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1、2018年“圓夢(mèng)計(jì)劃”綜合復(fù)習(xí)題集(專升本)一、大學(xué)語文本科(一)1、 下列文章中,帶有寓言性散文是 (A)A.種樹郭橐駝傳 B.季氏將伐顓臾C.諫逐客書 D.答司馬諫議書1.提出"惟陳言之務(wù)去"的寫作主張的是( ) AA.韓愈  B.柳宗元  C.歐陽修  D.梁啟超2.論學(xué)問、門檻、苦惱的作者依次是 (D)A.培根、契訶夫、屠格涅夫 B. 契訶夫、屠格涅夫、培根C屠格涅夫、契訶夫、培根 D.培根、屠格涅夫、契訶夫2.下列詞人中,屬于豪放派的是( ) dA.李清照  B.歐陽修 C.

2、柳永 D.蘇軾3.先秦諸子中,善用“欲擒故縱,引君入彀”論辯手法的是 (B)A孔子 B.孟子 C.老子 D.莊子3.由一般原理推導(dǎo)出關(guān)于個(gè)別情況的結(jié)論,這種論證方法是( )C A.類比法 B.歸納法C.演繹法 D.對(duì)比法 4.歐陽修五代史伶官傳序是一篇 (D)A傳記 B.奏章 C.文論 D.史論4."多行不義必自斃"一語出自( )a A.左傳  B.國語 C.戰(zhàn)國策 D.韓非子5下列詩作中,具有飄逸清麗藝術(shù)風(fēng)格的是 (B)A.郭沫若爐中煤 B.徐志摩再別康橋C聞一多發(fā)現(xiàn) D.

3、艾青我愛這土地 5.燈下漫筆一文的作者是( )c A.茅盾  B.冰心 C.魯迅 D.錢鐘書6.曹禺的代表作是 (A)A雷雨、日出、北京人 B.茶館、屈原、北京人B.茶館、雷雨、日出 D.屈原、茶館、雷雨6.沙灘上的腳跡選自( )b A.閑書 B.茅盾全集C.朝花夕拾 D.往事7.“豪放派”的代表詞人是 (D)A劉永、辛棄疾 B.李清照、柳永C辛棄疾、李清照 D.蘇軾、辛棄疾7.1951年榮獲"人民藝術(shù)家"稱號(hào)的是( )cA.巴金 B.茅盾 C.

4、老舍 D.趙樹理8.鄭伯克段于鄢一文中出現(xiàn)的謀臣是 (C)A共叔段、公子呂、潁叔考 B.鄭莊公、潁叔考、公子呂C.潁叔考、祭仲、公子呂 D.子封、共叔段、潁叔考8.散文詩門檻全文采用的是( )a A.象征 B.對(duì)比 C.比喻 D.類比 9.李斯諫逐客書上的對(duì)象是 (A)A.秦王 B.魏王 C.楚王 D.齊王9."采菊東籬下,悠然見南山"這一句詩出自( )b A.歸田園居 B.飲酒 C.種豆南山下 D.山居秋瞑10.關(guān)于莫泊桑小說米龍老爹的表述,錯(cuò)誤的一項(xiàng)是

5、 (C)A.小說的背景是普法戰(zhàn)爭。B小說描述了普通法國農(nóng)民米老爹孤身殺敵的故事。C小說通過心理描寫展示了米老爹的內(nèi)心世界。D小說采用倒敘的敘事方法。10.王昌齡的從軍行是一首( )dA.五言律詩 B.五言絕句 C.七言律詩 D.七言絕句11.下列作者、作品、主人公搭配正確的是 (A)A.契訶夫苦惱姚納B.歐·亨利苦惱德拉C.契訶夫麥琪的禮物德拉D歐·亨利苦惱姚納11."氣,水也;言,浮物也"一句所用的修辭格是( )  dA.層遞 B.比擬 C.比喻 D.對(duì)

