1、原文:傲 礙Taxatio艾n, Acco邦unting 搬and Tra岸nsparen案cy:澳The Int邦eractio耙n of Fi叭nancial艾 and Ta背x Accou暗nting鞍1. Intr稗oductio擺n懊In the 澳last ye矮ars, ec懊onomic 白areas h百ave con爸stantly版 moved 佰togethe柏r. As a罷 conseq岸uence, 擺compani愛es, esp把ecially翱 the bi敗g playe骯rs in t翱he mark阿ets, ha扮ve head叭e拔d towar把
2、ds usin案g the i隘nternat澳ional c罷apital 鞍markets凹 and to背 get ac半cess to翱 stock 罷exchang板e(cuò)s in d百ifferen辦t juris斑diction班s.板As a pr扮erequis伴ite, th拔e preva吧iling i靶nternat板ional a愛ccounti邦ng stan八dards, 耙be it I襖FRS and頒/or U.S癌. GAAP,岸 have t叭o be fo白llowed.胺 On the礙 other 岸side, a板s tax l澳egislat敗i
3、on is 叭still “拌local” 阿and not癌 harmon擺ized, t案he comp搬anies a奧lways h岸ave to 百look fo昂r getti跋ng the 岸best ta耙x envir骯onment 拜they ca瓣n for c捌arrying案 on the扳ir busi唉nesses.岸 The fo搬llowing背 articl壩e tries挨 to sum愛marize 哎shortly唉 the in襖fluence癌 of int昂ernatio芭nalizat愛ion on 疤taxatio版n and a胺ccoun
4、ti八ng in g凹eneral 捌and wit班h regar靶d to tr扮anspare氨ncy of 般tax eff敗ects in昂 the in罷ternati敗onal ac敖counts 巴in part翱icular.鞍 As a c拌onseque伴nce of 挨more tr斑anspare案ncy, it壩 is imp唉ortant 拜to be a耙ware of埃 possib愛ilities瓣 and bo愛undarie凹s of ex跋isting 案influen哎ces on 藹the tax扒 rate a板s well 叭and to 佰c
5、learly背 define昂 a fram靶ework f案or tax 胺plannin癌g, whic半h not o白nly is 皚in line巴 with l挨egal re扒quireme班nts, bu敗t as we般ll with半 ethica傲l stand阿ards, a氨s each 絆individ八ual com跋pany ca氨nnot af搬ford lo艾osing i埃ts good奧 reputa靶tion.笆2. Taxa骯tion an板d Accou按nting 霸 Two Di藹fferent襖 Worlds啊?拜2.1 拌Status 邦Q
6、uo礙As taxa搬t(yī)ion is藹 still 胺local, 皚multina俺tional 安corpora按tions h辦ave to 搬align b瓣usiness熬 opport頒unities疤 and ne擺eds wit扳h findi奧ng the 礙suitabl白e tax e安nvironm八ent for盎 doing 佰busines礙s and s盎tructur壩ing the壩ir busi鞍ness ac邦tivitie扳s. Need邦less to礙 say th案at nati胺onal an敗d inter翱nationa氨l rule 按o
7、f allo笆cating 扮profits拜 has to拌 be tak巴en as u襖nchange柏able pr癌econdit八ions, b耙ut neve胺rtheles八s tax p般lanning鞍 is cru芭cial. I版t is no矮t the l拌ocal ta鞍x rate,盎 but th笆e effec耙tive ta矮x burde邦n that 艾in the 吧end rea氨lly cou耙nts, ta捌king al翱ways th愛e tax b啊ases as敖 well i岸nto acc敖ount. A艾nd ther癌e is
8、st爸ill fle按xibilit半y how t扒o struc板ture th岸e busin拜ess act隘ivities矮, 凹e.g. 隘with re稗gard to稗 settin罷g up th伴e whole襖 group 巴structu吧re, fin版ancing,挨 choosi板ng the 拔appropr班iate le盎gal for隘m. Taki絆ng the 班complex襖ity of 芭the loc罷al tax 隘systems翱 and th按e short罷comings班 of the扳 existi跋ng doub扮le taxa埃
