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1、民謠音樂篝火野炊煙火市集咖啡轟趴露天影院極限飛盤CAMPING STRATEGY 讓美好生活觸手可及2022反卷青年露營市集讓美好生活觸手可及 壹貳叁肆活動總述Planning import. 目錄CONTENTS活動亮點overview of the activity.預熱宣傳Atmosphere to decorate.氛圍布置activity programming.伍活動內容overview of the activity.CAMPING STRATEGY 01活動總述ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL 活動主題:讓美好生活觸手可及2022反卷青年露營市集活動時間:周末/小假

2、期參與對象:業(yè)主、意向客戶、潛在報名客戶、定向邀約客戶活動調性:戶外、自由、浪漫、社交、治愈、親子、狂歡CAMPING STRATEGY 活動概況Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.0102針對疫情復蘇期,推出治愈式系列活動,驅散疫情對市民帶來的負面情緒,樹立品牌形象, 促進項目銷售。03走進大自然,呼吸新鮮空氣,感受大自然之美,讓參

3、與來賓能夠放松心情,為假日美好生活添彩活動目的緊跟市場風向,策劃安排精致露營系列活動,聚焦市民眼球?;顒蝇F(xiàn)場共規(guī)劃有露營區(qū)、 篝火野炊區(qū)、煙火市集區(qū)、民謠音樂區(qū)、露天電影區(qū)、咖啡轟趴區(qū) 互動游樂區(qū)七大區(qū)塊鋪排了時下精致露營中最受消費者喜愛的活動內容讓所有參與來賓都可盡情享受落日下的慵懶,感受最愜意自在的度假時光CAMPING STRATEGY 區(qū)域規(guī)劃CAMPING STRATEGY 02活動亮點ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL好友閑坐,燈火可親當浪漫的旋律響起天籟歌聲將音樂里的深情娓娓道來細膩的歌聲也如微風拂過大地CAMPING STRATEGY 民謠音樂CAMPING STRA

4、TEGY 篝火野炊打包的披薩,現(xiàn)煎的牛扒,虎皮蛋糕火鍋、牛肉羅宋湯.讓人們對露營上癮的,除了野外的大自然最不能缺少的,一定是露營的美食篝火野炊的快感CAMPING STRATEGY 煙火市集在市集里有最豐富的露營裝備,文創(chuàng)好物,閱讀書籍,美食飲品.帶著人們走進不同文化的生活方式尋找與放入溫情CAMPING STRATEGY 咖啡轟趴生活工作于喧鬧城市,愿尋片刻自我寧靜自然城市露營咖啡廳,在品鑒、制作咖啡的過程中盡享feel leisurelyCAMPING STRATEGY 露天影院以天為幕,以地為席一束月光,一幀幀如明信片般的風景,在幕布上劃過每一個情節(jié)都吸引著眼球帶著朋友,陪著家人們看電影

5、,嘮家常,這便是最美好的時光CAMPING STRATEGY 極限飛盤隨著精致露營的熱潮來襲飛盤運動也火速出圈沒有復雜的規(guī)則 無需過重的裝備在社交式露營中備受追捧感受一把熱汗+交友的快樂CAMPING STRATEGY 03預熱宣傳ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEALMost of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.活動前期線上推出帳篷里的

6、露營指南互動h5,通過左右滑動頁面,可切換不同露營場景,帶領網民們感受24h沉浸式云露營體驗從清晨到日落、再到漫天星光,不同時段環(huán)境不同,露營氛圍拿捏到位。點擊露營人物并選擇最向往的露營地,精心挑選一套穿搭,開啟浪漫的露營之旅,生成海報并進行分享還有機會贏得千元露營尖貨!CAMPING STRATEGY 帳篷里的露營指南CAMPING STRATEGY 04活動布置ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEALMost of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you

7、 look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.利用星空,帳篷,電影等元素打造大型露營主題門頭,營造滿滿活動昭示性。CAMPING STRATEGY 露營節(jié)門頭(圖為示意)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.布置合影推頭,增加氛圍性,結合綠植,花藝,項目主題字與帳篷、電影

8、放映機等元素。(圖為示意)CAMPING STRATEGY 氛圍堆頭Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.規(guī)劃設置好露營專區(qū),來賓可自帶帳篷在此開啟露營節(jié)。(也可現(xiàn)場租賃,領包入?。〤AMPING STRATEGY 露營專區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the colli

9、sion of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.設置電影放映幕及觀影專區(qū)。CAMPING STRATEGY 觀影區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.搭建簡易舞臺區(qū),可利用木作,帳篷,燈帶等進行氛圍

10、營造。CAMPING STRATEGY 舞臺區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.規(guī)劃煙火市集區(qū),設置白色尖頂帳篷。CAMPING STRATEGY 煙火市集區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients.

