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1、The UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index 2020Spotlight on Latin America and the Caribbean Executive summaryIn the 2020 edition of the UNCTAD Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce Index, Switzerland replaced the Netherlands as the country with the highest readiness to engage in and benefit from e-commerce. Eu

2、ropean economies dominate the top 10 list, which also features Singapore and China, Hong Kong SAR. At the other end of the spectrum, least developed countries (LDCs) take up 18 of the 20 bottom positions in the index. The wide gaps between countries with the highest and the lowest level of e-commerc

3、e readiness point to the need to address weaknesses in the countries trailing behind in order for further digital transformation to bring inclusive development gains. The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a new dimension due to quarantine measures that have led to an uptick in e-commerce among those

4、who have the ability to shop online.About the indexThe UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index measures an economys preparedness to support online shopping. The index consists of four indicators that are highly related to online shopping and for which there is wide country coverage (Box 1). HYPERLINK l _bookmar

5、k0 1 The extent to which people shop online in a country is highly correlated with the value of the index, with an adjusted R squared value of0.79 (Figure 1).The 2021 index includes the same number of economies as the last iteration (152). Data limitations affect compilation of the index. Internet u

6、ser data for 2019 were limited at the time of index calculation and the latest data on accounts are for 2017 as the pandemic delayed the collection of data for the World Banks Global Findex database. Hence, changes from the previous edition of the index are primarily influenced by changes in terms o

7、f secure servers and postal reliability. Inclusion of additional economies is dependent on the data sources. Account ownership data are generally not available for smaller economies and the postal reliability index does not include some economies. UNCTAD is investigating alternative index compositio

8、ns with a view to widening the coverage and timeliness of the index.Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider (% ofpopulation ages 15+) (Source: World Bank) HYPERLINK l _bookmark1 2Individuals using the Internet (% of population) (Source: International Tele

9、communication Union, ITU) HYPERLINK l _bookmark2 3Postal Reliability Index (Source: Universal Postal Union, UPU) HYPERLINK l _bookmark3 4Box 1: UNCTAD B2C E-commerce index methodologyThe index is calculated as the average of four indicators (i.e., each indicator carries the same weight) using data f

10、or 2019 or the latest available.1 For more information on the methodology see: UNCTAD. 2017. “UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index 2017.”UNCTAD Technical Notes on ICT for Development, No. 9.2 /#data_sec_focus.3 https:/ HYPERLINK /en/ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/stat/default.aspx /en/ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/stat/def

11、ault.aspx.4 HYPERLINK /en/the-upu/strategy/2ipd.html /en/the-upu/strategy/2ipd.html.Account ownership data are sourced from the World Bank Findex survey, which is carried out everythree years. The latest survey data available are for 2017.Secure Internet servers per 1 million people is normalized wi

12、th this formula: Log (secure server penetration)-Log (maximum value) / Log (maximum value) - Log (minimum value) *100.UPU postal reliability data are available for 2015-19, depending on the country. If there are no data for a country in 2019, the previous years data are used in the UNCTAD index.At t

13、he time of this report, 2019 Internet use data from the ITU were available for only around one third of the countries in the UNCTAD index. In some cases, official statistics have been used to update the data; otherwise the previous years data are used.Given revisions to 2018 data since the 2019 inde

14、x was published, the change in score and rank between this index and that for 2019 is based on the index value based on the revised 2018 data.Source: UNCTAD.Secure Internet servers (per 1 million people) (Source: Netcraft retrieved from World Bank) HYPERLINK l _bookmark4 510090R = 0.7899807060504030

15、20100020406080100UNCTAD B2C E-commerce index 2020Shopped Online (% 15+), 2019 or latestavailableFigure 1. Relationship between UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index 2020 values and online shoppingSource: UNCTAD.5 /source/world-development-indicators#.Some 1.5 billion people now shopping onlineIn 2019, an esti

16、mated 1.5 billion people, or 27 per cent of the worlds population aged 15 years and older, shopped online (figure 2, left). This represented a 7 per cent increase over 2018. The proportion of those shopping online is much less in countries at low levels of income. While over half the population in h

17、igh-income countries shopped online the figure was only 2 percent in low-income nations (figure 2, right).Gobal online shoppersShopped online, 2019 (% of population)1.61.481.381.4World231.271.2Low income 21.00.8Lower middle income50.6Upper middle income160.40.2High income530.020172018201901020304050