9、tion tr吧eaties,隘 the av頒oidance百 of dou昂ble tax疤ation i搬s one o澳f the m隘ost imp巴ortant 捌goals i阿n this 澳context佰 and 襖it is c拜learly 捌not get唉ting to八 tax-ex翱empt, n扮owhere 稗taxed “半white” 埃income.般 There 罷is no d佰oubt: T跋he key 安objecti頒ve for 扒tax pla版nning i跋s to su絆pport b耙usiness澳. Each 壩busine
10、s挨s decis版ion has板 to mak拔e sense板 withou跋t a loo盎k at th叭e tax b叭urden. 頒However矮, if a 般busines版s decis霸ion is 昂taken, 捌the mos扒t effic背ient st矮ructure耙 from a扒 tax po拜int of 鞍view ha奧s to be翱 chosen骯.扮From th爸e view 埃of a gl敗obal pl叭ayer, a百nd as t凹ax rate靶s are o癌nly rou搬gh indi矮cators 哎for the唉
11、 effect霸ive tax奧 burden辦, the p礙olitica敗l deman捌d with 擺regard 埃to taxa爸tion at版 least 佰medium 艾or long翱 term s靶hould c辦learly 疤be worl壩d-wide 岸harmoni奧zation 瓣of the 翱tax sys壩tems. T白hen, a 隘fair ta伴x compe埃tition 哎via tax八 rates,襖 not vi邦a compl擺ex and 版non-tra愛nsparen俺t tax b瓣ases wo奧uld be 鞍carr
12、ied霸 out. T熬herefor搬e, the 熬industr氨y highl八y welco敖mes the安 though罷ts of t八he EU C拜ommissi扮on towa背rds a C哀ommon C疤onsolid啊ated Co安rporate骯 Tax Ba拔se (CCC頒TB).埃Even if挨 this C胺CCTB is昂 restri拔cted to傲 Member岸 States板 of the癌 Europe把a(bǔ)n Comm霸u(píng)nity, 啊it woul邦d be a 佰big ste爸p forwa版rd. Unf稗ortunat拌ely
13、 it 傲looks a爸s if a 敗lot of 唉the EC 擺countri佰es take扒 this a案pproach般 not to皚o serio爸us, as 胺tax rev伴enues m把ight be壩 threat叭ened. B吧ut this愛 shows 笆clearly壩 the ne奧cessity耙 of a C辦CCTB: I澳f compa頒nies we白re taxe扒d on th壩eir EU-皚wide co疤nsolida吧ted inc拌ome, 奧e.g. 班taxes o邦n non-r氨ealized矮 profit八s a
14、risi安ng as a班 conseq絆uence o背f intra埃 group 安transac昂tions w絆ould be骯 avoide艾d. Tran霸sfer Pr哀icing a案djustme鞍nts whi稗ch very氨 often 百lead to襖 double扮 taxati版on woul靶d be at辦 least 八within 芭the EU 案obsolet版e. The 骯relucta背nce of 暗some Me俺mber St拜ates ev胺en prov跋es the 班necessi熬ty: tax案ation s頒hould a
15、矮lways a阿nd only般 be bas盎ed on p芭rofits 霸realize阿d throu皚gh a ma翱rket tr懊ansacti扳on.巴2.2 Out壩look按Fortuna扳tely en壩ough, t板he juri壩sdictio哎n of th斑e Europ盎ean Cou佰rt of J俺ustice 邦might p氨ut pres扒sure to愛wards h礙armoniz跋ation: 敗As the 岸Court t案akes th背e basic哀 princi暗ples of靶 the In奧ternal 辦Market 拔ve
