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1、Chapter 10 LanguageSome Do children have tobe “taught”howto Do children generatecreativeHowlong doesittake a childe“fluent”in her nativeWhatdoesitmean when achild says“I seedthedog”or “Daddy eated Some Chapter 10 LanguageSome Do children have tobe “taught”howto Do children generatecreativeHowlong do

2、esittake a childe“fluent”in her nativeWhatdoesitmean when achild says“I seedthedog”or “Daddy eated Some 1.Howcan childrenlearntheirnativelanguagesso 2.What arethestagesof acquisition theygo pper” 3. Why is the s of acquisition so similar across the globe, despite the great diversity of environmentsw

3、herechildren grow4.Andisittacertainagetendto losetheabilityofWhat islanguage Language acquisition refers to the childs acquisition of his mother language/native language of the community in which a child has been brought up, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his commun

4、ity.languagelanguage (L1):The tanindividualThecapacity toacquirelanguageisafundamental human tallhumanbeingsareequallywell sessedtis,noone is morenothersin acquiring Theoriesof child language Abehaviorist viewoflanguageacquisition Aninnatist viewoflanguageacquisition eractionist viewoflanguage Cogni

5、tivefactorsinchildlanguagedevelopment Theoretical Approaches toL1Behaviorism 行為主義 Say whatI (ortheNativistApproachItsallinyourition 互動(dòng)主義 Alittlehelp frommyfriends/familyBehaviorism: SaywhatISkinner:languagebehavioristheof correctresponsestostimuli throughLanguagelearning istheresult of1)ion(word-for

6、-wordrepetition), 2)practice(repetitivemanipulationform), 3) feedback onsitivereinforcement), and4) habit ion Recognition Behaviorism: SaywhatIChildrensionsarenotTheir ion ectiveand based onwhattheyarecurrentlyTheirpractice oflanguageformsisalso selectiveand reflects whattheywouldliketo Theyareoften

7、 inchargeoftheconversation Behaviorism: SaywhatIChildrendo pick outpatterns/rulesandthengeneralize or overgeneralizethem e.g. Father: Idlike toea Child:IdliketoeapieceofB. I love youto .I loveyoue., children donot eadultsspeech in aparrot-likefashion.TheyBehaviorism: SaywhatIChildrendo pick outpatte

8、rns/rulesandthengeneralize or overgeneralizethem e.g. Father: Idlike toea Child:IdliketoeapieceofB. I love youto .I loveyoue., children donot eadultsspeech in aparrot-likefashion.Theyoftenhavetheir ownway of Second, correctionsbytthechildslinguisticcompetenceareoftenInnatism:Itsall inyourChomskytbeh

9、aviorism cannot providesufficient explanationsforchildrenslanguageacquisition the followingThe language thechild isedheenvironment isfullofconfusing informationand doesnotprovide the informationwhich thechild Childrenarebynomeanssystematicallycorrectedor instructedonlanguagebyparents. Noam Chomskys

10、L-A-DChomskys theory of the LAD (Language Acquisition Device) sprinciples of language.t every human is born with Childrenlearnlanguagespontaneouslyandspeakcreatively. Innatism: 天生主義語言習(xí)得觀LAD(an imaginary “black box”existing heLADcontainsallandonlytheprincipleswhichareuniversaltoallhumanlanguages(i.e.

11、 UniversalGrammar For the LAD to work, children need ac activate the device.s only to les of a natural language, which serve as a trigger Once the LAD ivated, children are able to discover the structure of the language to be learned by the innate knowledge of basic grammatical principles (UG) to the

12、 structures of the particular language in the ition t language develops as a result of the lay n the human capacities of the childand the linguistic environment in which thechild egrated withthe innatist eractionist further t the modified language which itable for the childs capability is l hislangu

13、ageacquisition. They emphasize the importance of child-directed speech: the language which is notonly addressed to children adjusted(or modified)in tmakeit easierfor themto Cognitivefactorsin childlanguagedevelopment Thecognitivefactorsrelate tolanguage acquisition woly, language development isdepen

14、dent on both theconcepts children form about theworld andwhat theyfeel stimulated to communicate at the early and later stages of their language development. (the acquisition of perfect tense and the concept of present relevance)Secondly, thecognitivefactorsdeterminehowthechildmakessenseofthelinguis

15、ticsystemhimselfinsteadof what meanings the child perceives and expresses. (the acquisition of negative form)Cognitivefactorsinchildlanguage Language development is dependent on both the concepts children formabout theworldand what they stimulatedtocommunicateattheearlyandlaterstagesoftheirlanguageS