18、60BillionsFigure 2. Global online shoppers, 2017-19 and penetration by income group, 2019Note: Figures in the right chart refer to unweighted country averages. The weighted figure for the world is 27 per cent.Source: UNCTAD.Switzerland climbs to the top of the B2C E-Commerce Index 2020Similar to the

19、 2019 index, eight of the top ten economies are in Europe (Table 1). Index values are extremely close, with a range of just 4.1 points between first and tenth rank. Switzerland has narrowly displaced the Netherlands as the highest ranked country in the index (Box 2). There was just one change in the

20、 composition of the top ten with China, Hong Kong, SAR replacing Australia.While China and the United States are the worlds largest B2C markets, they rank 12th and 55th respectively in the index. One reason they are not ranked higher is that their scale is not factored into the index. Even if the tw

21、o countries lead in a number of absolute measures they lag in relative comparisons. For instance, Internet penetration in the United States is less than any of the economies in the top 10 while China on this indicator ranks 87th in the world. With regard to online shopping penetration, the United St

22、ates ranks 12th while China ranks 33rd.Table 1. Top 10 economies in the UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index 20202020RankEconomyShare of individuals using the Internet (2019 orlatest)Share of individuals with an account(15+, 2017)Secure Internet servers (normalized,2019)UPU postal reliability score (2019or l

23、atest)2020 Index value)Index value change (2018-19data)Rank 20191Switzerland9798929795.90.622Netherlands96100949395.80.113Denmark971001008194.50.164Singapore8998949794.4-0.335United Kingdom9696849893.60.146Germany9399909193.4-0.197Finland95100889193.4-0.158Ireland8895929893.40.779Norway98100848892.6

24、-0.1810China, Hong KongSAR9295889291.80.314Box 2: Why Switzerland is number oneLandlocked alpine Switzerland with four official languages takes the number one spot on the 2020 UNCTAD B2C e-commerce index. The confederation scores highly across all four dimensions of the index.Most of the Swiss popul

25、ation uses the Internet. According to Eurostat, 97 per cent of the population used the Internet in 2019. HYPERLINK l _bookmark5 6Switzerland has high banking coverage, ranking 11th in the world by the density of bank branches. HYPERLINK l _bookmark6 7 The 2017 Findex survey found that 98 per cent of

26、 the population aged 15 and older had an account, placing it 12th in the world.The country ranks 5th among the countries included in the index in secure server density, a proxy for online shops in the country. According to the Swiss Distance Selling Association (ASVAD), there were at least 250 web s

27、hops with online sales in the country in 2019. HYPERLINK l _bookmark7 8 Linguistic affinity also means that the Swiss can easily shop from online stores available in the German, French and Italian languages. HYPERLINK l _bookmark8 9Switzerland ranks 7th in the world in terms of postal reliability ac

28、cording to the UPU and number one for overall postal development. HYPERLINK l _bookmark9 10 Statistics from the postal regulator indicate that99.9 per cent of households have home delivery; 95 per cent of priority packages are delivered within one working day and 96 per cent of other packages within

29、 two days; and all of the population is within a twenty minute walk or public transport trip to a postal office. HYPERLINK l _bookmark10 11 Increased online shopping due to the coronavirus broke records for parcel delivery with the Swiss Post delivering 183 million packages in 2020, up 23 per cent o

30、ver the previous year (Figure 3). HYPERLINK l _bookmark11 126 https:/ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/main/data/database.7 /indicator/FB.CBK.BRCH.P5?most_recent_value_desc=true.8 GfK. 2020. March Suisse du commerce en ligne 2019.9 Asendia. 2017. The secrets of e-commerce success in Switzerland. /wp/wp- con

31、tent/uploads/2017/10/Asendia_secrets_of_ecommerce_success_in_switzerland_whitepaper.pdf.10UniversalPostalUnion(UPU).2020.PostalDevelopmentReport2020. https:/ HYPERLINK /UPU/media/upu/publications/2020-Postal-Development-Report.pdf /UPU/media/upu/publications/2020-Postal-Development-Report.pdf.11 Com