16、ry se傲rious, 瓣the Cou藹rt puts暗 always巴 emphas壩is on b芭asic Co哎mmunity隘 Law, e背special愛ly on n骯on disc罷riminat拌ion of 頒EC resi隘dents, 埃free mo暗vement 霸of capi霸tal and埃 freedo挨m of es藹tablish癌ment. A埃s a con白sequenc澳e, a lo礙t of re百stricti懊ng nati扳onal ta班x laws 隘has alr骯eady be辦en chal壩lenged.吧 Espec
17、i稗ally wi扒th rega壩rd to c板ross bo吧rder tr安ansacti岸ons, th柏is juri斑sdictio辦n will 敗lead by礙 itself班 on the柏 long r奧un towa安rds a f矮orced h版armoniz熬ation.笆Therefo盎re, it 罷would f按rom thi巴s point阿 of vie般w as we拔ll be i疤n the i翱nterest把 of the頒 EC Mem皚ber拜 罷States 俺to acti柏vely su澳pport t壩he EU C隘ommis
18、si背on towa稗r(nóng)ds a j藹oint ta班x juris柏diction罷.凹In this邦 contex矮t, it i佰s fair 頒to say 般that so敖me taxa搬t(yī)ion pr霸inciple柏s have 埃definit俺ely to 百be take巴n into 拜account矮, even 哀if this佰 might 啊be self骯-eviden熬t: Taxa疤tion mu氨st alwa罷ys be b胺ased on拌 the in吧dividua暗l abili半ty to p翱ay taxe擺s. In 凹Germany盎
19、, this 頒princip昂le is e稗ven anc拜hored i百n the C拜onstitu爸tional 伴L(zhǎng)aw. As安 a cons疤equence疤, taxes拜 should伴 only b佰e levie八d on re捌alized 板profits邦. Mark 拔to mark按et valu矮ation w巴ould ge爸nerally敗 not ad拌equatel芭y refle把ct the 笆ability胺 to pay埃 taxes,氨 as the暗 then p斑otentia艾lly tax澳ed unre皚alized 俺gain
20、s a背re vola唉tile. T骯axation按 has to懊 be bas瓣ed on n俺et inco絆me, and巴 not on佰 substa吧nce. Bu埃siness 八expense邦s must 靶therefo邦re alwa艾ys be w扒holly d案eductib奧le. Thi阿s means拜 an unr稗estrict哀ed loss瓣 carry 凹forward艾 as wel斑l.罷Third, 靶taxatio般n has t背o be ba凹sed on 癌objecti耙ve crit扳eria, a阿nd the 氨accru
21、al伴s princ靶iple ha頒s to be扮 taken 斑into ac柏count.皚Additio氨nally, 按avoidan襖ce of d耙ouble t哎axation疤 means 般avoidan皚ce not 耙only of岸 legal,埃 but as懊 well o安f econo吧mic dou矮ble tax艾ation. 唉Therefo霸re, 襖e.g. 吧dividen岸ds shou安ld be e澳xcluded奧 from t艾axable 矮income,疤 as the哀 underl隘ying pr斑ofits h癌ave alr
22、拔eady be哀en taxe稗d in th盎e hands骯 of the班 distri板buting 扳corpora巴tion. T爸he trea巴tment o跋f capit絆al gain叭s shoul癌d alway扳s follo愛w the t拜reatmen絆t of di罷vidends敖. Capit伴al gain靶s on th版e sale 疤of part巴icipati氨ons sho扒uld the扮refore 藹be exem吧pt as w罷ell, as氨 they e俺ither r笆epresen八t alrea哎dy taxe爸d r
23、etai扮ned ear藹nings o擺r hidde阿n reser昂ves whi癌ch mate艾rialize拜 and le啊ad to t壩axes in耙 the fu阿ture.案From an把 accoun稗ting po癌int of 愛view, i矮t is fa凹ir to s骯ay that挨 some c澳ountrie把s by 把far not奧 all 柏define 柏their t傲ax basi斑s based頒 on nat八ional G熬AAP (pr唉inciple敗 that t搬he tax 板base fo翱llows a罷ccoun
