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1、C read第2頁共10頁第 頁共10頁遼寧省大連市小升初英語專題復(fù)習(語法專練):祈使句和感嘆句姓名:班級: 成績:A5.(2 分)WilI you StilI小朋友,帶上你一段時間的學習成果,一起來做個自我檢測吧,相信你一定是最樟的!一.單選題(共50題;共100分)1(2 分) All Skin COIOUrSfrom melanin.A COmeB COmeSC COming2(2 分)LetsandthatOldman.A to go,to helpB go, helpC going, helpD goes, helps3.(2 分)HOW do you the bookshop?A

2、 getB gets toC get to4(2 分) GiVe me a rubber, PIeaSeA be homeB homeC are home6.(2 分)HOW!A youB nice7(2 分) Lets SOme eggs.AbuyBbuysCbuying8A(2 分)great museum!HOWBWhatCWhat a9.(2 分)a beautiful Dark!AHOWBWhatCWhat10.A(2 分)Letsboating.go toBSOCto go11.A(2 5HVOUr arm!TOUCheSBtouchCIOUCh12.(2 分)PIeaSemake

3、 them too Saltv.Adon, tBdoesntCisn, t13.(2 分)Amy, Clean the classroom,A PIayBPIateCPIeaSe14.(2 分)Dontyour book.A read toB reads第 頁共10頁15(2 分)Let* S to work.A getsB getC getting(2 分)一What about basketball On theAlI right Let S nowA PIaying;PlayingB play;PIayingC PIaying;Play(2 分) a big Cake it is!A H

4、OWB WhatC Where(2 分)Let, S A go bedB going to bedC go to bed(2 分)Let* S the club.A joinB joinsC joining(2分)(2019五上吳忠期中)PIeaSeA give toB give OUtC gave OUt(2 分)The film is about to begin. PIeaSeAbeB areCisplayground?the CrayOns. seated.Db亡ing22.(2 分)a big breakfast!WhatBHOWCWho23.(2 分)Dont It S dange

5、rousAread booksBPIay With fireCSWam24.(2 分)Dont,Wang BingArunBrunsCrunning25.(2 分)Zip, don* tangry COUnt to ten and take a deep breath.AISBareCbe26.(2 分)Letsto SChOolAgoBCOmeCgoes27.(2分)the animals in the zoo.ANOt feedBDont feedCCanJ t feed28.(2 份)HoW!AinterestBinterestedCinteresting29.(2分)a beautif

6、ul bag!AWhatBWhat, SC Who第5頁共10貞30.(2 分)Dontsad.AisBbeC too(2 分)Do, t the bad food. YOU may get sick.A eatsB eatingC eat(2 分) the boxes YOU may USe them IaterAKeePBKeePingCTO keepDKePt33.(2分)a niceday!AWhatBHOWCWhere34.(2 分)Sitdown andSOme water, PIeaSeAdrinkBto drinkCdrinking35.(2分)ride abicycleOn

7、the grassA CantB NotC Dont(2 分) me money and the horseA GiVeB GaVeto See her.C GOt(2 分) TOday is your grandma* S birthday Let* SA to goBgoCgoesDgoing38.(2 分)CIean the blackboard, OK?ALetBLet meCHe39.(2 分)the tovs ALOOk atBTO IOOk atCLOOkingDLOOkS40.(2 分)UD early tomorrow, Or you cant CatCh the train

8、.AGettingBGetCTO getDGOt41.(2 分)a nice poster!AWhatBHOWCWhat, S42.(2 分)PIeaSeme SOme money, Will you?AIendBIendingCto IendDbe Iend43.A(2 分)What beautiful girl!/BaCan44.(2 分)Dont I won* t Sit On you.第6頁共10頁第 頁共10頁AWrOngBhappyCWOrry45.A(2 分)(2018 二下上海期末)PIay football On the road. It is dangerous.don,

9、tBDo, tCNOt46.A(2 分) Its Warm in SDringride a bicycleLet, SBIsCI Iike47.(2 分)a SWeet cake!AHOWBWhereCWhat4&(2 分)happy they are!AWhatBHOWCWhen49.(2 分)a beautiful skirt!AHOWBWhatCWhat aDHOW a50.(2 分)Clean the ClaSSrOOmALetBLet SClet S參考答案單選題(共50題;共100分) TOC o 1-5 h z 1、A1、B1、C1. A1、A1、B1、A1. C1. C1. B1、C1、 A1. CK C1、 B1 C1. B1. C1、 A1


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