1、Unit 11. 多爾蒂先生和他的家人目前正在農場忙于秋收:Mr. Doherty and his family are curre ntly en gaged in getti ng the autu mnharvest i n onthe farm.2. 我們不能低估敵人,他們裝備了最先進的武器:We must not un derestimate the en emy. They are equipped with the most sophisticated weap ons.3. 菲爾已三個月沒有找到工作了,正變得越來越絕望:Having bee n cut of a job/Not
2、 havi ng had a job for 3mon ths, Phil is gett ing in creas in gly desperate.4. 作為項目經理,山姆辦事果斷,工作效率高,且判斷準確:Sam, as the project man ager, is decisive, efficie nt, and accurate in his judgme nt.5. 既然已證實這家化工廠是污染源,村委會決定將其關閉,為此損失了一百個工作崗位:Since the chemical plant was identified as the source of solution, th
3、e village neighborhood committee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs.Unit 21. 空氣中有一種不尋常的寂靜,只有遠處響著大炮的聲音:There was an unu sual quiet ness in the air , except for the sound of artillery in the dista nee.2. 在某些非洲國家城市的擴展已引起生活水平相當大的下降和社會問題的增多:Theexpansion of urban areas in some African countr
4、ies has been causing a significantfall in livi ng sta ndards and an in crease in social problem.3. 研究表明大氣中的二氧化碳的含量與全球溫度密切相關:.The research shows that atmospheric carb on dioxide levels are closely correlated with global temperatures.4. 最近公共汽車的車輛行駛頻率已有改善,從15分鐘縮短到12分鐘一班:The freque ncy of the bus servic
5、e has bee n improved from 15 to 12 mi nu tes recen tly.5. 那位跳水運動員立在跳水板邊沿,只等教練發(fā)出信號便會立刻跳下:The diver stood on the edge of the divi ng board, poised to jump at the sig nal from the coach.Unit 31. 盡管在此次緊急迫降中,飛機跑道不夠長,但經驗老到的飛行員還是讓飛機滑行了很短一段時間后就停了下來:Despite the in adequate len gth of the airstrip in thisemer
6、ge ncy landing, the vetera n pilotman aged to stop the pla ne after taxii ng for only a short while.2. 在記者反復追問下,該影星終于說漏了嘴,承認自己做過兩次整容手術:Grilled by the reporters, the movie star eve ntually blurted (out) that she had un derg one two plastic surgeries.3. 我們有技術,我們的合伙人有資金。一起干,我們就掌握了未來:We have the tech no
7、 logy and our partner has the capital. Work ing together, we'll have the future in our han ds.4. 要是我事先知道你會帶這么多朋友回家,我會好好準備的。你看,我現有的食品和飲料連 小吃一頓都不大夠:If I had known beforeha nd that you would bring so many friends home, I would have made better preparati ons. You see, I have barely eno ugh food and
8、drinks for a sn ack.5. 當人們得知地震災區(qū)將要建造結構更牢固的新校舍時,紛紛慷慨解囊:People gave gen erously upon lear ning that new school rooms with stron ger structures were to be built in the earthquake-stricke n area.常言道,好的開端是成功的一半。在求職時,求職者事先做好充分的準備是非常重要的。我認為,事先作不作準備常常會影響求職者的成功機會。Well begu n is half done, as the say ing goes
9、. It is extremely importa nt for a job applica ntto do his homework while seek ing employme nt. From my sta ndpo int, whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a differe nee in his cha nee of success.Unit 41. 因為約翰不看好歐洲經濟,所以把資產轉移到了歐洲以外的其他地方Due to his pessimistic outlook on the Europea n
10、economy, Joh n has moved his assets from Europe to elsewhere.2. 我喜歡雇傭年輕人。他們愿意學習,而且忠于職守:I like hiri ng young people. They are earn est lear ners and committed to work.3. 瑪麗和她那些以自己孩子為中心的女友們不同,更在意個人成長:Un like her girl friends who cen ter their lives on their childre n, Mary cares more about her pers on
11、al growth.4. 有一大批同事們和你意見不合,這是怎么回事:Why is it that a con siderable nu mber of colleagues are at odds with you?5. 中國政府出臺了一系列政策以加強同發(fā)展中國家的合作:The Chin ese gover nment has in troduced a variety of policies to stre ngthe n cooperati on with develop ing coun tries.Unit 51. 我的直覺是亨利會設法參加這次探險,因為他有一點冒險家的氣質:I hav
12、e an in st inct that Henry will seek to join the expediti on, because he is someth ing of an adventurer .2. 即使置身于一個嘈雜的環(huán)境中,他也能堅持做手頭的工作:He is capable of stick ing to the task at hand, eve n if he is exposed to no ises.3. 這個商標是依據迄今有效的法律注冊的:The trademark was registered in accorda nce with the laws hithe
13、rto in force.4. 奇怪的是,許多人資源幫助組織會議,但是只有少數幾人到場:Oddly eno ugh, many people volun teered to help orga nize the meeti ng, but only a few turned up.5老師那充滿關愛的話語,以及坦誠的評價改變了邁克對于社會和他自己的看法:The teacher 'affectio nate words, along with his can did comme nts, cha nged the way Mike perceived the society and him
14、self.亨廷頓(Huntington )教授的論文使我深受啟發(fā)。他認為,在一個多元化社會里,不同意見 是不可避免的。關鍵在于怎樣正確對待不同意見,使之發(fā)揮建設性、而非破壞性的作用。他還說,在一個多元化社會里,我們必須注重人際關系,強調合作,多從他人視角考慮問題。如果某些群體自視高人一等,不尊重其他種族或宗教,那么整個社會有可能陷入癱瘓。我相信,要是我們把上述想法付諸實踐,那我們就有可能創(chuàng)造出一種新的文明。Professor Hun ti ngton's paper greatlyin spiredme. Accord ing to him, in aplural/pluralisti
15、c society, there will inevitably be different opinions. The key is to deal with them in such a way that they can play a constructive rather than destructive role. He argues that in a plural society we must attach importa nee to in terpers onalrelati on ships,cooperati on, and look ing at issues from
16、 the perspective of other people. If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other eth nic groups or religi ons with disrespect, the whole society may be paralysed.就我來說,如果要雇個職員我肯定不會單憑他的長相就作出決定。外表往往是靠不住的。比如說吧,要是你憑外表去判斷諸如毛姆筆下的愛德華海德伯頓這樣的人,你就錯了。從外表和舉止來看,伯頓好像是個渾然一體的人。他個子很小,滿頭白發(fā),有著一雙溫和、蔚藍 的眼睛。
17、他文雅坦率,和藹可親,許多人都說他是個世上最令人尊敬的人。然而,他對需要 他幫助的朋友卻很殘忍。他侮辱和愚弄山窮水盡的倫尼,讓他去做那樣的蠢事。更讓人吃驚的是,他對倫尼的死全然冷漠無情。毫無疑問,他是個鐵石心腸的家伙。For my own part, I should certa inly hesitate to hire a clerk on his face/appeara nee alone. Appearances are all too often deceptive. For instanee, you might well commit an error in judgeme n
18、t if you went by appeara nce on ly with people like Edward Hyde Burt on, the character created by Maugham. As far as appeara nce and manners were concern ed, Burt on seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes. Kind, gen tle and can did, he was described by many as one of the most respectable people on earth. Nevertheless, he turned out to be cr
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