24、ti班ng prin暗ciples;敗 絆e.g. 芭Germany八). Howe扮ver, th芭ere exi敖sts a t鞍endency襖 to mod哎ernize 啊the nat愛ional G阿AAP and氨 to int阿egrate 笆thought哀s of in背ternati按onal ac哀countin愛g, espe般cially 疤IAS/IFR霸S as we疤ll into扳 this m隘oderniz霸ation. 班The sam隘e is tr愛ue with愛 regard案 to the敖 EC Dir吧ectives唉 on the絆
25、Accoun白ts and 把Consoli爸dated A斑ccounts板 (4th a暗nd 7th 凹EC Dire吧ctive).耙If a mo壩derniza矮tion to岸ok plac柏e it is氨 defini把tely su跋re that胺 the mo拌derniza皚tion wi拔ll be b鞍ased on阿 IAS/IF半RS as w百ell.按As, how白ever, t罷he targ挨ets of 扒interna癌tional 鞍account斑ing and扳 taxati扒on do n藹ot matc盎h, the 哀princip把
26、le that背 taxati霸on foll霸ows acc隘ounting癌 is alw罷ays dep爸endent 壩on the 藹underly班ing loc般al GAAP阿 and qu叭estiona百ble in 愛case of拜 any ch敗anges w傲ith reg啊ard to 般these p奧rincipl班es. 昂 安Take as霸 an exa笆mple 懊Germany凹: The n澳ational氨 accoun皚ts have胺 been s叭o far s爸uitable拌 for ta懊xation 瓣as the 啊underly
27、伴ing pri岸nciples埃 have c罷omplied扒 with t邦axation暗 princi艾ples. 埃E爸special傲ly the 藹targets啊 of cap翱ital ma扳intenan扮ce, pro把tecting懊 the ri班ghts of襖 credit扒ors and瓣 being 靶the ins襖trument扒 to det襖ermine 奧the pos矮sible d斑ividend笆 distri襖butions吧 have l翱ead to 半a basis岸 that c案omplies爸 with t敗he abil班it
28、y to 班pay tax罷es as w巴ell. On芭 the co奧ntrary,稗 IAS/IF罷RS are 搬rather 皚a tool 案for inf懊ormatio捌n and t愛ake the鞍refore 暗unreali礙zed gai暗ns as w叭ell int暗o accou鞍nt.搬If the 埃German 絆account八ing pri矮nciples骯 get mo叭dernize百d towar皚ds IAS/岸IFRS, t瓣hen as 版a conse捌quence 稗the pri艾nciple 熬that ta啊x follo暗ws
29、 acco唉unting 八has at 扳least p熬artiall隘y to be奧 given 罷up. At 礙least, 壩each in辦dividua稗l law h爸as to b板e(cuò) revie安wed and邦 evalua氨ted acc跋ording 澳to its 懊suitabi扮lity fo啊r taxat扒ion.邦A(yù) CCCTB唉 must b襖e based翱 on sim背ilar vi礙ews. Fi芭rst, IA瓣S/IFRS 班can fro罷m a mer鞍e forma霸l point傲 of vie隘w never艾 be tak八e
30、n as b稗asis fo昂r calcu皚lating 拜taxable頒 profit哎s. A de扳mocrati叭c autho邦rizatio搬n of th暗e IASB 愛does no凹t exist稗. Besid半es, 白e.g. 百Germany傲 applie敗s the p罷rincipl笆e of le隘gislati霸ve sove安reignty班. There愛fore, a耙 transf伴ormatio敖n into 拔nationa矮l law w背ould al捌ways be敗 necess敖ary. Ta阿king IA白S/IFRS 挨as
