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1、太傻單詞修訂版(修正了一些單詞錯誤)abandon vt. 放棄,沉溺to give (oneself) over unrestrainedlyabandon:inhibition : despair:hopeabash a. 害羞的to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of unabashed: embarrassment : unheralded : announcement emboldenabash / faze / cowabate v. 減輕,降低to reduce in degree or intensity abat

2、e : tax : alleviate : distress abateintensify / promoteabbreviate vt. 縮寫,使.簡略,縮短 to make briefer; especially to reduce to a shorter form intended to stand for the whole abbreviate: sentence: abridgment : essay abbreviateextendabdicate v. 讓位,辭職,放棄to renounce a throne, high office, dignity, or functio

3、nabdicate : throne : resign : officeabdicateconstitute abdicateassumeaberrant a.脫離常軌的deviating from the usual or natural type : ATYPICALaberranttypical/normalabet vt. 教唆,幫助to assist or support in the achievement of a purposeabet:assistance:counsel:guidanceabetthwart / impedestymieabetfrustrateabetab

4、eyance n. 中止,暫擱,停止temporary inactivity : SUSPENSIONabeyancecontinuanceabhor vt. 憎惡 (n. abhorrence) to regard with extreme repugnanceabhorrence : dislike : adoration : fondnessabiding a. 永久的,持久的,不變的ENDURING, CONTINUINGabidingevanescentabject adj. 凄慘的 怯懦的cast down in spirit : SERVILE, SPIRITLESSabject

5、exultantabjure vt. 發(fā)誓放棄to abstain from : AVOIDabjureembrace/espouseabnegate vt. 放棄,舍棄,禁忌SURRENDER, RELINQUISHabnegatereaffirmabolitionism n. 廢除主義,廢奴主義principles or measures fostering abolition especially of slaveryanarchist : government : abolitionist : slaveryabolitionistpersiste in slaveryarboretu

6、m n. 樹園,植物園a place where trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants are cultivated for scientific and educational purposesarboretum:trees=aviary:birdsaboveboard a. 光明正大的,率直的in a straightforward mannersurreptitiousbarefaced / aboveboardabrasion n. 表面磨損(v. abrade)a wearing, grinding, or rubbing away by fric

7、tionabraded : friction : desiccated : dehydrationscuff : abrasion : heat : vaporizationabradeaugmentabridge vt. 刪節(jié),縮短,剝奪to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense : CONDENSEabbreviate: sentence: abridgment : essayabrogate v. 廢止,廢除to abolish by authoritative action : ANNULabrogateembr

8、ace / institute / upholdabscond v. 潛逃,逃亡to depart secretly and hide oneselfabscond : depart : pilfer:takefollow : shadow : leave : abscondlurk:wait:purloin:appropriate/abscond:departabsolve vt.赦免;解除(責(zé)任等)to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guiltexculpatory : absolve : : motivational

9、 : stirhortative : encourage : exculpatory : absolveabsolveinculpateabstain vi. 自制,戒絕,棄權(quán),避免to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practicemandatory : comply : forbidden : abstainabstemious adj. 有節(jié)制的,節(jié)儉的marked by restraint especially in the consumption of fo

10、od or alcoholabstemious : indulge : austere : decorate intransigence:controlreticent : talk : abstemious : gorgeabstract a. 抽象的,不具體的;n. 摘要,提要having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial representation or narrative contentabstractelaborateabstruse adj.深奧的difficult to comprehend :

11、 RECONDITEabstruseaccessible / patentabuse n./v. 辱罵,濫用to attack in words : REVILEdiatribe : abuse : burlesque : mockerypolemic : disputatious : invective : abusiveaccede v.同意to express approval or give consent : give in to a request or demandaccelerate vt.vi. 加速to move faster : gain speedexpedite :

12、process : accelerate : paceaccelerateretardaccessible a. 易接近的,可進(jìn)入的,易受影響的,可理解的capable of being understood or appreciatedabstruseaccessible / patentaccessory n. 附件a thing of secondary or subordinate importance : ADJUNCTaccessoryof primarily importanceaccidental a. 意外的,偶然的occurring unexpectedly or by c

13、hanceinventiveness : accidental : effect : casualsafeguard : accident : hedge : lossintentional:accidental:arrogant:humbleacclimate vt.使習(xí)慣于新環(huán)境to adapt to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situationacclimatemake unfamiliar withaccolade n. 推崇備至,贊揚 an expression of praiseaccoladecut

