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1、2007 2008 學年第一學期期末考試試卷國際工程 合同管理( 1)( A 卷)題號一二三四成績核分人簽字得分一、 選擇題(含單選和少數多選) (共 25 分,每小題 1 分)資格預審主要目的是:節(jié)省投標費用節(jié)省評標費用縮短評標時間淘汰沒有競爭力的投標者工程項目履約保證包括:履約保函動員預付款保函投標保函履約擔保動員預付款起扣點一般是從:進度款達到合同額的 10%開始進度款達到合同額的 25%開始第一次有進度款開始D最后一次進度款中扣除工程項目投標保函一般是投標價的:A. 5%113%30%10%工程項目履約保函一般是合同價的:10%13%30%25%施工類型的工程項目履約擔保一般是合同價的

2、:10%13%30%D 100%在審核各類保函時注意的要點有:出具保函單位的資質保函的有效期保函的數額D保函的格式保函的幣種誤期損害賠償費的最高限額一般是合同額的:10%13%30%D5%保留金的扣除是從:進度款達到一定百分比之后開始從第一期支付證書開始2從第一次有進度款的支付證書開始D從動員預付款中扣除10.一般情況下保留金的扣除比例和累計扣除限額是:A. 進度款的 10%,限額是合同額的10%B. 進度款的 5%,限額是合同額的10%C. 進度款的 10%,限額是合同額的5%D. 進度款的 5%,限額是合同額的5%11.在 “工程設備和設計 建造 ”合同條件中規(guī)定保留金的返還分為:A. 工

3、程完工之后返還50%,合同期滿后返還另外50%B. 工程接收證書頒發(fā)之后返還50%,合同期滿后返還另外50%C. 工程完成所有的檢驗之后返還50%,合同期滿后返還另外50%D竣工檢驗之后返還50%,合同期滿后返還另外50%12.工程合同的有效期一般是:從合同簽署到工程完工從中標的投標者收到中標函開始到結清單生效從簽訂合同開始到結清單生效從簽訂合同到工程缺陷責任期結束13.下列那種證書的頒發(fā)才被視為業(yè)主對工程項目的最終批準:接收證書最終支付證書竣工后檢驗證書履約證書14.分包商與業(yè)主的關系是:3合同關系業(yè)務指導關系沒有合同關系D指定分包商與業(yè)主有合同關系15.業(yè)主與承包商雙方簽署的合同與其適用法

4、律的關系是:相互補充合同高于法律法律高于合同同等重要16.請給出下列合同文件的優(yōu)先順序:中標函合同協議書通用合同條件專用合同條件其他補充資料投標書和投標書附錄技術規(guī)范圖紙17.1999 版 FIDIC EPC 合同條件與 Design-Build合同條件的主要區(qū)別是:A. EPC 合同沒有設監(jiān)理工程師EPC 合同對業(yè)主更有利EPC 合同業(yè)主對承包商的管理相對寬松EPC 合同承包商將承擔更大的風險418.分包合同的通用合同條件來自:總承包商和業(yè)主簽訂主合同的合同條件FIDIC 合同條件總承包商和分包商共同起草的合同條件業(yè)主要求的合同條件分包商自己選擇的合同條件19.專用合同條件是對通用合同條件的

5、:全面修訂補充修改具體化20.下列哪些屬于不可抗力:戰(zhàn)爭軍事政變恐怖活動地震火山爆發(fā)颶風21.單價合同中工程量清單 (BOQ) 的主要作用是 :投標報價合同實施過程中的支付索賠的處理變更的處理5復核實際工程量22.總價合同主要適用于:EPC 類型的合同Design-Build 類型的合同范圍明確非常簡單的小項目業(yè)主負責設計的大型項目機電安裝項目23.所花的費用一般由哪些部分組成:A. DRB 專家現場考察費用B. DRB 專家每工作日工資C. DRB 專家月基本工資D. DRB 專家的差旅費仲裁費24.下列那種證書的頒發(fā)才被視為業(yè)主對工程項目的最終批準:接收證書最終支付證書履約證書竣工后檢驗證