32、mission fdrale de la poste (PostCom). 2020. Rapport annuel 2019.12 Swiss Poste. 2021. Volume des colis 2020 septime record conscutif.News, 19 January. https:/ HYPERLINK http:/www.post.ch/fr/notre-profil/actualites/2021/volume-des-colis-2020 /www.post.ch/fr/notre-profil/actualites/2021/volume-des-col

33、is-2020.Figure 3: Swiss Post, packages deliveredSource: Swiss Post.Switzerlands high ranking translates into demonstrable results. Just over three quarters of the countrys Internet users shopped online in 2019, or some 4.9 million people aged 15 and older. HYPERLINK l _bookmark12 13 According to ASV

34、AD, online goods sales were CHF 10.3 (US$ 10.4) billion in 2019, equivalent to 11.2 per cent of retail sales. HYPERLINK l _bookmark13 14 Notably 19.4 per cent of those sales were to online shoppers from abroad.In summary, high performance across all indicators, particularly delivery reliability, dri

35、ves the high Swiss ranking and reflect robust underlying conditions for development of B2C e-commerce. In addition, Switzerland stands out for its wealth of e-commerce related statistics from the national statistical office, postal sector regulator and operator, and industry association.Source: UNCT

36、AD.ChangeNumber of packages (millions)2020201920182017201620152014201320122011 3% 7% 4% 7% 6% 6% 12211511211011110713812914818323%-1%-1%2%Asian nations dominate the top positions among developing economiesAll of the top ten developing economies in the 2020 index are from Asia, and all are upper midd

37、le-income or high-income economies (Table 2). Unlike the global top ten, the range of index values is wider, with a 24-point difference between first (Singapore) and tenth (Oman). Compared to the 2019 index, there was only one change in the composition of this group: Turkey dropped out and was repla

38、ced by Oman. The biggest improvement in the index value was noted for Malaysia.The largest increases in index scores were noted for some developing countries. The top four were Algeria, Ghana, Brazil and Lao PDR, which all saw their scores surge by at least five points largely due to significant imp

39、rovements in postal reliability.13 Office fdral de la statistique (OFS), Omnibus 2019 (OMN2019): Enqute sur lutilisation dinternet. https:/ HYPERLINK http:/www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/fr/home/statistiques/culture-medias-societe-information- www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/fr/home/statistiques/culture-medias-societe-i

40、nformation- sport/enquetes/omn2019.html.14 GfK. 2020. March Suisse du commerce en ligne 2019.Table 2: Top 10 developing economies in the UNCTAD B2C E-commerce index 20202020RankEconomyShare of individuals using the Internet (2019 orlatest)Share of individuals with an account(15+, 2017)Secure Interne

41、t servers (normalized, 2019)UPU postal reliability score (2019 orlatest)2020 Index value)Index value change (2019-20data)Rank 20194Singapore8998949794.4-0.3310China, Hong KongSAR9295889291.80.31418Korea, Republic of96956810089.80.01930Malaysia8485718581.31.53137United ArabEmirates9988616478.20.02842

42、Thailand6782599776.00.54844Iran (IslamicRepublic of)7094577975.0-1.54549Saudi Arabia9672437872.30.04950Qatar10066507372.10.04754Oman9274437370.60.060Least developed countries are trailing the most in e-commerce readinessCountries at the opposite end of the index are trailing the most behind in terms

43、 of the readiness to engage in and benefit from e-commerce. Out of the 20 economies with the lowest value in the 2020 index, 18 are least developed countries (LDCs), with Congo and Syrian Arab Republic being the only non-LDCs in this group.It is against this background that UNCTAD has been undertaki

44、ng 25 Rapid eTrade Readiness Assessments of LDCs in the past couple of years. HYPERLINK l _bookmark14 15 These assessments seek to provide an analysis of what needs to be addressed in various policy areas in order to increase the capacity of countries to participate effectively in e-commerce. For mo

45、st LDCs, these assessments can help to overcome a significant market failure: the fact that LDCs have lacked the information and awareness to formulate effectively their needs for development assistance in the area of e-commerce, and that donors as a result have witnessed limited demand for such ass