16、econdly, thecognitivefactorsdeterminehowthechildmakessenseofthelinguisticsystemhimselfinsteadof what meanings the child perceives and expresses. (the acquisition of negative form)Cognitivefactorsinchildlanguage Language development is dependent on both the concepts children formabout theworldand wha

17、t they stimulatedtocommunicateattheearlyandlaterstagesoftheirlanguagedevelopment.(theacquisitionofperfect tense and the concept of present relevance)The cognitivefactors determine how thechild makes sense of the linguistic system himself instead of meaningsthechildperceivesandexpresses. (the acquisi

18、tionof negativeLanguage& the critical periodTwo important factors: the linguistic environment children are exed to and the age they start to learn the In behaviorist approach, language environment plays a major role in providing both language m ed and nesary feedbacks.s to The innatist view emphasiz

19、es more on ernal sing of the language items to be learnt. environment functions as a stimulust triggers and activates the pre-equipped UG to pros the materials provided by the linguistic environment around the children.eractionist view calls for the quality of the language les he linguistic environm

20、ent, when the language is modified and adjusted to the level of childrens comprehen ernalize the language items., do they s Eric Heinz Lenneberg (19211975) was a linguist and neurologist who pioneered ideas on language and cognitive psychology, erms of the concept of innateness. He was born in dorf,

21、 An ethnic Jew, he left Nazi Germany because of rising Nazi persecution. He initially fled to Brazil with his and then to the United es where he attended the University of Chicago and Harvard University. A professor psychology and neurobiology, he the Harvard Medical School, the University of Michig

22、an in Ann andiversityandMedicalThe human brain is not fully developed at birth. Rather, it matures gradually riod of several years. has been some t language and other cognitive skills must be acquired prior to the completion of maturational The Critical Period Hypothesis refers riod in ones life ext

23、ending from about age two to puberty, which the human brain is most ready to acquire a particular language and language learning can proceed easily, swiftly, and without explicit instruction.Lenneberg t the end of the critical period corresponds to the completion of the CriticalPeriodHypothesis- Eri

24、c Lenneberg t the LAD, like other biological functions, sfully only when it stimulatedat theright aspecific and limitedtime periodfor language The strong of CPHt childrenmust acquire languageby pubertyorthey will beableto learnfrom subsequent The weak t language learning will be more difficult plete

25、 uberty. (Support VictorsandGeniescases) Critical period hypothesisThereisa critical periodforlanguage There isnoagreement about howlongthissensitive period Genie theAmerican wildchild providedThe CriticalPeriodtlanguage cannot be learnedCPH:ed by Thishypothesist thereisonlyasmall window of timefor

26、languagetobe nativelyIf achildGenie theAmerican wildchild providedThe CriticalPeriodtlanguage cannot be learnedCPH:ed by Thishypothesist thereisonlyasmall window of timefor languagetobe nativelyIf achildisdeniedlanguageinput,shewillnotacquire Genie:agirldiscovered at age13whohad notacquired her L1(-

27、Isabelle andNormalhearingchildbornto deafparents,heardlanguage only onTV,didnotacquireEnglish le 和。這兩個(gè)“狼孩”能弄懂二、三十個(gè)字的含義。1925 le1731 9 月,一群游人正在法國北部香檳地區(qū)宋日城堡附近的林le 10 40 le 那是 20 世紀(jì)的 60 年代初,法國探險(xiǎn)家阿芒只身橫跨西屬撒哈拉。在一片沙漠上,他驚奇地發(fā)現(xiàn)羚羊踢,擺頭,甩耳?!傲缪蚝ⅰ盩osum估計(jì),這些“ 獸孩” Stagesin child language Phonological PrototypeGrammat

28、icalegraphicspeech2) of three main elementsPragmatic Stagesin child language Phonological PrototypeGrammaticalegraphicspeech2) of three main elementsPragmatic Stagesin child language Phonological Phonological ks:cooingandgurgling, playingwithsounds.Theirabilitiesareconstrainedbyphysiological 4months

29、: distinguish n aandi,so theirperception skills are4-6months:childrenbabble,puttingtogethervowelsandconsonants. Thisisnotaconsciouspro 7-10months: startsrepeated 10-12months:childrenproduceavarietyofspeechsounds.(evenforeignsounds) Acquisition of phonologys! Early yzed15-21months: wordsasasequenceof

30、Masteryof soundsdifferingin distinctivefeatures(e.g., Duplicatedsyllables:Theyreduce = bananana.na2 -CV ismainsyllable Earlymastery onation contours(even innon-tone Perceptioncomesbeforeproduction(fisorBeginwithsimplelexicalitemsforpeople/food/toys/animals/body 1-2years3 years 4 years 5 years 6-7yea