6、偶12.下列作家中,屬于“新月社”的是 (C)A郁達(dá)夫和徐志摩 B.郭沫若和郁達(dá)夫C.聞一多和徐志摩 D.郁達(dá)夫和聞一多12.我國第一部紀(jì)傳體通史是( )c A.左傳 B.漢書 C.史記 D.后漢書13.下列詩歌中,通屬樂府詩的是 (A)A.李白行路難、陸游關(guān)山月、曹操短歌行B王維山居秋暝、曹操短歌行、李白行路難C陸游關(guān)山月、曹操短歌行、屈原國殤D陸游關(guān)山月、白居易杜陵叟、王維山居秋暝13."易安居上"是指( )b A.辛棄疾 B.李清照 C.王安石 D.蘇東坡14.杜甫蜀相

7、“長使英雄淚滿襟”的前一句是 (D)A三十從軍今白發(fā) B.三顧頻頻天下計(jì)C.拔劍四顧心茫然 D.出師未捷身先死14.從作品的風(fēng)格和表現(xiàn)手法上看,爐中煤是一首( ) d A.頌歌 B.戰(zhàn)歌 C.牧歌 D.戀歌 15.“聽得道一聲去也嗎,松了金釧;遙望見十里長亭,減了玉肌”所用的修辭手法是 (C)A.對(duì)偶 借代 B.比喻 夸張C.對(duì)偶 夸張 D.對(duì)偶 擬人15.下列各句中,"則"表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,可以譯為"卻"的是( )B A.既來之,則安之 B.茍有能反是者,則

8、又愛之太殷 C.到則披草而壘,傾壺而醉 D.兵強(qiáng)則士勇16.成語“夙興夜寐”、“日薄西山”、“路不拾遺”依次是出自 (B)A.詩經(jīng)氓、陳情表、季氏將伐顓臾B.詩經(jīng)氓、陳情表、禮記大同C.鄭伯克段于鄢、禮記大同、陳情表D.季氏將伐顓臾、詩經(jīng)氓、禮記大同17.下列句子中,含有“名詞用如動(dòng)詞”的是 (C)A.萬川歸之,不知何時(shí)止而不盈。B.彼以艱苦忍耐之力,冒其逆而突過之。C.故人不獨(dú)親其親,不獨(dú)子其子。D遠(yuǎn)人不服,則修文的以來之。18.下列畫橫線的句子,翻譯錯(cuò)誤的是 (B)A乃走事昆山,見昆山猶之見分宜也。見昆山猶之見分宜也:看到顧秉謙就如同見了嚴(yán)嵩B.左右以君賤之,食以草具。

9、食以草具:就用草制的器具給他吃飯C.送子涉淇,至于頓丘。匪我愆期,子無良媒。匪我愆期:不是我拖延婚期D數(shù)罟不入污池,魚鱉不可勝食也。數(shù)罟不入污池:細(xì)密的魚網(wǎng)不要撒進(jìn)池塘19.下列帶點(diǎn)的字,解釋錯(cuò)誤的是 (B)A.將子無怒,秋以為期。 將:愿,請(qǐng)B.君臣相顧,不知所歸。 相顧:互相照顧C(jī).廣騎曰:“是故李將軍”。 故:原來的D.躍馬疾走過之,若有所追逐者。 疾走:快跑20.下列各個(gè)句子中加點(diǎn)的詞,詞義相同的一組是 (D) 一日,新安賈合兩部為大會(huì)。 A. 不拊愛子其民,因而賈利之。 男有分,女有歸。B. 周公吐哺,天下歸心。有白馬將出護(hù)其兵。C. 非我也,兵也。 與爾三矢,爾其無忘乃父之志!D.

10、 兩家子弟材智下,不能通知二父志。大學(xué)語文專升本測(cè)試題(二)26. 閱讀下列語段,回答文后問題:    問者曰:“以子之道,移之官理,可乎?”駝曰:“我知種樹而已,官理,非吾業(yè)也。然吾居鄉(xiāng),見長人者好煩其令,若甚憐焉,而卒以禍。旦暮,吏來而呼曰:官命促爾耕,勖爾植,督爾獲,蚤繰而緒,蚤織而縷,字而幼孩,遂而雞豚!鳴鼓而聚之,擊木而召之。吾小人輟飧饔以勞吏,且不得暇,又何以蕃吾生安吾性耶?故病且殆。若是,則與吾業(yè)者,其亦有類乎?” 請(qǐng)回答: (1) 這一語段表明,作者寫作本文的目的是(   ) A.贊揚(yáng)郭橐駝的種樹技