6、書階段性驗收證書25.狹義的項目索賠與變更的關系是:變更是索賠的一部分變更是索賠產生的一種主要原因變更要通過索賠來解決6D索賠沒有利潤,變更有利潤二、 FILL BLANKS26.Please introduce the Types of Construction Project Insurance(5 score)1)2)3)4)5)27.Please introduce the FIDIC Contract Condition before 1999:( 5 score)1)2)3)4)5)三、 論述題(共 40 分)簡述施工類型工程項目招標文件、投標文件與合同文件三者的區(qū)別與聯系。 (5

7、 分)Please introduce the tendering documents of international construction consulting and describe the characteristics of the tendering.(5 score)Please introduce the key mile stones of contract management during the whole life cycle for international construction and analyze their relationships. (10

8、score)寫出 FIDIC 1999 版 Design-Build 合同條件的 20 條款的基本結構, 并簡述各條款之間的聯系, 并講述你讀 1999 版 FIDIC 系列合同條件的體會。 (107分 )If you are a contract manager for a large international project, how will you arrange the staff members of your department to ensure the work operating efficiently? And, what personal qualities sho

9、uld be obtained as an expertise on contract management in your opinion? (10 score)四、 平時成績(共 25 分,詳見平時成績單)8參考答案一、選擇題B、C、DA 、DABACA 、B、 C、D、EACCCBDCCB-A-E-D-C-F-GA、C、DAB、C、 DA 、B、 C、D、EA 、B、 C、DA、B、CA 、B、 C、DCB9二、填空題(本題回答用中英文均可)工程一切險、設計保險、承包商設備保險、第三方責任險、雇主責任險、運輸保險、機動車輛保險(選中五個即可)1) Conditions of Contra

10、ct for Works of Civil EngineeringConditions of Subcontract for Works of Civil EngineeringConditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical WorksConditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey ProjectsConditions of Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement三、論述題(以下各題答出主要要點即可)招標文件是由業(yè)主或工程師編寫的,是所

11、有投標人投標的基礎,包括商務部分和技術部分;投標文件是由投標人根據招標文件編制的施工方案和投標報價,包括投標保函;合同文件是中標的承包商與業(yè)主最終簽訂的正式法律文件,包括合同協議書和履約保函等文件;三者應用的時間不同,構成不同,文件的編排順序也不同。咨詢服務招標文件與一般項目的招標文件有明顯的區(qū)別,通常包括:邀請函、咨詢公司須知、技術建議書、商務建議書、工作大綱、業(yè)主為咨詢公司提供的投入、標準合同格式和評標方法與標準。與一般項目招標過程對比,咨詢服務招標過程有以下特點: 1)在邀請招標時任務范圍不確定; 2)以技術評審為主選擇最佳的咨詢公司,而不以價格最低為主要標準,咨詢服務的商務標和技術標的

12、權重通常為 20%,80% ;3)業(yè)主可以直接向一些咨詢公司發(fā)出招標邀請;4)咨詢公司可以對任務大綱提出修改意見; 5)一般不公開開標, 對晚送到的標書不一定宣布無效退回。10主要涉及的關鍵里程碑點包括: 基準日期、 投標有效期、 開工日期、 合同工期、竣工時間、缺陷責任期、合同期、合同有效期等;其中基準日期是風險的重要分界點;從開工日期到竣工時間為合同工期;施工類型的項目缺陷責任期一般為一年,是從業(yè)主接收項目開始算起;合同期包含合同工期和缺陷責任期;合同有效期從中標的承包商收到中標函算起直至結清單生效為止。列出 FIDIC99 版 Design-Build 合同的 20 個條款, 并進行分組

13、, 通過分組論述組內各條款的關系,如業(yè)主、工程師和承包商三條分為一組,這是合同實施過程中的主要的三方。本題考察的是學生完成指定課外閱讀資料的情況,講述體會部分沒有標準答案。本題為一論述題,要求學生綜合運用自己所學的有關合同管理方面的知識,發(fā)表自己的見解,希望能有所創(chuàng)新,充分發(fā)揮每個人的想象力,所以并無確定的答案?;緫撜劦胶贤康慕M織機構的選擇;合同部人員的素質要求;合同部的基礎工作;標準化,程序化對提高合同部工作效率的作用等。四、平時成績按平時作業(yè)和出勤率綜合考慮,詳見平時成績單。11國際工程 合同管理( 2)( A 卷)題號一二成績核分人簽字得分試卷說明:答題基于 FIDIC 合同條件或

