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1、社會工作作獎、優(yōu)優(yōu)秀學生生干部、學校優(yōu)優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)業(yè)證書留學學申請名名詞專用用翻譯!證書翻譯譯件格式式要求:中英文文放在一一張A44紙上,即:上上半頁為為英文翻翻譯,下下半頁為為證書的的復印件件。以下為各各類證書書的英文文翻譯模模板,大大家對應應下載后后可以修修改各自自證書中中相關的的個人信信息及獲獲獎情況況,字的的大小可可以調整整一下,落款日日期一定定要與證證書上的的頒發(fā)日日期一致致。(溫溫馨提示示:各類類獎學金金證書翻翻譯件辦辦理費用用均為88元一份份,請按按需挑選選后辦理理。)一、優(yōu)秀秀畢業(yè)證證書1. 浙浙江省優(yōu)優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)業(yè)證書CERTTIFIICATTE OOF HHONOORMr. 姓名,

2、You havve bbeenn awwardded thee tiitlee off Grraduuatee wiith Honnor outt off thhe ggradduattes of Zheejiaang Proovinnciaal IInsttituutioons of Higgherr Leearnningg.The Eduucattionnal Offficeeof ZZhejjianngPrroviinceeJunee 200, 1199992學校校優(yōu)秀畢畢業(yè)證書書1CERTTIFIICATTE OOF HHONOOR Thiis iis tto ccerttifyy t

3、hhat Mr. 姓名名, aa grraduuatee off 19992, haavinng sstuddiedd inn Chhemiicall Ennginneerringg Deeparrtmeent witth aa sppeciialiity of Pollymeer CChemmicaal EEngiineeerinng, hass beeen awaardeed tthe tittle of Graaduaate witth HHonoor iin rrecoogniitioon oof hhis outtstaandiing perrforrmannce durringg

4、hiis eenroollmmentt inn thhe uundeergrraduuatee prrogrram.Lu YYonggxiaangPressideent of ZheejiaangUUnivverssityyJunee 266, 119922學校優(yōu)優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)業(yè)證書22CERTTIFIICATTE OOF HHONOOR Thiis iis tto ccerttifyy thhat Mr. 姓名名, aa grraduuatee off 20003, haas bbeenn awwardded thee tiitlee off Grraduuatee wiith Honnor in

5、 reccognnitiion of hiss ouutsttanddingg peerfoormaancee duurinng hhis enrrolllmennt iin tthe undderggradduatte pproggramm.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityJunee 20003二、獎學學金證書書1. XX等優(yōu)秀秀學生獎獎學金(例:一一等優(yōu)秀秀學生獎獎學金)CERTTIFIICATTE OOF SSCHOOLARRSHIIPMr. 姓名 wonn thhe FFirsst PPrizze oof EExceelleent Undderggradduatte SS

6、choolarrshiip iin tthe acaademmic yeaar oof 119977-19998. Thhis cerrtifficaate is herrebyy awwardded to himm ass ann enncouuraggemeent.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityDec. 19998注:原杭杭大、醫(yī)醫(yī)大、農農大各類類獎學金金證書翻翻譯要加加上四校校合并說說明,如如下:CERTTIFIICATTE OOF SSCHOOLARRSHIIPMs. 姓名wwon thee Seeconnd PPrizze oof EExceelleent Undde

7、rggradduatte SSchoolarrshiip iin tthe acaademmic yeaar oof 119899-19990. Thhis cerrtifficaate is herrebyy awwardded to herr ass ann enncouuraggemeent.HanggzhoouUnniveersiityOct. 19990Remaarkss: TThiss iss too ceertiify thaat tthe fouur uunivverssitiies, ZhhejiianggUniiverrsitty, Haangzzhouu Unniveer

8、siity, Zhhejiiangg Aggriccultturaal UUnivverssityy annd ZhhejiianggMeddicaalUnniveersiity, weere merrgedd innto onee: ZhhejiianggUniiverrsitty oon SSepttembber 15, 19998.2. XX等獎學學金(例例:三等等獎學金金)CERTTIFIICATTE OOF SSCHOOLARRSHIIPThiss iss too ceertiify thaat MMr. 姓名hhas gott thhe tthirrd-ggradde sschoo

9、larrshiip iin tthe acaademmic yeaar oof 119866-19987. Thhis cerrtifficaate is herrebyy awwardded to himm ass ann enncouuraggemeent.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityOctooberr 199874. 三三好學生生榮譽證證書CERTTIFIICATTE OOF CCOMMMENDDATIIONMr. 姓名wwon thee tiitlee off Exxcelllennt AAll-rouund Stuudennt iin tthe acaademmic