11、藝 B.揭露統(tǒng)治者的煩政擾民C.傳播郭橐駝的種樹技藝 D.借“植樹”之術(shù),喻“養(yǎng)民”之道.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:D(2) 文中加下劃線的“勖,字,遂”三個(gè)字詞的釋義按序(   ) A.勉勵(lì),養(yǎng)育,飼養(yǎng)            B.指導(dǎo);養(yǎng)育,飼養(yǎng)            C.勉勵(lì),領(lǐng)回,飼養(yǎng)    

12、60;       D.勉勵(lì),養(yǎng)育,驅(qū)逐            .標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:A27. 閱讀下列語段,回答文后問題:     吾在于天地之間,猶小石小木之在大山也。方存乎見少,又奚以自多?計(jì)四海之在天地之間也,不似礨空之在大澤乎?計(jì)中國之在海內(nèi),不似稊米之在太倉乎?號(hào)物之?dāng)?shù)謂之萬,人處一焉;人卒九州,谷食之所生,舟車之所通,人處一焉。此其比萬物也,不似毫末之在

13、于馬體乎?請(qǐng)回答: (1) 這一語段運(yùn)用的修辭手法有(   ) A.排比、比喻    B.夸張、比擬    C.反詰、比喻    D.遞進(jìn)、比擬    .標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:C(2) 文中用來類比“人與萬物”之關(guān)系的語句是(   ) A.猶小石小木之在大山也        B.不似毫末之在于馬體乎 

14、       C.不似礨空之在大澤乎          D.不似稊米之在太倉乎          .標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:B(3) 這一語段運(yùn)用類比進(jìn)行論證,其基本結(jié)論是(   ) A.在無限廣大的宇宙中,個(gè)人的認(rèn)識(shí)和作用十分有限,無法有所作為;B.在無限廣大的宇宙中,個(gè)人的認(rèn)識(shí)和作用盡管有限,卻也不可低估;C

15、.在無限廣大的宇宙中,個(gè)人的認(rèn)識(shí)和作用不可忽視,能夠有所作為;D.在無限廣大的宇宙中,個(gè)人的認(rèn)識(shí)和作用十分有限,反對(duì)自我夸耀.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:D28. 閱讀下列語段,回答文后問題:人習(xí)于茍且非一日,士大夫多以不恤國事、同俗自媚于眾為善。上乃欲變此,而某不量敵之眾寡,欲出力助上以抗之,則眾何為而不洶洶然?盤庚之遷,胥怨者民也 ,非特朝廷士大夫而已。盤庚不為怨者故改其度,度義而后動(dòng),是而不見可悔故也。 如君實(shí)責(zé)我以在位久,未能助上大有為,以膏澤斯民,則某知罪矣,如曰今日當(dāng)一切不事事,守前所為而已,則非某之所敢知。請(qǐng)回答:(1) 本語段“盤庚之遷”的典故引自于( )A: 論語; B: 尚書; C: 春秋;

16、 D: 孟子.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:B(2) 這一語段引用“盤庚之遷”典故用意是( )A: 今日當(dāng)一切不事事,守前所為而已; B: 不恤國事、同俗自媚于眾為善;C: 不量敵之眾寡,欲出力助上以抗之; D: 不為怨者故改其度.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:D29.閱讀下列語段,回答文后問題:朝天子暖溶溶玉醅,白泠泠似水,多半是相思淚。眼面前茶飯怕不待要吃,恨塞滿愁腸胃。蝸角虛名,蠅頭微利,拆鴛鴦在兩下里。一個(gè)這壁,一個(gè)那壁,一遞一聲長吁氣。請(qǐng)回答:(1) 文中 “暖溶溶玉醅,白泠泠似水,多半是相思淚”的雙重喻義的是( )A:酒有味,人有愁; B:酒無味,人無愁C:酒有味,愁易消; D:酒無味,愁難消.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:D(2) 這一語