14、國際工程合同管理慣例。1.Explain the meanings of the following terms(2 points for each and 20 for all)joint and several liability;ruling language; governing law; based date; accepted contractamount; DAB;performance certificate;retention money; defects notificationperiod;performance security2. Answer briefly the

15、 following questions( 10 points for each and 50 for all)What are the basic documents that usually comprise the contract?What are the basic types of contract in international construction?How time is managed in FIDIC Red Book 1999?Paraphrase the provisions regarding quality control in FIDIC Red Book

16、1999.What are the procedures for claim and dispute settlement in FIDIC Red Book 1999?Explain in detail how risks are allocated in the contract and the philosophy behind such allocation, based on FIDIC conditions of Contract for Construction, 1999.Give your detailed understanding of how to be a highl

17、y qualified contract manager for international construction.12國際工程合同管理2 答案要點評分標準:簡述題應在答案要點基礎上進行簡單分析闡述。9 分:要點完整,闡述充分恰當,表現突出可得滿分8 分:要點比較完整,闡述比較充分7 分:要點不夠完整,未能充分闡述6 分:僅能覆蓋部分關鍵要點,或者闡述中出現嚴重錯誤15 分:嚴重偏題,未能覆蓋關鍵知識點,缺乏對于題目涉及知識點的基本了解論述題參照上述評分標準酌情給分。參考答案要點:一、名詞解釋joint and several liability:It means when the Con

18、tractor constitutes(under applicable Laws) a joint venture, consortium or other unincorporated grouping of two or more persons, these person shall be deemed to be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the performance of the Contract.ruling languageIt means the language specified in the Ap

19、pendix to Tender to prevail in the communication and correspondence for the execution and completion of the Cerning lawIt means the law of the country (or other jurisdiction) where the project is carried out, stated in the Appendix to Tender.based dateIt means the date 28 days prior to th

20、e latest date for submission and completion of the Tender.accepted contract amountIt means the amount accepted in the Letter of Acceptance for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects. It is an estimated amount.DAB13It stands for Dispute Adjudication Board. It is ap

21、pointed by both parties and comprised of one or three persons.It is responsible to settle disputes between the two parties before they resort to arbitration or litigation.performance certificateIt is a certificate issued by the Employer to the Contractor, stating the date on which the Contractor com

22、pleted his obligations under the Contract. Only the Performance Certificate shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of the Works.retention moneyIt means the accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains in the interim payments to ensure the proper execution and completion of the contract

23、and remedying the defects during the Defects Notification Period. When the Taking-Over Certificate has been issued for the Works, the first half of the Retention Money shall be certified by the Employer for payment to the Contractor; in case of part or section of the Works, a proportion of the Reten

24、tion Money shall be certified and paid.defects notification periodIt means the period for notifying defects in the Works or a Section, as stated in the Appendix to Tender (withany extension under the relevant sub-clause), calculated from the date on which the Works or Section in completed under the

25、sub-clause relating to taking over the Works and Sectionsperformance securityIt means the security obtained by the Contractor for proper performance, in the amount and currencies stated in the Appendix to Tender. The Contractor shall deliver it to the Employer within 28 days after receiving the Lett

26、erof Acceptance and shall send a copy to the Engineer. The Employer is entitled to make a claim under the Performance Security subject to the Contract.2、簡述(1). What are the basic documents that usually comprise the contract?the contract agreement;the Letter of Acceptance;the Letter of Tender;the Par

27、ticular Conditions;the General Conditions;the Specification;the Drawings, andthe Schedules and any other documents forming part of the Contract.(2). What are the common contract types in international construction?Lump sum: the contract price is to a large extent fixed and variation is rare and diff

28、icultUnit price: the contract price is calculated on the basis of fixed unit price and the quantities of the finished workCost plus fee: the contract price constitutes all the cost incurred in the construction and a fee or profit for the contractor. The fee can be calculated as a percentage of the c

29、ost, a fixed amount, or an award related to the real cost and the expected cost或Build-construction contract, EPC turnkey contract, sub-contract, labor contract, install contract, supply contract, design-management contract, CM contract.14或(答出其中三個即給一半的分)FIDICCONTRACTS:ICECONTRACTS:JCTCONTRACTS:AGCCON

