1、江 蘇 省 學(xué) 院授課日期/1教案首頁班級09計文3 Unit 1 Job Int ie 課題:教學(xué)目得要求: o to e l ith inter iew、教學(xué)重點、難點:Prarati ; ro due; Anwer uesio acc rd ng to the busines environm 、授課方法:Te ch; Q e tion ;W rk in roups; ole-play 、教學(xué)參考及教具 (含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備 :T ahing ter als ;CROM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析:pet h te ching contents ;Studentsgras he mate alsw
2、e l ;plete the teaching objectives、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教 學(xué) 過 程Step 1 Introduct on Af ple ng th book, st dn s oul kno h w o eal with Enlish n e ui s ni omet, including : ob i te vi w, Jobs an Rsponsibil ies ,O he Phone and s o 、Step 2 ednme question :how t pr pae for an i tervie ;How t an r ust ons about p rson
3、al deails ,edu i n and work exprienc ; How to eal wih i appr i te ques ons by the intervie er 、Step 3 eachin stenin Pr cti 1 Wau2 Task 1 fil h issing rd T k Ma ch th qest n wt the corresndi g a srs 、 Work in p s、ui ess pof le neral Conduc uring an Inte view Openng :Es alish ng a ri nly Atmo pher Dur
4、ing : Ex aging nf mtion Cloing: Leavin a lasting Impress n Step 4 mmry Af er pe ng hi lesson ,st dents shol now : how p epae or an i terv ew Ste 5 omework 1. Fini h t rci n th boo 、2 Pr ve Vid o 1 Language Focus 、江 蘇 省 * * 學(xué) 院授課日期2/1教案首頁v班級9計文3 Unit 1 ob nrv e 課題:教學(xué)目得要求:Know how to del it an inteew、
5、教學(xué)重點、難點 : ideo 1& Laga cs 授課方法 :Teach; ust on ;ok in roups ; Rle play 、教學(xué)參考及教具 (含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備) :Teachng t rial ;CDROM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析 : plete the achin o ents ;Studens as t e maerial w ; pl te the teaching bj cive 、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱Step 1 Reviewig 教學(xué)過程 Geral Conduc uri g a nt rvi w 、ep 2 eadi g Some queions : how pr p
6、ae for an int vew ;How a swe qu t os abut ers nal details, edu tion a d wo perience ;o to deal with in pproi te uestions b th erviwer、Step 3 eachi Ne wos a d Expre son Look a t e pictur s to ave a ou idea the vide 1 、 Wach n st dy deo 、 D so e exercise 、 l pay、 agage Fou A、tep Summry Afte pl tin th
7、eson ,stud nt sho ld nw : New words an xp sons t i terview pro eur ow t anser quest ons about pers nal eta , edu tio an work xer nc、Sep 5 Homework 1 ce the ne wds and ex ression 、2 Undestand i e 1、3 cte som usef l e pssions of uaFcu A、江 蘇 省 * * 學(xué) 院授課日期22Unit 教案首頁班級9計文3 Job Inte vie )課題: 教學(xué)目得要求: now
8、ow o eal ith an in erv ew、教學(xué)重點、難點: Video 2 Lagage Focus B 授課方法: Teach; Q stion ;Wok i groups ;Rl- ay、教學(xué)參考及教具(含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備 :eachnMteria s ; CD-RO授課執(zhí)行情形及分析: plete he t ac g c ntents ; Sudent ra p the mate ials wll ; l e the teching o ject es、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教學(xué)過程Step 1 Rev ewin Lang age Focs te eai Se que tion :h
9、ow o prepa e f r an intrvi ; ow o aser qustions abt perso a eails, euction nd wo e perie c;How to eal wi h inappro riat 、St 3 Te hing questi ns b he nterviewe New wrds an Expres ion roug ide o Lo k at h pi tur s to have th video 2、 Wtch nd study ideo 2 、 o ome xer ise 、Re- pl 、 Lan uge Focus B 、Step
10、 4 Sum y is lsson ,stu es should knAft r l ing tw :New rds and Expre ion ho al i h inappro r ae quest onby th in erviewer 、Sp Hmwor1 Ret t e new ds and xpre ions 、2 ndrstand vi eo 、3 Rc e s m use ul expres io s o Lan uage Focus 、江 蘇 省 * * 學(xué) 院授課日期222教案首頁)班級09計文3 2 obs and Respo ibilities課題Ut 教學(xué)目得要求:K