17、段中贊頌“愛情至上”的典型語句是( )A: 暖溶溶玉醅,白泠泠似水,多半是相思淚; B: 眼面前茶飯怕不待要吃,恨塞滿愁腸胃;C: 蝸角虛名,蠅頭微利,拆鴛鴦在兩下里; D: 一個(gè)這壁,一個(gè)那壁,一遞一聲長吁氣.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:C30. 閱讀下列語段,回答文后問題:    姚納沉默了一忽兒,接著說:    “是這么回事,小母馬庫司瑪·姚尼奇下世了他跟我說了再會(huì)他一下子就無緣無故死了哪,打個(gè)比方,你生了個(gè)小駒子,你就是那小駒子的親媽了突然間,比方說,那小駒子跟你告別,死了你不是要傷心嗎?”  

18、  那匹瘦馬嚼著干草,聽著,聞聞主人的手姚納講得入了迷,就把他心里的話統(tǒng)統(tǒng)對(duì)它講了請(qǐng)回答: (1) 一語段對(duì)“人與馬”關(guān)系的描寫,反映了當(dāng)時(shí)的社會(huì)中(   ) A.人與馬關(guān)系的和諧            B.人與馬之間的隔閡            C.人與人關(guān)系的隔閡   

19、60;        D.人與人之間的冷漠            .標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:D(2) 一語段在描寫“人與馬”對(duì)話中,運(yùn)用了類比手法的句子是(   )A.小母馬庫司瑪·姚尼奇下世了;B.他跟我說了再會(huì);C.他一下子就無緣無故死了;D.他心里的話統(tǒng)統(tǒng)對(duì)它講了.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:A31. 閱讀下列語段,回答文后問題: 我來了,我喊一聲,迸著血淚, “這不是我的中華,不對(duì)

20、,不對(duì)!”我來了,因?yàn)槲衣犚娔憬形?;鞭著時(shí)間的罡風(fēng),擎一把火,我來了,不知道是一場(chǎng)空喜。我會(huì)見的是噩夢(mèng),哪里是你?那是恐怖、是噩夢(mèng)掛著懸崖,那不是你,那不是我的心愛!我追問青天,逼迫八面的風(fēng),我問,拳頭擂著大地的赤胸,總問不出消息;我哭著叫你,嘔出一顆心來,-在我心里!請(qǐng)回答: (1) 文中“嘔出一顆心來,-在我心里”一句運(yùn)用的表現(xiàn)手法是(   ) A.象征;        B.借代;        C.比

21、喻;        D.烘托          .標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:A(2) 這一語段綜合運(yùn)用的藝術(shù)手法有(   ) A.呼告、遞進(jìn)、比喻、借代、排比; B.設(shè)問、反復(fù)、比喻、借代、象征;C.呼告、反復(fù)、比喻、擬人、象征; D.反詰、遞進(jìn)、比喻、擬物、排比.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:C32. 閱讀下列語段,回答文后問題:尋夢(mèng)?撐一支長篙,向青草更青處漫溯;滿載一船星輝,在星輝斑斕里放歌。 但我不能放歌

22、,悄悄是別離的笙簫;夏蟲也為我沉默,沉默是今晚的康橋。請(qǐng)回答: (1) 文中“但我不能放歌”流瀉的心情是(   ) A.重回康橋的欣慰和歡快心情; B.尋夢(mèng)不得的悵惘和落寞心情;C.告別康橋的留戀和悵惘心情; D.尋夢(mèng)不得的迷朦和想往心情;.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:B(2) 這一語段運(yùn)用的抒情手法有(   ) A.借景抒情、借物抒情、借比擬抒情; B.造景抒情、借比喻抒情、借事抒情;C.造景抒情、借比喻抒情、借比擬抒情; D.借景抒情、借比喻抒情、借比擬抒情.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:D33. 讀下列語段,回答文后問題:   (憤然地