31、 tax 版base wo擺uld mea擺n endle伴ss and 拔ongoing霸 proces熬ses of 岸adaptin皚g the n懊ational跋 law to巴 change安s in IA八S/IFRS.愛 Second把ly, and胺 more i艾mportan凹t, IAS/斑IFRS ar搬e from 佰a mater斑ial poi巴nt of v傲iew in 疤general芭 not su壩itable 澳either:澳 The IA安S/IFRS 笆princip按les can半 lead t辦o a tax瓣ation o岸f unre
32、a搬lized g盎ains, w啊hich is啊 in con耙trast t拌o the a傲bility 捌to pay 稗taxes p藹rincipl靶e. They壩 contai伴n a lot鞍 of man拔agement八 judgme半nts whi邦ch cont般radict 霸u(píng)niform啊 tax tr佰eatment拌 of all霸 taxpay翱ers as 扮the tax啊 basis 頒would t哎hen dep凹end on 凹individ艾ual jud班gment. 八And par扒tially,擺 a taxa版tion of擺 m
33、ere p斑rofit p跋rojecti懊ons wou巴ld be t艾he resu芭lt. How藹ever, I埃AS/IFRS盎 can be澳 taken 唉as star拔ting po跋int for胺 taxati癌on: Eac佰h stand班ard sho案uld the哎n be ev扮aluated佰 whethe奧r or no扒t it is頒 compli挨ant wit瓣h basic跋 taxati擺on prin罷ciples.按 This j霸u(píng)dgment霸 seems 藹now to 八be cons岸ensus o辦n EC le翱vel.把W
34、hen de俺scribin巴g the t昂ax base哎, the E哀U Commi澳ssion t般ends ei藹ther to鞍 define按 a sepa皚rate in懊depende襖nt tax 哀balance敗 sheet 皚law, or跋 a sepa搬rate se癌t of ta百x rules奧 that d邦efine t岸he tax 扒base no唉t based啊 on the拔 accoun吧ts, but背 rather傲 on pro盎fits an藹d losse挨s, with骯 descri巴ption o皚f incom板e(cuò), ta
35、x-跋exempt 昂income,擺 and de案ductibl傲e and n拔ot-dedu哀ctible 啊busines昂s expen芭ses.凹At the 拔moment,案 the EU隘 Commis板sion se皚eks a s凹o(jì)lution按 rather笆 based 胺on defi版ning ta八xable p稗r(nóng)ofits 拔and los阿ses. Th扳is appr柏oach ma敗kes uni安formity疤 on EC 哎level m拔ore lik搬ely; ho暗wever, 矮this ap靶proach 懊is more跋 dif
36、fic隘ult in 瓣applica爸tion fo隘r the c白o(hù)mpanie把s, as i礙n the e哎nd they案 must c班alculat佰e if 柏there a愛re timi啊ng diff瓣erences藹 compar爸ed to a板ccounti氨ng de哀ferred 阿taxes a靶s well.伴 By fil扒ing a t凹ax bala稗nce she啊et cont叭rol and耙 substa跋ntiatio背n of po靶tential班 differ吧ences a暗nd the 芭deferre傲d tax a巴sset
37、s/l襖iabilit邦ies the罷reon is挨 much e奧asier.凹3. Tran案sparenc傲y of th擺e Inter把nationa霸l Accou懊nts and傲 Influe邦nce of 班Transpa礙rency o哀n Tax P襖lanning捌3.1 Act皚ual ver邦sus Eff扒ective 耙Tax Rat辦e凹As the 骯tax bur伴den con阿stitute跋s a cos爸t facto扳r to al敖l busin啊ess act阿ivities拔, the e拌ffectiv矮e tax r皚ate pla
38、拜ys an i百mportan般t role 愛for man巴agement邦, and n唉ot just瓣 the cu阿rrent t埃ax paym案ents ha把ve to b襖e looke瓣d at. T艾he loca八l accou鞍nting p八rincipl皚es, but澳 much m柏ore IAS艾/IFRS a頒nd U.S.頒 GAAP l擺ead to 笆showing霸 the “r安ight” t傲ax burd扳en, tak凹ing tem罷porary 壩differe澳nces be哎tween a熬ccounti挨ng and 懊tax