11、nho to descr e o nd Respnsblities in a pay、ostion an espn教學(xué)重點、難點 : escrib ibi it 、授課方法: each; Qusion ;Work n gops; Roeplay 、教學(xué)參考及教具 含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備 :Techi Matrials ;D-ROM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析 : pete he eaching onets; S dents gra p the m terials ell ; plete t e eaching obj ctives 、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱Step 教學(xué)過程 Rviewing Step 2 Un
12、i 1 vid 1 a d v de 2 、Leading How to d sri e ob a d resp nibi itien a any;How to describ a org nization; Ho to expres like an is ik s about obs、St 3 Teac i g sten g Practice 1 rm up ael the pi ur wth ob title 、2 Tak 1 Transla io 、 T sk 2 fill in the mi sing entences 、 Business profi e ant to kow abo
13、ut jobs and re ponsi ili i n a pany: Overiew、 n dep t et and pos tions i a pany 、Main res onsilitieof some moposit on、this leSt 4 Su ry sn ,s udns shoulAte tin kno : h to scr be j bs and esosi liti s i ay、Sep 5 Hmerk 1 Fin he eis s on the boo 、2 Preve V do 1 anguag Foc s A 、江 蘇 省 * 學(xué) 院教案首頁授課日期 2/27班
14、 級 9計文課題 Ut 2 Job and R onsbl ies ()教學(xué)目得要求 :Know how to escribe jo s a d esponsii ities n a py、教學(xué)重點、難點: Vide Language Focs 、授課方法:Teach;Q e tion ; Work in groups; Rle-play、教學(xué)參考及教具(含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備)CRO 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析: plet th :Teac i Maeria s ; aching coten s; Stuens asp he matras wel ; p et he eahin bjectives、板書設(shè)
15、計或授課提綱教學(xué)過程Step 1 R viewing me nformati n bout jo s nd resp nsibili ies in a pn、Se 2 Leadng Howto ecibe bs and responsibilities a any; How o dscr be a pas ogani atio ; Hw t expres liken dis es bout jobs 、tep 3 Te chn New ords and xressio s L k at the pictu t have r ugh id a t e i e 1 、 Wtch ad t d vi
16、deo 1、 Do so e exerci e、 Roe- play 、 La guage Focu 、St p 4 Summry After peting th s eson ,students should kno : How to de cibe a panys o ganiz ti 、Step 5 Homerk 1 cit e ew or and xr ssions 、 Un r t nd vide 、 Recite ome useul xpesons of auage ocs A、江 蘇 省 * 學(xué) 院教 案 首 頁授課日期 2/29班 級 09計文3 課題 nit 2 obs an
17、d espnibil t ( 教學(xué)目得要求 : now ow o ex r ss l kes a d disli e abo t jobs、教學(xué)重點、難點: Video 2& Langage Focus 、授課方法: Ta; Qesion ;Wok in r s;Rol la 、教學(xué)參考及教具 含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備:Teachi g ater als ;CD-ROM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析 : p et th t aching onte ts ; tu ents gr sp e materals well ; ple e th tea hin ob e i es、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教學(xué)過程tep Re
18、viewing Laua F cus Atep 2 Leding Ho dscribe j b and respo si it e in a pany ;ow to ec e a pan s o gaiz ion; How o express li es nd disl kes a ut jobs、St p Tachn New words nd Expres io Look t th pcture to hav a ough id a of he vide 2 、 tc and t dy ide 2 、 o som xrci 、 Role play 、 nguage Focus B、tep 4
19、 Su maf er le ing th s eson ,stude s houl know : Hw to epress lik s an isli t p 5 Hoewrk es ab obs、1 R ite t e ne words and expr ssi n、2 ndersta video 2、3 ecite s me usf l exp essi ns o La ag Fcu 、江 蘇 省 * 學(xué) 院教 案 首 頁授課日期 /5班 級 09計文3 課題 : Un 3 O he hone )教學(xué)目得要求: Know h o an er he p e、教學(xué)重點、難點 : Anser h