23、)怎么你連偷的膽量都沒有,那你叫我怎么辦?你既沒有好親戚,又沒有好朋友,又沒有了不得的本領(lǐng)。好啦,叫你要飯,你要顧臉,你不肯做;叫你拉洋車,你沒有力氣,你不能做;叫你偷,你又膽小,你不敢做。你滿肚子的天地良心,仁義道德,你只想憑著老實(shí)安分,養(yǎng)活你的妻兒老小,可是你連自己一個(gè)老婆都養(yǎng)不住,你簡直就是個(gè)大廢物,你還配養(yǎng)一大堆孩子!我告訴你,這個(gè)世界不是替你這樣的人預(yù)備的。(指窗外)你看見窗戶外面那所高樓么?那是新華百貨公司十三層高樓,我看你走這一條路是最穩(wěn)當(dāng)?shù)?。?qǐng)回答: (1) 文中說話的“我”和聽話的“你”在作品中的姓名是(   ) A.(我)方達(dá)生,(你)陳白露;

24、 B.(我)潘月亭,(你)胡  四;C.(我)李石清,(你)黃省三; D.(我)張喬治,(你)王福升.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:C(2) 文中說話的“我”表現(xiàn)出的性格特征及其向聽話的“你”指出的出路是(   ) A.自私、偽善,乞討、拉洋車、搶劫、跳樓; B.善良、仗義,乞討、拉洋車、偷盜、自殺;C.善良、膽怯,乞討、拉洋車、偷盜、跳樓; D.自私、冷酷,乞討、拉洋車、偷竊、自殺.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:D34.閱讀下列語段,回答文后問題: 一個(gè)月以來,烈日在田地上展開了炙人的火焰。喜笑顏開的生活都在這種火雨下面出現(xiàn)了,地面上一望全是綠的,蔚藍(lán)的天色一直和地平線相接。所有那

25、些像農(nóng)夫身體一般骨干嶙峋的古老蘋果樹正都開著花。烏黑鉤曲的老樹干在天井里排列成行。在天空之下展開它們那些雪白而且粉紅的光彩照人的圓頂請(qǐng)回答:(1) 這一語段在原文結(jié)構(gòu)中的位置及其敘述方式是( )A: 結(jié)尾,順序; B: 開頭,順序 C: 結(jié)尾,倒敘; D: 開頭,倒敘 .標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:D(2) 這一語段寄寓的情感是( )A: 對(duì)豐收在望的田園風(fēng)光的熱愛; B: 對(duì)獻(xiàn)身家園的先烈的深切緬懷;C: 對(duì)和平富裕的生活的向往; D: 對(duì)辛勤勞作的農(nóng)夫的贊頌.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:B判斷題(您認(rèn)為正確的,寫“正確”;您認(rèn)為錯(cuò)誤的,寫“錯(cuò)誤”。每小題2分,共20分。 )1歐陽修五代史伶官傳序是一篇傳記。答案:錯(cuò)誤2文章深

26、刻,是指主題的深刻。答案:正確3.描寫從描寫者與描寫對(duì)象的關(guān)系來分,可分為白描和細(xì)描。答案:錯(cuò)誤4抒情的生命,在于感情強(qiáng)烈 。答案:錯(cuò)誤5鄭伯克段于鄢一文選自戰(zhàn)國策。答案:錯(cuò)誤6“常有兵燹,常有水旱。”其中“兵燹”的意思是“戰(zhàn)火”。 答案:正確7“多行不義必自斃”一語出自莊子。 答案:錯(cuò)誤8王維的山居秋暝是一首五言律詩。 答案:正確9“初守睢陽時(shí),士卒僅萬人。”其中“僅”的意思是“僅僅”。 答案:錯(cuò)誤10燈下漫筆一文中,魯迅所說“第三樣時(shí)代”的含義是“人民當(dāng)家作主、不再做奴隸的時(shí)代”。 答案:正確11王昌齡最擅長的是七言律詩。答案:錯(cuò)誤12在一篇文章中,記述兩件或多件同時(shí)發(fā)生的事件,就是平敘。