14、ting remark/speak ill / derogate/denouncedeploreaccolade/extolaccomodate v. 容納,留宿,使.適應(yīng)to provide with something desired, needed, or suited (as a helpful service, a loan, or lodgings)obliterate:remove:accomodate:supply (不是convey:conduct)accomplice n. 共犯,同謀one associated with another especially in wro

15、ngdoingaccost vt.向人搭話to approach and speak to often in a challenging or aggressive way accost:approachaccountability n. 有責(zé)任,有義務(wù)an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for ones actionsaccrete v. 共生,附著,增加ACCUMULATEaccrete : growth : erode : destructionaccumulate vt.vi. 積聚,堆

16、積to gather or pile up especially little by little : AMASSaccumulationdissipationaccuse v. 責(zé)備,控告,譴責(zé)to charge with a fault or offense : BLAMEacme n頂點,極點the highest point or stageacquiesce v.勉強(qiáng)同意,默認(rèn)to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passivelyintransigent:acquiesce:deferential:offend acquiesce:yiel

17、d:capitulate :categoricalacquiescedefy resistacquiesceacquisition n. 獲得,添加物品the act of acquiringdivestitureacquisitionacquit vt. 開釋,釋放,完成,表現(xiàn)to discharge completelyacrid a. 苦味的,辛辣的,尖刻的sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor : IRRITATINGacrid : gentleness : forthright : guilegrating :

18、 sound : acrid : odorstridency : sound : acridity : odoracridgentleacrimonious a. 嚴(yán)厲的,辛辣的,刻毒的caustic, biting, or rancorous especially in feeling, language, or manneracrimoniousharmoniousadamant a.強(qiáng)硬的,固執(zhí)的unshakable or immovable especially in opposition : UNYIELDINGadamant : flexibility : refractory :

19、 controlimpossible : execute : adamant: movedadamant:yield:cautious:gambleadamantvacillatoryadamantmovedadapt vt. 使適應(yīng),改編to make fit (as for a specific or new use or situation) often by modificationadaptremain unchangedaddicted adj. 癡迷to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsess

20、ivelyinured : tolerance : addicted : dependencyad-hoc adv. 臨時地,沒有充分準(zhǔn)備的for the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider applicationadjacent a. 毗連的,鄰近的,接近的adjourn vi. 延期,休會,換地方to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or placeconvokeadjournadjudicator n. 評判員one that act

21、 as judgeadjunct n. 附屬物,附件,修飾語something joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of itadjunct:essential elementad-lib v. 即興演唱,臨時穿插,信口說出without restraint or limitad-lib : impromptu : aside : divergentadmission n. 許可,入會費,承認(rèn)the act or process of admittinglottery : raffle : ticket:adm

22、issionadmonish v. 訓(xùn)誡,警告to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manneradmonish : denounce : punish : pillory persuade:convincepeccadillo : sin : admonishment : castigationpretense : deceive : admonition : reprovealibi:exculpatory:warning:admonitoryadore vt.

23、 崇拜,愛慕,喜愛to regard with loving admiration and devotionabhorrence : dislike : adoration : fondnessadulate : fawn : woo : adoreapprehension : terror : affection : adorationfascination : interest : adoration : fondnessadroit adj. 熟練的,靈巧的having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handlin

24、g situationsloquacious : succinct : adroit : ungainlyadroitungainlyadulate v. 諂媚,奉承to flatter or admire excessively or slavishlyadulate : fawn : woo : adornaversion : disinclination : adulation : admirationscorn : reject : adulate : flatter : disparage : ignoreadulatescornadulationdisdainadulterate

25、vt. 摻雜to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element sticklerapproximation / imprecision : purist : adulterationadversary n. 敵手,對手one that contends with, opposes, or resists : ENEMYadversaryallyadvertise vt. 做廣告,通知to announce publicly especially by a

26、 printed notice or a broadcastadvertising : commercial : publishing : journaladvocate vt. 主張,提倡to plead in favor ofexponent : advocate : pollster : canvassaerate v. 充氣,讓空氣進(jìn)入to supply (the blood) with oxygen by respirationaerate : oxygen : hydrate : wateraerial a. 空中的,航空的,空想的,空氣的of, relating to, or o

