



1、寺院僧人的生活在許多人的心目中,一定是非常清靜而悠閑的,晨鐘暮鼓,青燈黃卷, 令多少世人羨慕不已。但是,真正的寺院生活其實(shí)十分清苦,同時也十分有規(guī)律和節(jié)奏。僧 人們聞鐘而起,聞鼓而眠,聞板上殿,聞梆過堂,日日如此,月月如此,年年依舊。在這里, 向大家介紹寺院僧人日常進(jìn)行的幾項(xiàng)活動:一、朝暮課誦朝暮課誦,又稱為“課誦”,是佛教寺院定時念持經(jīng)咒、禮拜三寶及梵唄歌贊等法事的 總稱。因?yàn)檎n誦是佛教寺院僧眾日常最基本的宗教修行,是每天早晚必修的,所以稱為“朝 暮課誦”。早課早殿時全寺僧眾于每日清晨(約在寅丑之間)齊集大殿,念誦楞嚴(yán)咒、大悲咒、 十小咒、心經(jīng)各一遍,在念誦的起止都配有梵唄贊偈。其中,楞嚴(yán)咒

2、為一堂功課, 大悲咒、十小咒等為一堂功課,有些寺院輪流念這兩堂功課。晚課晚殿有三堂功課,即誦佛說阿彌陀經(jīng)和念佛名;禮拜八十八佛和誦大懺悔文; 放蒙山施食。誦佛說阿彌陀經(jīng)和念佛名是祈愿自己往生凈土。八十八佛都可以為眾生作 懺悔主,因此向八十八佛禮拜、申述自己改悔罪惡的愿望,是可以滅罪的。蒙山施食儀是宋 代外國甘露法師所作,他依據(jù)救拔焰口餓鬼經(jīng)以及水陸施食法,以“威德光明如來 咒”及“甘露咒”為主,集中各種密教的咒語,制定施食儀。在施食時,先準(zhǔn)備一杯凈 水及一些米。行者(放蒙山者)作一定的觀想,口中念誦一定的咒語,雙手作一定的手勢, 三密相應(yīng),就能成就施食。明清以來,早晚課成為寺院共同修行的必修課

3、。但是,由于具體情況的不同,有些寺院 五堂功課全部念完,有些寺院則沒有。而且,在腔調(diào)上也有所差別,但總體上是統(tǒng)一的。二、布薩誦戒布薩,又稱為布沙他、布薩陀婆、逋沙他,意譯為長凈、長養(yǎng)、增長、善宿、凈住、共 住,說戒。即比丘每半月齊集布薩堂,請精熟律法的比丘說波羅提木叉戒本,以反省過去半 月內(nèi)的行為是否合乎戒本;如果有犯戒者,應(yīng)該在大眾前懺悔,使比丘都能長住于凈戒中, 長養(yǎng)善法,增長功德。另外,在家信徒于六齋日受持八關(guān)戒齋,也稱為布薩,謂能增長善法。關(guān)于布薩的儀軌,一般律寺都是依照四分律的作法。但是,禪宗則簡化了一些儀軌。 下面,我們介紹一下禪宗寺院的誦戒儀軌:首先,打板繞寺院一周,大眾聞板聲,

4、集合于大殿。其次,煞板,大眾頂禮三拜。然后, 維那起腔,大眾唱懺悔偈:“往昔所造諸惡業(yè),皆由無始貪嗔癡,從身語意之所生,今對佛 前求懺悔”。每唱一遍,禮佛一拜,總共三次。誦戒者進(jìn)入大殿,先拈香,然后禮佛三拜。 唱完懺悔偈后,大眾合掌念“南無本師釋迦牟尼佛”。等誦戒者進(jìn)入齋堂后,維那起腔唱“爐 香贊”,誦戒者拈香三拜,然后上座。大眾唱“云來集菩薩”三稱,第三遍加“海會”二字, 班首出位,展具三拜后歸位。維那師呼:“展具,頂禮和尚”。大眾三拜,一拜敲一鐘,三拜 后,煞鐘收尾四下,維那師呼:“鐘聲傳三千界內(nèi),佛法揚(yáng)萬億國中,功勛祈世界和平,利 益報檀那厚德。”呼畢,大眾唱:“南無本師釋迦牟尼佛”三稱