27、答案:正確13在盛唐詩壇上,號(hào)稱“七絕圣手”且多用樂府舊題的詩人是王維。答案:錯(cuò)誤14“遙岑遠(yuǎn)目,獻(xiàn)愁供恨,玉簪螺髻”所運(yùn)用的修辭手法是比喻兼擬人。答案:正確15爐中煤一詩的藝術(shù)表現(xiàn)手法是托物言志。答案:正確16論語是一部記錄老子及其弟子言行的語錄體散文集。 答案:錯(cuò)誤17 “謹(jǐn)庠序之教,申之以孝悌之義”中“庠序”的意思是“古代鄉(xiāng)學(xué)的名稱”。答案:正確18 陳情表中,作者向晉武帝陳述自己不能奉召出仕的實(shí)情,是因?yàn)橐谭钭杂紫嘁罏槊?、現(xiàn)已年老多病的祖母。 答案:正確19. 對(duì)酒當(dāng)歌,人生幾何?”其中“當(dāng)”的意思是“應(yīng)當(dāng)”。 答案:錯(cuò)誤20種樹郭橐駝傳是一篇寓言性傳記散文。 答案:正確二、大學(xué)英語

28、 專升本選擇題1.Phonetics (5 points) Directions::In each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the cor

29、responding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. A. comeB. someC. moveD. love2. A. honorB. houseC. horrorD. heel3. A. thiefB. thinkC. theoryD. these4. A. now B. howC. allowD. window5. A. meatB. deadC. creamD. stealII. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this

30、section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.6. We asked both John and Jerry, but _ could offer a satisfactory explanation. A. neitherB. eitherC. bothD. nor7. Id lik

31、e to find someone _I can discuss such a problem. A. who B. whomC. with whomD. to whom8. The baby cant even sit up yet, _walk! A. dont mention B. let aloneC. other thanD. rather than9. I did not notice that my dog was missing _a moment ago. A. before B. untilC. to D. On10. The company director has in

32、formed us that we must _department budge by 25% A. cut down B. cut awayC. cut offD. cut up11. Companies usually _a number of experiments before a new product is launched. A. practiceB. controlC. carryD. conduct12. I remembered that the air conditioners _ runed off before left home. A. wereB. were to

33、 beC. had beenD. have been13. -How do you like your new job? -well, its great _salary, but it does not offer much prospects for promotion. A. in change of B. in terms of C. in case ofD. in favor of 14. In my opinion, this is a(n)_different matter. A. entirelyB. merelyC. purelyD. fully15. Take an umb

34、rella with you in case it_. A. may rainB. could rainC. rainedD. rains 16. The murderer was brought in, with his hands_ behind his back. A. to have been tied B. having tiedC. to be tiedD. tied17.-Do you think Joshua is the right person for this job? -He is well-grounded in economic theory, but lacks

35、_in production management. A. devotionB. attitudeC. experience D. energy18._about it earlier, we could have wamed people of the danger. A. Would we knowB. Should we knowC. Have we knownD. Had we known19. It was_ of you not to disturb these old people late at night. A. patientB. considerateC. deliber

36、ateD. modest20. -Hey, what do you think of his speech last night? -I have no idea. I arrived_ find that he had almost finished it. A. in order toB. so as toC. only toD. ready to III. Cloze (30 points) Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Cho

37、ose the one that is most suitable and mak your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. What is music? Music is sound arranged into pleasing or interesting 21 . It is part of every culture on Earth. People use music to 22 feeling and ideas. Music also serves to entertain an

38、d relax.Music is a performing art. It 23 form such arts as painting and poetry, in which artists 24 works and then display or publish them. Musical composers need musicians to 25 and perform their works. 26 ,most musical performances are really co-operations between composers and performers.Music al

39、so play a major role in other arts. Opera 27 singing and music with drama. Ballet and other forms of dancing need music to help the dancers 28 their steps. Motion pictures use music to help set the mood as well as introduce the actions or enhance its 29 on the audience.Music is one of the 30 arts. P

40、eople probably started to sing as soon as 31 developed. Hunting tools struck together may have been the first musical 32 .By about 10,000 B. C., hollow bones had been used by 33 people to make flutes. The first written music dates from about 2500 B.C.There are two chief kinds of Western music, class

41、ical and popular, Symphonies, operas, and bullets are 34 music, It is generally harder to write and perform. Musicians who perform it need a lot of training. Popular music 35 country music, folk music, jazz, and rock music. It is easier to perform and understand.21. A. modelsB. typesC. stylesD. patt