27、ccurring in the air or atmosphereaerial:air : aquatic:wateraesthetics n. 美學(xué)a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of beautyaesthetics : beauty : epistemology : knowledgephilistineaestheteaffable adj易于交談的,和藹的characterized by eas

28、e and friendlinessaffableirascibleaffected a. 假裝的assumed artificially or falsely : PRETENDEDposturer : unaffected : bigot : tolerantaffectednaturalaffection n. 愛,情感,影響,病tender attachment : FONDNESSapprehension : terror : affection : adorationembrace : affection : shrug : indifferencescowl: displeasu

29、re : kiss : affectionhurl : disgustantipathyaffectionaffidavit n. 宣誓書a sworn statement in writing made especially under oath or on affirmation before an authorized magistrate or officeraffidavit:statementwedding:ceremonyaffiliation n入會,加入to bring or receive into close connection as a member or branc

30、haffiliationdissociationaffinity n.密切關(guān)系,吸引力likeness based on relationship or causal connectionaloftaffinityaffinityaversion / hideousaffliction n. 痛苦,苦惱,苦難great sufferingaffluent adj. 富裕的 n. 支流having a generously sufficient and typically increasing supply of material possessionsaffluentneedyimpecuni

31、ouswealthy / prosperous / affluentpenuryaffluenceindigentaffluentagenda n.議程a list or outline of things to be considered or doneprogram : concert : agenda : meetingrepertoire : performance : manifest : cargo : agenda : meetingaggrandize vt. 增加,夸大to make appear great or greater : praise highlyaggrand

32、izedisparageaggravate vt. 使惡化,使更嚴(yán)重加重to make worse, more serious, or more severe : intensify unpleasantlysuccoraggravateameliorateaggravateaggregate vt.vi. 聚集,集合,合計to collect or gather into a mass or wholecoalescedisaggregatedisaffectedcontentaggrieve vt. 使委屈,使苦惱,侵害to give pain or trouble to : DISTRE

33、SSaggrievegratifyagony n. 極大的痛苦intense pain of mind or body : ANGUISH, TORTUREagonized : distress : obsessed : concernpainful : agonizing : important : paramountairtight a. 密閉的,不透氣的,無懈可擊的airtight: loophole:alacrity n. 敏捷,輕快,樂意promptness in response : cheerful readinesshusbandry : dissipate : alacrit

34、y : procrastinatealacritydilatoriness / hesitancealbino n. 白公,白化病者,白化變種 (or albinism)an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentationalbino : pigment : prairie : treealibi n.托辭,借口,辯解an excuse usually intended to avert blame or punishmentalibi:exculpatory:warning:admonitoryalign v.定位,對齊,排成一行,結(jié)盟to bring

35、into line or alignmentalignedaskewawryorderly/alignedallay v. 平息(憤怒等) 縮小to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity : ALLEVIATEallayincrease the intensity ofadversaryallyallegiance n忠誠,擁護(hù)devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or causeauthoritativeness:pundits :allegiance:partisansallegory n. 寓意;寓言

36、the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence allegory : fictionalleviate v緩和,減輕RELIEVE, LESSENabate : tax : alleviate : distressalleviateexacerbatealliterate v. 押頭韻the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or mor

37、e neighboring words or syllablesalliterate : remove : blazon : effaceallude vi. 暗示,提及to make indirect reference; broadly : REFERalludemention explicitlyaloft ad. 在高處,在上at or to a great heightaloftaffinityfounderstay aloftgroundedaloftaloof a. 疏遠(yuǎn)的,冷淡的removed or distant either physically or emotionall

38、ypolitic : offend : aloof : associategregariousaloofalphabetical a.字母(表)的,ABC的arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabetdictionary : alphabetical : annals : chronologicalaltruism n. 利他主義,不自私unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of othersaltruismegocentricamalgamate v. 合并,混合to mer

39、ge into a single bodyamalgamateseparate/isolateamass v.積聚to collect for oneself : ACCUMULATEambiguous a.模棱兩可的;分歧的doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctnessambiguous : clarity : mendacious : truthambiguous : understand : blatant : ignoreequivocation:ambiguous:platitude:banalwat

40、ershedambiguityambivalent a. 矛盾的,好惡相克的a : continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite)b : uncertainty as to which approach to followambivalentcommitmentamble vi. 緩行,溜蹄a leisurely walkwalk : amble : talk : chatambrosial a. 特別美味的something extremely pleasing to taste or smellmellifluou