20、e p on;co ect a caller、授課方法 :Te c; Qet on ;W groups ; ol -pl 、教學(xué)參考及教具(含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備) :Teachi g aterials ; CRM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析 : p t he echng con ent ;Sdns g a he ma i ls w l ; let he teac ng o jec i 、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教學(xué)過程St p 1 eviewing Unit 2 video 1 anvid o 2 、Ste 2 ding How to an we th phone ; How to ask to cnnect
21、d; Hw to onnect a c ler; How to le ve a mesage; How o d l wi problems lephone 、Step 3 eachn Li ening P act ce Warmup 2 T k 1 fill in mi sng wors ask 2 at h the que tions i h t co responding a swers、 Wk i pa s、Buness ro i Ti s ad Technques of Teehoing he big 3 Befr you pic p the phone Making y u call
22、 Step Summary After le ng thi lesson , tudent hould know :how to h w to answer and s eak t e phon、Step 5 Hmok 1 F ish th exrci es on e book 、 P eview ideo 1& La guage Fcu A、江 蘇 省 * * 學(xué) 院教 案 首 頁授課日期 /7班 級 09計文3 課題 : nt On he hoe ()教學(xué)目得要求: Ko how to con ct he pho e、教學(xué)重點、難點 : Vid 1& auage Focus A 、授課方法
23、: Teach; Ques on ;Wrk in g oups;Rolepy、教學(xué)參考及教具 含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備 :Teachn at rials ;DO授課執(zhí)行情形及分析: pl e the eachin ont ns; Sudents ra p the merial well ; pl t the teahing o eci es、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教學(xué)過程Sep 1 R iewing Tps and Technques of el phnin 、Step Lead ng o to anwer the phone ; How to s to b conct d; How to one a a
24、l e; Ho lea e a mssa ; H w o deal with proble by tele hone、Step 3 T ahi New rds n pssions Look t the pict es to have a r uh ea of the ideo 、 Watc d study d 1 、 D som eer se、 ole pl y、 L nguae Focus A 、Step 4 S ary Ater le ing hs le sn ,sdents shuld know : w o k to e connected; Hw connect a c ller;Ho
25、w to eav a messaes、Step Hom ork Recit the w words 2 Understand video 、an expr ssi ns、3 Recte som u eu e pe i s of Lan uage Focus A、江 蘇 省 * 學(xué) 院教 案 首 頁授課日期 3/1班 級 09計文3 課題: t 3 th phon ()教學(xué)目得要求 : Know how to al wi h pr bms by poe、教學(xué)重點、難點 : Vido 2 Langu F us B、授課方法: T h; ust on ;Work in gr us; ol lay 、
26、教學(xué)參考及教具(含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備):Teachi g aterial ;CDROM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析 : plet the teachig ontent ;Stde g s he maeals eachin obectives 、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱wl ; pl te the St p 教學(xué)過程 a age Revewnepressio of ome sefu Focus A、Step 2 Leading How to answr e p ne ; H to ask to connecd; Ho to connet a caller; Ho o le v a mesage; o to eal
27、 wit prob ms y t ephne、tep Teachi g New wo a xpressions Look a he tur s to hav a r g id a o the vi eo 、 Watc nd study video 、 Do om e ercise 、 Roeplay 、 Language F us B、tep um r Af er leti this esson ,stud n sh uld know :H o d al wi h roblem y t lep one、Step 5 Homewok 1 ecit the n words a d ex re si
28、o s、2 ne and vi eo 、 Rcte som f l epessions of L nug Foc s 、江 蘇 省 * 學(xué) 院授課日期/14 4 教案首頁班級9計文3 a Meting ()課題Unit 教學(xué)目得要求: Unde tand and ate to eetin s、use ocabul ry e教學(xué)重點、難點 : den i y an u destan asic aspec f p anning mting 、授課方法 :Teach; Que tio ;Wor in roups ;Rle-play、教學(xué)參考及教具 含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備) :Teaching aerial
29、s ;CD-ROM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析: pl t the teaching cn s; Stdets gr sp the matrials wll ;plete the tea hing obecti es、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教 學(xué) 過 程Ste 1 Reviewing U t 3 vi eo and vid o 2、Step Lea ing How o chi a meetn; How to sk or ad gi opinion ;o to agree and isag ee with an i e; w o mak sugesi s、Step 3 Te hi Listeing r ti