39、atio礙n as we案ll into藹 accoun哎t, foll澳owed by稗 numero版us info骯rmation鞍 on tax捌es. Thi拔s trans傲parency頒 of the瓣 accoun巴ts furt稗her lea八ds to a搬nalysts皚 challe版nging t把he tax 百burden 胺and man隘agement邦 needs 捌for exp班l(xiāng)anatio愛ns of t瓣he tax 跋line. T傲hus, in擺formati半on that哎 was on芭ly a de霸cade ag俺o due t
40、按o the t絆ax secr辦ecy in 擺a lot o盎f count俺ries co瓣nfident傲ial con襖stantly案 become礙s more 扳and mor拔e publi埃c.霸Take th爸e conce把pt of d啊eferred版 tax as佰sets an扮d tax l皚iabilit鞍ies. Po皚stponed啊 or up-盎front t埃ax paym懊ents du邦e to di哎fferenc罷es in c阿alculat凹ing tax佰able pr伴ofits a稗nd loss啊es whic埃h rever百
41、se over愛 the ti氨me loos笆e impor安tance. 岸These t八iming d癌ifferen挨ces lea耙d only 扒to temp盎orary t半ax savi半ngs/tax稗 burden傲 and as拔 a cons百equence癌, a def岸erred t埃ax liab百ility/t皚ax asse斑t has t笆o be ac愛counted辦 for. T隘he acco昂unts sh把ow in t翱hese ca艾ses the阿 overal疤l tax b辦urden t罷hat wou艾ld aris捌e ba
42、sed班 on the骯 accoun敖ts of t埃he prev哎ailing 矮year (安i.e. 吧current俺 taxes 把a(bǔ)nd def氨erred t罷axes).熬An exam扳ple for耙 timing氨 differ癌ences w頒hich le礙ad to s跋etting 盎up a ta擺x asset擺 are wr矮ite dow爸ns that哎 are no案t at on板ce ackn扳owledge啊d for t盎ax purp癌oses, b般ut reve邦rse ove皚r time.絆 As cur敖rent ta矮xes
43、are愛 higher愛 than t矮he tax 昂burden 奧that ma柏tches w胺ith the捌 accoun耙ts, a d藹eferred唉 tax as懊set can癌 be set百 up. A 靶deferre哎d tax l凹iabilit版y may r胺esult f敗rom res唉erves w般hich ar斑e tax d盎eductib暗le acco背rding t背o natio瓣nal law跋, but c啊onstitu辦te equi白ty acco霸rding t氨o IFRS/巴U.S. GA敗AP.阿Accordi扒ng t
44、o i拜nternat笆ional a邦ccounti俺ng prin拌ciples,熬 a tax 把a(bǔ)sset o罷n losse半s carri版ed forw骯ard has扒 as wel昂l to be班 set up啊: loss 奧carry f靶orwards啊 lead t扒o poten罷tial ta熬x savin辦gs in t瓣he futu傲re, as 佰the und佰erlying熬 net bu罷siness 罷expense扮s are t懊herefor挨e not l芭ost, bu擺t can b靶e used 暗against盎 future礙
45、, not y埃et real骯ized pr阿ofits. 八However背, the c柏ompany 邦has to 礙examine斑 the re拔alizati扳on poss鞍ibility把 of thi皚s tax a熬sset, a扒nd in c氨ase tha熬t reali斑zation 昂seems n翱ot/not 瓣fully r爸ealisti耙c, make氨 a tota半l/parti拔al valu胺ation a壩llowanc藹e.盎Let me 礙give tw壩o examp扮les for隘 perman傲ent dif懊ference叭s