11、If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.布置木質桌椅,提供火爐,供來賓篝火野炊。CAMPING STRATEGY 篝火野炊區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.咖啡區(qū)設置移動餐車,進行咖啡售賣、體驗活動。CAMPING STRATEGY 咖啡轟趴區(qū)CA

12、MPING STRATEGY 05活動內容ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL露營區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.來賓至簽到處登記個人信息并使用彩色馬克筆完成簽到。CAMPING STRATEGY 主題簽到處Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the colli

13、sion of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.露營區(qū),來賓可自帶帳篷搭建在此開啟露營節(jié)。也可現(xiàn)場租賃,領包入住。CAMPING STRATEGY 入住營地Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.帶著吉

14、普賽人的豪放,當?shù)驼{而浪漫的波西米亞帳篷遍布滿地,這里便成了夜觀星空的最佳場地這就是我們的露營專區(qū)CAMPING STRATEGY 露營專區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.人們在帳篷前席地而坐,感受著難得的親子或朋友歡聚時光聽悅耳的鳥叫與蟲鳴嗅出空氣中彌漫的清新花香這一次,從都市的嘈雜和繁忙中抽身盡情去玩耍吧,拋開煩惱憂傷讓疲勞緊

15、繃的心情放松CAMPING STRATEGY 露營專區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.在這,有任何露營知識方面的疑問也都可以現(xiàn)場進行交流,即便有些朋友這次的裝備還不夠理想,但在交流過后,相信將會對于下次露營所需的裝備就有一個完美的購物清單了CAMPING STRATEGY 露營式社交露天電影區(qū)Most of the food is

16、 a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.開啟最美的夜晚處于快節(jié)奏生活的人們總需要一些暖心的電影來治愈心靈露天影院,以天為幕,以地為席一束月光,一幀幀如明信片般的風景,在幕布上劃過每一個情節(jié)都吸引著眼球帶著朋友,陪著家人們看電影,嘮家常,這便是最美好的時光CAMPING STRATEGY 露天電影節(jié)音樂舞臺區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that

17、is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.現(xiàn)場邀請重磅民謠歌手/樂隊為大家?guī)碜罹实谋硌軨AMPING STRATEGY 民謠音樂節(jié)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in

18、 the world.非洲鼓,木制吉他,讓愜意美好的生活,將我們緊緊包圍CAMPING STRATEGY 民謠音樂節(jié)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.還有超級潮酷的架子鼓表演,一起來嗨玩露營節(jié)。CAMPING STRATEGY 民謠音樂節(jié)篝火野炊區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is cause

19、d by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.現(xiàn)場還設置來燒烤轟趴節(jié)。CAMPING STRATEGY 篝火野炊區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.來賓領取食材后可尋

20、座坐下?,F(xiàn)場燒烤分兩種形式展開,一種是由來賓們在座位上自行燒烤,自由交流,第二種是由專業(yè)的烤肉師傅為來賓們烤制噴香食物。CAMPING STRATEGY 篝火野炊區(qū)煙火市集區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.在市集里有最豐富的露營裝備,文創(chuàng)好物,閱讀書籍,美食飲品.帶著人們走進不同文化的生活方式尋找與放入溫情CAMPING STRA

21、TEGY 煙火市集區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.市集圍繞在露營區(qū)四周,井然有序的擺放著一個個商家攤位,種類繁多且各具特色CAMPING STRATEGY 煙火市集區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredi

22、ents. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.在這,攤主們出售并租賃各類露營所需的裝備不僅起到展示作用,還方便大家了解露營升級露營哦。CAMPING STRATEGY 煙火市集區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.在這,有任何露營知識方面的疑問也

23、都可以現(xiàn)場進行交流,即便有些朋友這次的裝備還不夠理想,但在交流過后,相信將會對于下次露營所需的裝備就有一個完美的購物清單了CAMPING STRATEGY 煙火市集區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.要變成自己想成為的樣子,如花在野,溫柔熱烈。四大主題系列耳飾涵蓋簡約,小眾,甜美等風格,往你的心田輸送一片花海,再來一些少女心和愛,你

24、來或不來,我的花都會為你而開!CAMPING STRATEGY 煙火市集區(qū)咖啡轟趴區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.生活工作于喧鬧城市,愿尋片刻自我寧靜自然城市露營咖啡廳,在品鑒、制作咖啡的過程中盡享feel leisurel現(xiàn)場移動餐車,引入5-6家咖啡資源,進行現(xiàn)場售賣CAMPING STRATEGY 咖啡轟趴區(qū)Most of

25、 the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.在這里,買一杯咖啡,悠然品鑒感受大自然最真切的美好于舌尖上的快樂。CAMPING STRATEGY 咖啡轟趴區(qū)互動游樂區(qū)Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.飛盤運動感受一把熱汗+交友的快樂CAMPING STRATEGY 互動游樂區(qū)Most of the food


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