5、,接著唱:“無上甚深微妙法, 百千萬劫難遭遇,我今見聞得受持,愿解如來真實(shí)義”。維那煞鐘尾四下,呼:“眾沙彌進(jìn)堂, 排班三拜,長跪合掌”。沙彌三拜后,長跪合掌,誦戒者鳴尺云:“諸沙彌諦聽,人身難得, 戒法難聞,時光易度,道業(yè)難成,爾等既已出家,嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)身口意,勤學(xué)經(jīng)律論,謹(jǐn)慎莫放逸” 眾沙彌回答:“依教奉行”。誦戒者云:“既能依教奉行,作禮而退。”眾沙彌就地一拜,起立 退步而行出齋堂。最后,開始讀誦戒本。誦畢,誦戒者鳴尺一下,下位,維那舉回向偈:“愿以此功德,莊嚴(yán)佛凈土,上報四重 恩,下濟(jì)三途苦。若有見聞?wù)撸l(fā)菩提心,盡此一報身,同生極樂國。唱完后,維那呼: “展具”,誦戒者云:“不展具”;維那

6、云:“禮謝法師”,誦戒者云:“不為禮”;維那師云: “同寮師打引磬送法師回寮”,誦戒者云:“不消送”,問訊出堂。布薩誦戒是佛教的優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng),有利于維持僧團(tuán)的清凈與和合,所以現(xiàn)代中國佛教寺院仍 然遵循著這一古老的制度。三、過堂過堂,是出家人吃飯的別名。因?yàn)槌黾胰嗽瓌t上過午不食,只吃早餐與午餐,所以又可 以稱為“二時臨齋”。“齋”從廣義來說,指清凈身心,謹(jǐn)防身心之懈??;從狹義來說,則指 八關(guān)戒齋,或特指過午不食的戒法。所以,能持守過午不食的戒法,稱為“持齋”;持齋期 間所吃的食物,或法會時所供養(yǎng)的食物,稱為“齋食”另外,以食物供養(yǎng)僧侶,也稱為齋, 這類法會則稱為“齋會”。佛教認(rèn)為早晨是天人進(jìn)食,日中

7、是佛陀進(jìn)食,下午是傍生進(jìn)食,夜晚是餓鬼進(jìn)食。因?yàn)?在夜晚進(jìn)食,餓鬼聽了飲食碗筷的聲音,咽中起火,又不得飲食,倍增痛苦,為了慈愍餓鬼, 所以不應(yīng)夜晚進(jìn)食。佛教傳到中國后,由于社會條件和民族文化背景的不同,印度佛教流行的乞食制度在中 國未能通行。南北朝以后,隨著寺院經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展,僧人們不再依靠乞食來維持生活。唐代以 后,禪宗成為中國佛教的主流,提倡“一日不作,一日不食”,要求寺院僧眾參加一定的生 產(chǎn)勞動,所以除了少數(shù)僧人能堅(jiān)守“過午不食”的傳統(tǒng)律制以外,大多數(shù)僧眾則變成一日三 餐。但是,只在早餐與午餐,舉行一定的儀式,即“過堂”,這就是“二時臨齋儀”。在過堂吃飯時,碗筷都不許發(fā)出聲音,更不許講話,所

8、以添加食物,靠筷子來示意。如 果出去辦事,應(yīng)將兩個碗疊起來,行堂師父便知道此人不在;如果在寺院中,則將兩個碗分 開放。盛飯時,菜飯兩碗,橫置在桌邊,筷子橫置于面前;在吃飯時,先以左手取飯碗,置 于右邊,次以右手取菜碗,置于左邊,再取飯碗就食。需要添加飯時,將飯碗伸出,筷子放 在碗中所擱的位置,表示需要添加的數(shù)量;需要加菜時,筷子在碗中豎著,表示需要干的菜; 筷子在碗口處平放時,表示要喝湯。吃完后,兩碗放在桌邊,筷子直置于兩碗中間。過堂雖 僅是吃飯,但是佛教認(rèn)為過堂是一堂法事,前面有供佛、施食,后面有結(jié)齋,整個過程顯得 非常莊嚴(yán)、肅靜。英文:The life of monks in the ey

9、es of many people, is very quiet and leisurely Chenzhong Mugu, volumes, so that so much of the world envy unceasingly. However, the real life is very poor and the temple, is also very regular and rhythm. The monks smell bell and drum, smell and sleep on board, Wen temple, Wen Bang arraigned, so ever