30、ce 1 Wam p 2 Task 1 Tran latin、ng sentences 、as i l in the mis Busnes rofile Dffe nt ki ds f meetin s Sampof th mnutes f managment et nStep 4 Summary fter p eting this l ssn ,students should k ow : ow to c air meetn、tep 5 Homewrk 1 Finish the xrcise on the boo 、2 P evew i eo 1 La guage ocus A 、江 蘇 省
31、 * 學(xué) 院教 案 首 頁授課日期 319班 級 09計文3 課題 Uit 4 At a Meting ( 教學(xué)目得要求: dersta n use vocabuar re ate to etin s、教學(xué)重點、難點 : i eo 1 Lnguage Focus 、授課方法: Teac; uesti n ;Wok in oup; Rolelay 、教學(xué)參考及教具(含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備) :Taching Ma ial ;CROM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析 : ee t e acing conets ; tud ns ras th mt r al wll ; ete the teach ng objec
32、es、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教學(xué)過程St p 1 Rev ewing Samp e f t e mnutes of gmemeeting 、Step 2 Leadin c ir a meeting; How to s or and Ho t v pnions ;ow t agr a d dis gre wi an idea ; Ho o make suei ns、Step 3 Te cing New wod an Ex re sons r uh i e of Loo at the pictures t ae a he v 1 、 Wac an stud video 1 、 Do some ex r
33、i e、 ole- play、 Languae Fc A 、Sep mary t is lesso ,studets houl Afte p eting now :Hw t ask for nd gi e opinio s、How t agr e and dis gree wi an id tep 5 omewrk 1 Rei e the new rds and exesio s、 Unestand v eo 1 、 Rcit s e useful e us A、res ions f L nguag o江 蘇 省 學(xué) 院教 案 首 頁授課日期 3/1班 級 09計文課題 Uni 4 At Me
34、eting ( 教學(xué)目得要求:Undrstand nd u voca ula y rlt d o meeti g、教學(xué)重點、難點:ide 2& anguage Focus B、授課方法: each; Questi ;Work n gr ps; Rle ay、教學(xué)參考及教具(含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備 : aching M terials ;CD-ROM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析:lete th teac ing contents;St nts asp the ater as w ll ; ple the tecin ob ctive 、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教學(xué)過程Ste 1 evie ng Langge Foc
35、u A tep edin Howo cir gve pnions ;a meeti ; How o ak f r and Ho o agree n s ee wi h n d ; ow to ake sug etio s、Ste eahing New wr nd Expessns Lo k t he pictures to have a ouh idea f he v de 、 Watch t dy vid o 2 、 Do ome exercise 、 ole- p ay、 L ngae Fcs B、Sep S mmry sson ,st es shold knfter pletig thi
36、s w : o o e s estio s、Step 5omwork rds ad e psion 、1 Recte the new w2 Uders nd vi e 、3 Recie some usefu ex esion o Lnguge cus B 、江 蘇 省 * 學(xué) 院授課日期326教案首頁 班級09計文3 5 usin ss Travel 課題nit 教學(xué)目得要求: Uner tan d use basic t ael rlated vo abary 、教學(xué)重點、難點:nquabout flights;eserv airpl ne T ket 、授課方法: Teach; Q est
37、ion ;W i gro ps; Rl l y、教學(xué)參考及教具(含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備) :Teachng Materi ls ; CDROM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析:l te the teachi g tents; t dens g as he mter als w ll ; pl t the teaching objective 、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教學(xué)過程Ste 1 Reviewing Uni 4 v deo d deo 2、St p 2 Le dng How t enq i e bou flights; ow to reserve pl ne ticket; o to enquire ab ac
38、lities an se ice in h tel; ow to b k a hotel r om;How o requ t service n hote 、tep 3 T aching Listenin Pract ce Wrmup 2 Ta 1 f ll in he issi r T sk tch th ues ions ith the corres onding a wrs 、 Busin profile i g by pla e or by ra n Ceckin i t t e airp 、Going thr ug cu toms、 Checking i t a ho el 、 he
39、ckng t 、tep 4 Sum ar Af pletig th les on ,studen s shoul kow : Hw to enqire ao ig s、Hw t re erve irpl ne ti ke、Step mewr 1 Fi is the xer ises the bo 、2 Peew de 1& La guag Foc A、江 蘇 省 * * 學(xué) 院教 案 首 頁授課日期 3/28班 級 09計文3 課題 ni 5 B sines Travel 教學(xué)目得要求 : nderstan nd se b si travelelated obul ry 、教學(xué)重點、難點: V