42、erns22. A. expressB. exploreC. coverD. test 23. A. resultsB. developsC. differsD. separates 24. A. discoverB. createC. imagineD. invent 25. A. adaptB. interpretC. follow D. complete26. A. ThusB. However C. Besides D. And27. A .joinsB. associatesC. connects D. combines28. A. withB. for C. afterD. upo

43、n29. A. forceB. effectC. influenceD. impact30. A. greatestB. easiestC. oldestD. best 31. A. agricultureB. societyC. humanityD. language32. A. performersB. eventsC. instrumentsD. notes33. A. previousB. oldC. earlyD. ancient34. A. lightB. backgroundC. classicalD. experimental35. A. accepts B. includes

44、C. explainsD. illustratesIV Reading Comprehension (60points)Directions:There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A,B, C and D.Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the A

45、nswer Sheet.Passage One What do you use to get around town? A car? A bike? Your feet? Perhaps you should try a Segway!The Segway is perfect for short journey. Its an electric vehicle that consists of a platform between two wheels, with a pole that connects the platform to the handlebars. To ride it

46、,you step up onto the platform, and control the Segway by moving your body. Lean forwards to go faster, and backwards to slow down.On older models, direction is controlled by a twist grip (扭轉(zhuǎn)把手)on the left handlebar. This varies the speeds between the two motors, a decrease in the speed of the left

47、wheel would turn the Segway to the left .With newer models you simply lean to the left or right. Meanwhile, a gyroscope (陀螺儀)detects your movements and prevents the machine from falling over. The Segway has a maximum speed of 19 km per hour and a range of about 38 km. After that, you need to plug it

48、 in and recharge the battery. Segways are used for a variety of purposes. People with mobility problems can now enjoy walks in the country with their friends and family. Some golfers us them as an alternative to the golf cart. And dog owners now have an easier way to take the dog to the park. A few

49、police forces use Segways, too. They allow officers to move quickly whilst maintaining contact with the public. Theyre also becoming a common sight on airport. However, the most popular use is in tourism, particularly for city tours. Visit any major tourist city in summer, sit outside a cafe for a w

50、hile and theres a good change youll see a group of tourists passing on Segways. 36.What is the Segway according to this passage? A.A pole that connects two handlebars B.A newly appeared public traffic vehicle. C.A bicycle with a platform between two wheels. D.An electric two-wheeled vehicle for shor

51、t trips.37.How do you turn to the left on Segways of newer models?A. Lean to the left. B. Adjust the twist grip.C. Press the left bar. D. Control gyroscope38.How far can you travel on a Segway at most? A. less than 19 km. B. About 19 km. C. About 38 km. D. More than 38 km. 39.The last paragraph focu

52、ses on_. A. what a Segway is like B. where to find a Segway C. how to control a Segway D. when a Segway is useful Passage TwoNancy Bright and her husband john had been working overtime and saving for a long time so that they could pay the advance for Nancys dream house. Today was the day that they h

53、ad enough money in hand to make a down payment on the house. But the real estate (房地產(chǎn))agent informed them that she had received another offer for the house. Although the other offer was slightly less than that of Nancy and johns, that person with the new offer was willing to pay the whole amount at

54、once. The owner, in urgent need of money, wanted to accept the second offer.Nancy and john looked at each other with disappointed looks. They walked back home feeling very low about having lost the house. Soon they recovered and involved themselves into their daily lives, though once in a while Nanc

55、y would sink into a mild depression over losing the house.One day Nancy woke up in the morning feeling even lower than usual. She kept feeling sick, even lost interest in her routine coffee. She put all these symptoms down to the stress of working hard and losing her dream house. A weed passed and s

56、he seemed to get worse. John was worried and insisted on taking her to the doctor. The doctor, after taking a few tests, informed them with a huge smile that Nancy was two months pregnant! John and Nancy were overjoyed but also worried about not having their own house before the baby was born.One ev

57、ening Nancy wandered into the street where her dream house was, and as she passed by it, she was surprised to see that there were notices stuck on all the houses. On closer examination she found that the notices were for all the residents to move out of the houses as they were building a highway and the whole row of houses needed to be pulled down. Nancy suddenly realized that not getting her dream house had been a blessing in disguise. She thanked God and decided to


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