31、rs200-300900 1500 2100 2500 Highschool40,000 60,000“5,000peryear, 13wordsaFeaturesofthenarrowing of e.g. fruit = uncle = the expanding ofe.g. anyGrammaticalAtaboutFeaturesofthenarrowing of e.g. fruit = uncle = the expanding ofe.g. anyGrammaticalAtabout12months,childrenbeginproducingwordsordNamepeopl

32、e,objects,Anentiresentence y18-24Useconsistentsetsofwordorders:N-V,A-N,V-Grammaticalegraphicstage(onlycontentwithoutfunctionFunction wordsessivesingularPast marker Futuremarkerwill Verb tobe(is, Negative1ststage-attach no/not to beginningofsentence (sometimesat 2nd stagenegativesappear nsubject andv

33、erb (dontstayedatbeginninginimperatives,butnot3rd stage appearance ofQuestion1ststage wh-wordplaced infrontofrest of Wheredaddy2nd stageaddition ofanauxiliaryverb:Whereyouwill 3rd stagesubject nounchangesPragmatic with theWherewillyou ofthree,thechildgetsawareofgenderand heire.g. child: wouldyoulike

34、 tobringme (father does it) nk you!Patternsin L1 Words!Around 12monthsord” Babiesoproduceone orofthree,thechildgetsawareofgenderand heire.g. child: wouldyoulike tobringme (father does it) nk you!Patternsin L1 Words!Around 12monthsord” Babiesoproduceone or tworecognizablewords(esp. contentword);produ

35、cingsingle-word.2) of2(“two-word”stage): east 50 different words egraphic” sentene.g.,“Mommy juice”, “babyfall3)reflectingtheorderofthelanguage e.g., “kiss baby”, “baby kiss”4) creatively combininge.g.,“more outside”, “all ”PatternsinL1 of3 and or Most children are able to ask questions, give gramma

36、tical morphemes.ds, report real events, and create stories of Theyhavemastered thebasic structuresof thelanguageor e.g.,“wugtest” 1) Hereisa wug.Nowtherearetwoofthem.There aretwovebeen spoken to2) Johnknowshowtobod.Yesterdayhedidthesamething.Yesterday,Throughthetests, childrent theyknow therulesfor

37、theformation of ReviewingLinguistic6-Cooing(googoo,gurgling,coocoo)only6 8-9 1-1.5Babbling(baba,mama, onation patternsord )2 2.5 egraphic3,411Fluentspeech12 Fluent AtypicalAbnormallanguagedevelopmentresultingfromtraumaorTheatypical languagedevelopmentmental retardationautism 自閉aphasia 失語stuttering 口

38、dyslexia 失讀dysgraphia 書癥Chapter10:LanguageI.Decide whethereachofthefollowing ementsisTrue orL1development andL2development seem toinvolvethesame Thecapacity to acquiresessedlanguageisafundamental human t allhuman beings areequally Allnormalchildren haveequalability toacquire dysgraphia 書癥Chapter10:L

39、anguageI.Decide whethereachofthefollowing ementsisTrue orL1development andL2development seem toinvolvethesame Thecapacity to acquiresessedlanguageisafundamental human t allhuman beings areequally Allnormalchildren haveequalability toacquire Children follow a similar acquisition schedule of predictab

40、le stages along the route of language across cultures, though there is an idiosyncratic differentaspects of thehe amount of t takes individuals to Humanscan besaid tobeedandbiologicallyprogrammedtoeastoneSomelanguagesare inferior,orsuperior,to other Languageacquisition isprimarily theacquisitionof t

41、hevocabularyandthemeaning ofHuman beings are genetically predetermined to acquire language, and this genetic ition is a condition forlanguage 9. Children whogrowupinculturewherecaretaker speech isabsent acquiretheirnativelanguagemore nchildren who areed to caretaker othertongue acquisition,normalchi

42、ldrenarenotsarilyequally For the vast majority of children, language development occurs spontaneously and require little instruction on thepart of The available evidence to date t an explicit teaching of correct forms to young children plays minorrole at Correctionandreinforcementarenotkeyfactorsinc

43、hildlanguage development astheywereclaimedto ion,playsat best avery minorhechildsmastery ofObservations of children in different language areas of the world t the developmental stages siblyuniversal,whatever thenatureoftheAchildsbabblingseemsto dependonthepresenceof acoustic, auditoryIngeneral,thetw

44、o-wordstagebeginshesecondhalf oftheChildrenstwo-wordsareabsent of syntacticor morphological acquire the sounds in all languages of the world, no matter anguage they are ed and in late stagesacquire themoredifficultLanguage acquisition begins at about the same time as lateralization does and is norma