10、 yeaar oof 119933-19994. Thhis cerrtifficaate of commmenndattionn iss heerebby aawarrdedd too hiim aas aan eencoouraagemmentt.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityNov. 199945. 優(yōu)優(yōu)秀學生生干部榮榮譽證書書Certtifiicatte ffor thee Exxcelllennt CCadrre oof SStuddenttsThiss iss too ceertiify thaat MMr. 姓名 is admmittted thee Exxcel

11、llennt CCadrre oof SStuddentts iin tthe acaademmic yeaar oof 119888-19989. Thhis cerrtifficaate is herrebyy awwardded to himm ass ann enncouuraggemeent.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityDec., 1198996. 成成績優(yōu)秀秀單項獎獎CERTTIFIICATTE OOF SSCHOOLARRSHIIPThiss iss too ceertiify thaat MMr. 姓名hhas gott thhe sspecciallizee

12、d sschoolarrshiip oof EExceelleent Achhievvemeentss foor tthe 19997-119988 accadeemicc yeear. Thhis cerrtifficaate is herrebyy awwardded to himm ass ann enncouuraggemeent.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityDec. 199987. 新新生優(yōu)秀秀單項獎獎CERTTIFIICATTE OOF SSCHOOLARRSHIIPThiss iss too ceertiify thaat MMs. 姓名hhas gott th

13、he sspecciallizeed sschoolarrshiip oof EExceelleent Freesheer ffor thee 19988-19889 aacaddemiic yyearr. TThiss ceertiificcatee iss heerebby aawarrdedd too heer aas aan eencoouraagemmentt.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityOct. 199888. 社社會工作作單項獎獎CERTTIFIICATTE OOF SSCHOOLARRSHIIPThiss iss too ceertiify thaat MMr

14、. 姓名 hass goot tthe speeciaalizzed schholaarshhip of Colllecctivve DDutiies forr thhe 119933-19994 acaademmic yeaar. Thiis ccerttifiicatte iis hhereeby awaardeed tto hhim as an enccourrageemennt.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityNov. 199949. 社社會實踐踐單項獎獎CERTTIFIICATTE OOF SSCHOOLARRSHIIPThiss iss too ceertiify t

15、haat MMs. 姓名hhas gott thhe sspecciallizeed sschoolarrshiip oof SSociial Praactiice forr thhe 119944-19995 acaademmic yeaar. Thiis ccerttifiicatte iis hhereeby awaardeed tto hher as an enccourrageemennt.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityDec. 1999510. 教學實實踐單項項獎CERTTIFIICATTE OOF SSCHOOLARRSHIIPThiss iss too ceer

16、tiify thaat MMr. 姓名hhas gott thhe sspecciallizeed sschoolarrshiip oof TTeacchinng PPraccticce ffor thee 19990-19991 aacaddemiic yyearr. TThiss ceertiificcatee iss heerebby aawarrdedd too hiim aas aan eencoouraagemmentt.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityNov. 1999111. 光華獎獎學金(其他專專項獎學學金將引引號內黑黑體部分分改一下下即可):CERTTIFII

17、CATTE OOF SSCHOOLARRSHIIPThiss iss too ceertiify thaat MMs. 姓名 hass goot tthe topp-grradee “GGuannghuua SSchoolarrshiip” in thee yeear of 19996. Thiis ccerttifiicatte iis hhereeby awaardeed tto hher as an enccourrageemennt.ZhejjianngUnniveersiityOct. 166, 119966三、輔修修證書MINOOR CCOURRSE CERRTIFFICAATET

18、hiss iss too ceertiify thaat MMs. Lu Yueehann, aa sttudeent of thee Deeparrtmeent of Earrth Sciiencce iin ggradde 119966, mminoors in Engglissh ffromm Seepteembeer 119977 too Feebruuaryy 20000. Shhe hhas commpleetedd annd ppasssed alll thhe rrequuireed ccourrsess off thhe mminoor pproggramm annd iis

19、 hhereeby awaardeed tthe Minnor Couursee Ceertiificcatee.ZZheejiaangUUnivverssityyApriil 118, 20000Certtifiicatte NNo.: 20000110111四、英語語四、六六級和計計算機證證書:1. 國國家英語語四、六六級證書書(以六六級為例例):CERTTIFIICATTE FFOR CETT6Thiss iss too ceertiify thaat MMr. 姓名, addmitttedd too thhe DDepaartmmentt off Hiistoory, Zhhejiia

20、nggUniiverrsitty iin 119977, hhad passsedd thhe eexamminaatioon oof CColllegee Enngliish Tesst (Bannd 66) iin aaccoordaancee wiith thee reequiiremmentts sstippulaatedd inn thhe CColllegee Enngliish Insstruuctiion Proograammeer iin JJunee, 119999. HHe wwas awaardeed tthiss ceertiificcatee.Highher Eduuc


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