46、 and t扳heir im啊pact on哎 the ef背fective半 tax ra巴te: Tax佰 exempt邦 divide傲nds or 班capital暗 gains 伴lead to疤 a tax 阿rate be扳low the凹 actual愛 tax ra埃te in t拜he prev拔ailing 奧country哎. The e鞍ffectiv愛e tax r八ate tak百es this罷 into a昂ccount.拜In case般 of add阿itional埃 profit氨 distri版butions疤 or cap氨ital ga唉ins t
47、ha拜t were 靶not pla艾nned th挨e effec襖tive ta百x rate 盎is even藹 lower 俺than th拔e expec靶ted eff班ective 安tax rat艾e. Inte熬rest ex搬penses,半 which 芭in some斑 countr叭ies are埃 not ta澳x-deduc啊tible i伴f in di艾rect co氨nnectio奧n with 埃tax exe罷mpt inc爸ome lea罷d to a 百higher 胺effecti般ve tax 凹rate th矮an the 伴normal 安l
48、ocal t鞍ax rate癌. If re疤financi拜ng is s癌hifted 拔to anot挨her loc哀ation (絆e.g. 暗debt pu哎sh down白), and 扮the int八erest b暗urden i叭s in th伴is coun癌try ded佰uctible哎, then 暗the ove靶rall ta扳x burde版n decre扮ases.壩Of cour靶se one 隘has alw拌ays to 傲be awar昂e of so疤-called艾 quasi-哎permane拜nt diff拜erences邦, 愛i.e. 盎
49、differe扳nces th絆at neve藹r rever昂se due 扒to the 敗prevail斑ing ind奧ividual佰 situat懊ion of 疤the com般pany: A埃s an ex敗ample, 罷the min襖imum ta胺xation 翱in Germ巴any mig啊ht lead捌 to a s版ituatio澳n, espe骯cially 凹with re稗gard to佰 volati跋le busi按nesses,胺 that l絆oss car白ry forw傲ards ca稗n be us癌ed up i班n theor百y, b
50、ut 柏not in 八practic澳e, as p哀rofits 藹have al捌ways to耙 be int氨egrated拜 to 40%癌 in tax胺able in佰come re骯gardles挨s of a 佰still e罷xisting拔 loss c藹arry fo瓣rward.矮3.2 Dis骯closure傲s and N礙otes to版 the Ac哀counts哎In the 爸interna霸tional 艾account癌s, an e骯xplanat翱ion of 佰the mai俺n drive八rs of t巴he effe罷ctive t敖ax
51、 rate矮 (compa絆red to 癌the exp唉ected t埃ax rate襖) is do岸ne in a捌 so-cal艾led “re挨concili矮ation”.把 As far絆 as thi扮s infor八mation 案has to 按be disc叭losed (疤e.g. 白Form 20百-F), th熬is tran埃sparenc巴y leads敖 to a d俺eeper a安nalysis俺 and un般derstan靶ding of跋 the ta扒x situa扳tion, a搬s well 拌as of b盎usiness板 decisi百
52、ons: 斑e.g. 艾in case暗 of hig霸h tax-e奧xempt i柏ncome t氨he anal吧ysts mi凹ght ass笆ume tha把t extra跋ordinar般y (not 矮operati挨ng) inc扒ome was隘 earned埃 (案e.g. 邦additio斑nal pro扳fit dis八tributi八on or a矮ddition拔al capi敗tal gai凹ns).佰In case啊 tax as懊sets on壩 loss c埃arry fo芭rwards 昂are wri靶tten do疤wn, thi拔s might班 b
53、e a c靶onseque鞍nce of 板too agg拌ressive扒 multi 懊year pl熬ans in 斑the pas背t. Howe安ver, it芭 might 叭also be癌 the co愛nsequen笆ce of t靶ax rate佰 change班s (柏e.g. 疤the tax皚 reform熬 扒2008 in芭 German頒y will 跋lead to礙 a writ疤e down 啊on tax 辦assets 背on loss阿es and 敖other t按emporar唉y diffe芭rences 胺of arou氨nd 25%)搬,
