly benefitstoanorganization.Froman employees standpoint,cultureisvaluable because itreduces ambiguity減少模糊性 it tells employees how things aredone 它告訴員工如何做事and what is important.But we shouldn t ignore但我們不應(yīng)該忽視 the potentiallydysfunctionalaspectsof culture 文化的潛在的功能不良的層面,espec

3、ially a strong one, on an organizations effectiveness.【】組織文化在企業(yè)中具有多種功能Cultureperforms a number of functions withinanorganization ,既有正功能(積極的作用),又有負(fù)功能(消極作用) 。組織文化的負(fù)功能是企業(yè)的一種累贅Culture as a liability ,主要表現(xiàn)在如下:變革的障礙 Barrier to changeCulture is a liability where the shared values共享的價值觀 are not in agreement

4、 with thosethat will further (=advance)the organizations effectiveness當(dāng)共享的價值觀與那些促進(jìn)組織績效的價值觀不一致時,文化就是一種負(fù)債.This is most likely to occur when the organization s environment is dynamic 當(dāng) .時這最可能出現(xiàn) . When the environment is undergoing rapid change, the organizations entrenchedculture may no longer be appro

5、priate.So consistency of behavior is an asset to an organization when it faces a stable environment. It may, however, burden the organization and make it difficult to respond to changes in the environment.【 undergo 經(jīng)歷 , 遭受 _entrench v. 以壕溝防護(hù) _ burden 負(fù)擔(dān) , 給予麻煩】Companies like IBM, Eastman Kodak have

6、strong cultures that worked well for them in the past, but these strong cultures become barriers to change when “business as usual ”is no longer effective.For many organizations with strong cultures, practices that led to previous success can lead to failure when those practicesno longer match up we

7、ll with environmental needs.如果組織的共同價值觀與進(jìn)一步提高組織效率的要求不相符合時,它就成了組織的束縛。這是在組織環(huán)境處于動態(tài)變化的情況下,最有可能出現(xiàn)的情況。當(dāng)組織環(huán)境正在經(jīng)歷迅速的變革時,根深蒂固的組織文化可能就不合時宜了。因此,當(dāng)組織面對穩(wěn)定的環(huán)境時,行為的一致性對組織而言很有價值。但組織文化作為一種與制度相對的軟約束。更加深入人心,極易形成思維定勢,這樣,組織有可能難以應(yīng)付變化莫測的環(huán)境。當(dāng)問題積累到一定程度,這種障礙可能會變成組織的致命打擊。多樣化的障礙 Barrier to diversityStrong cultures can beliabilit

8、ies when they effectively eliminate those unique strengths that people of different backgrounds具有不同背景的人 bring to the organization.Hiring new employees who, because of race, gender, ethnic, or other difference, are not like the majority of the organization s memberscreates a paradox . Management want

9、s new employees to accept the organizations core cultural values. Otherwise, theseemployees are unlikely to fit in or be accepted. But at the same time, management wants to openly acknowledge and demonstrate support for the differences these employees bring to the workplace.Strong cultures put consi

10、derable pressure on employees to conform.They limit the range of values and style that are acceptable. Obviously, this creates a dilemma . Organizations hire diverse individuals because of the alternative strengths these people bring to the workplace. Yet these diverse behaviors and strengths are li

11、kely to diminish in strong cultures as peopleattempt to fit in 試圖融入其中 .1.【 conform _dilemma 進(jìn)退兩難的局面, 窘境_ diverse 不同的 _diminish(使)減少】由于種族、性別、道德觀等差異的存在,新聘員工與組織中大多數(shù)成員不一樣,這就產(chǎn)生了矛盾。管理人員希望新成員能夠接受組織的核心價值觀,否則,這些新成員就難以適應(yīng)或被組織接受。但是組織決策需要成員思維和方案的多樣化,一個強勢文化的組織要求成員和組織的價值觀一致,這就必然導(dǎo)致決策的單調(diào)性,抹煞了多樣化帶來的優(yōu)勢,在這個方面組織文化成為組織多樣

12、化、成員一致化的障礙。兼并和收購的障礙Barriers to mergers and acquisitionsHistorically,the key factors that management looked at in making merger oracquisition decisions were related to financial advantages or product synergy 協(xié)同 , 配合 .In recent years, cultural compatibilityhas become theprimary concern.While a favorab

13、le financial statement or product line may be the initial attraction of an acquisition candidate, whether the acquisition actually works seems to have more to do with how well the two organizations cultures match up.以前,管理人員在進(jìn)行兼并或收購決策時,所考慮的關(guān)鍵因素是融資優(yōu)勢或產(chǎn)品協(xié)同性。近幾年,除了考慮產(chǎn)品線的協(xié)同性和融資方面的因素外,更多的則是考慮文化方面的兼容性。如果兩個


15、拔以遺陛下:愚以為宮中之事,事無大小,悉以咨之,然后施行,必能裨補闕漏,有所廣益。將軍向?qū)櫍孕惺缇?,曉暢軍事,試用于昔日,先帝稱之曰“能 ”,是以眾議舉寵為督:愚以為營中之事,悉以咨之,必能使行陣和睦,優(yōu)劣得所。親賢臣,遠(yuǎn)小人,此先漢所以興隆也;親小人,遠(yuǎn)賢臣,此后漢所以傾頹也。先帝在時,每與臣論此事,未嘗不嘆息痛恨于桓、靈也。侍中、尚書、長史、參軍,此悉貞良死節(jié)之臣,愿陛下親之、信之,則漢室之隆,可計日而待也。臣本布衣,躬耕于南陽,茍全性命于亂世,不求聞達(dá)于諸侯。先帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈,三顧臣于草廬之中,咨臣以當(dāng)世之事,由是感激,遂許先帝以驅(qū)馳。后值傾覆,受任于敗軍之際,奉命于危難之間,爾來二十有


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