45、lly complete, as far theessentialsare concerned, bythe tthe sof lateralization comesto an II.Fillin each below ordwhichbegins with theletterlanguage refers tothe development ofornativeAccording to a view of language acquisition, humans are quipped with the neural forlanguageandlanguageuse, just asbi

46、rdsarebiologically prewiredto learnthe songsoftheir A caretaker speech, also called or b, is II.Fillin each below ordwhichbegins with theletterlanguage refers tothe development ofornativeAccording to a view of language acquisition, humans are quipped with the neural forlanguageandlanguageuse, just a

47、sbirdsarebiologically prewiredto learnthe songsoftheir A caretaker speech, also called or b, is the type of modified speech typically addressed young learning theory suggestedt a childs verbal behaviour was conditioned through n a stimulus and thefollowingord arealso called , because they can be use

48、d to express concept or twouldbe ted n entiresentencein adultThe early multiword of children lack inflectional morphemes and most minor lexical they are oftenreferred toas refers to the gradual and subconscious development of language by using naturally in dailycommunicative The ysis was founded on

49、the t it sible, by establishing the n the native language systems, to predict what problems learners of a secondlanguagewould faceand thetypesof errorsthey wouldThetalearner constructsata givenstage of SLAisknown as bconsciously use language knowledge in learning a second language. This is known lan

50、guageMotivation in language learning can be erms of the learners overall goal or motivation occurswhenthe learnersgoal is functional and imotivation occurs when thelearnersgoal is III.Therearefour followingeach ement. Mark thetcan best complete thelanguageacquisition, ion playsA.aminorC.abasic 33. L

51、inguistshaveB.asignificantD. notfor thevast majorityof children, language development occurswith muchwithlittleconsciouswithmuchcorrectionfromtheirparents with little linguistic input34. The development of linguistic skills involves the acquisition of rules n the mere memorization wordsand .A.B.C.D.

52、35. has been found to occur usually in childrens tion or reporting of the truthfulness of ,nhegrammaticalityof A.B.C. D.36. According to the , the acquisition ofA.B.C.D.35. has been found to occur usually in childrens tion or reporting of the truthfulness of ,nhegrammaticalityof A.B.C. D.36. Accordi

53、ng to the , the acquisition of a second language involves, and is dependent on, the acquisition thecultureofA.acculturationlanguageB.mentalist C. behaviouristD.conceptualist 37. Ingeneral, a goodsecond learner is anadolescent whohasastrongandwell-definedmotivationtowhoseeksout all eractwiththe whois

54、willing toidentifyhimself withthecultureofallthe language38. Theoptimumage forsecond language acquisition isearlyteenage after puberty at pubertyafterthebrain39. The formal instruction in second language acquisition hasnoerfuldelayedhasvery little hasunsatisfactory40. isvedto beamajorsource ofincorr

55、ectformsresistant to further ThesecondlanguagelearnersunwillingnesstoThePoorclassroom ThefossilizationoftheThelearnerslackofinstrumental41. Whichof thefollowingisnot erlanguageisaproductofcommunicativestrategiesoftheerlanguageisa product ofmothererlanguageisaproductofovergeneralizationoflanguageerla

56、nguage is theionoflearnersunsystematicL2 ,exceptthosewithmental or physical impairments, arebetterorlanguageA. SomeB.AlmostallC. NoD.FewIV.hefollowingcaretaker speech holophrasticegraphic egrative V.Answerthefollowingquestionsascomprehensively sible. IV.hefollowingcaretaker speech holophrasticegraph

57、ic egrative V.Answerthefollowingquestionsascomprehensively sible. GivelesforillustrationifWhatsthedifferencenacquisition andlearning, accordingtoHowdothelearnerfactorspotentiallyinfluencetheway inwhichasecondlanguageisWhat is the roleofinputforHow do you Discuss the contrastive Whatarethemajorstages

58、ysisint a child has to follow language development? What are the features of linguistic formsateach Whatistheroleofcorrection andreinforcement language Whydowesaylanguageacquisition isprimarilytheacquisition ofthegrammaticalsystem ofDiscussthebiological basisof languageWhat isthe roleofionlanguageSu

59、ggested answers to supplementary exercises Chapter10 LanguageAcquisitionI. DecidewhethereachofthefollowingementsisTrueor11.T 12.T II.Fillineach 14.T 15.T 16.F below with17.F 18.T 19.T ordwhichbegins with theletter21.acquisition 22. nativist 23.motherese, babytalk24.Behaviorist25.egraphic27.Acquisiti

60、on 28.Contrastive erlanguage30.31. III.There arefourfollowing each ement. Mark the tcan best completethe 42. IV.39.B hefollowing43. caretaker speech: It is the modified speech typically addressed to young children. Such modified speech called babytalk, motherses, or44. holophrastic : They areIII.The


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