30、TRACTS:AIACONTRACTS:DBIACONTRACTS:(答對要點即可,按所答內容酌情給分)(3). How time is managed in FIDIC Red Book 1999?Commencement: 7 days notice. 42 days after the Letter of Acceptance.Time for completion: the expected time span for completion of all the works.Extension of time for completion: a successful claim by

31、the Contractor may give an extension of the time for completion, which shall be determined by the Engineer.Programme and its update: a detailed description of the intended methods and milestones etc., which the Contractor shall comply with throughout the building process. Whenever a successful claim

32、 entitles the contractor an extension of time for completion, or the real progress has fallen behind the programme, the programme should be updated accordingly.Rate of progress: if the progress is fallen behind the programme, the Engineer may instruct the Contractor toexpedite using proper method.Te

33、sts on completion and taking over: after passing tests on completion, the Contractor could apply for the taking over certificateDefects liability and performance certificate: after completion of all the outstanding work and remedying defects during the defects liability period, the Employer should i

34、ssue a performance certificate which demonstrates the Contractor has completed all the obligations under the Contract(4). Paraphrase the provisions regarding quality control in FIDIC Red Book 1999.The Clauses 7, 9, 11 specify the provisions regarding quality control.1) Clause 7 mainly focuses on the

35、 quality control over the plant, materials and workmanship. The quality control is implemented in ways of Samples of material testing, inspection when mass of materials being obtained and during the production, manufacture and construction, and all tests of any plants, materials and works specified

36、in the contract during the execution of the project. Anything found to be defective or unqualified may be rejected. The contractor may be instructed to carry out the remedial work to ensure the quality.2) Clause 9 specified the contractor s obligations during the tests on completion and themeasuresf

37、ollowing ifthe works fail to pass the test on completion3) Clause 11 prescribed the contractordefects liabilityduring the defects notificationperiod, includingcompleting the outstanding work, remedying the defects. It also entitles the employer to take measures in case that the contractor should fai

38、l to remedy any defect or damage within a reasonable time.(5). What are the procedures for claim and dispute settlement in FIDIC Red Book 1999?notice to the Engineer: in 28 days after the incursion of the issueduring the process of the issue keep a contemporary record. If such issue extended beyond

39、a month, an interim claim should be reported to the Engineer at monthly intervals15in 42 days after the issue, a final claim should be submitted to the Engineerthe Engineer should respond in 42 days after he receives the claim. And proceed to determine the extension of time for completion and/or cos

40、tif either party could not agree the decision of the Engineer, he could refer to the DAB, which should give itsdecision in 84 days.6) if either party could not agree the decision of the DAB, he could issue a notice of dissatisfaction in 28 daysafter receiving the DAB s decision.after the issue of a

41、notice of dissatisfaction, both parties should attempt to settle the dispute amicably before the commencement of arbitrationunless settled amicably, the dispute should be settled by international arbitrationExplain in detail how risks are allocated in the contract and the philosophy behind such allo

42、cation, based on FIDIC conditions of Contract for Construction, 1999.1) Employer risks generally include: war, hostilities,invasion, act of foreignenemies; rebellion, terrorism,revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or civil war, within the Country; riot, commotion or disorderwithin th

43、e Country by persons other than the Contractor s Personnel and other employees of the Contractor aSubcontractor; munitions of war, explosive materials,ionizingradiationor contamination by radio-activity,within the Country, exceptas may be attributable tothe Contractoruse ofsuch munitions,explosives,

44、radiation or radio-activity;pressure waves caused byaircraftor otheraerialdevices travelingat sonic orsupersonic speeds; use or occupation by the Employer of any part of the Permanent Works, except as may bespecified in the Contract; design of any part of the Works by the Employer s Personnel or by

45、others fothe Employer is responsible; any operation of the forces of nature which in Unforeseeable or against which an experienced contractor could not reasonably have been expected to have taken adequate preventativeprecautions.2) Except the above mentioned Employer s risks, all other risks should

46、be deemed to be borneContractorbyth.Generally speaking, such risks include: the temporary works, the design of permanent works that the Contractor is responsible, the unforeseen adverse physical conditions as a result of lack experience or site investigation, the damage to the roads and bridges as a result of the transportation of the Contractor, the noise and contamination of the construction process, the safety of personnel and property on site, the custody of permanent work, etc.The principle for the allocation is as following: the


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