54、as th辦e tax r敖ate dif澳ferenti疤al is 1凹0% (40%氨 to 30%頒). Thus阿 the hi斑t has r拔ather t芭o be ta胺ken as 靶a one t拔ime eff瓣ect.敖A write般 back o邦n defer百red tax罷 assets百 on los暗ses mig隘ht have澳 differ捌ent rea隘sons as疤 well: 奧It migh班t be a 敖consequ百ence of叭 overac爸hieving八 on pla叭ns and 艾targets奧 and th鞍e
55、refore礙 higher邦 taxabl胺e opera拜ting in案come. I靶t might辦 be the皚 conseq百uence o愛f struc安tures t絆o use u拜p losse巴s, 頒e.g. 矮buying 扮in of i瓣ncome o爸r selli芭ng of l阿oss car按ry forw搬ards to敖 extern隘al part頒ies.翱And of 俺course,懊 effect隘s of ta奧x audit矮s might敖 be ope氨n to th敖e analy般sts in 壩case of襖 mater
56、i霸ality a癌s well.百 In thi凹s conte翱xt, the班 questi跋on migh澳t arise凹, wheth耙er or n霸ot tax 拌plannin唉g was t敖oo aggr隘essive.暗 The se把tting u挨p of ta埃x conti奧ngency 吧reserve耙s might笆 also h把a(bǔ)ve qui班te diff愛erent r傲easons:頒 It can敖 be an 澳indicat凹o(jì)r for 奧too agg八ressive挨 tax pl扳anning,哀 but as般 well o哀f
57、uncer奧tain ta巴x inter矮pretati挨on or c盎hange i伴n juris頒diction俺.岸Source:版 伴Martina壩 Baumga按rtel奧,200芭8版 “瓣Taxatio哎n, Acco拌unting 襖and Tra爸nsparen鞍cy: The稗 Intera癌ction o邦f Finan奧cial an拌d Tax A澳ccounti斑ng把”暗 拌.癌 HYPERLINK /content/978-3-540-77275-0/ o Link to the Book of this Chapter 百Tax and稗 Corpor
58、耙ate Gov邦ernance芭, vol.3拌, no.2,跋 芭m熬arch笆,pp.百 八93-100百.譯文:氨稅務(wù),會(huì)計(jì)和透矮明度:財(cái)務(wù)和稅扮務(wù)會(huì)計(jì)的相互作啊用 1、簡(jiǎn)介瓣在過去幾年中,奧經(jīng)濟(jì)領(lǐng)域不斷擺發(fā)展辦。昂因此,企業(yè),尤背其是在市場(chǎng)上,襖大牌搬公司板們?nèi)?zhēng)取利用國(guó)澳際資本市場(chǎng),并癌在壩不同司法管轄區(qū)哎獲得證券交易所阿上市交易奧的資格隘。霸作為一項(xiàng)先決條敖件,現(xiàn)行的國(guó)際澳會(huì)計(jì)準(zhǔn)則,無論扳是國(guó)際財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告骯準(zhǔn)則或美國(guó)通用半會(huì)計(jì)準(zhǔn)則,半企業(yè)叭都必須遵守拌。胺在另一邊,因?yàn)榘}稅收立法仍然是捌“本地”和不統(tǒng)捌一,公司總是找藹得到最好的稅收隘環(huán)境進(jìn)行其業(yè)務(wù)芭。案下面這篇文章試埃圖在短期內(nèi)總
59、結(jié)矮,特別是在國(guó)際拜帳戶稅務(wù)影響透爸明度的國(guó)際稅收班和會(huì)計(jì)的影響安。作為一個(gè)更具稗透明度的結(jié)果,巴重要的是必須稗盡可能的盎清楚翱明確邦地捌規(guī)定稅收規(guī)劃對(duì)捌現(xiàn)有的稅率,以敖及影響邊界,這愛不僅是符合法律皚要求,笆也符合般道德標(biāo)準(zhǔn),各公爸司無法承受失去哎它的良好聲譽(yù)柏所造成的損失昂。耙2愛、柏稅收與會(huì)計(jì) -頒 兩個(gè)不同的世盎界?2.1現(xiàn)狀柏由于稅收仍然是壩本地拜的敗,跨國(guó)公司半為了安配合尋找做生意皚的業(yè)務(wù)活動(dòng)和構(gòu)班建合適的商業(yè)機(jī)敗會(huì)和稅收環(huán)境的按需要襖。斑不用說,版首先以安利潤(rùn)分配國(guó)家和白國(guó)際規(guī)則不變艾作為唉前提條件加以考埃慮,但無論如何絆,稅務(wù)籌劃是至唉關(guān)重要的邦。澳它不是本地的稅礙率,實(shí)際稅負(fù)
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