41、s : music : ambrosial : foodameliorate vt. 改善,改良,變好to make better or more tolerableameliorateaggravateamenity n. 適意,溫和,禮儀something that conduces to comfort, convenience, or enjoymentamenity : comfortable : honorarium : gratefulamenableinimicalamiable a. 親切的,和藹可親的 being friendly, sociable, and congen

42、ialinimicalfriendly / amiable / amicableamicable a. 友善的,和平的 characterized by friendly goodwill : PEACEABLEinimicalfriendly / amiable / amicableamiss a. 有毛病的,出差錯的in a faulty way : IMPERFECTLYamorphous adj. 無定形的,散漫的having no definite form : SHAPELESSamorphous : shape : errant: courseamphibian n. 兩棲動物,

43、水陸兩用飛機(jī),水陸兩用車any of a class (Amphibian) of cold-blooded vertebrates (as frogs, toads, or salamanders) intermediate in many characters between fishes and reptiles and having gilled aquatic larvae and air-breathing adultseaglet:bird:frog:amphibianamplify vt. 擴(kuò)大,詳述,使增幅to make larger or greater (as in am

44、ount, importance, or intensity) : INCREASEmuteamplifyamplitude n.廣大;充足;振幅the quality or state of being ample : FULLNESSamplitudemeagernessanaerobic a.厭氧的. anaerobe n.厭氧微生物living, active, occurring, or existing in the absence of free oxygenanaerobicliving in oxygenanaerobicrespirationanalgesic n.鎮(zhèn)痛劑,

45、 a.止痛的insensibility to pain without loss of consciousnessanalgesic : pain : anesthetic : sensationaseptic : disinfections : anesthetic : numbspain : analgesic : sensation : anestheticpain : analgesic : symptom : palliativeanalgesia:pain:simplify:complexitytonic:invigorate:analgesic:deadenanalogy n.

46、類似,相似,類比,類推 a : resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike : SIMILARITYb : comparison based on such resemblanceanalysis n. 分析separation of a whole into its component partssynthesisanalysisanarchist n. 無政府主義者one who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power

47、 anarchist : government : abolitionist : slaveryanarchist : rebel : apologist : defendanarchyorderanathema n. 詛咒the denunciation of something as accursedpanegyricanathemaancestor n. 祖先,祖宗one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a grandparentheirl

48、oom:ancestor:bequest:testatoranecdote n. 短故事,軼事a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident anecdote: amusement: lecture: instruction : caption: illustrationanesthetic a.麻醉的 ,麻醉劑的.lacking awareness or sensitivityanalgesic : pain : anesthetic : sensation aseptic : di

49、sinfections : anesthetic : numbspain : analgesic : sensation : anestheticsensationanesthesiaanew ad. 重新,再in a new or different formangle n. 角,角落 ;奪取、追逐to turn, move, or direct at an angleanhydrous a. 無水的free from water and especially water of crystallizationanhydrouswetanimation n. 活潑,生氣,卡通制作possess

50、ing or characterized by life : ALIVElassitudevim / animationannals n. 紀(jì)年表,年鑒,年報a record of events arranged in yearly sequencedictionary : alphabetical : annals : chronologicalannoy vt. 使苦惱,騷擾to disturb or irritate especially by repeated actsmawkish: sentimental : peeve : annoytesty : annoy : tractab

51、le : controlannul v. 宣告無效,取消to declare or make legally invalid or voidannulmake legalanodyne n. 止痛藥something that soothes, calms, or comfortsanomalous a. 不規(guī)則的,反常的inconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected : IRREGULAR, UNUSUALanomaly : paradigmatic : blemish : flawlessanom

52、aloustypical /conformity to normsanonymous a.匿名的not named or identifiedanonymous : identify : nonchalant : exciteantagonize vt. 使成敵人,敵對,反對to incur or provoke the hostility ofplacateantagonizesynergicantagonisticpropitiateantagonizemollifyantagonize/ireantennae n. 天線,觸須,觸角one of a pair of slender mov

53、able segmented sensory organs on the head of insects, myriapods, and crustaceansantennae : butterflyanterior a. 前面的,在前的coming before in time or developmentanteriorensuinganthology n.詩集,文選a collection of selected literary pieces or passages or works of art or musiccompendium : summary : anthology : collectionantic ad


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