40、ideo 1 anguage Fous A、授課方法: each; uesion ;Work in roup; Rlelay 、教學(xué)參考及教具 含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備:T aching Materils ; C- OM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析:plete the e hng onents; S dents g ap the t ria s well ; ple e the teaching ob ecti es、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教 學(xué) 過 程St p 1 Revi ing Tr velling y pae r b ainSte 2 Le din o to e uire out fl v i pl gh
41、t ; Hw to r seti ket ; Ho to enqui e about faclitie and serv cs in a hotel ;How to ook a hote ro m; o t req e s rvi es in a hotel、Step Teac in New words and xpressions L at the pictur s o hav ro gh ide video 、 atc and tudy v eo 1 、 Do some exercise 、 Role play 、 Lan uge Fcus A、St p SumaAter ple i th
42、 s le on ,stu nts hold know : w to quire about acilites nd evi es in hotel 、oom、 ow to book ho eSep 5 Homew1 Recite h new word a d exr sio s、2 Un tand video 、 Rete ome usefu exp esions o ngue F s A、江 蘇 省 * 學(xué) 院授課日期4/教案首頁( 班級0計文3 usine s ravel 課題nit 5 教學(xué)目得要求: Und tand lated vabula y、and use b si tr vl
43、-r教學(xué)重點、難點: Video anuag Focus 、授課方法 : eac; Que tion ;Work in roups ; Ro e-play 、教學(xué)參考及教具 含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備) : ching Matials ;CD-RO授課執(zhí)行情形及分析: p t the teach n cn nts; udt rasp at r als w l ; p ee t e eachi bjectives、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱Sp 1 教學(xué)過程evie ing Lnage cus St p Leading How enquire aou lig t ;How o r sere ai l tick t
44、 ; ow to enure bt ai iti s nd srvices n a ote ;H to ook hotel roo ; Ho to re ust servi es a ho el 、Step Teac ing N words a d Expressions ok at th p cur s a rough i a o the ideo 2 、 Wach and st dy ideo 2 、 Do s m xerci e、 Role- play、 Languag Fcus B 、Ste 4 Su mry fter plet ng his essn , t dents houknw
45、 : ow to reque t services n hte 、Sep Hom k 1 Reci he new wod and xpr sons、 Udertand video 、3 Reit some eu xress on of Language F cus B、江 蘇 省 * 學(xué) 院教 案 首 頁授課日期 44班 級 計文3 課題 Unit 6 any Pres n ion ()教學(xué)目得要求: Unesand ad e basic vo bular for intr ducions and p esentatio bout pa y、教學(xué)重點、難點: Identify t e ruct
46、ure f a any prese tation 、授課方法: Tea; Quesi ;W k in gops; Role ay、教學(xué)參考及教具 含多媒體教學(xué)設(shè)備) :T ahing Mate ia s ;CD-OM 授課執(zhí)行情形及分析:le e he t aching contents; Stent grasp the matrials well ; lete the teachinobj ct e、板書設(shè)計或授課提綱教 學(xué) 過 程Ste Reviewin Un t 5 vid o 1 and vdeo 2 、Sep 2 Le dn How to t l bout any of e; How
47、 to answer geeral que ions out a pany; H w to ve a brief slf ntroduct o; Ho o ve a sh rt business esnt ti 、t 3 T a n is ening Praci e 1 Wam- up 2 T sk 1 fill in th missing wr s ask 2 Match the qu sio wth th corresp ndi sers 、3 Task 1 Transtio 、 Task 2 fill in the m ssing ste es、 Business poil Wha ma
48、kes n ef ect ve eseat on : Org saion of information 、 elivery information 、Use of language 、St 4 SummaAfter pleti g t is l ss ,stude ts shou d know : How to t about a pay prof le 、pany、How o a swer general qustions abot a Sep 5 omework 1inish the xercise on th oo、2 Pr vie ideo 1& Langue Focus A 、江 蘇 省 * * 學(xué) 院教 案 首 頁授課日期 4/9班 級 9計文3 課題 nit ny Psetati 教學(xué)目得要求 :Undet nd and se basi vocabul ry for i t odctions and pr enations bout a pany、教學(xué)重點、難
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