46、istance.Table 3: LDCs that have benefitted from an eTrade Readiness Assessment, February 2021AfghanistanCambodiaMadagascarNigerTanzaniaBangladeshKiribatiMalawiTogoTuvaluBeninLao PDRMaliSamoaUgandaBhutanLesothoMyanmarSenegalVanuatuBurkina FasoLiberiaNepalSolomon IslandsZambia15 For a list of publishe

47、d assessments to date, see HYPERLINK /en/Pages/Publications/E-Trade-Readiness-Assessment.aspx /en/Pages/Publications/E-Trade-Readiness- HYPERLINK /en/Pages/Publications/E-Trade-Readiness-Assessment.aspx Assessment.aspx .Regional rankings HYPERLINK l _bookmark15 Table 4 shows the highest ranked econo

48、mies in each region while HYPERLINK l _bookmark16 Table 5 shows the average values for each region.Table 4. Top 10 developing and transition economies in the UNCTAD B2C E-commerce Index 2020, by regionEast, South & Southeast AsiaWest AsiaAfricaLatin America and the CaribbeanTransition economiesSinga

49、poreUnited Arab EmiratesMauritiusCosta RicaBelarusChina, Hong KongSARSaudi ArabiaSouth AfricaChileRussian FederationKorea, Republic ofQatarTunisiaBrazilSerbiaMalaysiaOmanAlgeriaDominican RepublicGeorgiaThailandTurkeyGhanaColombiaUkraineIran (Islamic Republicof)KuwaitLibyaUruguayNorth MacedoniaChinaL

50、ebanonKenyaJamaicaRepublic of MoldovaMongoliaBahrainNigeriaTrinidad and TobagoKazakhstanViet NamJordanMoroccoPeruAzerbaijanIndiaIraqSenegalArgentinaBosnia and Herzegovina HYPERLINK l _bookmark16 Table 5 shows that there are wide regional differences. In the case of Internet access, less than a third

51、 of the population in Africa uses the Internet compared to three quarters in Western Asia. The relative strengths and weaknesses generally differ. East, South and Southeast Asia tends to have fairly equivalent values across the four indicators; the only indicator being below the world average is Int

52、ernet use. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the main opportunities for improvement are in postal reliability. To facilitate more inclusive e-commerce, African countries would benefit from catching up in all policy areas. Compared with the 2019 index, there is no global change in the index value.

53、The only regional value that improved was Latin America and the Caribbean, which is the region that is studied in more detail below.Table 5. Regional values for the UNCTAD B2C E-commerce index, 2020Share of individuals using the Internet (2019 orlatest)Share of individuals with an account (15+, 2017

54、)Secure Internet servers (normalized, 2019)UPU postal reliability score (2019 or latest)2020 Index value2019 Indexvalue (2018 data)Africa304028213031East, South & Southeast Asia576054585758Latin America and the Caribbean645350294948Western Asia775845505859Transition economies715860596263Developed ec

55、onomies889384808687World606053475555A closer look at Latin America and the CaribbeanLatin America and the Caribbean (LAC) accounts for 9 per cent of the worlds population aged 15 and older. The regions share of Internet users is higher. With an estimated 346 million people online in 2019, LAC accoun

56、ts for 11 per cent of the worlds Internet users. But LAC has nonetheless a lower share of global online shoppers. It is estimated that 21 per cent of its population shopped online in 2019, which corresponds to about 6 per cent of the global number of online shopppers.Apart from Africa, LAC has the l

57、owest regional average score in the B2C e-commerce index, indicating that some underlying factors are holding back the potential of e-commerce. The regions lowest score is for postal reliability (29), signifying a specific area for improvement. Poor postal development is particularly acute in the Ca

58、ribbean with eight countries from that sub-region ranking in the bottom quartile of the Integrated Index for Postal Development (2IPD). HYPERLINK l _bookmark18 16 On average, just over half of individuals had an account in 2017 in LAC. Some of the regions central banks are taking steps to improve re

59、tail digital payments that should help to bolster e-commerce in the region. HYPERLINK l _bookmark19 17It is worth noting that some LAC countries have a higher level of shopping than their B2C e- commerce index value would predict HYPERLINK l _bookmark17 (Figure 4). These include some of the largest

60、markets in the region (e.g., Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile). This suggests that, in addition to the main drivers incorporated in the index, scale economies such as the size of the e-commerce market also influence online shopping penetration. Countries with a relatively large amount of online s


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