10、y day, month, year after year still. Here, we introduce the daily activities of the monks in the temple: One morning, chantingMorning and evening puja, also known as puja”, is a Buddhist temple regularly read to the curse, worship Sambo and chanting songs praise such ceremonies in general. Because t

11、he puja is Buddhist temple monks daily the most basic religious practices, is a day sooner or later required, so called morning and evening puja.EarlyEarly Temple monastery monks in daily morning (approximately between ushitora) gathered at the hall to recite the Shurangama mantra , the great compas

12、sion mantra, Ten Little curse, Heart Sutra, again, in the recitation of the starting and ending are equipped with chanting verse praise. Among them, the Shurangama mantra as an object lesson, the great compassion mantra, Ten Little curse as an object lesson, some temples and take turns reading lesso

13、ns in this hall.VespersLate temple hall three lessons, chanting Buddha said Amitabha Sutra and recite the Buddha name; worship 88 Buddha and recite the prayer of repentance; Meng soup kitchens. Chanting Amitabha Sutra and read the Buddha is for their pureland. 88 Buddha can be for all sentient being

14、s as and confessing, so to 88 Buddha worship, representations repent of their evil desire is can destroy the crime. Mengshan soup kitchens, the instrument is the Song Dynasty foreign nectar mage as, according to his rescued Yankou ghosts and the amphibious soup kitchens law, mainly to wade light Tat

15、hagata spell and nectar mantra, centralized esoterica spell formulated musical instrument. In the diet, prepare a cup of water and some rice. Walker (Mengshan) for visualizing, mouth chanting a spell, his hands as a gesture, three close corresponding can achieve soup kitchens.Since the Ming and Qing

16、 Dynasties, morning and evening classes have become a compulsory course for the temple. However, due to the specific circumstances of the different, some of the temple five lessons after all, some of the temple is not. But, in the tone of voice is also different, but on the whole are unified.Two, Bu

17、sa recitationBusa, also known as sand cloth he and busa Tuo Shiva, bu Sha He, free translation is net long, cultivation, growth, good night, net to live, live together, that ring. That bhikkhu every half moon gathered cloth SA Tong, please mastery of the law Picchu pratimoksha quit the said, to refl

18、ect the fact that the half in the past behaviors whether conform to the precepts in; if FanJie, should repent in front of the populace, the monks can stay on the net ring, long keeping good method, to increase merit. In addition, at home in Japan by eight believers Liuzhai fasts, also known as Beaux

19、 Arts, the good method that can increase.The general law on the uposatha ritual, the temple is in accordance with the rule of four approach. However, it simplifies some Zen ritual. Here, we introduce Zen temple ritual recitation: First of all, a week around the temple, acoustic mass heard gathering

20、in the hall. Secondly, brake plate, HYPERLINK mass bowed three times. Then, the dimensional cavity, popular singing verse confession: in the past have made various evil industry, all from start greedy, hatred and ignorance, from semantic born, this Buddha to repent. Every song, Buddha worship, a tot

21、al of three times. Recite or enter the hall, the first and three worship Nianxiang, buddha. After the confession verse, read the South Division of public prayer Shakya Muni buddha. Such as recitation in the dining hall, dimensional sing cavity , chanting incense praise or three Nianxiang worship, an

22、d attendance. People sing cloud to set three, third times the Bodhisattva and sea two words, the first class exhibition piece, after three weeks of homing. The dimension division called: exhibition, this monk. Mass three worship, worship knock a clock, three after the worship, evil hour finishing fo

23、urth, the dimension division call: bells 3000 bounds, Dharma Yang trillion in junior high school, contributions to pray for world peace, interest newspaper Tan the Houde. Call Bi, the mass singing: namo the teacher Shakyamuni Buddha III, said and then sing: very deep subtle supreme law, suffered mil

24、lions of eons, I this knowledge to uphold and let the true meaning of the Tathagata HYPERLINK HYPERLINK solution. The bell four dimensional Shashi tail, called: the monk into the hall, scheduling three times, kneeling. Monk three after the worship, kneeling in prayer, chanting the precepts Ming Chiyun: listen to various monk, rare person, quit bad, difficulty in time, the industry into a difficult, you both have a monk, rigorous body, mouth and mind, diligence by law theory, cautious Mo Fangyi. The monk replied: yijiaofenghang. Recite or cloud: can yijiaofengxing, bow


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